Hand Care / Keeping nails clean?
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 13:05:53
Yeah, as title do you keep your nails clean? Mine sometimes get "cloudy" or "blurry"(no, not white spots) as if there's dust on it or something. Help?
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 13:55:29
Me too >.< My nails are yellow-ish, not white as my friends' ones >.< I tried many ways to remove that disgusting color, but it didn't work Not because of dirt, I think, I clean my nails very carefully when showering =.=" @Alvaris : but your nails on clip look very nice :) I love your hand and your spinning :) P/s : will try to upload a pic of my nails ...
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 13:56:11
I can't get rid of some white spots on the pink area, tips? But I wash my hands in soap everytime I step into the toilet. Cleanaholic I suppose. But the whites of my nails are reasonably white. Go drink some milk :P
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 14:05:52
Milk is disgusting. I'd rather puke than drink milk >_> Yeah sometimes it gets yellow too =/ on vids you cant see it tho so =p but usually they're clean when i film stuff..
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 14:37:26
the white spots are calcium deficiencies. otherwise just keep dirt and stuff out from under them i guess :/
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 15:44:06
So if you want to keep them white you have to drink milk ? That's strange because I drink milk everyday >.< Btwm I don't know if it matters but my nails grow quite slowly ... They're still not long as I wanted >.< Well on vids, except you have (really) colored nails (black, white, red,....) people won't be able to see whether they're clean or not :-?
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 02:33:11
Nope, milk helps strengthen my nails. I'd thought of taking extra calcium pills so that my nails would become indestructable :D On topic: So how do I get rid of the white spots? Is there any way?
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 05:56:49
I don't get white spots, the part of the nail where it sticks out just gets 'dusty' or something..and yellow -.-
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 06:18:27
My nails are sort of yellow so I try and keep them short all the time. And maybe you should drink some milk. Or eat/drink things with calcium.
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 08:41:46
I make them short all the time
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 10:58:07
Imma reviving this thread. I wanna know, like i realise some nails are almost like transparent glass. I cannot understand why. My nails yellow quite a lot. Which greatly saddens me. I wanna know how to get white and nice nails. (: Anyone with methods please just post. Unless its something silly like paint them white haha
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 14:26:27
YUi wrote: Imma reviving this thread. I wanna know, like i realise some nails are almost like transparent glass. I cannot understand why. My nails yellow quite a lot. Which greatly saddens me. I wanna know how to get white and nice nails. (: Anyone with methods please just post. Unless its something silly like paint them white haha
Some girls use transparent nail polish . It makes your nails and shiny,not yellowish . Damn gay for guys though . Damn gay . -
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 14:57:59
LOL@ repeat of damn gay. Idk. I dont think i will luh :x
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 15:14:11
Rubbing your nails with lemon help whiten them out a bit :) But the yellow color cannot be eliminated .... My nails are still yellow >.> And as I said, ppl can hardly notice how yellow your nails are on vid ... so it's not a matter xD
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 09:39:06
Mapjay always says my nails are disgusting T.T im sosad. But how much does the lemon juice work? and it works on the nail, not the cuticle right? So you just soak your nail? @Elune
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 12:37:41
dudes, my nails are white :( I want nails which are clear .. I searched about these nails and I knew that it's because of calcium that gives it a color white o.o wtf
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 12:46:22
[QUOTE=YUi;151130]Mapjay always says my nails are disgusting T.T im sosad. But how much does the lemon juice work? and it works on the nail, not the cuticle right? So you just soak your nail? @Yamaguchi, I drink a lot of milk everyday and my nails are still yellow, while a friend of mine having white nails doesn't do anything much about her nails
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 13:03:44
Ok life sux, cause nothing works. D:
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 14:08:54
sosad...wanted clear nails...
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 02:48:56
Just cut your nails ==
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 12:38:30
[QUOTE=Elune;151137]The lemon does help clean your nails so they will become "whiter" ... But its color still remains xD And idk about calcium @Ash , go try have long nails :) I have no lunula. . . is it normal? :?
