Hand Care / nails
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 03:37:45
how do nails benefit penspinning
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 04:08:44
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 04:25:36
There is a thread for this IIRC.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 04:30:58
geko wrote: how do nails benefit penspinning
Please never grow your nails out for spinning. It's just disturbing... -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 05:05:11
geko wrote: how do nails benefit penspinning
This post has been made before. They just make the short, stubby, fat fingered spinners look like they have thinner or longer hands/fingers. It also somehow "promotes style." It's dumb and it doesn't really benefit your spinning imo. The super long nails just get in the way of combos and tricks. -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 05:08:40
i grew mine out!! i got used to them. besides the awesome jeb feel, scratching feels like this.... [SPOILER="LIKE THIS!!!!"]
[/SPOILER] downsides i guess is keystrokes get WAAAY noisier, instruments like piano get difficult. guitar other other stringed instruments become impossible (unless you can figure a way outta that) keeping them is up to you, I LIKE THEM THO!!! p.s. dealing with haters is a nessesary skill
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 05:15:39
lol whether you grow it or not depends on you totally :rofl: Grow them, then if you don't like, cut them all and never grow them again ... If you do, keep the nails They just add some sort of 'appealing' to your combo, nothing more
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 05:51:16
meh... i grew mine out really long... like juminuwo long, but they broke alot and got in the way. there were some benefits like better style and opening ziploc bags and such... but in the end i clipped them and i enjoy spinning much more now :D completely your choice. i thought they got in the way, but it simply looks amazing on some spinners.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 13:15:50
LOL @Reason, opening ziploc bags. Basically, some people think they make PSing look nicer, but it is all personal preference.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 15:23:35
Kari wrote: Please never grow your nails out for spinning. It's just disturbing...
Lolololololololololol i laughed hard... Then got yelled by the librarian at the school... -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 16:12:53
Reason wrote: meh... i grew mine out really long... like juminuwo long, but they broke alot and got in the way. there were some benefits like better style and opening ziploc bags and such... but in the end i clipped them and i enjoy spinning much more now :D completely your choice. i thought they got in the way, but it simply looks amazing on some spinners.
juminuwo nails are gross and nasty. -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 16:26:41
@funnky I agree, but some people like it.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 17:10:42
Fuse wrote: @funnky I agree, but some people like it.
But if you look at the number of people who like compared to those who don't, more people don't like it. Or in their words, and my own, they are disgusting. Especially because it isn't normal for guys to have long nails. I'm a girl and even I don't keep my nails long for Psing. I can't stand long nails, even on me. And I think they get in the way a lot when I spin. -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 17:23:25
It depends on the type of nails, if they look good when long. Special kinds of nails just doesn't look good when they are long because of their shape.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 17:51:23
I don't like very long nails. I keep them at reasonable length so that they don't get in the way.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 17:51:58
The length of some peoples nails is just disturbing. How do they not bother you when you have them that long?
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 18:12:26
Think about it this way: If you have long nails, most people say they don't like it. If you have short nails, those who like long nails don't complain.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 18:21:50
I'm currently growing them, my ring and index need to catch up with my thumb, middle and pinky though ;)
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 19:17:53
Fuse wrote: Think about it this way: If you have long nails, most people say they don't like it. If you have short nails, those who like long nails don't complain.
Basically saying keep your nails short. -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 20:15:48
Nashi wrote: It depends on the type of nails, if they look good when long. Special kinds of nails just doesn't look good when they are long because of their shape.
thats why god gas us the nail file hahaha still i agree with kari. long nails on guys is gross haha -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 20:30:37
Kari wrote: Basically saying keep your nails short.
Exactly! It's like you read my mind. -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 20:36:48
Fuse wrote: Exactly! It's like you read my mind.
I do that sometimes.