General Discussion / Pen spinning at our school is blowing up!(40 people)

  1. Kion
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 03:03:36

    Pen spinning started at our middle school in San Diego after spinners @jet, who are in high school, influenced my friend to spin, which caused a whole new chain of spinners. We have about 40 spinners now after a couple months of spinning, 30 being complete noobs and 10 being just beginners. Hopefully more and more people will spin.

  2. Mufoofee
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 03:09:49

    I have a few student's that are willing to learn too! Its cool when this happens. :D

  3. Bleevlee
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 04:19:58

    And not cool when you place apostrophes in the wrong place! Ontopic: I only got like 3 other people to spin in my school, who soon dropped it. That wasn't an intended pun. Actually, they dropped both.

  4. Raos
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 04:27:20

    Make a club will help u in college app

  5. Red Zone
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 04:36:06

    I have two people that are not that bad and every body else thinks there amazing because they can do a ta

  6. JumBoPS
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 07:58:40

    every body in my class can pen spin.........

  7. Accuru
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 17:56:42

    i only know like 4 spinners in my school

  8. ReinSora
    Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 08:21:03

    Mine too. Last year in my school there were only 2 spinners, me and my friend, and it eventually became 11. 9 of us moved on to the same secondary school, and 2 went to other schools. Now the 9 spinners are spread among the classes, and there are now LOADS of spinners most of them can only do TA and Charge :)) It's still cool though xD

  9. i.suk
    Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:08:20

    i like how some people's 1 class at school has more active spinners than all of australia =______________=" lucky :D

  10. jet
    Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:17:43

    HA that's not necessarily a good thing. More PS-ers means more pissed off teachers and more buster noobs.

  11. Kion
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 00:44:07

    Also KT we just get everyone to get waterfalls

  12. jet
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 02:57:09

    AND waterfall noobs.

  13. wings
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 10:42:02

    jet wrote: AND waterfall noobs.
    ^lol but srsly, noobs don't love mx 'till I showed them kin

  14. ReinSora
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 11:11:13

    hahaha but that's true my philosophy teacher was so pissed and gave us this lecture about how pen FIDDLING reflects badly on your image ladeedeeedaa and not many people want to go pro and spend money and mods and stuff D:

  15. JumBoPS
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 14:10:06

    lol my teacher is a hard core spinner he spins a mx like a buster!

  16. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 20:44:45

    I'm the only real spinner, a few know the TA because I taught them and I have a cult following watching me spin and asking me how to do it. They never learn xD. A good friend of mine I gave my old bictory to though because he wanted to learn and I pointed him towards the penspinningonline tutorials.

  17. Karrot
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 22:08:35

    People in my school know how to ps, but only either charge or ta, or both. Then everyone thinks they're so good because they know thumbaround and charge and start showing off. Now almost everyone in my class is trying to learn ta and charge. Only me and someone else in my class are real pen spinners in our school.

  18. Eternity
    Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 11:22:29

    People in my school...they can do a half-TA, of sorts? They really just flip the pen. XD Some people can do the actual TA and Charge, but other than myself, I only know one other preson who can do more than just TA.

  19. midniteferret
    Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 00:03:09

    I know 1 penspinner at my school except for that sucks...but he is a boss so I'm gonna ask him if he can join upsb

  20. Sc00t
    Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 05:22:33

    jet wrote: HA that's not necessarily a good thing. More PS-ers means more pissed off teachers and more buster noobs.
    damn right. i know 3 people IRL who got into it and i had to repeatedly mash it into their brains that," regardless of what you heard or saw, YOU KEEP SPINNING THIS DAMN GRIPLESS BICTORY IF YOU WANNA BE PRO!! yes my pen is heavy... do an inverse shadow fall and then you can have one." one of them is already a lost cause... he mad a personal mod thats heavier than a VGG and thinks slowmo busts is cool shit

  21. Gash
    Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 06:06:03

    Hmm there are 6 casual spinners in my year level. 2 has a Zhigao, 1 has Buster, 1 has Bictory, 1 has Ayatori G3, last spinner has a Black Comssa with tips. And in the year below me, there are probably 10 kids with pen mods. And the year above me, there are 2 guys with Busters. But none of them are on UPSB and they all can't do combos >_>

  22. astronaut
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 20:20:48

    Last year I showed the thumb around and basketball spin to a kid in school, who showed another kid, until about 20 knew but by then I was getting good. Now about 35-40 kids pen spin. But only 5 are in my class, but 20+ kids that pen spin are in another class:(. Only about 5 can do more than the fundamentals.

