Single Member & Tag Videos / My first spinning video

  1. bladejunkie
    Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 20:46:01

    I have about 4 days of practice now and this is just a little combo I put together. [video=youtube;FTsSNfv_E1s][/video]

  2. Danny116
    Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 00:03:07

    you've been (pen) spinning for 4 days only? WOW LOL thats awesome, so how much for balisong spinning transfer into pen spinning?

  3. bladejunkie
    Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 00:08:16

    all the twirling based moves, the thumb-over, and shadows are kind of like a backhand palmspin I was thinking about adding some other stuff from balisong flipping that you guys might not have seen before, but It was too hard to fit it into a routine. At the end I wanted to throw it up in the air and catch it in my pocket, or throw it up in the air (spinning towards me) and hit the end of it in midair to reverse the spin and catch it with the hand I threw from. Not sure if any of that made sense, but they both look pretty cool

  4. funnky
    Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 00:58:39

    so many charges O_O

  5. Quake
    Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 01:16:07

    Someones a fast learner :thumb: the editing is VERY nice. Keep it up.