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 14:47:45
@Yamaguchi, Im a pianist, i can't have long fingernails =(
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 14:55:25
Ash wrote: @Yamaguchi, Im a pianist, i can't have long fingernails =(
oooo... I see.. hehehe -
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 15:12:28
Im a guitarist but i spin with a right hand :D So i can have nails on right cause i fret with left haha
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 15:26:31
ugh @Yamaguchi They're whiter, but the yellow color still remains xD
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 15:35:18
Elune wrote: ugh @Yamaguchi They're whiter, but the yellow color still remains xD
do your nails look like these? these are my nails, they're white and not that clear.. :\
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 16:28:05
My nails are even more yellow than yours xD And I don't think clear nails are good ..... They may be not strong and likely to break xD
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 22:57:35
Just what I found out about yellow nails: -most of the time the cause is chemicals or nail polish -fungal attack can lead to yellow or brown nails -a weak heart can cause yellow nails -respiratory diseases can cause the same -a rather rare cause could be the yellow nail syndrome It causes thick yellow nails that grow very slowly and break easily, but the nails really look unhealthy if you got that so I assume you dont have it. Well avoid chemicals and nail polish, wash your hands and nails properly and go to the doctor if your whole nail is yellow and breaks easily. That's all you can do. If you're still disstatisfied: You can try using lemon, vinegar, baking powder or sugar powder dissolved in hot or not hot water.
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 09:01:33
@ChainBreak thanks very much. Most helpful post on this thread. Thumbs Up (Y)
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 19:27:25
Oh yeah btw yellow nails [B]can[/B] have that color, if they are rather thick. If that's the case your nails should be fairly strong. If your nails are clear it [B]could[/B] mean that they are rather weak and easy to break. This is just a assumption tho, based on what I found out about yellow nail syndrome. I read that the color comes from the thickening of the nails so just guessed what it would mean.
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 13:36:55
Washing your hands with a bit of water + white spirit (about 2% white spirit) cleans them really well. Since I've been doing this, my nails have been SUPER clean.
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 11:10:26
^ What's white spirit? xD
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 01:33:16
JSx2 wrote: ^ What's white spirit? xD Google is your friend. -
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 01:44:35
See, if you have white dots on the pinky of your nails, that's because you are getting to much calcium so your body is depositing it. I had a friend who drank nearly a gallon or two of milk a day, and his nails had no pink. They were PURE white. Personally, I only grow out the middle nail on my left hand (spinning hand), and I keep it clean by running it through my hair when I take showers (every other day) and then if they get unusually dirty before my next shower, I just lightly scrape off the dirt and grime that will come off, and otherwise I just wait. My nails are fairly white.
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 04:00:05
Yamaguchi wrote: I have no lunula. . . is it normal? :?
Sometimes your cuticle will cover up the lunula, if you push it back gently you might be able to see some of it. -
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 00:17:34
XYZaki wrote: Sometimes your cuticle will cover up the lunula, if you push it back gently you might be able to see some of it.
ah i see.. but I think it's dangerous o.o -
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 07:15:19
your cuticle is there to protect your inner nails safe from bacteria.
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 15:22:53
@Nero666 i think that calcium effects the color of the nails, but the white dots are from hits and nicks. for example, my little brother took the spring loading part of a staple gun out and hit my index nail with it (i.e. pulled back the metal part attached to the spring and let go thus hitting my nail) of course it was an accident, but it hurt like a bitch and it left a large white spot on my nail that stayed until it grew out and i filed it out. so really you just have to be cautious if you want to have nice looking nails.
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 15:30:15
For me, my shower head has a powerful jet stream of water. So i can use it to blast water into my nails and clean the dirt stuck under the nails :D
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 15:51:16
I have a terrible habit of biting mine to pieces, any help?
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2013 13:36:04
Biting nails is gross and will damage them
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2013 06:36:14
Could be fungal infection. Happened to me before. ._. Do you realise the white part is going backwards, making the pink part smaller?
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2013 09:13:19
Xitra wrote: Could be fungal infection. Happened to me before. ._. Do you realise the white part is going backwards, making the pink part smaller?
indeed yes. it happened to my friend before and the pink part of his nails are really small now :/