Pen Modifications / Spinning Pens Vs Mods
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 07:25:02
hi everyone i am fingernotpen.. people calling me nub cuz i use zhigao spinning pen.and i dont use mod.i have wasted dozens of cash in buying pens and dont know how to fix them i wan u guys to tell me the difference please :) :sniper: :eeek:
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 08:11:38
Spinning pens (Penz gear, Modrod, Zhiagao) will never match mods that we make
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 08:56:05
[B]Pen Modifications[/B] Spinning pens only comes in specific weights and length etc. Modding however, allows you to customize your mod so that it matches your preference. But if you dont have money to purchase parts for modding, you can either stick with your spinning pens, or buy mods from PW or other traders in UPSB. Frog~
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 10:21:38
jameel u can buy from xiao chew
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 11:22:31
okay. but i prefer spinnig pens then mod :S
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 12:44:18
Spinning pens are utter shit. At your level Finger I would be spinning a metallic comssa not that heavy ass zhigao.
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 13:00:35
Mods are better believe me. -.-"
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 13:38:11
Spinning pens are crap. They are made by people who never ever spun a single penmod and that's why they're sooo bad. They're sold as if they were toys. Penmods are ten times better: you can customize it as much as you want, you can adjust the weigth/length/color/everything to your preferences...and obviously, the spinning is much better. Maybe at your level you see no diference, but you'll see it in a future. Just think about it: how many pro penspinners use spinning pens? None (:
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 17:02:55
buy from me! =D and seriously, mods are way better.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 02:02:36
Think of it like McDonalds and a food truck. McDonalds has cheaper food but very bad for your health. Food trucks have freshly made food which is somewhat better for your health.....hope you can relate o.o
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 02:27:01
Think of it like iPhone and Android Phones. iPhone have more apps but specs are shit. Android Phones have less apps but specs are somewhat better... for your enjoyment. Think of it like PS3 and Xbox360. PS3 have free network gameplay but shitty network. Xbox360 have to pay annually but are somewhat better network gaming. Think of it like Froggy and ChiizuPisa. Froggy is an animal. ChiizuPisa is tasty and somewhat a legend. ^^ (out b4 tech war starts) Frog~
CAHarmony wrote: Think of it like McDonalds and a food truck. McDonalds has cheaper food but very bad for your health. Food trucks have freshly made food which is somewhat better for your health.....hope you can relate o.o
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 05:40:49
You buy it, you know it.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 05:44:46
Really depends on who you get it from. Some mods are utter crap if not modded correctly
L-in wrote: You buy it, you know it.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 12:12:12
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 15:26:29
Zhi Gao are dump==for me...i spin dr comssa .____________.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 15:35:34
Mods are better and it your the one who will make it, makes you cool.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 19:27:57
the quality chart looks a bit like this spinz----------zhigao---pengears-------buster------------------------------every-other-mod----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------kt we still have a ways to go IMO
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 05:52:00
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 13:30:12
Wtf. If you've wasted money on mod parts why didn't you just buy a mod. And mods are not that hard to make if you're careful. I did a fucking Haitua on a Zhigao and left that kid stunned, so if you're good you can use anything to spin (Eriror once spun some fluffy pen thing). But I hate Zhigao because of it's undeserved hype and the idiots who buy them. And they're Chinese bullshit.
