General Discussion / Have your teachers banned you from pen spinning?

  1. Joiemoie
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 00:11:25

    Pretty much every Asian in my school can do the charge thumbaround, or sonic. When my classmate told me a few days ago, "Hey Joie, I just learned that one spinny thingy (charge)!" My Spanish teacher said "No Will, don't do that. Pen spinning is a very bad habit. It's very distracting and annoying. If I see you guys doing that, I'll have to duct tape your fingers." My English and Science teachers say it's bad but my science teacher says it's ok as long as we don't drop them. Have you guys ever been banned and what are your opinions on this?

  2. Kion
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 00:35:41

    Yes we have like 5 fluent spinners in our english class and our pens get taken away daily i always see like CKs waterfalls and commsas on her desk everyday

  3. Kari
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 00:54:03

    I've never been told not to but I'm the type of person that would continue doing it and if the teacher wants to take my pen I would back talk. That's just me though. I've done that twice when teachers have tried taking something from me. :p

  4. renz93
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 01:03:02

    since I,m the only one spinner on my class my teachers on math and languages always ask me to present my pens in front of them I can only use them after class................:(((

  5. Boxxy
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 01:03:02

    Once, and I never saw it again

  6. Yamaguchi
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 01:20:34

    I'm in college now.. I heard that my highschool principal banned penspinning in that school lol they blame me for leaving my legacy there.. o.o but now, whenever my professors see me penspinning, they're like "cool! do you have a life" and they'll life lol they're so cool

  7. Accuru
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 01:33:05

    well since im the only one who can ps in my class my teachers dont care and they have no clue what i am doing

  8. ReAct
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 02:06:44

    My chemistry teacher made me stand in front of the class and spin some kind of stick for 20 seconds lol

  9. ReinSora
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 02:35:11

    There are about 4 spinners in my class .___. even though the teachers haven't confiscated anything yet, they came up with funny names for pen spinning... Philo Teacher: I noticed that there are a lot of pen fiddlers in this class. You know it reflects badly on your image...-rants- Math Teacher: What's with this pen flipping!? Can you gals stop flipping your pen? Chem Teacher: Can you all STOP twirling your pen? -sigh- ... It's gonna get banned soon T^T

  10. wings
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 04:18:59

    well never, our teachers don't give a fuck when I pen spin when I was in highschool and same now that i'm in college, as long as you listen to them and pen spin at the right time(lol)

  11. Red Zone
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 05:04:19

    My teacher says its ok only if we dn,t drop it or steal other peoples pens

  12. Mufoofee
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 05:32:27

    I can't spin my yellow marvey marker mod, it makes my teacher "dizzy."

  13. KiimSith
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 05:44:53

    nope,my teacher juz look at me and said nice,when i was at your age,im also do like that.haha nice as l0ng as i pay attention to what they teach.

  14. flaming oracle
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 06:28:57

    hahahah best thread ever i'm such a terrible child when when i started spinning i could never stop dropping so teachers would take my pen away but i said to myself fuck this so i had alwaysed carried a massive load in my pockets just to piss them off and they'd keep taking them away but i kept spinning XD i even had to spin an ink tube in science class once since my teacher was so mad about it instead i did ariel tricks could ever stop spinning in my classes

  15. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 08:00:58

    My personal 24CM long Bic mod got taken because it was FAR too distracting. I never saw it again.

  16. Wobster
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 09:08:04

    Your teachers are gay. I once had a sub-teacher ask me to teach him how to do a sonic. =O

  17. Reason
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 12:54:19

    im the only one in my school who can pen spin, so most of my teachers really dont care. One time a year or so ago, my old-ass history teacher yelled "QUIT SPINNIN' THAT DAMN THING!" in the middle of class when i dropped it like 30 times in one minute. another time when i was practicing TAs my science teacher was giving notes and he told me it was distracting, but i kept spinning... and he kept bitching. i dont have him a teacher anymore, but every time i have study hall with him i will spin as much as possible (he shit his pants when i did a hai tua once...)

  18. Karrot
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 03:55:18

    none of my teachers really care since I'm one of the only 2 in the school who can spin something other than ta and charge, but when I start doing sonic rise/fall harmonic during math (?) the teacher told me to do it after copying the notes. but the teachers are getting more strict now because people keep doing ta and charge.

