Hand Care / Fingers becomes Lazy?

  1. Eazy
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 14:41:50

    Okay, I've just filmed a combo that took me two days because on the first day, after 3 hours of intensive practice, I got ready to film my combo. But i decided to rest for a while and after an hour, I started filming. But as i picked up a pen and started spinning, suddenly my pen slipped after a twisted sonic, and trust me, I have not failed a twisted sonic since 4 months ago. Then after trying out many tricks I've found that i keep failing all the basic tricks, even though I've landed the combo for a few times during practice. My TA harmonics keeps failing, my busts keep flying, and my sonics flew away, but for some reason, Hai Tua was not affected =/ (though the tw sonic start did fail sometimes), so that may mean after intensive spinning, your fingers actually go to sleep. And when i stretched my hand, my fingers started shaking. And the next day, my fingers still feel weird though it felt much better that yesterday, but for some reason i still kept failing the basic tricks that i normally WILL NOT fail like shadows or tw sonic busts. The fact is, my fingers could not grip the pen firm enough, especially at the 23 and 34 slot. Though in the end I managed to film my combo, a bit jerky and slower that I would have normally did =/ So, do any of your fingers do the same, or am I the only one who had this problem?

  2. Alvaris
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 14:43:14

    Happens sometimes, just let your hand rest and don't spin

  3. Abyss
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 14:57:52

    never happened to me after 7 hours of intensive filming :/ I think it depends on what mod your using.

  4. Xero
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 15:36:43

    You can't do 3 hours worth of physical exercise without getting tired. Give your hand some time to recover, and you should be fine.

  5. Eruption
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 00:25:12

    You're probably practicing for a long time just take a rest whenever you feel like it

  6. ItsNick
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 18:35:33

    i will also have this feel...u will even feel "mang zang"(malaysia ppl may now what is this mean...means worried)and keep spin spin...but still way is...take a deep breathe and start again

  7. neowulf
    Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 23:03:09

    I HATE when this happens. Like I was just practicing my twisted sonic busts yesterday, last night in fact, and then today, it's like my fingers were trippin' or something! I experienced the exact same problems, but I think it is all just in letting your hand recuperate a bit. Maybe it's got something to do with over practicing or something? lol. Or maybe I was just tired :P

  8. JackyMacky
    Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 01:35:16

    Carpal tunnel syndrome. :trollface:

  9. neowulf
    Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 03:02:56

    @JackyMacky That's totally my second scapegoat. I'm probably gonna have that someday xP

  10. JackyMacky
    Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 03:05:00

    neowulf wrote: That's totally my second scapegoat. I'm probably gonna have that someday xP
    Same. I might get it with both of my hands though. D:

  11. juggalo666666
    Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 15:14:52

    This happens when I wake up in the morning and try to spin its like spinning with hands that aren't mine.

  12. midniteferret
    Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 02:46:55

    When I drop my pen on basic tricks it is because I am tired...try taking a nap

  13. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 16:15:08

    When filming you get too self conscious too, and it all becomes harder.

  14. Karrot
    Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 20:05:35

    This happens when I piano lol. But if I spin after piano or piano after spinning, my fingers are fine

  15. Fuse
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 02:43:03

    Today I was typing, writing, and drawing for most of the day. I just picked up a comssa and it hurt to spin since my hands were so worn out. Just rest your hands I guess. Same with what Jug said about the morning too, but that is because of hand stiffness, I think.

  16. Reuben
    Date: Thu, May 10 2012 07:21:52

    It's like my fingers and hands were tripping or something! I knowledgeable the identical issues, but I think it is all just in allowing your side recover a bit. Maybe it's got something to do with over exercising or something?

  17. Kazuki
    Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 05:11:48

    Yes, it happens to me. Tiring and my wrist will pain if non-stop spinning a heavy mod for 5 hours with VGG Emboss Replica, espiecally for Filming. When film, pens drop, when dont film, its so smooth and nice -____-

  18. Austin22
    Date: Fri, Aug 24 2012 10:39:52

    i will also have this experience u will even experience "mang zang"(malaysia ppl may now what is this mean...means worried)and keep whirl rotate but still fall my way is take an in-depth take in and begin again