Hand Care / penspinning with gloves on

  1. subin_
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 14:33:57

    hello everybody I have been think that is it possible to spin a pen with gloves on and be just a good as without the gloves ...........and if anyone have time can you guys post a video on it

  2. Caranto
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 14:56:20

    i think it isn't nice to spin a pen with gloves, if you really spin better withit, you must more accustom and practice to spin.

  3. Eazy
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 15:31:04

    I think it depends on what type of gloves, if its those gardener's glovers then it's stupid, fingerless gloves looks cool but sucks when palmspinning, latex gloves looks downright nasty, as well as the pen sticking to the glove, mittens are impossible to spin in, as well as winter gloves. Boxing gloves, however, are awesome :trollface: but i rather warp bandages on my hands to look cool rather than gloves. :)

  4. mot
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 15:38:55

    we all are faggot :

  5. Eazy
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 16:02:49

    Okay fine, it seems winter gloves rule =/ but you'll need a really big mod too XD

  6. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 16:03:14

    Gloves restrict movement. =/

  7. webspider
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 17:37:50

    Sorry, I'm not that good: Wacom Glove

  8. Chobi
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 17:49:32

    Can't spin with any kind of gloves at all. Fingers not used to it, i guess.

  9. subin_
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 18:20:52

    i wonder if it looks cooler if we can spin the peen with gloves on:unsure:

  10. LightSpinner
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 05:02:16

    I like the bandage idea instead of gloves but that would restrict movement 2

  11. Mufoofee
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 05:17:37

    Depends on you. I can't spin with gloves for chet. The pen is slippery.

  12. Wobster
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 05:26:20

    Wearing fat gloves on your hands enables one to gain a sense of what it feels like to be a fat penspinner. :trollface:

  13. Mats
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 09:49:12

    Wobster wrote: Wearing fat gloves on your hands enables one to gain a sense of what it feels like to be a fat penspinner. :trollface:
    :rofl: Excellent!

  14. subin_
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 14:24:28

    Wobster wrote: Wearing fat gloves on your hands enables one to gain a sense of what it feels like to be a fat penspinner. :trollface:

  15. iFL
    Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 10:56:02

    It's impossible for me to spin with a glove on. Absolute no!

  16. fang
    Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 08:52:57

    I actualy do this alot, but my gloves don't have fingers. ^_^

  17. Caranto
    Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 14:32:18

    fang wrote: I actualy do this alot, but my gloves don't have fingers. ^_^
    lol :D

  18. Boxxy
    Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 21:07:32


  19. Karrot
    Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 21:21:24

    nope, i cant do it

  20. juggalo666666
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 15:43:45


  21. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 16:11:08

    juggalo666666 wrote: Impossible.
    Jokes on you. Watch this:

  22. Krypton
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 16:11:53

    I had some cheap cotton gloves that I got to glove with, and they were

    but maybe the gloves are a bit thick. I'm sure that surgical gloves or something would work fine.

  23. juggalo666666
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 17:18:11

    MickChickenn wrote: Jokes on you. Watch this:
    Double jokes on you I meant for me :trollface:

  24. iMove
    Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 15:00:46

    you can't spin bro....i already try it to film it on a's not good enough

  25. Geko
    Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 22:45:19

    is it reccomended to wear gloves? why or why not?

  26. JackyMacky
    Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 22:55:04

    Specifically for pen spinning? Are you serious? :facepalm: Why would we wear gloves? Unless it's cold there......

  27. Kari
    Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 23:21:29

    geko wrote: is it reccomended to wear gloves? why or why not?
    No on the gloves, no matter how cold it is. You can't spin well with gloves on anyway.

  28. Froggy
    Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 00:01:56

    incorporate gloving with penspinning? nope. but it sure will be interested to see someone try..... to fail xD Frog~

  29. KiimSith
    Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 03:01:24

    i think,its are c0mplicated on pen spinning,especially doing trick cont palmspin.

  30. Geko
    Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 03:32:20

    doesnt kam wear a glove though

  31. Miku
    Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 03:38:02

  32. Fuse
    Date: Thu, Mar 22 2012 20:02:52

    Gloves are for squares. I wear mittens when I pen spin.

  33. midniteferret
    Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 02:44:17

    unless they are fingerless

  34. Eternity
    Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 03:08:10

    The thread that Miku posted is pretty helpful. :3 Possible but pretty difficult, you might not want to try.