  19. FireIce
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:13:41

    lol my teachers hated me cuz i PS now this year, ive been teaching people from the lower grades and now when i walk into the old classrooms all i hear is a constant clatter of a pen or a pencil on the ground.

  20. Demon
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 10:03:29

    my teacher calls it playing with the pen. lol

  21. Soren
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 20:31:16

    In short, no.

  22. Dris
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 22:27:55

    No, my teachers are pretty chill. My 11 AP teacher asked me to teach other how to pen spin. My AP Chem teacher thinks it's cool. The other ones don't really care. My old Physics teacher helps me make mods. =D

  23. Karrot
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 22:36:07

    I think most teachers won't really care unless you are disturbing the class too much

  24. Dimension
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 23:09:34

    My teachers only got angry when I was trying to learn an Ayatori throw in class.... With an MX hahaha that's why i kept dropping it

  25. SA1
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 00:51:37


  26. jet
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 01:01:47

    @Kion are you serious? The teachers at DN r gonna kill us now

  27. Kion
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 01:38:46

    i know.

  28. Lucid
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 03:15:56

    was banned to one kid cause he sucked. they dont care if if i spin though they wanted me to teach them and i said "you give me to much homework anyway so no" i got more homework every day just beacasue of that. no one else got it

  29. funnky
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 04:43:00

    Kion wrote: Yes we have like 5 fluent spinners in our english class and our pens get taken away daily i always see like CKs waterfalls and commsas on her desk everyday
    hahahaha id be jacking all those

  30. Ventus
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 04:49:49

    My friend and I are really the only ones in our school that spin. Our teachers really don't know what we're doing.

  31. Lito
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 05:34:45

    i am the only pen spinner in a school of 900 kids so all the teachers do is stare looking stupid

  32. Legion
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 08:54:33

    my lame spanish teacher threatened to take my pen away every day for the first quarter, but never did. towards the end of second quarter, i had a few pen mods, and he tried to watch me do punkan and learn it xD

  33. Darealone
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 17:35:37

    Technically yes, I would drop the pencil and then she would glare at me with her evil racist eyes!

  34. LightSpinner
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 18:10:14

    me cant spin anymre

  35. Karrot
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 22:01:37

    teachers made a new rule for us, if you can't spin well enough to not drop your pen, they ban you, if you can spin properly, you're allowed to, as long as it doesn't bother anyone

  36. Joiemoie
    Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 23:01:29

    Here's what I hate. I hate when my classmate is learning this new move/combo and keeps dropping it on the table and I fear it's gonna to get it banned at my school. I try to spin over my lap so if I drop it it makes no noise. I also still watch my teacher/lesson while practicing new moves to keep good grades and not make pen spinning seem like a distraction. But then my same classmate is completely staring at his pen which makes me worry that the teacher is going to notice and ban pen spinning.

  37. CAHarmony
    Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 00:19:27

    I usually spin a white mod because it blends in with the colour of the table so my teacher won't notice.

  38. meeguelz
    Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 01:11:44

    last year it was banned cause some 8th graders just flung pencils across the room trying to do tricks, but this year it's just me and i don't drop it too much so no, it hasn't been banned yet

  39. Pheonix
    Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 07:50:54

    my school is full of dirt bags so when the teachers see kids pen spinning I think they are glad they do something besides drinking and smoking

  40. Krypton
    Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 09:44:25

    I used to spin in the Physics lab quite literally right under the teacher's nose, and she doesn't give a damn. I was 16/17 at that time (about last year) and there was a penspinning craze in my school among the 13-14 year olds (I wouldn't put it past me starting it, there were hardly anybody spinning before that, but I don't spin wherever I go) and loads of people spun Zhigaos and ridiculous bodies held together by maskin tapes. I was studying in the library once and a bunch of monkeys kept dropping their pens. I got so fed up until I got up, walked over, politely asked to see their pens, did a Shadowserpant-like mini combo that ended with a Haitua, and walked out without a word. Left those bitches with their pants full of crap. And there was this other idiot who liked a friend of mine, and he kept doing TAs while walking around her all the time. He was on a slope once and his pen dropped and he chased it down the road full of cars. Dumbass. Sorry went off topic.

