Hand Care / Ugly Fingers
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 10:33:51
Well I have quite a bad hand My fingers (especially the 3 first fingers) are so curved that they make my "presentation" so bad. They don't affect my spinning, but they're always making me feel embarassed Well you see, the fingers "rise" while I think they have to be straight (sorry for my explanation) Here's my pic [SPOILER=Mine]
[/SPOILER] The index bends at the second "(I don't know how to name it)" and "rise" at the first "..." The middle is quite straight but also "rises" at the first "..." And so does my ring ... =.=" So ugly =.=" My friend's hand (He spins better than me) [SPOILER=Friend]
[/SPOILER] His fingers don't "rise" up like me, and they seem to be better than mine =.=" - - - - - - - - - - - - - Even my left hand is just ugly as my right one =.=" there any suggestion for ... well, bettering my fingers ? Cuz I think they're tooooooooooo ugly =.=" And I hate them =.=" - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for my bad English, again =.="
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 12:20:28
Spin faster so they don't look at your hand.
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 12:24:31
Alvaris' hand is something like that, if you lurk around. I don't think it looks bad. Even mine bends to this degree sometimes. Do you have hitchhikers' thumb?
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 12:59:49
Really? Does it even matter? =.= I have ugly fingers too but it doesn't bother me. Live with it! XD
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 13:48:35
grow long nails and nobody will look at your ugly fingers anymore.
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 13:52:00
So ... there's no way to straighten them ? If it's true, so I think I'll have to live with it =.=" And yeah, I'm trying to grow my nails so that they can make up for my fingers =.="
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 14:42:30
@Kari-Chan has a distinct bend in the first joint from the knuckle. It actually looks nice with her spinning and it has became her style. I like her style IMHO.
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 14:56:59
got a bending on the first joint from the knuckle if i put some tension in my fingers, and when I put full tension they bend abnormally, its hilarious to freak people out with it xD [spoiler=like this]
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 15:26:35
wow .... @Olji : I have a bend on the second joint from the knuckle, and you have one on the first xD Well, so I think there's no way to improve this,.... gotta live with it =.="
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 17:57:31
i think ktrinh93 has that too imo it doesnt look that bad...kinda cool effect acutally
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 10:25:16
J74Q wrote: @Kari-Chan has a distinct bend in the first joint from the knuckle. It actually looks nice with her spinning and it has became her style. I like her style IMHO.
lol thanks =P which finger? XD -
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 10:34:15
@Kari-Chan : can you upload a pic of your hand ? - - - - - - - Well my fingers on vid are actually as ugly as hell (imo) =.=" KTrinh ? I don't think so, his fingers are quite normal ....
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 12:32:56
Elune wrote: @Kari-Chan : can you upload a pic of your hand ? - - - - - - - Well my fingers on vid are actually as ugly as hell (imo) =.=" KTrinh ? I don't think so, his fingers are quite normal ....
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 13:08:06
Okay, I see, first joint from the knuckle :) Well, I guess I have to spin with my "ugly" fingers since there's actually no way to improve it >.< I cannot straighten it anyway =.="
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 23:19:31
your fingers aren't that bad... :| you'll get used to it like i did mine
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 23:28:09
Double jointed maybe?
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 05:48:23
what is double jointed?
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 06:29:14
If your fingers are double jointed it means that you can move your fingers more than normal
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 15:03:39
Huh ... I don't think my fingers are .... Who in our board has "double jointed" fingers anyway?
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 16:22:16
"Ugly" fingers is a relative term. There's no real way of defining whose fingers look nice, and whose look ugly. I think the best way to deal with this problem is to develop a spinning style that will look best with your fingers, regardless of how they look.
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 03:57:45
Doesn't that help for tricks like palmspins and inverse shadows?
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 04:24:29
Elune wrote: Huh ... I don't think my fingers are .... Who in our board has "double jointed" fingers anyway?
I have double jointed thumbs -
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 16:11:02
Honestly I wouldn't worry about that, they look fine to me! People tend to be really critical of themselves. I'm sure nobody else notices, they'd be too busy watching the pen fly around. When I clicked the expanding thing to see the pic I expected to see really deformed weird looking fingers. Not slightly curved ones lol. Really not a big deal.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 04:49:29
@Nachoaddict : Why does that help ?
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 09:04:44
Elune wrote: @Nachoaddict : Why does that help ?
Seriously? And you call that creature a friend? The only person that criticise me is my sister because she hates me lol. Just ignore those kind of people and keep practising your pen spinning because it might slow you down^^ -
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 10:50:20
@wings : Oh no I meant my friend told me that nobody would notice my fingers .... You've misunderstood :) Thanks for support anyway :) I'll keep spinning after all :)
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 11:04:24
Elune wrote: @wings : Oh no I meant my friend told me that nobody would notice my fingers .... You've misunderstood :) Thanks for support anyway :) I'll keep spinning after all :)
Lol sorry. :) -
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 15:24:52
I agree with nacho o-o I kept having trouble with inverse shadows because my hand wasn't getting flat enough. But you can like bend it back and it'll be so easy :o
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 23:11:41
Yeah if you can bend your fingers back, the don't obstruct the pen as much for tricks where the pen needs to spin on your hand. Sometimes I'll do a palmspin and my fingers aren't back enough so the pen gets caught between them or hits one of them.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 00:54:27
it doesnt matter they will look at the pen instead
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 18:56:51
what? that makes it look cooler!
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:38:10
you guys think your hands are ugly? think again, i bite my nails when im nervous or pissed and my fingernail are as short as hell(they dont go past my fingers) and there all fucked up.
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 02:09:21
My fingers are even more ugly because I have eczema on it. Its when it gets really itchy, and the skin is always dry, also it doesn't go away. Sometimes when I spin while i just itched it, it hurts a lot.
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 18:38:29
urs too bad finger lol...put if "not straight and bend some..."may can make palmspin easier
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 22:44:51
aznpenspinner wrote: My fingers are even more ugly because I have eczema on it. Its when it gets really itchy, and the skin is always dry, also it doesn't go away. Sometimes when I spin while i just itched it, it hurts a lot.
Ah, thats the worst, I had that 2 years ago. For a couple of months i would just have bloody cracks all over my knuckles it was horrible haha. -
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 05:20:09
i have lots of freckles on my hand haha i sorta got over it though
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 05:32:57
my hands are so small :'(
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 12:14:41
i Think The note have RElation about in Spinning !
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 22:18:30
My pinky is really weak and ugly...I broke it in 1st grade and it never fully healed...
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 00:50:20
right now i just hate my middle finger. its the bulkiest and my nail on it looks really weird. but i love my pinky! the nail on it makes it look super sexy and it has a decent amount of strength.
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 01:14:41
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 11:31:04
lol just shut up and spin! XD
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 17:48:24
what a great fingers[COLOR="black"][B][/B][/COLOR]
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 07:20:55
i got a twisting on the first combined from the knuckle if i put some stress in my fingers and hands, and when I put complete stress they extend extraordinarily, its very funny to addict individuals out