Pen Modifications / Leaking Ink tubes

  1. snoopy1218
    Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 23:42:16

    Hi guys. Snoopy1218 here. Recently, I have just finished constuction of a G-3 Matic (thanks Guitrum :D). One of the components to it is the writing mechanism: namely, a reversed G-3 inktube, so that when you take off the back G-3 cap, you can write with it, like the RSVP MX. After a few days, i noticed my hands were getting black and dirty after spinning it, and my room was covered with black spots of ink all over. I finally noticed that the inktube within the mod was leaking from the back (so, the tip side of the actual mod), and the insides of the mod were drenched with black ink, be it tips, caps, grips, etc. and that the ink was being flung out of the mod and hitting the walls of my room. I think the question is obvious in this post: how, if possible, can I get the ink to stop spilling/leaking? And are there methods to prevent this from happening?

  2. webspider
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 00:07:11

    Easiest solution: Don't use ink tubes. Easy solution: Don't use gel/fountain pen/other too liquid ink in mods you intend to spin. Ballpoint pen ink is the best alternative. Not so easy solution: Clean everything, then seal the ink tube's back (with something like hot glue). Doesn't help though if everything is leaking out of the front side of the ink tube ._.

  3. Froggy
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 00:28:50

    AFAIK that would block the ink flowing out from the writing tip. its the reason why u see holes at the end of the inktube... not completely blocked off. my solution would be to empty out the inktube, removing all the ink inside then put the emptied piece of inktube back into the mod with all the writing tip and the backplug etc... you get to keep the writing "look" and the feel of the mod... but then ofcourse.. u lose the ability to write but then again.. why would u wanna spin a mod with ink inside when theres a high chance of ink leakage? Frog~

    webspider wrote: Easiest solution: Don't use ink tubes. Easy solution: Don't use gel/fountain pen/other too liquid ink in mods you intend to spin. Ballpoint pen ink is the best alternative. Not so easy solution: Clean everything, [B]then seal the ink tube's back[/B] (with something like hot glue). Doesn't help though if everything is leaking out of the front side of the ink tube ._.

  4. snoopy1218
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 00:34:29

    thanks froggy :D I thought the mx concept would carry over to this mod, too. guess not... :l

  5. webspider
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 00:52:51

    The G2 ink tube is kind of sealed. And a bunch of full-metal ballpoint-pen inktubes (in the more expensive pens) are as well. So no, it shouldn't be a problem, since air can extend well enough. If you however suddenly can't write anymore because of that, I'd suggest switching to standard ball-point ink tubes.

  6. Froggy
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 01:20:08

    Isnt there a very small hole in the center of the backplug for g2 inks? i know that ballpoints can be sealed.. but liquid-ish ones like g3, g2 and hgg wont work if its sealed perfectly? Frog~

    webspider wrote: The G2 ink tube is kind of sealed. And a bunch of full-metal ballpoint-pen inktubes (in the more expensive pens) are as well. So no, it shouldn't be a problem, since air can extend well enough. If you however suddenly can't write anymore because of that, I'd suggest switching to standard ball-point ink tubes.

  7. suppyfezzy
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 01:21:44

    how about u just clean out the gel ink inside the g3 inktube and then take the tip off of a ballpoint inktube like maybe a bictory inktube and then blow really hard until the ink comes out and start filling the g3 that way so the ink isnt "liquidy" and if possible u could get the back of a g2 inktube cap off and put it on the g3??

  8. webspider
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 01:42:57

    No. Just no. OP will surely stick to alternative one (using no ink tube) or two (using a ballpoint-pen ink tube), since both ways are easy and avoid getting messy.

  9. snoopy1218
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 02:16:06

    yep. looks like im not going to use any more ink tubes after this :D

  10. midniteferret
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 04:03:52

    I sealed up an inktube w/ hot glue and it exploded...

  11. Fuse
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 04:47:25

    I would say make it non-writeable or seal it with glue or tape. Non writeable mods are less of a pain since they don't explode. Why make a mod that writes when you have a regular pen?

  12. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 18:58:39

    I had this problem with an emboss pen yesterday, like, I got ink everywhere and it was not good stuff, I had to get a sponge and wipe it off the wall with some water. The inktube will not come out and after flushing water through it, all the ink won't come out and it is just now watery and runny. I'm just waiting for my mod to dry out and then it will be spinnable.

  13. Karrot
    Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 22:38:12

    my ink tube leaked a few weeks ago, but luckily it leaked in the barrel so I just kept the tip, cap, and grip and threw the ink and barrel away

  14. Giotto
    Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 23:57:47

    my ink tube in rsvp mx also leak,so i throw it away and find a new one.but that was like 4 years ago.wondered if there a chance that it will leak again??

  15. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Wed, Apr 25 2012 18:30:45

    RSVP sunburst inktubes will inevitably leak. Some inktubes will not leak ever, for example in my MX I now use a "Your Price" pen inktube that fits perfectly and will never leak on me.

  16. Giotto
    Date: Thu, Apr 26 2012 00:36:26

    is there any other inktube that won't leak? or is there any way i can do to make it won't leak?

  17. Vennaol
    Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:08:55

    Giotto wrote: is there any other inktube that won't leak? or is there any way i can do to make it won't leak?
    Use a ballpoint refill. Just find one that is the same size. I think flattening the inktube(dunno what it's called, something like pinching a small bit of the inktube with pliers or something) will help.

  18. Giotto
    Date: Wed, May 2 2012 00:00:07

    thanks. so ballpoint refill won't leak,right? and that flattening the inktube do it on original inktube or the refill one? and what kind of rsvp inktube is? i thought it was ballpoint.

  19. PenwisH
    Date: Wed, May 2 2012 00:01:35

    every pen has chance to leak. always a risk

  20. PSMediocre
    Date: Sun, May 6 2012 00:27:29

    Use an ink-pon, basically tissue paper behind the tube

  21. Froggy
    Date: Sun, May 6 2012 06:02:51

    Ink will just soak thru the tissue paper and leak. Frog~

    PSMediocre wrote: Use an ink-pon, basically tissue paper behind the tube