Hand Care / Straighten ur fingers ?
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 13:25:55
[/SPOILER] I once post this picture here xD Now different question ... Well as you can see my last joint gets upright instead of straightening out like the other joints xD I wonder if I could straight in out ?
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 14:57:39
Why would you wan't to straight it out? You're special! XD
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 16:47:31
You want to reduce your ability to move your joints of your fingers? Don't think that's possible, at least not easly. I have kinda like the same thing as you, but with the joint before, don't find it annoying though. (Think I posted this in your thread before too)
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 19:43:52
I have the same thing, but on a slightly greater angle.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 00:22:11
Trust me my fingers are worst than yours, but ever since I started ps I've started to do some regular hand exercisers