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 20:12:25
WAHHH............... is there even a comparison....... honestly....modding is a part of penspinning just as spirituality is a part of kung fu sadly thier splitting (as we have ppl who mod only, or spin only) yes its a matter of choice but i find i am enjoying myself to so much more when im modding teaching and spinning xD Pen Mods are better, for yourself, and this hobby! :)
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 20:24:11
@Krypton now i will learn how to make a mod
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 23:04:22
CAHarmony wrote: Think of it like McDonalds and a food truck. McDonalds has cheaper food but very bad for your health. Food trucks have freshly made food which is somewhat better for your health.....hope you can relate o.o
Out of all things to choose from, you go for a "food truck"? Some are worse than Mikky Dees by a long shot. Should have said a quality buffet, because then at least you can pick and choose your plate to you liking. -
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 00:31:02
FingerNotPen wrote: @Krypton now i will learn how to make a mod
Just make a Metal Comssa. Empty barrel, double cap, double tip, double grip. voila. Nothing can go wrong. -
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 02:17:32
Ummm there is a menu on the food truck that lets you choose a food of your own liking. Its not like they only serve 1 dish... Also I like their style. They make creative dishes rather than traditional dishes, but its just my opinion.
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 04:00:01
There is also a menu at McDonalds where you can add or alter what you get, they don't just sell burgers. I think your experiences with food trucks are much different than mine. Here in Aus usually it is either some sought of kebab, sandwiches or pies and sausage rolls. Mostly terrible food.
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 15:21:15
@Krypton Vic did a hai Tua with a bic round stic and I do it with ordinary pens too. You can do it on anything but it's harder. Choose the better choice, mods.
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 20:00:11
Be honest..Malaysia guys(except some spinners)only know what is Zhigao v5, v6, v7 everytime..EVERYTIME!!i spin a mods(maybe ayatori?Dr Comssa?Dr KT?Buster CYL?)THOSE DUMBSHIT ASSHOLE OFTEN ASK ME WHAT IS THIS VERSION?v5,v6,v7? I TELL THEM..:Noob spinners...This call Zhigao??U ARE SUCH A PRO!!*Clap Hand* " XP..Those are true story...100% True @Krypton u shud know right?
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 03:10:59
iNickk wrote: Be honest..Malaysia guys(except some spinners)only know what is Zhigao v5, v6, v7 everytime..EVERYTIME!!i spin a mods(maybe ayatori?Dr Comssa?Dr KT?Buster CYL?)THOSE DUMBSHIT ASSHOLE OFTEN ASK ME WHAT IS THIS VERSION?v5,v6,v7? I TELL THEM..:Noob spinners...This call Zhigao??U ARE SUCH A PRO!!*Clap Hand* " XP..Those are true story...100% True @Krypton u shud know right?
I didn't understand everything you said, sorry. -
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 03:52:21
i prefer moding by a long shot. plus it is easier to learn
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 03:55:08
mod are soo. no contest
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 18:15:29
FingerNotPen wrote: okay. but i prefer spinnig pens then mod :S
then why did u make this thread? -
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 18:17:17
spin a metal comssa or even a rsvp mx
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 05:27:27
spin a kt.
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 18:52:45
iNickk wrote: Be honest..Malaysia guys(except some spinners)only know what is Zhigao v5, v6, v7 everytime..EVERYTIME!!i spin a mods(maybe ayatori?Dr Comssa?Dr KT?Buster CYL?)THOSE DUMBSHIT ASSHOLE OFTEN ASK ME WHAT IS THIS VERSION?v5,v6,v7? I TELL THEM..:Noob spinners...This call Zhigao??U ARE SUCH A PRO!!*Clap Hand* " XP..Those are true story...100% True Krypton u shud know right?
It's funny cause this is coming from self proclaimed "Penwish Second Top Best Modder" -
Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 12:45:23
for me it's like cooking.. let's say if you let someone cook your food, you'll only taste how the cook wanted you to taste (their preferable taste).. but if you learn how to cook the food and cook it yourself, you could get it to taste the way you wanted to :) that's why i prefer modding but i just spin regular pens in school (such as plain Signo, RSVP or Sailor pens) :XD:
Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 14:12:27
i used to use zhigao too. but i changed to use namae mod. hope this helps ^^
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 00:35:53
Such a compelling topic. Its so stunning to me (and i am sure to them!) that the Zhigao is so hated by the ps community. You can tell they put a WHOLE lot of time and money into their designs. IMVHO their artwork is great, and their use of color most excellent. Also have to say their designs are very imaginative, and very diverse. On top of that they seem to be property weighted with a broad range from pretty light (12 g) to very heavy (22g). But somehow, someway they missed the mark - and by a mile it seems. Very powerful lesson here. Certainly should make any manufacturer take a long pause before they drop hundreds of thousands of dollars into making a spin pen. Sure glad we decided to make barrels and grips this go round!
