The Vault / Someone's Going To Accuse Me Of Scamming

  1. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 14:08:16

    Hay mods, recently I helped this guy called xplosion to buy 2 packets of old Namaes. When they came he seemed quite pleased and thanked me and upped my feedback. But then he just PM'ed me to yell and swear at me at how 'the packet's been open', 'the sticker is obviously fake'. Obviously I was confused at this sudden outburst, and asked him politely what he meant. He seem to think that I went through all the trouble to convince him that I'm buying his pens and then sneakily putting old or spolit pens in the wrapper. He wanted me to send him another packet but I refused. He threatened that I will not see the end of this, and he will bring this matter up. I would give him back the money or the pens, but I didn't do anything wrong, and I'm poor D:I did open the packets, and I did it in the shop itself to check for defects, and then I just went ahead and paid and sent it to him. So, advices please?

  2. Mats
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 14:23:45

    You have 5x positive feedback and I have never seen you being a dick around the forum. xplosion, I have never heard of. I am far more inclined to believe you.

  3. Froggy
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 14:48:15

    1) [B]Trade Value/Scammer Discussion: [/B] 2) I call bullshit. If he ain't complaining when he received them, there are no reasons to complain now. Therefore, let him have it. Tell him to call the cops or even get lawyers to sue you. Frog~ random question: Whats with all these kids trading these days... think they can just scam and get everything.

  4. Abyss
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 14:50:11

    tell him to take photos of evidence that its fake. If he does not have evidence, even if he gives you feedback a mod can take the negative feedback away. Don't worry if you have not done anything wrong :)

  5. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:08:41

    Thanks guise :) But it's not support I seek, but how to resolve this in a peaceful manner. Maybe he's genuinely mad for receiving bad goods and failed to see reason, but I made sure it was in good condition when I mailed it. @Froggy, he's not a kid. According to him, he's 24 because he called me a 'fucking 15 year old wanking scammer' and claimed that he has more credibility than me. I don't hate him for that, just made me lol'd. Let me know if you want the full convo, I am proud of myself on how I answered :D

  6. Mats
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:14:57

    Perhaps you should post up the whole convo. Perhaps you could also invite him here to give his side of the story?

  7. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:23:39

    [B]xplosion[/B]: oh i forgot, the next time, don't open the namae packets in your home, to put the worst printed ones ok? Send me one packet new and UNOPENED, if not i will give u negative feedback and full ur trade thread with many many scam notes. I'm not young like you, so don't scam. reply as soon as possible [B]Krypton[/B]: Huh? I didn't open the packets. I bought them and sent them to you right away. I seriously don't know what you mean, and I have absolutely no intention of scamming anyone. [B]xplosion[/B]: the sticker from packets was CLEARLY FAIR, signal of pre-opened. You can scam a fucking boy of 15 years old , not a 24 years old. you have one week, you choose. [B]Krypton[/B]: Firstly, I am 17. Secondly, I just opened to check for defects and I put it back immediately, in the shop before I paid. There shouldn't be even a scratch. I seriously don't know what is going on. If you're trying to troll or scam me into sending you a replacement, I'm sorry, but it's not working. I thought you were such a nice guy. One more time: I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON, I BOUGHT THE PENS FROM DAISO ITSELF AND SENT THEM STRAIGHT TO YOU WITHOUT SWAPPING ANYTHING. Go ahead and spam my thread or mess with my feedback or whatever, I'm sure the mods will side me. And who are they going to believe, a PS-Addict with 400+ posts and +5 feedback or a New Member with 2 posts and 1 feedback? I'm not trying to intimidate you or whatever, but I swear, I didn't do anything funny. [B]xplosion[/B]: first of all, I dont care about your fucking age second, i have a work and I don't care about 8$ thats sad. third, i dont care about your Ps-addict state... LOL what you think u are?? wtf, you will have a negative feedback on your superaccound with 400 post and 5 poor feedbacks. Cos you done things wrong, i repeat, u can scam a poor 15 years old not a 24. Really you think that u can scam me? really?? LOL fourth, i have more years than you and I have more credibility idiot, ur such a boy. I cant talk with mods too, don't worry dude. and fifth, I paid for 2 namae packets in NEW condition without open, and with the namae print that is OK. So I want a packet without OPEN and with the print correcltly. ur advised. u have one week, I not here to play..not like you. pd. Not all users are stupid, keep that in mind. [B]Krypton[/B]: Oh my God. I told you, I gave you what you paid for. Whatever, I can't be stuffed arguing. Do whatever you like. You sent me a PM a week ago thanking me for the pens and now, a week later you find flaws. Good day. [B]xplosion[/B]: pff yea cos I'm new and I didn't know how disgusting and how rat you could be. You are a rat my friend, and I realized today. Oh Yeah, be sure if you don't send or talk about a solution, things will not end here. I PROMISE, through negative feedback, posting on your thread or talking directly with mods, don't worry. Good day?? u idiot [B]Krypton[/B]: Yeah, go right ahead, I didn't do anything wrong. Rest assured I won't reply to anything nasty. And yes, good day. [B]xplosion[/B]: dont worry rat, u will have what u deserve little poor wanker, fucking scamer boy. Good day of course!! remember me I don't think he'll be able to see, I posted this in The Vault because of this and because this is where all the mods are :p @xplosion