  23. astronaut
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 20:24:18

    Last year I showed the thumb around and basketball spin to a kid in school, who showed another kid, until about 20 knew but by then I was getting good. Now about 35-40 kids pen spin. But only 5 are in my class, but 20+ kids that pen spin are in another class:(. Only about 5 or 6 can do more than the fundamentals.

  24. astronaut
    Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 20:24:58

    idk how i posted twice before this

  25. Karrot
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 03:49:34

    eternal_fiction wrote: People in my school...they can do a half-TA, of sorts? They really just flip the pen. XD Some people can do the actual TA and Charge, but other than myself, I only know one other preson who can do more than just TA.
    that is the same with me, I've only seen the other person do ta harmonic and charge though, but it's so annoying when they flip the pen and when I tell them it's wrong, they tell me to show them, and then they say it looks the same, but it's completely different!!!

  26. Eternity
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 04:35:36

    Karrot wrote: that is the same with me, I've only seen the other person do ta harmonic and charge though, but it's so annoying when they flip the pen and when I tell them it's wrong, they tell me to show them, and then they say it looks the same, but it's completely different!!!
    Yeah... The most annoying thing is that the people on my left AND right send the pen flying when they flip it, and I keep getting hit. :( On another note, it seems as though ALL the teachers can do TA, TA rev and TA harmonic (they spin those fat stubby markers when thinking).

  27. Karrot
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 18:40:17

    eternal_fiction wrote: Yeah... The most annoying thing is that the people on my left AND right send the pen flying when they flip it, and I keep getting hit. :(
    I don't get hit but they make such load noises and the pen keeps flying over to my desk and every 10 second I have to pick it up for them

  28. Soren
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 19:28:00

    Lots of people in my school can do the thumbaround, they just don't research about pen spinning to learn other tricks.

  29. Karrot
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 19:33:26

    Supergirl wrote: Lots of people in my school can do the thumbaround, they just don't research about pen spinning to learn other tricks.
    Yep, that's the same with my school (except some of them know charge too) They're too lazy I think. They don't even know it's called "pen spinning" they call it "pen twirling" or something

  30. phinamthi
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 19:53:06

    I hate multi-spinners. The teachers got so pissed off at the 40+ spinners in the grade, they completely banned it from the grade. If you were to spin a mod or bring in a mod, the teachers would take it, and give you afterschool detention... son of a...

  31. fang
    Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 20:11:28

    i.suk wrote: i like how some people's 1 class at school has more active spinners than all of australia =______________=" lucky :D
    Or the Netherlands, aroud 5-6 active spinners here. I am the only one @ school!~

  32. FireIce
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 04:48:06

    like half my grade ps's but they can only do stuff like TA or charge. i'm the only "intermediate-ish" person at my school.its kinda funny watching like 6 noobs fail at TA at the same time

  33. Vortechs
    Date: Tue, Feb 14 2012 05:41:38

    The only one at my school that pen spins.... Paramours quit for good so he doesn't spin anymore... kinda lonely here haha

  34. Saikeyo
    Date: Sat, May 19 2012 07:25:07

    Trololololol, I go to your school, and I see all these beginner first years... It's so cute! They get like two bics and attach them with grips. What irritates me is seeing all these complete noobs with Buster CYLs and KTs when they can't do crap :P

  35. Spazmok
    Date: Sat, May 19 2012 07:30:08

    I never saw a girl from my class spinning...only boys

  36. Joiemoie
    Date: Sat, May 19 2012 15:59:14

    Lololz there are people who called me pro because I did the fingerpass. Most people at my school only know the thumbaround, charge, or sonic. WHY NO FINGERPASS?? Also the people at my school considered "superamazingpros" are the people who can do shadows -_- I know a shit ton of tricks, at least compared to the people in my school, so I'm like a deity to them. There's probably 1 other person who's around the same or less skill level as me who spins busters, and a few who know all the fundamentals perfectly and a few other, but that's it.