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 01:08:29
mods r soo much better
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 01:51:06
2Morrow wrote: mods r soo much better
That's just your opinion. Others may not think so, but I agree :D -
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 10:35:44
i love my water cs lol may get a pirat body though :P
Date: Mon, Mar 12 2012 16:42:02
in malaysia i dont know where to go buy pen spinning parts. and my dad doesnt allow me to order pens :/
Date: Mon, Mar 12 2012 20:32:30
well i think you could look at what pens you already have or can get and look at the section What mods can i make? in the pen modifications section. that should help. And if you can buy spinning pens like penzgear or zhigao....why can't you buy regular pens -.-' lol
Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 00:23:23
mods have better or can be made to have better astetics
Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 03:43:33
i am thinking of buying buster from my fren
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 01:46:53
Many people don't like buster, but i love it, and many people are just afraid to openly love the buster cyl because so many ppl hate it lol, but in reality, mods like bonkura KT are actually heavier than buster.
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 02:34:13
@drgripable I don't like the buster cuz I am a beginner and it kills my fingers and my style
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 02:36:11
I find buster a great mod when you first spin it it is a bit heavy but once you get used to it its great
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 04:54:21
i am making BICTORY now shame on me i am 4 month spinner :(
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 05:50:03
drgripable wrote: Many people don't like buster, but i love it, and many people are just afraid to openly love the buster cyl because so many ppl hate it lol, but in reality, mods like bonkura KT are actually heavier than buster.
Not necessarily. It's because the tips are closer to each other on the pen as opposed to Buster CYL. A lot of the weight from the tips is focused onto the body making KT seem heavier/harder to spin. Because the tips are further apart on the buster cyl, the [B]momentum[/B] is emphasized making it seem lighter and easier to spin. I know this because I was a buster noob and now I tried some Dr. KT's. ^_^ -
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 06:55:59
To be honest Zhigao Pens aren't that bad. It's great for casual spinners who don't intend to spend large sums of cash on pens.
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 08:36:40
Reynolds pens and the double capped Stabilo point 88 pens are really good to spin for casual time.
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 11:09:57
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 11:13:41
i found out some issues the original zhigao is rm 10.00 i have the original rm 10.00 zhigao and the fake zhigao which rm 3.90.. i am i bought 3 x rm3.90 zhigao.. i spoiled 1 i gave my little bro one i gave friend girl one.. i know its wrong let it be -.-"
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 11:15:51
the new zhigao 8.0 looks really awesome..
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 12:36:46
FingerNotPen wrote: [video=youtube;zLIOkLrnAts][/video]
as u can see, they use the lighter version of the zhigao -
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 13:11:08
its version 0.5.. 0.5 is damm light i have tried it.. i use 0.7 damn heavy
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 15:05:14
Zhigao V3 or V2 is much more better !! .. and FingerNotPen . why don't you just try something special??? i Bet you will use back Zhi gao after you modded a bictory .. because you from a super heavy mod to a super light mod .... you will feel uncomfortable .. i suggest you to modify a BSPC the weight is much more better from Zhigao to light or normal mod
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 00:41:16
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 04:16:46
I bought v5, 6, 7, and 8. I like the one with the ball pretty well. Spins pretty good. V8, IMVHO, is a total disaster. Way clunky, and kinda from mars. I kinda liked the spin on the version with fat ends, but it broke today when I tried to catch it.
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 06:50:18
@modrod how much u buy ur spinning pen 8.0?
