Hand Care / that r-tard pinky finger
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 19:45:57
im sure im not the only one out there with a retarded pinky finger that moves with their ring finger..what can i do to make that one more independent ?
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 20:07:01
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 20:56:07
@kramr lol, i had the same problem too. basically just work on tricks in the pinky or ring area. i managed to stick my ring finger up straight w/o lifting other fingers up by learning inv sonic, ring and pinky bakarounds, and finger passes on that region. it takes time for ur fingers to become loose. u can always try stretching ur fingers but i wouldnt suggest it.
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 20:58:16
dude, your ring finger and pinky are the most attached of the fingers, when you move one the other moves. hands down. you can minimize it and gain independence, and accuracy in tricks, but you just gotta work around it. that's one of the hurdles of PS
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 21:31:34
thanx, i thought id have it down after 7 months but i just gotta keep goin. im gettin used to the heavyer mods like the bonkura and the buster cyl series so itll make my fingers faster when i go lighter
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 23:42:39
@Iota No, it's different. I also have a fucking retarded pinky which makes all 24 based minicombos and anything like pinky busts or pinkyback 1.5s 9001x harder to learn than other people. I've practiced my fucking ass off to have pinky independence on my right hand but it's still being dependent on the movement of my ring finger .__. [video=youtube;-TyCylRKx6s][/video]
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 01:09:14
i know fucking sux! im practicing with drumsticks, i can do all the fundementals nd a couple minicombos but im way better with my pen. im practicing with my left hand now ps
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 01:39:42
just stop spinning, so you'd be okay.
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 01:48:22
Bam! wrote: just stop spinning, so you'd be okay.
You're obviously not helping. Gtfo if you want to continue with this kind of posts @topic, you can try "forcing" it. Forcing, as in you can try to hold your pinky and flex it inwards to your palm and avoid movement from other fingers. Kinda like doing a peace sign, but only the pinky finger is flexed inwards. Edit: pic -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 03:39:55
@chrisPS LOL i could do that too! :D
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 03:42:52
Does your pinky touch your palm? I can do that but my pinky is about a cm away from my palm.
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 04:02:59
Holypie wrote: Does your pinky touch your palm? I can do that but my pinky is about a cm away from my palm.
Yes it does, but it's a little bit painful. -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 04:21:08
[video=youtube;YM4mRjjYnII][/video] Success! xD I've been able to do that my whole life. I thought it was normal before i came across penspinning xD. But anyways, my middle and ring fingers are retarded, cause they wont bend without bringing the other one down with it. Help?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 05:22:12
That happens to me too. I cant do the middle around, mid back, Other tricks involving the use of middle and pinky finger. I need help. ._.
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 06:12:24
Welp, my middle finger is pretty damned godly at independence but I would imagine you just have to train it like you would with any other fingers. The best way to train flexibility for pen spinning is by repeatedly practice tricks which rely on the independence of the chosen finger.
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 09:15:12
I wouldn't worry too much about inflexible fingers. Pen spinning itself improves finger flexibility. My fingers are all naturally very inflexible. Like, I'm 2 years into pen spinning, and I still can't sonic clip 23-13. A year ago, I could never imagine myself doing tricks like twisted sonic 34-23 or warped sonic reverse 34-23, but just by practicing those tricks, I've improved finger flexibility just enough in the required fingers to do them. I guess if you are really antsy about it though, you can do Greg Irwin's finger exercises, but it's not essential.
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 16:46:48
casual wrote: I wouldn't worry too much about inflexible fingers. Pen spinning itself improves finger flexibility. My fingers are all naturally very inflexible. Like, I'm 2 years into pen spinning, and I still can't sonic clip 23-13. A year ago, I could never imagine myself doing tricks like twisted sonic 34-23 or warped sonic reverse 34-23, but just by practicing those tricks, I've improved finger flexibility just enough in the required fingers to do them. I guess if you are really antsy about it though, you can do Greg Irwin's finger exercises, but it's not essential.
So you're not able to bend your middle finger either? Yeah, I'm going through that problem now. When i try to do tw sonic 34-23. my middle finger just wont bend enough for the pen to go through smoothly. -
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 18:47:12
WhatsOfTheUp1 wrote: So you're not able to bend your middle finger either? Yeah, I'm going through that problem now. When i try to do tw sonic 34-23. my middle finger just wont bend enough for the pen to go through smoothly.
Yeah, my advice is just practice. That's what I did, and I didn't do any finger exercises of any sort. I find that finger flexibility somewhat influences your style as you progress though, because it kinda dictates what sort of tricks you decide to learn and decide to ignore till later. -
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 11:30:03
ganyanan na ah :|
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 23:37:19
The pinky on my left hand can bend independently, but my right can't. I really don't know what to think when you train it, because training would be pointless if I'm training the wrong way the whole time.
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 01:13:09
MystikSun wrote: The pinky on my left hand can bend independently, but my right can't. I really don't know what to think when you train it, because training would be pointless if I'm training the wrong way the whole time.
LMAO!!! the same thing happens to me man xDD my left pinky is almost independent but my right one sucks xDDD -
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 02:54:47
i cannot bend my pinky finger respectively, and what makes it worse? the shape of my pinky. it is as such:
the inward curve makes it near impossible for fingerpass. the pen falls into the 3-4 finger slot, then slides down to the flap of skin in between those fingers due to the shape of my pinky 0.0
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 04:16:23
drgripable wrote: the inward curve makes it near impossible for fingerpass. the pen falls into the 3-4 finger slot, then slides down to the flap of skin in between those fingers due to the shape of my pinky 0.0
My pinkies are like this too on both hands. Apparently this is an inherited trait from your parents (I think it's dominant to have curved pinkies). But in any case, you should still be able to learn fingerpass relatively easily with a bent pinky. -
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 17:54:42
Every time I try to lift my pinky alone my ring finger follows it upwards if not held back by my thumb. Is there a way to improve my pinky and my ring independence? I tried the exercise where you put your middle finger down on the table and try to life the ring alone, do I just continue to do that?