  41. i.suk
    Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 09:48:15

    not really...they just told me to stop, so i stopped for that lesson/a few minutes, then spin again next lesson/a few minutes later -.-

  42. Pixels
    Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 12:29:49

    Hmm if u listen to the teacher while spinning,i doubt if they would mind :/

  43. Legion
    Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 18:50:21

    my spanish teacher tried and failed. Every time he tries, he looks down at my desk, see's i have another mod on it, and picks it up and tries to spin it the rest of class.

  44. Joiemoie
    Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 19:49:54

    Geez you guys have a LOT of dislike for new spinners...but you were new spinners one time also.

  45. gyrobius
    Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 21:49:16

    When I first started PS I dropped the pen a lot. That's to be expected. I didn't really practice at home though, so I did it at school. One day I was sitting near the teacher practicing whatever trick I'm trying to do. I had dropped the pen and it flew in her general direction. She then preceded to confiscate the pen saying something along the lines of, "Of course I'd take away it if you're going to stab me with it!" I don't know what that was about. I didn't get in much trouble. Masturbation troubles?

  46. Vulcan
    Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 05:55:45

    i havnt had a teacher tell me to stop but my friend had a big problem with that and would get a lot of his pens taken away

  47. FRspinner
    Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 09:49:04

    YES!!! i fccccckkkkk hate my teachers . they banned pen spinning is because .. all the noob keep combine zhi gao v5 or personal mod . until a freaking long " mod " when teacher teaching they spin it . confirm teacher will angry

  48. ColdAzhar1997
    Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 18:45:20

    My story is somewhat similar, in my year exams, I was actually doing pen spinning and the Invigilators and teachers told me to go outside because i was pen spinning, the next day that teacher got fired and i got my A.

  49. Lucid
    Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 04:20:01

    theve tried but i dont listen because its a free country and banning me violates my rights

  50. JackyMacky
    Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 04:29:41

    Nope. My teachers have no problem with it because my school isn't filled with many pen spinners or even serious ones at the least. My AP Psychology teacher knows me as such and he hates it when others try to thumbaround or charge. He always yells at them, "Only Jack (me) can pen spin in my class you noobs." He's so cool. ^_^

    Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 08:05:57

    The easy answer is "no." Reason being, I haven't had a "teacher" (at least in the 'institution of learning' capacity) in almost 13 years. That said, I wish I had picked up pen spinning while I still was in school.

  52. DeadSkin
    Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 14:01:22

    No... Not yet. I'm trying to always spin in school with light mods and above my books, so it makes less noise. ^^

  53. Hendy
    Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 14:16:34

    nope, because no one give a fuck everytime i spin in school

  54. BeyondEminence
    Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:45:49

    Well only one teacher said that I couldnt and that was my 66 yr old English teacher.... All my other teachers think that its awesome and I even see them sometimes trying to do the charge in the middle of class while we are taking a test LOL I almost got a detention when my english teacher said ''If you do that again then I will give you a detention''. I stopped then started subconciously spinning doing fingerpasses and then she gave me a ''Detention'' even tho she didnt give me a slip or anything.....

  55. Kyoflow
    Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:57:49

    @IlbiStarz and I used to spin in science together, and teacher was fine til it was all we did So she threatened to send us outside (middle school) and we just figured that we shud try to get sent out side we could spin in peace :P

  56. Raage
    Date: Mon, May 14 2012 21:22:05

    All my teachers are kind of neutral about it, except for my math and french teachers who despise ps. The french teacher tried to steal my buster when i was spinning during an assembly, I was doing a wiper and she tried to mug me =0 There was also a ps craze in our school with the grade 5s when i first started, it ended within 2 hours when nobody could do TA The french teacher is kind of bitchy and has favourites, so I spin heavy mods when she's teaching ^^

  57. Kari
    Date: Mon, May 14 2012 21:28:54

    Teachers banning me from spinning? Haha they could try. I won't allow it.

  58. Eternity
    Date: Tue, May 15 2012 00:28:05

    Higher Chinese teacher tried when I was doing TW Sonic Bust, I just switched to doing Fingerpass. Other than that, other teachers go 'How do you do that! :O' whenever I spin. That being said, most teachers in my school can do TA Harmonic, but nothing else :/

  59. Lito
    Date: Tue, May 15 2012 01:23:51

    in class i spin my MX because it looks like a regular pen (except when you write with it of course) so my teachers never really take it away

  60. ...
    Date: Tue, May 15 2012 06:38:47

    I say its my only pen is my only writng pen so they cant take it off me :D

  61. Eternity
    Date: Tue, May 15 2012 07:58:56

    Lito wrote: in class i spin my MX because it looks like a regular pen (except when you write with it of course) so my teachers never really take it away
    That, too. :D That's why I love mods that look like regular pens 8D

  62. utkarsh
    Date: Tue, May 15 2012 16:28:04

    I usually sit at the back benches :xd: But my teachers dont like PS at all D: my principal confiscated my buster.

