Approved Tutorials / Nachoaddict's MP Mod
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 03:48:42
Hi, This is a mod that I've put together in efforts to use some spare parts and maintain a sturdy MP mechanism. I haven't figured out a name for it yet so if you have a suggestion, I'd be glad to hear it ^^.
=========================== Stats: =========================== Name: TBA COG: 0.5cm toward the front from the COP Length: 21cm Weight: Signo Tipped Comssa < This Mod < CK Mod Style: Single Sided Writing-Mechanism: Mechanical Pencil Ink-Type: Lead Estimated-Cost: $8-14 =========================== Materials List: =========================== 1x Colortwin 1x Comssa 1x Dr. Grip Shaker 1x Airblanc 1x Anyball 1x Sailor 1x HGG 1x RSVP [SPOILER="Tutorial"]Step 1) Gather your materials: You will need: -Colortwin small cap, body, and backplug -Comssa cap -Dr. Grip Shaker grip sections and lead tube -Airblanc tip, lead tube, and body -Anyball Grip -Sailor Grip -HGG tip and backplug -RSVP Cap Step 2) Take your Airblanc pencil and cut it down to 4cm of the hard plastic left WITH the tip screwed on.
Step 3) Hollow out the Comssa cap and add some tape to thicken the Airblanc body in the front so it fits snugly into the comssa cap. Insert the lead tube and screw the Airblanc tip onto the barrel.
Step 4) Take your Colortwin body and gut it. Cut off the front and scrape the inside of it out with scissors. Then cut the tip portion on the backplug. Add tape if desired.
Step 5) Add a bit of tape to the bottom of the Airblanc barrel so it can fit snugly onto the Colortwin body. Take your Dr. Grip Shaker lead tube and tape it together with the Airblanc lead tube.
Step 6) Drill a hole into your Colortwin small cap and add a bit of tape to it so the RSVP cap can slide easily but does not rattle.
Step 7) Add the Comssa cap + Airblanc package to the front of the Colortwin body. Add the Colortwin small cap to the back. The Dr. Grip lead tube should be able to easily pass by the Colortwin backplug and small cap.
Step 8) Add grips to the front. I used: -Anyball ring -Sailor ring -1cm of Dr. Grip Shaker grip -Sailor ring -Anyball ring -Sailor ring -2cm of Dr. Grip Shaker grip
Step 9) Take your RSVP cap and add some tape and grips. I used: -Anyball ring -Sailor ring -White tape -Sailor ring -Anyball ring Then screw the HGG tip onto the HGG backplug.
Step 10) Fit the HGG tip and backplug package neatly into the back of the RSVP cap. Then by trial and error cut away excess parts of the Dr. Grip lead tube until you reach a desired length.
Done ^^ [/SPOILER]
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 05:17:53
O.O nice
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 07:54:39
Schweet modding skills. Good job :thumb:
Date: Sun, Jul 25 2010 15:23:58
I see you also found the usage of the Airblanc fronts. I used it in my MCX MP mod I never released. Anyways, looks clean, bit too much random grip for my liking though :p
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 23:55:24
the colors could be better, but other than that it's nice.
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 10:21:41
i like it O.o too bad i cant get the parts==' i cant use creditT_T
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 13:53:30
Wish i could make it :C but dont have parts & skills
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 18:55:25
Wow!! That Mod looks great :D I want to modd it :) can you guess the weight? i dont know the weight of a signo tipped comssa :O and where can i find this airblanc pencil? can i buy it in internet? sry for bad english :(
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 18:59:07
Lol got to the comments a bit late. Thanks guys for the support ^^ @AzNHaNaMi Honestly I'm not sure about the weight. I might just put my mods on the scale at the post office next time I go. Airblanc is made by pilot and can be found here:
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 16:17:56
props man....maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad props :clap::clap::clap: :clap::clap::clap:
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 03:37:09
I personally think that the aesthetics are a bit weird, but I think that it would not be difficult to make it even more nice. GJ
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 23:08:11
amazing mod though you should add an extra black ring on the front cap to that the two rings surrounding the yellow grip...
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 18:43:35
Are there subs for the comssa? 'Cause I wanna make this. :/
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 23:18:46
Bellcolors, keityos, colortwins, they're all pretty much the same thing. They're easier to find but just a notch easier to find then comssas depending where you are. So basically, they're as hard to find as comssas if you're in the US.
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 23:30:48
@scout Keityo and colortwin/artcolor are not subs for comssa caps, they have different diameters and dimensions, so the way they fit onto bodies and what grips can be applied are changed. Yes, bellcolors are comssa cap subs, but blazer if you want to make mods that have comssa caps, you should really consider ordering from penwish, because they are extremely cheap and very useful.
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 04:42:05
Yeah bellcolors will be harder for you to acquire assuming by your flag that you live in the U.S. @scout CT does NOT = Comssa... It IS possible to use CT's as a sub but I haven't done so because a) it might change the balance, b) affect the clicking mechanism, and c) aesthetically speaking I prefer the sleeker comssa caps as opposed to the colortwin caps.
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 02:09:35
Nice like the colors
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 04:28:10
Wow! So cool! Nice mod by the way!
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 18:19:26
nice looks awesome
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 23:40:53
Nice mod :)
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 17:58:02
@Nacchoaddict if the pen keep drop....just like my Dr CT....den the lead wont come out.... just like me...wanna do the MPKT(i think mine is MPCT)cuz i drop many times before...cant make now...TT
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 09:01:41
erm...lead is 0.3?.___________.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 09:46:33
iNickk wrote: erm...lead is 0.3?.___________.
mhm, Airblanc MP size is usally 0.3 - thin as hell :P -
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 14:37:06
If i maake hw buy lead....any sub?
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 06:07:22
Sorry for double post ...any sub for airblanc?
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 07:56:53
iNickk wrote: Sorry for double post ...any sub for airblanc?
There might be one, but because the tip and the mechanism is used for this mod it's hard to find a suitable sub. -
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:54:03
gr8 looking sc