Off-topic / how to have a "girlfriend" teach pls ><
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 19:50:12
how to have a girlfriend teach pls ><...i 17 yearsold O.o...teach if can @@..tq yall guys:sofa: (note: IS IT A F3000??PRESENT ME!!>> :sfsr: )
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:03:21
This is why I barely come to Off-topic. lol
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:03:28
suicide bomb a government building, you'll get as many virgins as you want.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:06:43
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:10:09
pretend youre a homosexual. youll get as many "girlfriends" as you want. heck, theyll even let you touch them.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:10:31
Just be friendly. Helps a lot. :)
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:13:45
@ChainBreak nice idea O.o
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:18:28
SJ wrote: pretend youre a homosexual. youll get as many "girlfriends" as you want. heck, theyll even let you touch them.
Man I miss middle school and "experimenting". -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:18:28
Haha I know. Sometimes you can't see the most simple things, because you're to focused on all the complicated stuff. :P But being friendly won't be enough you know? If you come to like a girl you need to spend time with her and eventually tell her how you feel. Without the balls to do that you won't get anywere. ;)
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:58:29
This is why I only go to Off-Topic.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:08:18
SJ wrote: pretend youre a homosexual. youll get as many "girlfriends" as you want. heck, theyll even let you touch them.
This is actually very effective. :trollface: -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:37:37
if you're 17, on a pen spinning site, desperate for a girlfriend, and asking a board of trolls for help... You're doomed. /foreveralone.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:48:21
Get injured so badly that you'll get hospitalized. That's how i got my second girlfriend 2 years ago lol And that's a 3000*f not a F3000
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:52:08
Tell her, that you are madly in love with her. Works every time.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 22:23:07
Nashi wrote: Tell her, that you are madly in love with her. Works every time.
meh this thread is lolz -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 22:35:05
you should probably take into account everything you're doing wrong: asking for girl advice on a pen spinning board. lulz
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 22:36:10
Nashi wrote: Tell her, that you are madly in love with her. Works every time.
I am madly in love with you. -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 22:42:07
Nashi wrote: Tell her, that you are madly in love with her. Works every time.
Didn't work for me -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 22:43:31
Too late for that Pudels Kern. ^_^ He was faster: [23:15:40] Eriror: I'm madly in love with you (well to be true almost 9 months earlier) :wub: And yes i falsified my own theory. Nuuuu.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 23:52:02
chloroform thats all u will ever need
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 00:02:44
whip out dick. if she gawks, shes yours. if she laughs, move on.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 00:08:23
kaku wrote: whip out dick. if she gawks, shes yours. if she laughs, move on.
LOL this -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 00:14:34
but assuming that you're asian and not black... she'll laugh every time.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 00:29:03
At this age, don't worry about getting a girlfriend. Just have fun. Lesson of the day: WAPCE.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 00:31:30
Miku wrote: you should probably take into account everything you're doing wrong: asking for girl advice on a pen spinning board. lulz
I don't think you realize how many threads we've had like this in the past. One of them ended really well actually. -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 02:01:31
Yeah but that thread was also like 30 pages if I remember correctly, still awesome though.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 02:59:09
didn't show up in my notifications o__e LOL. not all that surprised.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 03:04:11
UPSB is actually a great place for advice.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 03:49:05
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 03:57:24
:facepalm: Frog~
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 04:06:19 Go the whole thing ;)
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 04:16:04
Pretty much what SJ said.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 05:20:04
first: pick a girl you are interested in. (the #1 mistake is not being specific about your goal) second: BE YOURSELF, don't pretend to be something you are not, and introduce yourself to the girl. (she can't be your gf if she doesn't know you) third: Read her body language. (does she seem friendly back to you? Does she actually talk to you, rather than just yes or no answers and not contributing to conversation? It is twice as hard to get her to be your gf if she doesn't appear to be attracted to you in the beginning) fourth: if she seems to like you then ask her to meet up sometime, even if it's just for 5 or 10 mins, this shows that she will make a plan with you. (its a big mistake to not take action after you know she is even a little bit interested in you) alternate fourth: If she seems to not like you or be interested at all in you, you MUST decide if you want to move on to another girl or double down and really try to impress her. (if the girl you are interested is your "dream girl" then you would double down and really step up your game, find out about her likes and dislikes from her friends if possible. use all resources at your disposal. This is your dream girl, so don't give up so easily.) fifth: Make plans to be with her, group things, one on one, in person when ever possible. E-relationships are not really that great compared to the real thing. So find time to spend together. sixth: if everything seems so smooth and its really easy to be with her, then just go with it, be yourself, enjoy eachother and see where it goes. If it's not smooth and doesn't feel good being with her, if she is turning out to not be your 'dream girl' but instead is a nightmare, or if either you or her 'just can't find time' to talk or be together, then maybe you should give it a rest for a few months and see what happens. seventh: having a gf and being in a relationship are two different things, so don't confuse the two. One of you may be more 'into' the other, and feelings can get hurt if there is a misunderstanding. So, don't be shy about talking about these things after you have spent some time together. eighth: ignore everything i wrote here and figure it out for yourself, life is meant for living, so live it to your best abilities. GOOD LUCK!!!