  63. Saikeyo
    Date: Sat, May 19 2012 06:56:45

    Lol, my teachers are actually fine with it. In fact, I'm pretty sure they're quite interested in it. Unfortunately my friend's teacher isn't like that, and was banned from pen spinning, unless he didn't want to participate in the end of the year party :P

  64. Eazy
    Date: Sun, May 20 2012 04:48:21

    My teacher from afternoon class actually threw my G2 pens out of the window for pen spinning (before i joined UPSB) But most teachers don't care, as long as i don't disturb the class by dropping pens. I caught lots of teachers staring at me, especially during exams (after finishing the paper and have like, 40 mins of spare time) One of the male teachers actually have me teach him some basics =P

  65. Wikero
    Date: Sun, May 20 2012 09:57:55

    In my class just one teacher has told me twice to stop psing but the rest just ignore me. Even one of my teachers in an exam was looking to me like... 20min? xDDD and the next day she asked if all i do requires a lpt of practice and how often I'm practising xD I started using a buster in class but I bought a writable toro mx so in class is my main mod and my main pen =D Enviado desde mi GT-I5800 usando Tapatalk

  66. TerryAngX
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 01:07:09

    A lot of spinners come from malaysia i know, i dunno some famous ones but heres the thing, In Malaysia, in schools we are strictly forbidden to spin a pen or even bring spinning pens :banghead: I love spinning pens and 1 day wihtout in I will go crazzy, In school if you do a charge or a sonic the cane of the teacher will straightly hit ur hand. Just saying this coz i am pissed, share any of ur pen spinning problems here :D

  67. Colbyy
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 01:39:28

    Seriously? If you just do a charge/sonic? In Malaysia, if you're left-handed would you get your hand slapped with a ruler? (I'm left handed :P )

  68. Alex
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 01:50:06

    Well thats one country that can go F@ck themselves

  69. Kyoflow
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 02:15:05

    Lol dude I can't help myself but spin just about anything that's spinnable. I would die there...u could pass time by doing extreme digits and stuff I guess

  70. GeeGeeGee
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 02:17:20

    form an anti-antipenspinning club. or just skip school.

  71. Froggy
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 02:54:22

    thats because in class, u need to learn to respect not only ur teacher, but also the other students in the class. and that is why i stopped spinning in class. Frog~

  72. TerryAngX
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 03:08:44

    F@ck thos F@cking teachers and parents who think PS is a bad habit It is good for ur hands agility flexibility and it will increase ur IQ by researchs

  73. Froggy
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 04:49:17

    But it only benefits yourself, if anything. Spinning in class distracts other students and the teacher. So now it's yourself vs the rest of the class. -- As for parents... Well tht just depends what type of parents you got... My parents prefers me to pen spin, because it keeps me off addicted to gaming. Frog~

    TerryAngX wrote: F@ck thos F@cking teachers and parents who think PS is a bad habit It is good for ur hands agility flexibility and it will increase ur IQ by researchs

  74. Lucid
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 04:55:40

    Honestly, you should tell a higher authrity. If you teacher teaches an opinion or says something that offends you, they will usually do something.

  75. FireIce
    Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 13:07:30

    usually when my teachers tell me to stop, i just stop for like half an hour then start again. If they take my pen away, i just pull out another one

  76. TerryAngX
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 02:39:41

    SCREW TEAHCERS, I lost more than 6 pens by those teachers who think pen "turning " (thats what they said ) is a form of shaming ur self Fck them

  77. PSJasper
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 05:33:22

    Yes when my classmate is connecting the caps on his pen to make it even longer.

  78. Raptor
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 09:02:15

    No. lol.

