General Discussion / What do you guys find most satisfying/frustrating about pen spinning?
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 01:17:04
I'd have to say, hitting the new trick for the very first time after 100 tries is VERY satisfying. Frustrating: When you realize the trick you want to learn requires another trick you don't know which in turn requires yet another trick you don't know.
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 01:47:47
Satisfying; Getting the trick that opens up new combo ideas and hybrids. Frustrating; When I practice a trick for a week, then realize that trick is too advanced for a beginner like me.
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 02:08:49
Satisfying; filming a smooth combo Frustrating; filming for a hour
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 02:25:00
funnky wrote: Satisfying; filming a smooth combo Frustrating; filming for a hour
^ that, but filming for MOAR than an hour -
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 03:34:44
Frustrating; When I practice a trick for a week, then realize that trick is too advanced for a beginner like me. [SIZE="1"]R4R4[/SIZE]
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 03:37:25
Satisfying: When I do 67 busts off-cam. Frustrating: When I do 67 busts off-cam. :trollface:
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 04:19:27
Satisfying: Spinning a new mod you just made (or bought which is slightly less satisfying in my opinion) Frustrating: Doing a trick 3 times in a row then go to show somebody and fail
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 04:24:17
Satisfying: Got new ideas for combo. OMG, this is gonna be so awesome! I practiced enough that I got it soooo smooth. Time to go film.
[B][COLOR="red"]And then.....[/COLOR][/B] Frustrating: GODAMMIT! Stupid combo is too hard! I keep messing up! Been filming for several hours already!
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 04:44:14
satisfying when i realize the trick that is hard a few months ago becomes very easy, frustrating when my hand becomes very dry and can't do a simple combo due to aircondition in classroom
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 04:54:07
Satisfying: when I do 85 bust off cam Not satisfying: when my max is 55 on cam -.-
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 05:20:25
Satisfying: When I do the first hard part of my combo successfully on-cam Frustrating: When i fail the second hard part of my combo on-cam and realize that i have to do the first hard part all over again.
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 05:55:56
satisfying: creating fluid art by simply moving a pen frustrating: realizing that your art form sucks dick
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 07:30:18
Satisfying: finally nailing that combo ive been practicing forever and spent hours filming! Frustrating: Realizing your camera died sometime during your failing the combi.
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 09:49:13
satisfying: when i filmed my combo for an event (especialling for a shitload of time) frustrating: when the combo i filmed exceeded the time limit / went off the cam ffffffffffuuuuuuuu
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 10:55:33
Satisfying: Spinning smoothly and fast. Spinning new mods xD Frustrating: Can't find the right angle...
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 21:42:43
Satisfying: Learning a new trick/combo. Frustrating: Wanting to show it to my friend but feel pressured whenever people are watching and fail.
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 21:48:42
Frustrating: My table getting destroyed. *it's old and kinda broken*. Mods are too beautiful and I want to get them all. pros: I can spin pens WEEEEE. I find it cool.
Date: Sat, Feb 18 2012 22:31:10
satisfying: when i master a trick frustrating: when I cant mater a trick :3
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 00:07:33
Satisfying: When I understand a trick better Frustrating: When I want to understand a trick better and ask for advice on the motion, but people simply say "practice".
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 18:46:08
satisfying: doing 594 busts off cam frustrating: barely break 500 on cam
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 03:55:05
satisfying: landing a trick after 100 tries frustrating: never landing it againg
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 22:59:06
I've discovered something even more satisfying/frustrating about pen spinning satisfying: when psing doesnt affect my mark frustrating: when my mark drops from 94 to 92 because I was psing and not listening during class -.- fml
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 23:30:02
satisfying: when i get to try or make new mods Frustrating: i cant enjoy the pen for a long time till a new mod comes out
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 05:52:40
i hete it when i finally figure out a new trick and i can do it everytime but then the next day i cant do it once
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 03:08:25
SATISFYING: reaching 20 busts offcam around a YEAR ago FRUSTRATING: struggling to reach 10 busts on a daily basis now. FML
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 21:48:14
Satisfying: Landin' the trick after 4+ days of practice. Frustrating: Pen flying around after you try to learn a new trick and going to the most awkward places.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 00:58:21
satisfying: spinning very well on light mods frustrating: spinning like crap on heavy mods/ vice versa my hand gets all tired and out of control everytime i switch mods...
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 01:00:44
Frustrating: Spinning bad Satisfying: Spinning well
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 07:07:14
Satisfying: learning new tricks Frustrating: messing up in front of people
Date: Wed, Mar 7 2012 06:55:35
Satisfying: Having the ability to do something that nobody else I know personally can do. Frustrating: "You actually BUY pens that don't write!? LOL WTF GHEEEEEY!" Fucking douches...
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 22:09:40
Quick background: I'm in 8th grade and take geometry so for 1 period I go to the high school. There are only 9 of us, and everyone else in the team grade has the same algebra 1 teacher. I have geometry the same time as class of algebra. Satisfying: The algebra 1 teacher is hosting a pen spinning competition during her class periods and I want to enter and everyone else except me and my friend can only do charges and thumbarounds and suck. Frustrating: Remembering that I'm one of the kids in 8th grade geometry class instead of algebra 1 so I don't have her as a teacher. Satisfying: Finding out that conveniently, since geometry is at the high school and the schedule was reversed there just for today, I go to geometry at the end of the end instead of the beginning and have a free period in the middle school. During that free period, I can hopefully enter the competition with my friends even though I'm not part of the class, hoping that she'll understand I'll be there for about 5 minutes for it. Then I practice a combo for hours. Frustrating: She tells me that I can't because I'm not part of her class AFTER i practiced for so long...
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 11:30:01
Satisfying: The "wow" effect around friends and doing a hard combo in front of them. Fustrating: The "LOL" effect when i screw up a trick and the pen rolls or flies to somewhere hard to reach or plain embarrassing. (like under a girl's skirt :facepalm:)
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 19:33:09
Satisfying: when after hours/days of trying, I finally can do a trick :D This first time! Frustrating: when I'm sitting in very comfortbale position on my bed... and pen flies to the another side of room. ;<