The Vault / International Pen Spinning Festival

  1. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 17:23:25

    This is a new project I'm working on, that the IPSA should endorse. It is meant to be a non-competitive international event, where each participating community will be asked to produce a video (ie. collab) during the festival. There will be a schedule which contains the release date of every collab. The idea is to organize the schedule such that no collab is released at the same time. For example, we already know JEB likes to release their collab on christmas. Other collabs will then be scheduled in other times. What we need now is ideas to make this festival more interesting than just a schedule of collab dates. 1) Should there be a theme? 2) What's the frequency of the releases? Every week, 2 weeks, month? 3) When should it start, when should it end? 4) Should we have awards for the collabs, even though its non-competitive? Like best editing, spinner, etc. 5) What should be the name of the festival? Right now I call it spinFEST

  2. iColor
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 17:51:29

    I really like this idea. I'm pretty sure IPSA will support and endorse this project. A schedule of one collab per week would be great. Enough to build anticipation, but short enough to invoke excitement. I don't beleieve there should be a theme. Or at least, communities could choose their own theme. I think awards would be interesting, but I think that would cause too much competition. But it would be pretty interesting if we had our own "Grammys" awards except internationally. (That seems like a different project.) A good time for the festival could be during August. That's in the middle of after world events and before the next world event.

  3. DArKT
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 18:57:37

    iColor wrote: I really like this idea. I'm pretty sure IPSA will support and endorse this project. A schedule of one collab per week would be great. Enough to build anticipation, but short enough to invoke excitement. I don't beleieve there should be a theme. Or at least, communities could choose their own theme. I think awards would be interesting, but I think that would cause too much competition. But it would be pretty interesting if we had our own "Grammys" awards except internationally. (That seems like a different project.) A good time for the festival could be during August. That's in the middle of after world events and before the next world event.
    what about something that HKPSA does? a monthly collab?

  4. iColor
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 19:13:19

    DArKT wrote: what about something that HKPSA does? a monthly collab?
    That's way different than Zombo's idea.

  5. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 19:17:05

    1 collab/1 week could put a lot of pressure on the communities, official collabs often get delayed. i think most important is how much time we give in advance to prepare

  6. DArKT
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 19:20:28

    iColor wrote: That's way different than Zombo's idea.
    i was refering to the time from one collan to another.

  7. iColor
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 19:33:05

    Zombo wrote: 1 collab/1 week could put a lot of pressure on the communities, official collabs often get delayed. i think most important is how much time we give in advance to prepare
    Ah, I meant there will be months of preparation and the one collab a week is only the release date.

  8. Kari
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 19:43:11

    Is there anything going on in July? I know a lot of people start school in August so I'm not sure that would be the best time to do this.

  9. Froggy
    Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 19:53:26

    oh i thought this is like a real fest where people would gather to 1 location and pay to enter a large area and start socializing with a series of event... i wouldnt call it spinFest.... spinFest could mean spinning anything... why not PSFest? Frog~

  10. Quake
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 00:16:58

    i honestly thought that the International Pen Spinning Festival was already a good enough name.

  11. Mats
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 00:25:23

    DJSpin wrote: i honestly thought that the International Pen Spinning Festival was already a good enough name.
    Yeah International Pen Spinning Festival just rolls right off the tongue. :rolleyes:

  12. Froggy
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 01:27:26

    too many "International Pen Spinning ...." or... too many "IPS......" theres already IPSA and IPSB.... soon there will be IPSC... and then IPSD IPSE IPSF IPSG........ Frog~

  13. iColor
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:11:39

    World Pen Spinning Festival?

  14. Hippo2626
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 03:41:23

    Global Spinning Festival? It would be interesting to have other activities during the weeks/months of the festival like mini tack on games and modding contests and stuff like that. I think a good time to have it is after the WC/WT to spread out the major events that are happening in the PS world. Perhaps September or October

  15. shoeman6
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:49:53

    Why not just PenFest or SpinFest? It sounds good to me...