  37. Geko
    Date: Sat, May 19 2012 16:32:43

    i have about 10 people who spin at m,y school... kupo and i are the highest in skill level... then spade and maxispinz... than everyone else are complete noobs

  38. TristanxTan
    Date: Sun, May 20 2012 01:50:34

    I have 5 friends that spin. but they can only ta. :/ wish there was someone like isuk at my school

  39. Colbyy
    Date: Sun, May 20 2012 03:23:18

    Only 3 people that I know of at my school and I was the one who taught them (only TA tho). They freak out when i do bakfall, lmao.

  40. Eazy
    Date: Sun, May 20 2012 04:34:30

    Only I actually pen spin in my school, but i have a friend who can do shadow and tw bust and do simple combos. maybe one or two knows Extended TA, and the others know maybe sonic, tw sonic and TA.... and not surprisingly, all taught by me ==" Kinda boring really, spinning at school, maybe just to show off or when it get really boring during class or exam (learnt bakfall during history exam =P) And there is this one girl that pen spins, but then it took me about 7 months to teach her Thumbaround ==" She actually did thumbspin x 3 before she did thumbaround once.... That time, i went like O.O"

  41. BeyondEminence
    Date: Mon, May 21 2012 21:41:57

    OMG 40 peopleat your school alone ps.... amazing At my school now only 2 spinners exist, my friend and I. Even tho my friend is still a 100% noob I still think its cool to see how he progressed. And I think that it is kinda sad that he has a better mod then I do..... (Using an MX)....

  42. Whoadie
    Date: Mon, May 21 2012 22:23:26

    Wow lol. As far as I know I am the only spinner in my entire city (Kansas City). :(

  43. JackyMacky
    Date: Mon, May 21 2012 22:49:28

    I'm the only serious spinner in my high school at the moment. Last year, another guy was serious but I never got to meet him. :( It's so hard to find people with similar interests............

  44. Saikeyo
    Date: Mon, May 21 2012 23:54:16

    Actually, from Kion's school now, at least [B]40[/B] people from [B]each grade[/B] are pen spinning. Everywhere I walk... pen spinners.

  45. Kiiro
    Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 20:26:24

    I hate when they ask you how to spin. They call it "that" and i think there was a whole thread about it, but they ask you how and then u show them a ta and then they start being REALLY annoying cuz they keep trying and drop their pen loud. Then once they get it they say, "What's next?" I used to have a few friends like 10 that spun but I moveda few hrs awayfrom them and then they quit when I left. :( Haven't found anybody since:(

  46. Mats
    Date: Wed, Nov 14 2012 08:08:20

    Kiiro wrote: I used to have a few friends like 10 that spun but I moveda few hrs awayfrom them and then they quit when I left. :( Haven't found anybody since:(
    :violin: So sad for you.

  47. Obstracized
    Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 06:57:50

    I have a lot of Spinners in my school. Mostly, all know how to do Charge and ThumbAround. That's it. The more serious ones could do the other Fundamentals. I had a friend once who shared the same interest as me, but he quit after a few months due to CCA and his other interests. Currently, I am the only "Valid" Spinner.

  48. Walkaz
    Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 10:09:07

    no one spin a pen except me they know of trick names like shadow tho

  49. AdiblueseaQQQ
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 00:17:46

    There are spinners wannabes in my class.. besides me,@Chocolate Cream and 2 other guys in my class . They use some China mods and BICtory . One fag keeps spamming TF rev charge and double charge,so we made fun of him .