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 06:56:07
the spinning pen 7.0 is the best among all of zhigao.. the spinning pen 8.0 is the worst.. the spinning pen 6.0 is not bad and 5.0 is good to but to short :P here is what i did to my original spinning pen 7.0..
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 16:52:26
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 19:15:18
drgripable wrote: Many people don't like buster, but i love it, and many people are just afraid to openly love the buster cyl because so many ppl hate it lol, but in reality, mods like bonkura KT are actually heavier than buster.
I love my Busters. I have 4. -
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 10:58:16
4! LOL thats about rm 200 here :p
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 23:05:00
it is way better to make mods yourself and besides, there is nothing like making your own mod
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:51:47
mods hands down.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 08:55:47
all the spinning pen are worse except penzgear and modrod.. i prefer the mod since u can customize urself ^^
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 10:11:57
SuiXidaL wrote: Spinning pens (Penz gear, Modrod, Zhiagao) will never match mods that we make
Mod rod is pretty good and so are the other brands if you know which one to buy. You can do amazing things with modrod. -
Date: Tue, May 8 2012 02:53:10
I think the reason penzgear and zhiagao have not done well is because they don't use metal weights in the shape of pen tips like we do for all our mods. Also, all these brands offer one size of barrel, and usually one weight, so its not very customizable to every spinner's liking. Modrod is a little bit different with their new line of modding MATERIALS. not directly selling mods, which still makes spinners mod, while at the same time, avoiding the mass production of spinning pens.
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 04:42:11
it is better to make your own mods, besides you get to build it yourself :) ... if you dont order them pre made from penwish.
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 06:06:30
Mods are awesome because there's fun involved when you mod, some achievement for me. An u can customise it to suit yourself
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 11:24:36
VikroaL wrote: Spinning pens are crap. They are made by people who never ever spun a single penmod and that's why they're sooo bad. They're sold as if they were toys. Penmods are ten times better: you can customize it as much as you want, you can adjust the weigth/length/color/everything to your preferences...and obviously, the spinning is much better. Maybe at your level you see no diference, but you'll see it in a future. Just think about it: how many pro penspinners use spinning pens? None (:
you should realise that spinning pens aren't total crap. I know many people who finds out about penspinning thru these "toys". And what's more important is their price, which is WAY cheaper many heavier mods like the Buster CYL. Also, there are many pen mod parts that are unavailable or highly rare in some areas. I know because i've been hunting for pens before. Even the BIC pens are rare in where I live. Besides, what's the difference between a spinning pen and a random heavymod from penwish in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to costomize their mod? -
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 11:33:45
Yes true. :) And that is why I always try to mod mods myself and customise and add on. I guess the good thing about mods is that you know how it is made and thus allowing for maximum customizability. I have 1 zhigao pen which is the v7 and it's ok. But the rest are really bad :)
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 14:25:07
888SpinR wrote: you should realise that spinning pens aren't total crap. I know many people who finds out about penspinning thru these "toys". And what's more important is their price, which is WAY cheaper many heavier mods like the Buster CYL. Also, there are many pen mod parts that are unavailable or highly rare in some areas. I know because i've been hunting for pens before. Even the BIC pens are rare in where I live. Besides, what's the difference between a spinning pen and a random heavymod from penwish in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to costomize their mod?
