Hand Care / Sore hand, just pain or arthritis?

  1. AHappyAsian
    Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 06:18:10

    I do a lot of activities with my hands like playing piano, clarinet, speed cubing and no more seriously pen spinning. While I have been just casually doing small flourishes with my pencils throughout my life I just recently was gifted a Buster CYL from a stranger on the BART (really cool guy Melvenork12, don't think he's active on the forum anymore but he does have a youtube channel where he glow strings) so now I've been going through the paces learning all the basic tricks. So I was reading some reviews on PenWish and there was someone saying that a beginner should not use the buster cyl because it is very heavy. "3) there is enough weight to do serious damage to ur hands and if u spin it for 2 long ull probably get arthritis in ur fingers/hand. GREAT MOD THO" So what do you think should I stop using the CYL ? Cut back the spinning? Idk advice? Note the its not really hurting that bad its just there like slight stiffness, its a weird feeling, but its not excruciating pain.

  2. DioBrando
    Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 08:44:51

    idk i spinned VGG emboss for 1 year nd my fingur is fine. here i think a tip maybe is to let fingur loose... that is the key let fingur loose...

  3. nv16
    Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 10:06:36

    I'd say there's probably not gonna be any really negative side effects besides your hands getting sore from spinning sooner than it would from spinning lighter mods. I prefer to use lighter mods that still have similar momentum and feel, I can still do tricks that need more momentum and it takes longer for my hand to get sore. That being said, it's all up to whatever you prefer, you're hands probably have more endurance and are stronger than mine from all the piano, clarinet and speed cubing.

  4. Zen
    Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 15:11:26

    LOL arthritis? Yeah pUH-lenty of people spin Busters early on. I would suggest spinning light mods, but it is fine. Refrain from doing too much, be it pen spinning or speed-cubing or piano. Too much of a good thing is Too much of a good thing

  5. MPC
    Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 15:35:20

    I know exactly what you mean. I spin a very light mod most of the time, and if I switch briefly to a heavy mod, it can give me an ache and a stiffness across my fingers and knuckles for a few days. It is a bit scary at first 'cos you think "ahhh, I've ruined my hands!" but it goes away. Zen is right, you shouldn't go mad with the spinning, especially not doing the same trick/tricks over and over again - that will just give you an RSI. I suspect it's not the weight of the mods themselves but the sudden change. Like in the gym: if you bench routinely 30kg and then suddenly up it to 60kg, you're gonna have problems. That sounds like an extreme example, but consider how small and delicate the muscles in your fingers are, I'd say that's a pretty well to scale. For me, a switch from a modded pencil (very light) to a Buster (very heavy) really does cause aches and pains, but they heal and go away with rest. mpc

  6. AHappyAsian
    Date: Sun, Jul 20 2014 17:34:02

    Well I did some research and it turns out that the Pentel Graphgear I was using is actually pretty much the same weight if not heaveir its just that the momentum sucks. Whats a good light mod with some nice momentum, I've been wanting to get my own mod for a while and its always nice to have a backup

  7. Yamaguchi
    Date: Mon, Jul 21 2014 01:39:08

    obviously, u need moar stamina

  8. Xienix
    Date: Mon, Jul 21 2014 13:20:11

    AHappyAsian wrote: Well I did some research and it turns out that the Pentel Graphgear I was using is actually pretty much the same weight if not heaveir its just that the momentum sucks. Whats a good light mod with some nice momentum, I've been wanting to get my own mod for a while and its always nice to have a backup
    I recommend the Waterfall and Flying panda mod,I am not sure if they are categorized as light mods though

  9. Yamaguchi
    Date: Tue, Jul 22 2014 03:06:49

    Xienix wrote: I recommend the Waterfall and Flying panda mod,I am not sure if they are categorized as light mods though
    arent those kinda mediocre weighted mods :P

  10. M&MxD*
    Date: Sat, Sep 27 2014 12:56:50

    when doing a hardcore spinning for a long time it sometimes it makes my back hurts .....wahaha seems like i'm old one ...

  11. Firenzo
    Date: Sat, Oct 18 2014 11:00:21

    AHappyAsian wrote: Well I did some research and it turns out that the Pentel Graphgear I was using is actually pretty much the same weight if not heaveir its just that the momentum sucks. Whats a good light mod with some nice momentum, I've been wanting to get my own mod for a while and its always nice to have a backup
    lol I'm a Filipino and there arent that many pens that can be used for modding here but i recommend something inbetween maybe try making an RSVP MX or maybe a waterfall mod,f13fly's g3 maybe I think the parts are available in the US (lol so few parts in the Phil. I spin using RSVP MXs and a fake tombow I made using subbed parts looks almost exactly the same though but its 21 cm and the body is a little bit thicker) ive never tried a buster,how heavy is it?