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 05:45:26
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 05:52:46
Glamouraz wrote: Go the whole thing ;)
I read this whole thing and I couldn't keep a straight face for more than a page. (LOLSHOEMAN). -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 06:50:15
Glamouraz wrote:
Wow I can't believe I remembered that she's blonde. Man, yani was cute :3 -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 06:53:17
Best advice: If you're looking for a girlfriend, you need to realize that finding is about finding somebody who is going to be your best friend, but who will motivate and push you to be better of a person than you are now. The best word I can use to describe the trait would be confidence. Things like seeing if she can take care of herself, take advantage of resources, and even self motivation. The best women are the ones who you don't need to constantly coddle--the ones who can handle themselves under stress without breaking down and crying/excessive bitching are going to be a wonderful partner. They're the ones who'll be understanding and supportive of the decisions you make instead of guilt tripping and me*me*me* attitude. In terms of how you find that woman. The most true statement about relationships......PURE LUCK. Looking for somebody is very very very very difficult, emotionally trying, and physically draining. It boils down to being at the right place at the right time with the right person. Until that happens, don't go too far out of your way to find a relationship otherwise you'll just be wearing yourself out. Now, in terms of once you have a girlfriend. How to sustain that relationship differs per person, but in the general the best thing you can do is talk everyday. It builds trust and openness gradually. Hanging out everyday actually makes the beginning of relationships super-monotonous and very one dimensional. Spending time apart is almost as important as being together. Time apart gives each other room to grow/make your own decisions/and feel the need to be with your significant other. It's a balancing act. If this relationship pans out to be good than keep in mind you have a lifetime (potentially) to be with each other. Just be patient. Other things to always keep in the back of your mind are constant feedback about what her/your wants are. What kind of things would she like you to be putting into the relationship and what kind of things would you like her to be contributing. If either can't provide a need that is somewhat important, that relationship is going to be destined to fail. So that's why it's always important to constantly think about that. Anyways, that's just my advice. Anyways, that's just my advice.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 06:55:16
Logic, that was his name.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 07:08:04
-Be yourself -Don't get too clingy -Be friendly in a genuine way -Balance: time together v. time apart, serious v. joking, etc -Penetrate your load into her rectal tissues
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 07:25:03
Don't EVER! EVER! Call her by her first name. Try clogging up her toilet as an excuse to stay at her house, works every time. B)
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 07:48:28
sangara;166023]UPSB is actually a great place for advice.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Clyde wrote: roofies
. -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 08:06:58
Well that's more date rapey than anything, but legitimate advice.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 08:14:19
ask @RiverBoy
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 08:16:00
HERE IS HOW I DID IT. find woman go out for a bit Take her virginity/lose your virginity Break your foot in 3 places the next day start doing drugs get horribly depressed go to rehab have your woman and everyone else on your ass for everything start doing more drugs go to rehab again just break up with her because your tired of her being on your ass so much start fucking her a few months later after going through multiple other girlfriends with little success point is relationships are not that great at your young age, don't worry about it you will be happier without them. if your looking to get laid then do just that. don't go to rehab
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 08:46:06
iNickk wrote: how to have a girlfriend teach pls ><...i 17 yearsold O.o...teach if can @@..tq yall guys:sofa:
Here is what you do: -Ignore everything on this thread except THIS post. -If you like a girl, talk to her. No-one is going to go out with you if you do not talk to them. -Remember that women are just people too. They want someone who is fun, who they get on with. -Chill with them, relax with them, have fun with them. -If you still like them and you are both getting on well with each other, consider asking her out. -If she says yes, take her out. <-- DO NOT MISS OUT THIS STEP. -Be pretty much the same as you were before with her, but you have permission, when the time is right, to be a little more physical. -From here, just stay calm and have fun. Often it won't work out, but sometimes it will. ;) -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 08:58:52