  50. i.suk
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 01:07:29

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: There are spinners wannabes in my class.. besides me,@Chocolate Cream and 2 other guys in my class . They use some China mods and BICtory . One fag keeps spamming TF rev charge and double charge,so we made fun of him .
    and you're a fag who's a noob who can't even enter a wt or wc seriously, be nicer to other people...everyone's still learning, no reason to bully them just because you're slightly better (and you're still pretty low in the PS world, don't get ahead of yourself) of course, if they constantly pester you 24/7 asking 'how do i do this trick', it might be a bit different...but don't be an arrogant prick

  51. [TGN]
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 02:02:49

    Uhmmm... Pixels and I spin in our school. I sometimes see others spinning Zhigao when I walk around the school.

  52. AdiblueseaQQQ
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 04:11:46

    i.suk wrote: and you're a fag who's a noob who can't even enter a wt or wc seriously, be nicer to other people...everyone's still learning, no reason to bully them just because you're slightly better (and you're still pretty low in the PS world, don't get ahead of yourself) of course, if they constantly pester you 24/7 asking 'how do i do this trick', it might be a bit different...but don't be an arrogant prick
    Yes constant pms asking me how to make BICtory where to get airfits where dr grips,and 6 months of TF rev charge really I mean seriously . And double charges 6 months he even switched his buster barrel for the pirat secretly "stealing" our mods . Wt wc? Not so fast at least im not stirring soup like they do.. I also dont think you were 7 months when u were in wc12. If someone were to come to your table while you are spinning and snatches your mod away and spamming double charge,you will feel what I feel . Not only that he slams my mod when im spinning it broke and he didnt even tried to do something or compensate .

  53. Pixels
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 04:54:48

    Thats coz ur a fag. Back to square 1

  54. Days
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 07:53:15

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: Yes constant pms asking me how to make BICtory where to get airfits where dr grips,and 6 months of TF rev charge really I mean seriously . And double charges 6 months he even switched his buster barrel for the pirat secretly "stealing" our mods . Wt wc? Not so fast at least im not stirring soup like they do.. I also dont think you were 7 months when u were in wc12. If someone were to come to your table while you are spinning and snatches your mod away and spamming double charge,you will feel what I feel . Not only that he slams my mod when im spinning it broke and he didnt even tried to do something or compensate .
    Sorry, I can't understand most of what you have written. But I feel that you should not treat spinners as 'wannabes', as everyone has their own learning speed. Instead, you should encourage them and teach them, you could even get them to help with your weekly linkage video (which I find pretty useful (sun)), once they are good enough. He probably stole your mods/broke them to vent his frustration because you tease him. Everyone started as a 'noob', its not about getting better in the shortest amount of time, its about how long you are willing to persevere. TF charge rev happens to be my favourite trick, why are you hating on it?

  55. i.suk
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 08:01:59

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: Yes constant pms asking me how to make BICtory where to get airfits where dr grips,and 6 months of TF rev charge really I mean seriously . And double charges 6 months he even switched his buster barrel for the pirat secretly "stealing" our mods . Wt wc? Not so fast at least im not stirring soup like they do.. I also dont think you were 7 months when u were in wc12. If someone were to come to your table while you are spinning and snatches your mod away and spamming double charge,you will feel what I feel . Not only that he slams my mod when im spinning it broke and he didnt even tried to do something or compensate .
    you take my words too seriously, i was being sarcastic in my comment just insulting you with the same type of response you insulted your classmate with, and i see you don't like it very much do you? if you don't like it, please stop treating others in that way...if you don't want to answer repeated questions, just block him if he asks the same thing twice, simple watch your own mods then if you don't want them stolen, and don't let him use yours all your problems have simple solutions without having to bully someone else, idiot.

  56. Obstracized
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 09:43:03

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: There are spinners wannabes in my class.. besides me,@Chocolate Cream and 2 other guys in my class . They use some China mods and BICtory . One fag keeps spamming TF rev charge and double charge,so we made fun of him .
    Do you have the right to call someone else a Fag, AdiblueseaQQQ? Everyone learns at a different speed. He spammed those Tricks because he likes it, or he is trying to master it. Do you meant that someone who spammed those Tricks are a fag? You should not treat people differently even if they are of a lower Skill Level than you are. Respect others if you want them to respect you. Clearly, you are not giving them the respect. Lastly, don't forget you are still in a Tournament. I do not know if insulting others would get you disqualified from the Tournament if you are caught, but it's best to stay safe. I hope you learn something from all of us here.

