Hand Care / Stupid fingers...
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 23:11:40
Alright... so... over the last couple of weeks(or what I perceive as such) i have been doin' the Greg Irwin hand exercises... with little progress. Is it because my hands are too dumb for their own good and i'm doomed to just figure out how to spin with'em the way the are, or what's goin' on? How long does it take for these exercises to take effect, cause i'm getting really irritated with how annoying my fingers are... Every night I exercise them... every night... and I'm not getting anywhere. =.= Halp prz. thx :3 Love, Koza :P
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 00:16:50
the Greg Irwin exercises improve movement speed, finger strength and finger independence. they wont change the way your hands work or anything else, the only thing they'll really help with is speed.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 01:10:15
Just practice pen spinning, it will help your hands automatically.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 01:21:02
dont kill ur fingers man. it takes time for ur hand to become loose. i got pretty frustrated with my hand too....especially my left.... just keep practicing tricks in the area that's not flexible or loose. if ur hand starts hurting, i suggest u stop for a while (like an hour or so). if u want to continue the exercises, fine by me.