  16. Quake
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:51:42

    shoeman6 wrote: Why not just PenFest or SpinFest? It sounds good to me...
    idk, using "Fest" just doesnt sound right to me when i say it. either way I think @Hippo2626 has the right idea. Global Spinning Festival sounds really good.

  17. shoeman6
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:53:05

    Global Spinning Festival sounds pretty clumsy tbh.

  18. Mats
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 09:32:22

    Hippo2626 wrote: Global Spinning Festival?
    No, just, no. PenFEST is just fine. ^_^

  19. King
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 02:10:03

    I like SpinFest best. How about each board chooses their own theme. ex: JEB - Mx spinning. TWPS - Powertricks. etc. But i could see problems with that, not enough themes for each board, fighting for a certain theme... Just an idea.

  20. Anemia
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 03:53:56

    1) Maybe a community/board based theme? (visually representing your respective community.) Or each board decides on a theme only between the participating spinners, and it's kept unknown until it's released. 2) Everyone would have a certain amount of time to make their collabs, then they are released once a week? 3) Probably closer to a time when school is out would be best. 4) Each collab, an overall public voted favorite spinner gets a prize (If possible.) 5) SpinFest is already a good name, keep it.

  21. Sc00t
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 23:49:41

    shoeman6 wrote: Global Spinning Festival sounds pretty clumsy tbh.
    yes kind of misleading i was expecting something more like a party going off the title haha also, woo i can finally access THE VAULT

  22. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 22:00:16

    now shifting my attention to the collab festival, will send emails to communities

  23. spinford
    Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 01:49:20

    i look forward to this i want to take part

  24. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 16:36:29

    some details im thinking of 2 collabs release per week + 1 "special entry" video. Basically -> the two collabs are the official vids submitted by communities, special entry videos are basically anybody can submit their own vids, then have some judges evaluate and take the best ones, and we release them in between collabs total time = around 2 months

  25. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 17:57:29

    This actually sounds like a great idea, I'm not sure how good spinners are with deadlines, but looks like a great opportunity for the communities to show off everything they've got. When would take place in the calender year? I think themes could be good but there's often opposition to constraining/ forced "artistry". I think awards would be good too, maybe publicly voted?

  26. ChainBreak
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 12:16:55

    Why not make it a year-collab. Release it in Summer -> Summer is yay time for this collab -> Winter is yay time for JEB collab -> yay for all ze spinners. =3

  27. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 16:36:32

    new idea i have final collab of the festival is going to be international, with 1 spinner per participating community.

  28. Alvaris
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 18:59:46

    what's it gonna be about though, just normal spinning?

  29. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 19:01:22

    yes collabs from each community

  30. Kari
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 19:48:53

    I think we should set up a poll for name choices. A lot of people have different ideas.

  31. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 19:59:49

    can you list the suggestions so far?

  32. Kari
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 20:07:06

    Zombo wrote: can you list the suggestions so far?
    International Pen Spinning Festival SpinFest PenFest PSFest World Pen Spinning Festival Global Spinning Festival Those were all the suggestions so far.

  33. ChainBreak
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 20:14:56

    The postcount in this section was '777' some moments ago. :trollface: Anyways I would go for SpinFest, because i reminds me of BeerFest. (sun)

  34. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 20:17:54

    any more suggestions before i open the poll

  35. Kari
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 14:13:00

    Go ahead and open it. (sun)

  36. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 04:36:05

    Zombo wrote: 1 collab/1 week could put a lot of pressure on the communities, official collabs often get delayed. i think most important is how much time we give in advance to prepare
    Have all the collabs should be filmed earlier and released with a week in between. Also, trailers for the next collab to be released would be cool. In short, have all the boards film their collabs in like November or October, release them one a week during December and January, and release a trailer for the upcoming board collab in tandem with the weekly collab.