Pen Modifications / Pen mod weights and how good you are at pen spinning:
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 16:57:24
The discussion is, should pen spinners wait before they use heavier mods (for a time period or until they have learnt certain tricks? Or does it not matter? Or if it does matter, how much does it matter? Does using a heavier pen early on affect your style and if so, does it do so positively or negatively? There is some discussion of this already in this thread. Take a read if you want to see what has been said so far. (maybe a nice moderator might move the posts over to this thread?) My view: It doesn't matter what the weight of your first/early mods are or what you later mods are. Use the pen which is right for you. Try out a few, choose the best one for yourself. Over time, your favourite pen/pens may change, but always you should use what feels right for you. @Alvaris
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 17:12:23
the reason why i didn't reply was because: it's been discussed too many times already, and theres no point anymore
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 17:12:31
In my opinion it doesnt matter if the person starts off heavy, but as long as the spinner understands that it is better for them to go back to a lighter mod just for the experience that it brings. After that point any weight is personal preference I started spinning with a Jell Airfit Buster, then a waterfall, then someting buster heavy, dropped that for a comssa mod and my spinning got WAAy better, then i slowely upped the weight to something im comfortable with and now im pretty consistent with any weight of mods, mx weight to something of a buster xD
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 17:17:09
ok lets just say.... i wanna spin like kin. I start off with buster, learning tricks down at a rapid rate. then? i cant transfer them on an MX. its highly unlikely that anyone can spin like kin, with a buster too. so? u cant achieve the style you want (in this case, kin's), with heavy mod. ---- now, lets say i wanna spin like peem, and start off with MX. i dont learn tricks at rapid rate, because it takes time and effort to actually learn on an MX but afterwards, i can transfer the skills i learnt with MX, onto buster. and i can bust insanely because I'm used to MX (lighter, unbalanced, SC mod) hence, i get peem's style. ---- the point of starting with lighter weight mod, is so that u can always transfer the skills learnt to a heavier mod. yes i can triple bust with a buster, but can I with a MX? if i started off learning triple busting with MX, pretty sure i can transfer it to a buster EASILY. Frog~
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 17:51:57
Personally, I think that you choose the mod. But sometimes you just have to keep spinning different ones to find the one that fits you. When i first started, I kept going for heavier and heavier because I progressed [at least to me] faster. Then I started getting lighter because I felt like it was more fun to spin, and that's how i developed my style. Or is still developing. =] So basically, I would recommend lighter mods, but that doesn't mean you have to take my advice. It may be easier to learn tricks on a heavier mod, but with a lighter one, it takes more motivation, more practice, but the end results will be better imo. Obviously, it's also about how the spinner is motivated to spin. You can be great either way. Just choose the pen mod you wanna spin. Sometimes, you'll find that the mod chooses you too and you'll spin awesomely. =]
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 18:30:33
Actually going from light to heavy mods was pretty hard for me, because I couldn't really handle pens with that amount of momentum and really spend a lot of time getting used to them. Then when I got used to them and went back to light mods I couldn't handle them, because I got used to the very high momentum of heavy mods. Then it took some time again to go back to light mods. Afterwards spinning heavy and light mods at the same time really helped me get a feeling for the pen and I started trying out more stuff. I still prefer light mods over heavy mods though, because spinning with a light mod gives me the feeling of really being able to spin like I want to. If I need a heavy pen to spin like I want to I won't be statisfied. So I think as long as you experience both sides it actually doesn't matter all that much. Though starting out with some 14~16 g mod could help, because then you can go in both directions.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 18:31:41
Thanks for making the thread. You will improve better by using a lighter mod because of the dexterity that it helps bring and then by using a heavier mod you will perform it better. It is like giving you a base of which you can then improve even more. Plus, lighter mods have the advantage of being actually light, while they are more difficult to use you can (correct me if I'm wrong) put more acceleration and speed into the tricks while in a heavier mod it takes just a little longer to build momentum, which helps with other tricks. I can quad bust with a badminton racket (Yeah, tried that once, hurt my fingers a lot), it is so slow and heavy that it makes it easy, but I know it doesn't help my skills or style at all and doesn't help my fingers improve, it simply gives the huge amount of momentum to be able to perform the trick easily. We do have the buster newbies that can perform pretty good tricks but they quickly find that there's not much they can move up to to make their performing of the tricks easier and it is much harder for them to go back down to a lighter mod.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 18:43:28
lol listen to modders = never be a good spinner. look at thebloodgod. he spins heavy mods at the start. now he's a boss. it's up to you to be a good spinner. not the mods. people say it's hard to go from buster to mx. i'm like ....bullshit. I have a kt, gee3x, tipless waterfall, bictory. i went back and fore with those mods. never have a problem. All i'm saying is ...spin more mods and find out what mod fits you. YES spinning heavy mods is tiring but "no pain no gain" PS right now just get a waterfall if you're not sure.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 00:53:08