  57. AdiblueseaQQQ
    Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 04:36:43

    Days- | wrote: Sorry, I can't understand most of what you have written. But I feel that you should not treat spinners as 'wannabes', as everyone has their own learning speed. Instead, you should encourage them and teach them, you could even get them to help with your weekly linkage video (which I find pretty useful (sun)), once they are good enough. He probably stole your mods/broke them to vent his frustration because you tease him. Everyone started as a 'noob', its not about getting better in the shortest amount of time, its about how long you are willing to persevere. TF charge rev happens to be my favourite trick, why are you hating on it?
    He slams OUR mods before I said anything about his pen spinning . TF charge he does it as if his stirring soup . We tried to correct him but he didnt want to take our advice unlike other friends in my class when we help them they will .

  58. AdiblueseaQQQ
    Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 04:42:14

    Obstracized wrote: Do you have the right to call someone else a Fag, AdiblueseaQQQ? Everyone learns at a different speed. He spammed those Tricks because he likes it, or he is trying to master it. Do you meant that someone who spammed those Tricks are a fag? You should not treat people differently even if they are of a lower Skill Level than you are. Respect others if you want them to respect you. Clearly, you are not giving them the respect. Lastly, don't forget you are still in a Tournament. I do not know if insulting others would get you disqualified from the Tournament if you are caught, but it's best to stay safe. I hope you learn something from all of us here.
    When I said fag it was his behaviour which makes him that,not his psing . Why should I respect him if he doesnt respect us in the first place ?

  59. AdiblueseaQQQ
    Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 04:46:50

    i.suk wrote: you take my words too seriously, i was being sarcastic in my comment just insulting you with the same type of response you insulted your classmate with, and i see you don't like it very much do you? if you don't like it, please stop treating others in that way...if you don't want to answer repeated questions, just block him if he asks the same thing twice, simple watch your own mods then if you don't want them stolen, and don't let him use yours all your problems have simple solutions without having to bully someone else, idiot.
    If we dont lend,answer his questions,he will say we are selfish . I wouldnt want to say he is irritating in his face it wont be good . We lent him because we trusted him, but not anymore now .

  60. [TGN]
    Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 05:52:25

    Wtf don't triple post. Just ignore them. Don't feed the trolls.

  61. i.suk
    Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 05:59:40

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: If we dont lend,answer his questions,he will say we are selfish . I wouldnt want to say he is irritating in his face it wont be good . We lent him because we trusted him, but not anymore now .
    then let him say you're selfish, or give him a final judgment: if he asks more than X number of questions a day, say you won't reply any more. e.g. you allow him 5 questions a day. in the morning, he asks 'how to you do middlearound?', you teach him and then say 'you have now used up 1 of 5 questions for today' etc for later questions until 5 is reached

  62. Mats
    Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 08:30:56

    i.suk wrote: then let him say you're selfish, or give him a final judgment: if he asks more than X number of questions a day, say you won't reply any more. e.g. you allow him 5 questions a day. in the morning, he asks 'how to you do middlearound?', you teach him and then say 'you have now used up 1 of 5 questions for today' etc for later questions until 5 is reached
    How gay is that though.

  63. AdiblueseaQQQ
    Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 05:54:54

    i.suk wrote: then let him say you're selfish, or give him a final judgment: if he asks more than X number of questions a day, say you won't reply any more. e.g. you allow him 5 questions a day. in the morning, he asks 'how to you do middlearound?', you teach him and then say 'you have now used up 1 of 5 questions for today' etc for later questions until 5 is reached
    I will take your advice . Thank you .

  64. Mats
    Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 10:57:24

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: I will take your advice . Thank you .

  65. FingerNotPen
    Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 18:58:28

    i got like 3 students with me who all buy zhigao.. i use to be a fan of zhigao.. now i use ivan mod :D

  66. Zephyr
    Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 22:45:36

    That's pretty cool. My school is big so I honestly don't know who the pen spinners are if any...