  79. Apocalyptic Shadows
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 09:56:53

    My math teacher said that she would take away the pen if she saw someone 'pen twirling' and throw it away. All I can say is that she hasn't kept to her word. As for now, I'm spinning a signo dx backcapped in class

  80. Cooly_1414
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 13:40:22

    did once, teacher ask me to stand in frint of class to thumbaround 10 times

  81. Finn
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 15:22:34

    My teachers dont care much, most of em like me so i am In the clear

  82. Ducky
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 21:21:46

    They don't care at all

  83. Fuse
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 23:24:03

    Teacher told me to keep spinning (wrote it in my yearbook). :D

  84. Obstracized
    Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 15:44:44

    A lot of my friends kept borrowing my Buster CYL and Spins them. I'm fine with that. But, what I am afraid is that my Buster CYL may be confiscated by my Teacher when they are Spinning, they may accidentally "Spoil" it or they may Spin until the Pen flies out of the Window. My Teacher usually don't really mind me Spinning during Class, but, they allow it most of the time as long as I don't get too distracted and pay attention in class.

  85. Deveroux
    Date: Mon, Jun 18 2012 23:57:18

    Well I'm probably the only spinner in my school so my teachers don't make too much of a fuss about it. However, some of my other friends are beginning to pick it up, so I'm not sure how that's going to turn out.

  86. Eternity
    Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 05:20:28

    I managed to distract a teacher who was the invigilator for my Philosophy paper LOL she was staring at my pen the whole way. But anyway, my teachers don't really care as long as I can pay attention and answer their questions. (then again the teachers don't even care if there are people sleeping) EDIT: New teacher in today though OTL I hope she doesn't mind

  87. Kcom2002
    Date: Sun, Jun 24 2012 12:09:27

    She took one of my pens for bringing it out and for spinning while she was having a 'serious' talk with the class. =/

  88. Colbyy
    Date: Wed, Jul 4 2012 01:50:26

    One of my teachers can do all the fundamentals (not very smooth though) and TA Harmonic, so he's never banned me. ^^

  89. SuperVValrus
    Date: Wed, Jul 4 2012 04:31:25

    my english teacher broke my mod in half once. :(

  90. Alex
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 21:02:31

    My teachers are EVIL one of them called me a nolife once for spinning pens :angry:

  91. astronaut
    Date: Sat, Jul 28 2012 11:44:30

    Last year there were 3 people who were actually good the other two got their mods taken away all the time. My mod was never taken even though I drop it like 10x more frequently :). This year I did a 3-page report on the history penspinning and my new teacher is like I used to do this when I was part of the amish gangs. WTF! I got a 100%:happy:

  92. Enigmatic
    Date: Sat, Jul 28 2012 20:12:27

    Nope. I dont drop my pen while in class, only do tricks I know, and I'm in college so my teachers dont really mind

  93. Reverse
    Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 00:39:11

    Some teacher in my school have banned me to spinning at class ._.v

  94. ...
    Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 00:41:14

    My English Teacher Tells Me and tried to ban me.... but it never works out :D

  95. Eazy
    Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 13:26:24

    A teacher threw away a lot of my g2 out the 3rd story window for spinning in class before i used mods.... But now i bring my mods to school and spin them, and she can't do a thing because i'm not in her class anymore. =D Annoys the crap out of her.. XD

  96. FingerNotPen
    Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 18:39:57

    i got 2 pens confiscated before.. uhhh maths class... teacher asked me to stop.. but i was still spinning

    Date: Sun, Nov 18 2012 02:42:52

    None of my teachers have ever acknowledged me psing in class, but it's probably because I rarely spin in class. If I ps in class, they either don't notice or ignore it. But I do spin often during lunch and resess.

  98. Zephyr
    Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 16:55:57

    If I did PS in class, I wouldn't be able to do much because I don't bring mods to school for fear of losing them..... I won't even bring a bictory.. xD

  99. iLLuSi0N
    Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 19:32:20

    i used to be afraid of losing my pens... and i actually did lose my BICtory, but somehow it ended up in my history class... anyways, i still bring my waterfall. my spanish and history dont like us spinning... but i still spin in spanish. i still havent had my pen taken away once.

  100. Xienix
    Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 20:12:45

    previous year a classmate tried to do a TA but the pen flipped away and almost hit the teacher :D so the only class were i wasn't able to spin the year was at germanclass but yea new year new teacher new target :)

  101. xoxe
    Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 20:36:40

    I use my personal mod in class, teachers never tell me anything, but my classmates try to spin pens, make too much noise in fails hahahahaha