General Discussion / Changing Focus? From PC Screen to Hand

  1. chris
    Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 08:11:27

    Sorry if this isn't the right place to post on. Usually when I film, I'm having trouble on focusing on my hand and focus more on the PC screen, worrying about offcam and related stuff. As much as I want my spinning to be more creative and unique everytime I film, I cannot seem to change focus. I would want more to focus on my hand rather than on the PC screen. Focusing on the PC screen, for me limits my combo to spam freestyles, and i feel bad that I do the same stuff over and over again. Plus, I cannot try out other tricks as well. Help? As well as discuss your opinion. Are focusing on the PC screen? Or on your hand? Discuss PS Does the fact that my chair is so low (computer table is on stomach level) and that I have to resort to elevating myself affect my focus?

  2. Awesome
    Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 10:48:27

    Start practicing where you film, then you will get used to spinning there with no screen to focus on. When you are filming turn off your computer screen, so then you can't look at it, don't worry about going off screen, your angle should be set up so that as long as you spin smoothly and excute your tricks well you will stay on screen.