  8. Mats
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:26:13

    Why not let him see? :dunno: And let him respond? Until he responds, his case is non-existent.

  9. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:30:06

    Well, he is going to report to Shoe or something. Can someone move this thread please?

  10. Froggy
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:35:29

    If you didnt do anything wrong, I dont see why you need to hide from him. Shoe aint the only mod out there you know (and obviously not the one with most power). Frog~ p.s. for him to find flaws on the package after 1 week.. he must be staring at them 24/7 nonstop for that week...

  11. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 15:45:41

    I just thought I'd discuss it among more experience members of the forum first. I thought Shoeman was the mod for trading/buying :mellow: Actually, I just realised that it's been two weeks since he received the pens lol.

  12. chris
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 16:06:23

    "Oh wow, thanks Krypton for the pens!" *spins it for 2 weeks* OH FUCKING SHIT THE PRINT'S ALL GONE. TIME TO COMPLAIN TO KRYPTON *bitches like a faggot* seriously, for a 24-year old like him, he's such a dick. Just reading that convo makes me wanna puke. Also, seriously, if you're 24-years old, can't you just fucking let it go? THEY'RE PENS, NOT JEWELRY. Also, next time you try to trade with someone, make a friend film from your walk to your house to buying the pens to sending it in the post office, for fucking evidence. jeez, seriously. Xplosion, please. :facepalm:

  13. mapjay
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 16:14:32

    sure doesnt talk like a 24 year old...24 year old body, 10 year old mind? krypton (Y)

  14. drgripable
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 22:08:02

    Krypton, since you clearly did nothing wrong, don't worry about it at all. If xplosion is legitamately intent upon trying to get you negative feedback or whatever for this, he's gonna have a real hard time. ^.^ In MY opinion, i think what he was after since the beginning was another pack of namaes. He had the namaes for what is is...2 weeks now? And now he "notices" damage on the bodies or whatever? Does he have pictures? NO. Suspicious tho....2 weeks....i may be stretching it, but i think he spent those 2 weeks thinkin of a way to *COUGH* get more namaes from you.

  15. iColor
    Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 23:29:05

    Don't worry about it. If you didn't do anything wrong, the moderators will see that.