  35. NIRS
    Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 14:16:46

    Kari wrote: No on the gloves, no matter how cold it is. You can't spin well with gloves on anyway.
    Wrong. It really depends on the person. I'm nirs, anyone who's watched me on tinychat knows I penspin with my signature fingerless glove. I do it for style and practice. Spinning with a glove on is twice as hard as spinning without one because you can't exactly 'feel' where the pen is on your hand, and it inhibits alot of around tricks. I practice with my glove on not just because its my thing, it also increases the gain i get from my practice. Anything I can do with my glove on I can do twice as well without it on. However, I wouldn't reccomend it. I'm a freerunner, I wear gloves all the time, which is another reason why i wear my gloves when I penspin. Oh, and @Froggy, ill probably be on tinychat soon, so, yeah.

  36. Kari
    Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 15:39:39

    @NIRS Then how was I wrong? I basically said it was difficult. Exactly as you are saying. And Fingerless gloves are easier to spin with than regular gloves but that doesn't change the fact that you spin better without gloves.

  37. Mats
    Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 17:43:24

    Kari wrote: @NIRS Then how was I wrong? I basically said it was difficult. Exactly as you are saying. And Fingerless gloves are easier to spin with than regular gloves but that doesn't change the fact that you spin better without gloves.
    Gotta say, Kari is totally right here!

  38. Zkhan
    Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 18:53:08

    [video=youtube;GOHWFoQLzrQ][/video] any questions?

  39. NIRS
    Date: Wed, Apr 4 2012 23:00:39

    Kari wrote: @NIRS Then how was I wrong? I basically said it was difficult. Exactly as you are saying. And Fingerless gloves are easier to spin with than regular gloves but that doesn't change the fact that you spin better without gloves.
    Good point, but I'm just saying, its not hard for everybody. :D

  40. Raptor
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 01:18:43

    I wear gloves sometimes to make me look cool ( I also feel good).What do you wear to look good or feel good while pen spinning?

  41. Reason
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 01:44:10

    i wear pants... nah but i tried wearing gloves and they just didnt feel right... i dont get any grip. maybe rubber gloves, but that just looks creepy lol

  42. Alex
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 01:47:59

    Trying to be michael jackson huh? by the way, R.I.P. michael jackson :(

  43. ZappyJ^
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 03:33:54 PROBLEM ? XD

  44. Finn
    Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 01:29:19

    No, I mean come on lets face it mods are nerdy, mods and gloves take it to a whole other level :D

  45. Tentcell
    Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 02:42:10

    Finn wrote: No, I mean come on lets face it mods are nerdy, mods and gloves take it to a whole other level :D
    You must be new here.

  46. Kcom2002
    Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 12:50:58

    i hate spinning with glove because it makes my fingers feel heavy and bulky and the gloves are a bit thick and can reduce my finger flexibility.

  47. Enkronidus
    Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 16:03:37

    The idea seems kinda ridiculous. But logically it's just as ridiculous as PS or a bit more if not. I've talked to a PSer sometimes ago on UPSB Shoutbox. Her problem was that she always wore gloves because she didn't like the look of her hand. So I assume that is one of the possible theories to why some people wear gloves to PS. The point is that when I look at the difference between pros and cons in wearing gloves for PS, there are more cons. So there is no point in wearing them. People will think you are a weirdo because spinning with gloves has never been a trend before. Also that I never find spinning with gloves attractive, it looks quite irritating in a way.

  48. johnsen
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 09:04:59

    The idea of using gloves on penspinning is more fun, lol! i've tried it. Guys, try it and practice more.:)

  49. Alex
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 22:51:35

    It doesnt look interesting to me I dont see the point

  50. Alex
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 23:11:18

    Also, was that Vic's Emboss ?

    ZappyJ^ wrote: PROBLEM ? XD

  51. Accuru
    Date: Sun, Jul 15 2012 19:55:50

    that ruins the point of pinspining because now u have more or maybe even less grip than ur regular hand

  52. Rozzi
    Date: Thu, Jul 19 2012 06:25:03

    well... there are gloves out there that have grip.

  53. Alex
    Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 04:39:49

    which adds more grip than you already have which will help you "cheat" on tricks like wipers

    Rozzi wrote: well... there are gloves out there that have grip.

  54. Rozzi
    Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 04:44:13

    Alex wrote: which adds more grip than you already have which will help you "cheat" on tricks like wipers

  55. Giotto
    Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 13:53:51

    umm...some kind of goal keeper's glove,right? i wondered what that feels like? it probably feel sticky anyway. :hmm:

  56. Alex
    Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 17:45:10

    it prolly does I wonder if some how you can find a way to spin with a baseball glove....