If you are asking what's the difference between a spinning pen and a penmod, you clearly need a bit of experience. Yes, some materials are hard to find, but in case you didn't know, there's a whole board for Malaysian penspinners and I'm pretty sure that there are penmods you could make only using materials found in Malaysia. There is a whole modding world besides Buster CYL, Dr KT and any other popular mod. Even I, living in Spain, know mods that can be done with materials found in Malaysia (True Geller? Icy Fox DC?), it's not like you don't have any pen there. Also, trading between SEA countries is actually quite cheap, so even if you live on top of a mountain among the goats, you can still get materials for a good price. Besides that: the price of the spinning pens. A Buster Cyl may be expensive, but there are mods which are way cheaper, and believe me, I would rather spend a few more bucks on a decent mod than spinning a ZhiGao pen, for example. If money is the issue...then go to a forest and take a woodstick, I'm sure it will be as bad as a spinning pen, and way cheaper. Just take a look around and watch, at least, 50 collabs. Try and find anyone using a spinning pen (in a not-funny way), you just won't find it. Once you have a certain grade of experience, your hands will automatically reject every spinning pen, they're simply crap. -
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 05:52:53
told you, spinning pens are sh!t, i spun them since the starting of my career and i can't improve on them, now i spin mods and i can start learning pro power tricks !!!!
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 08:29:08
Worst thing I HATE abt spinning pens: Unstable after a while ESPECIALLY those ball bearings!! Yes mods are cool. @TerryAngX what mod do you use?
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 12:52:20
@Apocalyptic Shadows a noob little true geller mod :P
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 13:06:00
modrod loves MODS. Of course. :)
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 10:50:35
I think you misunderstood my question. I wasn't asking the difference between mod and SP, as it is very obvious. I'm asking what's the difference between an SP and a super heavy mod in the hands of a beginner who shouldn't use heavy mods. And the question was about the fact that mods can be customised (read the quote in my earlier post). Also, I wasn't mentioning that SP is good, but just saying they aren't crap either. It's like saying a random 2006 laptop model isn't as good as the latest laptop model, but is not complete crap. Now here's a question-If you're trying out something new, would you invest more money on expensive equipment or would you choose cheaper ones to see how you like it? That's when the cheap SP comes in. If you decide you like PSing, you can always buy expensive mods late; if you dislike it, toss the pen aside and you waste less money. About the materials found in Malaysia. They can be found, I know. [B]BUT[/B], the parts are not common enough. If I find out there's a certain pen in East Malaysia, how am I gonna fly there to buy it? Does it make sense? Of course not! So, you have to resort to making your own with the parts available. But how many PSers can do that? Beginners, for one, can't. Not only beginners, not intermediate~advanced PSers are able to make a mod that best suit their skill, and thus compromising with a mod below their level. A heavier SP, while not the best, can be the alternative. Shouldn't PSing be judged by their spinning ability, and not by the pen they spin? Being able to spin an SP just means the spinner can adapt to a noober pen. PS: an SP has a cylinderical shaped body while a woodstick taken from a forest won't.
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 11:15:45
Lol first the difference between SP and similar weighted mod. Yes there's little difference. Ok next, if I'm trying out something new, maybe I would buy something cheap, but that cheap spinning pens which are almost always quite heavy might make you quit because of some experience with a heavy mod which beginners can't control. So I might buy or mod a mod. Anyway, if you don't like the mod, can't you just trade/sell it? So if the parts aren't common enough after loads of research, give up and make simple mods. Trust me, this is how you do it: Get marker body and caps Double cap marker Put grips and maybe tips on them. DONE! True, spinners should be judged by ability, but the pen spun influences te spinning ability. Now, who wants to cut themselves short when they just started PS: You spelled CYLINDRICAL wrongly. Please check your English before posting please. Wood sticks can work, just keep searching until you get one. :P
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 11:53:26
888SpinR;210070]PS: an SP has a cylinderical shaped body while a woodstick taken from a forest won't.[/QUOTE] [video=youtube;7IY2svf4VC4][/video] A13x begs to differ [QUOTE=888SpinR;210070]So, you have to resort to making your own with the parts available. But how many PSers can do that? Beginners, for one, can't.[/QUOTE] hmm, many beginners make self-mods, it just takes a bit of improvisation Oo" find a random long marker/texta, remove ink, double-cap --> generic mod created =\ i remember doing this when i was a beginner (maybe 2-3 months) :D [QUOTE=888SpinR wrote: Shouldn't PSing be judged by their spinning ability, and not by the pen they spin? Being able to spin an SP just means the spinner can adapt to a noober pen.