  16. Krypton
    Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 02:11:05

    <3 UPSB :D

  17. Anemia
    Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 04:08:49

    Yeah, worst grammar for a "24 year old" If he doesn't care about the money then what's the deal? You're obviously more intelligent, so it's funny to read his responses. Plus, good job on keeping your cool. Pretty easy to see who is telling the truth here, and as for it being "sad" it's sad that he took it to this level :facepalm:

  18. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:19:20

    I just want to know, what kind of 24 year old starts pen spinning? I can see spinning while you are 24, but not starting.

  19. Mats
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:22:51

    MickChickenn wrote: I just want to know, what kind of 24 year old starts pen spinning? I can see spinning while you are 24, but not starting.
    David Weis was over 24 when he started. I think it is totally reasonable to start at that age. I am 23 (that is just one year younger) and have just started Kendama, which is a kind of similar skill - Not well known, kinda nerdy etc.

  20. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:26:21

    Mats wrote: David Weis was over 24 when he started. I think it is totally reasonable to start at that age. I am 23 (that is just one year younger) and have just started Kendama, which is a kind of similar skill - Not well known, kinda nerdy etc.
    Hmmm. Just seems kind......strange.

  21. Mats
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:27:46

    MickChickenn wrote: Hmmm. Just seems kind......strange.
    People take up skills at any age. I went to a kendama competition at the weekend and there were people of all ages, from early teens to nearly fifty that had recently taken up the skill. :dunno:

  22. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:29:08

    Mats wrote: People take up skills at any age. I went to a kendama competition at the weekend and there were people of all ages, from early teens to nearly fifty that had recently taken up the skill. :dunno:
    Aside from the current topic, what is this kendama of which you speak?

  23. Mats
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:32:38

    MickChickenn wrote: Aside from the current topic, what is this kendama of which you speak?

  24. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:34:50

    Mats wrote:

  25. Mats
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:36:24

    MickChickenn wrote: Interesting.
    I would highly recommend purchasing one if you find you sometimes have indoors time that is free. The tricks are pretty neat and numerous.

  26. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:40:24

    Mats wrote: I would highly recommend purchasing one if you find you sometimes have indoors time that is free. The tricks are pretty neat and numerous.
    Sadly, I do not have much free time. I will try if I can. It looks pretty difficult.

  27. Mats
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:41:44

    MickChickenn wrote: Sadly, I do not have much free time. I will try if I can. It looks pretty difficult.
    That video is someone who is really good. There are lots of easier tricks. He is like the Canadian i.suk (the guy in that video).

  28. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 05:44:15

    Mats wrote: That video is someone who is really good. There are lots of easier tricks. He is like the Canadian i.suk (the guy in that video).
    haha. Ok. I see his skill level.

  29. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 12:47:16

    There are tricksters who start during their 20s, and this is obviously more difficult the older you get. And this guy called Sesshoumaru (Youtube him, amazing) is about 29 and is one of the top tricksters in the world. Age here is clearly not a very impenetrable barrier, and many tricksters claim that only fat people cannot Backflip, illustrating the possibility of almost anyone of any level of physical fitness to be able to learn to trick.

  30. YUi
    Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 15:07:04

    Sorry to bump up an old thread, but what happened in the end? :o

  31. Krypton
    Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 13:54:44

    YUi wrote: Sorry to bump up an old thread, but what happened in the end? :o
    He raged his way to the scammer/value discussion thread, PW calmed him down, Sui and Froggy helped reason the incident, and in the end he said that he might have made a mistake. :)

  32. YUi
    Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 14:27:43

    Oo that pussy definitely made a serious mistake, and for his age, a laughable mistake -.- Thank God you won.

  33. Krypton
    Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 00:43:15

    YUi wrote: Oo that pussy definitely made a serious mistake, and for his age, a laughable mistake -.- Thank God you won.
    I have nothing against him, I actually feel sorry for him, because when we first traded he seemed such a nice guy. It was crazy the way he spoke to me after receiving his pens 2 weeks later.

  34. Froggy
    Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 22:10:14

    i guess he lost too much blood during "his time of the month"... Frog~