ohkay heres the thing. When i started spinning, my first mod was a Pink KT. i learned tricks rapidly but i couldnt do them on an mx or lighter mod very well. At 6 months i started spinning a Buster CYL. i was a "buster noob." I loved the weight and improved quickly. however i couldnt spin mx's or variations of mx's well AT ALL. When my one year passed, i experimented by removing the airfits on my cyl and have kept them off since. The weight is perfect and it spins like a dream. In General, the invisible rule is to start with a metallic commsa or MX and not start spinning heavier mods til about a year of PSing, if ever. As to whether it develops style, i agree alot with Froggy. Depending on what you spin can affect your style.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 01:08:20
just spin whatever
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 05:10:05
spinning a heavy mod from the start only works if u're already devoted to a style before anything happens tbg devoted his style to spin similar to vgg, therefore heavy mods would suit him however, most people would not be able to stick with a style, mainly because they dont learn a lot until they're really into PS its like, i wouldnt know who is... makoto, until i actually got into PS (and for those that dunno, makoto is a MX spinner from JEB) ---- there isnt a rule to not to spin heavy mods from the start, but it makes transferring skills much easier, allowing newbie to have this time to actually decide on a style to devote on. Frog~
GeeGeeGee wrote: lol listen to modders = never be a good spinner. look at thebloodgod. he spins heavy mods at the start. now he's a boss. it's up to you to be a good spinner. not the mods. people say it's hard to go from buster to mx. i'm like ....bullshit. I have a kt, gee3x, tipless waterfall, bictory. i went back and fore with those mods. never have a problem. All i'm saying is ...spin more mods and find out what mod fits you. YES spinning heavy mods is tiring but "no pain no gain" PS right now just get a waterfall if you're not sure.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 05:31:48
Here is how it works. Spinning heavy mods is OK if you know you are only gonna use heavy mods and base your style off of heavy mods in the future. It is difficult to turn back after that, however. With light mods, however, you can go either way.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 08:19:56
From my point of view, spinning a heavy mod or a light mod doesn't really matter your spinning ... I also started with a Personal Mod (lighter than BC a bit) then to a BC (3 months) and finally Dr.KT (I don't think it's light anyway >.>). However I've got a decent style (needs improving a lot, but not too bad imo), decent execution and decent smoothness while I'm not good at PWT-ing at all (though many BC users often concentrate on PWT) ... What matters is your awareness of your style and how you want your spinning to be, not your mod ... So, [B]spin what you want[/B] :boing:
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 08:37:10
hooray, another useless thread about a topic already discussed by Mats.... :facepalm:
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 10:54:36
for me everyone has the right to choose whether what mod he/she wants to use if that suits him well. style can be developed by practice and in due time spinners will notice changes will also motivate him/her to use other mods.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 15:33:33
Much is being said already but I'll just fill in any gaps that might appear in the discussion: My view is similar to Alvaris's, but from my spinning experience, I think a beginner should use a heavier mod when he can't get a trick. When he understands the trick, he should practise it on a lighter mod. That would train his muscle memory and his fingers to have better control and sufficient amount of strengh to get the pen moving, instead of relying on a heavy mod's weight. That will not only injure the spinner's fingers but also encourages bad habits and styles. Simply said, use heavy mod when don't get a trick because the trick may be easier to perform with the heavy mod, and when the trick is understood, use a light mod to practise and get consistant. Once a spinner is advanced enough, he may choose the style he wish to develop and subsequently use the mod best suited with his style.
Date: Fri, Jan 27 2012 19:59:12
at first...we should spin a mod ..urm..depends on your power usage...if those people who uses big power to spin his pen...he should use heavier mod..(in my opinion)
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 00:54:07
So if you want to use a light then heavy mod what time do you got o heavy
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 07:21:04
well...for me it was Ballsign>Kt>>Buster>Mx.
Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 11:41:46
I agree with funnky. Just spin whatever the fuck you want. FUCK, bro. I went from buster>mx>buster>mx>buster>mx>buster>buster>buster>buster>buster. For fuck's sake, I should've just stayed with the buster. :trollface: P.S. I also agree with the others about this being discussed too many times already. haha
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 00:00:11
Mod for casual spinning: Namae comssa 10 g Mod for competitive spinning: Waterfall mod 14 g Spun for: 4 months Tricks known: TA, TA rev, Sonic, Sonic rev, Charge, Charge rev, Fingerpass, Fingerpass rev, inverse sonic, infinity, twisted sonic, double infinity, fl Ta, double charge, Middle Around, Index Around, Triangle pass, Sonic rise, Ta harmonic um...why the heck did I type that up... So I think that you can learn tricks with heavy mod (waterfall for me) as long as you make sure you can do them on a light mod.
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 07:07:41
i'm new to PS so any recommended mods for a newbie ?