Member Introductions / Hello everybody~

  1. zr-numb
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 21:18:26

    Hello,this is Zr from PSH.I'm here to gain more latest information and make friends as well as practice English.I think I'll be happy here.I've been penspinning for 17 months.And I'd love to make conversations with others when free.My msn is [email][email protected][/email] .Thanks for everybody~

  2. Jun
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 23:02:39

    Welcome! Nice to meet you.

  3. zr-numb
    Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 13:23:00

    Thank you^_^)Y...I'm just back home from school,so sorry to reply you late.