yes, wt/wc is judged regardless of mod, but this issue is debatable (mod is a habit, but there are some mods which require a higher number of hours to master certain stuff on regardless); also, if you're a beginner, isn't it better to select a mod which you can learn things on the easiest, rather than some spinning pen which the vast majority of established 'pro' spinners say does not spin nicely? that being said, if spinning pens help promote the spread of pen spinning, then it doesn't really matter ^^ side note: you can also make a pretty decent 'baton' for spinning purely out of 2 pieces of A4 paper, a large amount of tape and contact which is usually put on books, and maybe 2 metal screws/similar ^^ i made one and it's better for power than all my other mods except one :rofl: -
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 13:30:23
Make a comppa. sonice
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 17:47:27
When I started penspinning, I spent $20 on a Spinz Axis. My KT (which I made a year later) spun better than that SP at the same price. An RSVP MX and an RSVP CX, which cost the same as a Spinz Ronin, spin better, hands down. I bought a Zero first, but I don't wanna even get started about that pen >.>; You know- you can just trade pens with people. It's not hard for you just to trade if you're trying to buy Modrod's SP. Seriously. :rofl:
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 17:52:25
Yeah trading is basically sending letters with pens inside. Don't tell me you cant mail things.
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 10:40:10
Lol first the difference between SP and similar weighted mod. Yes there's little difference. Ok next, if I'm trying out something new, maybe I would buy something cheap, but that cheap spinning pens which are almost always quite heavy might make you quit because of some experience with a heavy mod which beginners can't control. So I might buy or mod a mod. Anyway, if you don't like the mod, can't you just trade/sell it? So if the parts aren't common enough after loads of research, give up and make simple mods. Trust me, this is how you do it: Get marker body and caps Double cap marker Put grips and maybe tips on them. DONE! True, spinners should be judged by ability, but the pen spun influences te spinning ability. Now, who wants to cut themselves short when they just started PS: You spelled CYLINDRICAL wrongly. Please check your English before posting please. Wood sticks can work, just keep searching until you get one.
I'll be sure to double check my English. Some SP are lighter and the heavy ones can be customised like by removing some metal rings etc. I know a zhigao v5 comes with 2 lighter alternate caps and Spinz have a beginner-suitable SP (Never seen the product but I've seen some ads). Bumps are only allowed after 72 hours:side note: you can also make a pretty decent 'baton' for spinning purely out of 2 pieces of A4 paper, a large amount of tape and contact which is usually put on books, and maybe 2 metal screws/similar ^^ i made one and it's better for power than all my other mods except one
But then it wouldn't be "pen" spinning :P -
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 10:50:16
888SpinR wrote: But then it wouldn't be "pen" spinning :P
most of the "mod" spinning we do isn't real "pen" spinning either and no one has noticed that my paper rod isn't a pen mod until i told them :rofl: also, if i used 2 metal pen clickers instead of screws, is it a pen mod? since it has pen parts anyway, just that i subbed the usual body and caps with a large amount of paper :D -
Date: Mon, Jul 2 2012 16:49:58
Wow, that was some awesome spinning. Makes it look so easy. BTW - love this thread. Great debates here.
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 09:31:44
i.suk wrote: most of the "mod" spinning we do isn't real "pen" spinning either and no one has noticed that my paper rod isn't a pen mod until i told them :rofl: also, if i used 2 metal pen clickers instead of screws, is it a pen mod? since it has pen parts anyway, just that i subbed the usual body and caps with a large amount of paper :D
Well, mods use "pens" as the materials, pen+pen=2pens, 1/2pen+1/2pen=pen... so, penmod=pen(sort of) -
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 06:41:05
mod pro: Can customize to ur own likes con: expensive, hard to make, wasting pens sp pro : already made, cheap con: just sucks
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 19:11:08
i already have an ivan mod now chill :D