Off-topic / Valentine's Day!
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:11:13
Valentine's Day is come. How do you enjoy this meaningful day with your partner? wish you all Happy Valentine's Day!
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:16:29
@fang You have a new friend. Frog~
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:28:46
Well....I am...
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:30:36
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:31:01
Finish work, go on 4chan while I wait for my girlfriend to come home, write about my disgust of reddit and 9gag, eat chocolate. Maybe go to dinner later, I don't know.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:39:57
How many fangs does this board plan on letting register?
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:46:08
fang01271027 wrote: Valentine's Day is come. How do you enjoy this meaningful day with your partner? wish you all Happy Valentine's Day!
your not the real fang, GTFO you fake ass nigga -
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:52:13
fuck valentines day for real mang.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:56:28
guys chill. judging by his post count he's a new guy and probably doesnt know about @fang. so stop hating on him. seriously.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:13:16
Valentine Day? I think now is Tuesday :/
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:15:53
"To Stella- Sooo yeah. It's valentines day. The one day of the year that gives lovers an excuse to flock over each other like plankton in the sea, always close to each other, to only be consumed by the whale of eternal romance that devours the emotions in the ecstasy dreams that plague the participants of matrimony....." NOT DONE. THIS SHITS SO CASH.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:16:52
@JackyMacky i'll be ur valentine ;)
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 06:04:57
This year:
I spend Valentine's Day eating bread for lunch with chopsticks and studying tricking samplers. Next year:
I WILL spend Valentine's Day 2013 with a girlfriend, or at least a friend, that is a girl. And still be a badass trickster.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 06:25:48
Gave a rose to some girl I like (because that's how i roll), but the premise was what made it like..."umm, okay?" me: yo! are you free? I have something to talk about. her: ye! what time? me: *time here* her: sure! at the place: me: *hands the rose* Happy Valentine's Day! her: um, what is this for? *nervous smile* me: nothing, really. *-________-* her: ok thanks! hehe *smile* :facepalm: also, I tried to buy another one, but all were already reserved (here at uni :/ sosad, sucks) but at least ;3
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 07:17:52
post would be very long if the whole story is told: 10:30 am: gave her box of cupcake, letter w/ a drawing of our faces, then went to the canteen, ate, got my hugs, gift, kiss on the cheek etc 2:00 pm: after gym, went back home, took a bath, went to the mall, bought flowers, returned to school(she has practice for the school's beauty pageant;she's a candidate) gave her the flowers, she said I'm an asshole for returning to school, she said I was too sweet, she was very happy, got lots of hugs and smacks again so ya gift was in the shape of a gift box, when you open it there are 4 sides, anyways this is my fave side
#5 tranlastion : lagi akong kinikilig = I always feel thrilled/excited/chilled(no exact translation....its like 'butterflies in my stomach' something like that) #12 translation: You're handsome. Good/kind too. You also have big muscles. Fuck(actual translation is mud but sounds weird if translated literally...putek/putik is mud in Filipino) you're only mine! u mad
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 07:53:02
XYZaki wrote: How many fangs does this board plan on letting register?
RAAAAH, to many!! TT^TT @jet Isee, but I already work together with far lol!~ ^_^ -
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 09:26:07
Yay happy Valentine's day... Now living with my friend instead of my girlfriend as of today. <_<
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 09:41:07
@Clyde propro Soyea since she's in fucking EGYPT for christ's sake, nothing really amazing cept skype later
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 09:45:10
Chobi wrote: @Clyde propro Soyea since she's in fucking EGYPT for christ's sake, nothing really amazing cept skype later
fuuuuuuu give her dat dere pyramids bro she'd love it -
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 11:24:06
what are you talking about? valentine day ?? its just tuesday brother
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 12:17:15
I'm probably going to give some bitch the world, bitches love worlds.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 12:26:35
oh, it's valentine's day, i forgot @_@
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 14:37:17
I'm spending valentines day with my pen, what a wonderful day ^^
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 14:47:06
I've spent the last 3 valentines days with a woman. Blowing all my money on stupid lovely shit. Feels good to be alone this year.
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 15:17:34
I remember last valentine's or some other year, @strat1227 asked how everyone's v-day was. I said "sucked." and he replied: "she did? ;)" XDDDD lol, good times
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 15:29:49
Just a friendly reminder for all those that spent money for a fictitious holiday:
Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 23:32:21
/going to an all guys high school
Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 01:35:05
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 17:27:03
This is uber late - I haven't been on the forums in weeks. I put together a video for my girlfriend who lives in New York since we couldn't be together on that day. Took FOREVER to edit that shiz.
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 14:58:15
neXus wrote: Just a friendly reminder for all those that spent money for a fictitious holiday:
...we had waffles for dinner after working till 7pm and then spent some time together at home...don't think this (^) holiday applies in that situation xD -
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 17:25:54
Or you could have waffleandbjday? Or maybe even steakandwaffleday?