Hand Care / Warming up

  1. ShadowParadox
    Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 09:30:34

    I don't mean making your fingers warm. I mean like before every run I do a warm up. So what kind of warm ups are there for pen spinning. The only thing I can think of is a fingerpass?

  2. LighT*
    Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 09:47:34

    stretching your fingers ^^

  3. SiL
    Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 11:09:06

    i always do this combo in continuation. PD twisted sonic 32-21 > rvs neo sonic 21-21 >palm up pass 21-32

  4. Reason
    Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 14:22:00

    well, i always start with stretching my fingers and cracking my knuckles. then i usually use lotion. ill practice some continuous links like double charge 24-12, some power passes, flush sonics, etc... i put emphasis on tricks that require more flexibility and finger independence. EDIT: yeah forgot to add that this is just what i do. there is no need to warm up really. just do it if you feel like you need it.

  5. Walkaz
    Date: Sun, Feb 9 2014 15:49:42

    just spin there s no need for warm up

  6. erik123098
    Date: Sat, Jun 14 2014 12:43:11

    I think rubbing your hands together is a fine way to warm your hands up.

  7. Solar
    Date: Sat, Jun 14 2014 13:31:22

    stress ball

  8. Mig08
    Date: Thu, Jun 19 2014 15:39:21

    Fingerpass. that's what i do. then some simple links.

  9. Awesome
    Date: Thu, Jun 19 2014 21:31:59

    finger some pussy might be a good warm up, but if that was an option you wouldn't be pen spinning

  10. Monk
    Date: Mon, Jun 23 2014 05:35:36

    start with osu

  11. Xzeria
    Date: Wed, Jun 25 2014 00:11:55

    Warmup=Closing my window.