Pen Modifications / Zebra Airfit and Buster CYL

  1. GwenPendragon
    Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 23:23:15

    Hello there, I am new to pen spinning. Sorry if this question has been asked before, I searched through old posts to the best of my ability and couldn't locate it. I really want to make a Buster CYL, but the Zebra Airfit Pen is not available in the US. Other Zebra brand pens are, so I was wondering: is it possible to use a tip from a different Zebra pen instead? Will it work the same (as far as size, weight, etc.)? Thank you in advance!

  2. PenwisH
    Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 23:41:49

    please use the where to find pens forum also ask in the quick modifications thread or there are many place to get it online that are based in usa such as penwish and jetpens. or if you live near a kino or japan store like mitsuwa they have it as well. American dr.grip tips will work but not really similar either. grip is from airfit as well. airfit tip is much heavier than almost any pens that are readily available in usa