  67. Egg
    Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 04:44:35

    lol you are absolutely welcome for starting it xD

  68. Utkarsh
    Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 05:25:23

    you revoked a dead thread derp. you can get a warning.

  69. Twine
    Date: Tue, Mar 19 2013 07:44:35

    I'd like to know how many of the 40 still spin. One? Two?

  70. wellshrouded
    Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 02:10:10

    Ha my school only has me and no one else even seams interested. i learned from a friend out of town and i swear thats most of the pen spinners in New Zealand (*_*)

  71. DioBrando
    Date: Wed, Mar 20 2013 03:39:08

    wellshrouded wrote: Ha my school only has me and no one else even seams interested. i learned from a friend out of town and i swear thats most of the pen spinners in New Zealand (*_*)
    lol not really

  72. wellshrouded
    Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 22:00:58

    Well id love to meet some people who pen spin in New Zealand

  73. JoloPSPH
    Date: Tue, Apr 16 2013 16:11:54

    At our school Half of the population of the grade 5 students can do all fundamentals and there are like 10 at grade 6

  74. Ascend
    Date: Tue, Apr 16 2013 18:15:40

    I actually got in to pen spinning because of my English teacher earlier this year who did a TA Harmonic on a projector camera. I promptly learned the TA and Rev, then all of the fundamentals and some more advanced tricks, then I learned small combos and linkages. In that class, a good portion of them can spin, but they all either just know the TA and Charge or just the TA, and none of them spin mods. It's cool though. Me and a friend were joking (at the time where we both only knew TA) that we would surpass our teacher and learn crazy tricks by the end of the year. Funny how I actually did lol, at least by what our standards were at the time. But a couple weeks ago, when I was showing some basic tricks to said friend, I looked up and the teacher and half the class was watching me and I didn't even know it. He asked me if I knew how to do the TA Rev (called it the reverse) and I showed him a little mini combo which inspired the class to once again pick up spinning. They're still stuck on TA and Charge though. A few people detest spinning though and call it 'gay', but it's whatever. Anyway, that's my unnecessarily long story on spinning in my school.

  75. YourFaithfulStudent
    Date: Sat, May 4 2013 21:21:26

    Nobody does it except another person I know, and neither of us are that great. 'Murica.

  76. Ecnunn
    Date: Sat, May 4 2013 21:28:15

    My PE teacher was the first to spin, followed by two more spinners who started last school year. This school year, my friend Speedylu and i both started to spin, and we influenced about 6 or 7 other people to start. Though, i think only 1 or 2 of those 7 will actually get further into PSing. So i would say there's about 5 real spinners in my grade.

  77. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, May 5 2013 01:28:33

    I think that's awesome. you should really encourage pen spinning wherever you see it come up around you, I mean come on, it's awesome!

  78. questionmark98
    Date: Mon, May 6 2013 06:02:59

    I'm the ONLY pen spinner in my school. So lonely.

  79. MitchellFaulkner
    Date: Mon, May 13 2013 06:01:53

    Pen spinning has gradually leaped from school to college these days. I can easily spot a group of spinners exhibiting their talent out there in the college. They are just superb.I know a bit of spinning too but not like'em.

  80. spyb0y1
    Date: Thu, May 23 2013 08:58:51

    Ivan was the only person spinning at my school. I started and a week later there is ten or so people doing it.

  81. Escorpio123
    Date: Wed, May 29 2013 18:31:31

    I have seen around 20 people that can do TA Harmonic, or sonics, or charge, or charge reverse. :thumb:.

  82. Llama
    Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 14:27:25

    Nine out of ten people in my school can spin. Only a few are interested in learning more

  83. kchspinna16
    Date: Sun, Oct 20 2013 19:10:19

    OMG people, nobody at my school knows how to spin, i only saw two who can do a charge, and endless failed attempts to teach people thumbaround. hey, im not the 'cool' people @ school, so can't influence people i used to have a friend who does that, but he moved across the country, s***!:(

  84. jet
    Date: Mon, Oct 28 2013 05:17:59

    lol i remember when we started the PS trend. it's kind of died out in high school, where people are too busy to actually spin beyond messing around with a regular pencil in class