Mats wrote: Here is what you do: -Ignore everything on this thread except THIS post. -If you like a girl, talk to her. No-one is going to go out with you if you do not talk to them. -Remember that women are just people too. They want someone who is fun, who they get on with. -Chill with them, relax with them, have fun with them. -If you still like them and you are both getting on well with each other, consider asking her out. -If she says yes, take her out. <-- DO NOT MISS OUT THIS STEP. -Be pretty much the same as you were before with her, but you have permission, when the time is right, to be a little more physical. -From here, just stay calm and have fun. Often it won't work out, but sometimes it will. ;)
I wish I could +1 this post. :) -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 09:21:24
the best advice i can give is _Do not get too deep into the Friendzone,Cause One Does Not Simply Leave The FriendZone i've been there for 9 years :facepalm: and look how pathetic i am others are _The girl you like is pretty nice (as you described),and you guys seem to talk a lot,so read her body language(someone said this before) if you guys have friendly talks then there is a very high chance that she would say yes if you ask her out for a friendly dinner or date (just friendly,not like a boyfriend and girlfriend one) and it should be a fun place(not romantic,just fun).And maybe you should have some backup so she wouldn't think it's a REAL date.....i think you can handle it on your own from there _last advice shouldnt listen to me,listen to @Mats :\
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 10:17:22
Stop being an asshole. On a serious note, I'm 17 and I fail in pretty much everything I do. On the LAST day of school I saw this hot girl ._. Therefore I've decided to attract their attention (not easy if you're 5'3, shy, socially awkward and physically fugly). I'm supposed to collect my exam results this March, so I'm basically tricking hard so I'll be able to B-twist into my school and wink at gaping girls. Another thing I would advice you to do is to be yourself, and talk to her more often in person than virtually. When you chat with her online for a long time and harbour feelings, you'll lose your head when you see her. Less profanity, a subtle sense of humour and being casual around her helps. Anyways, I got all this shit from trial and error, so do well, or else...
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 12:03:51
tq @Mats...hope it really helpful @@... tq yall guys...i will try...need some times...cuz it open school 4days ago...
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 12:17:16
iNickk wrote: tq @Mats...hope it really helpful @@... tq yall guys...i will try...need some times...cuz it open school 4days ago...
G'luck man. I hope for you than she won't find this webpage!~ It would be acutaly funny though!~ -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 12:29:24
Who needs girl when you has the google chrome and a hand :trollface: but good lucks. Its sweet that you bother to ask (:
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 13:26:55
Chobi wrote: Didn't work for me
got slapped in the face hard -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 13:35:18
Meiji wrote: got slapped in the face hard
No, she laughed and didn't take me seriously. sad -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 13:53:10
iNickk is barely 14
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 14:04:52
Wow study first man. Girls can come after (:
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 14:18:42
Play World Of Warcraft 25 Hours/Day 8 Days/Week Go to a cementery Show her your penis in the face and... VINE WHIP! Say to her: Hey baby, i am the dragonborn, and i save Skyrim... six times or ooooowwwww you girl, looks amazing! you get HDMI right? choose one and try it, are very effective!
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 14:22:39
YUi wrote: Wow study first man. Girls can come after (:
Yeah if you break up right when the exams come round you're so screwed... Lucky me I was young enough to pass all exams without putting any effort. =/ -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 14:27:29
if she found she "kill" me ^^
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 14:50:50
ChainBreak wrote: Yeah if you break up right when the exams come round you're so screwed...
And this, my friend, is how i failed out of my old school last year. -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 20:01:27
Mats wrote: Here is what you do: -Ignore everything on this thread except THIS post. -If you like a girl, talk to her. No-one is going to go out with you if you do not talk to them. -Remember that women are just people too. They want someone who is fun, who they get on with. -Chill with them, relax with them, have fun with them. -If you still like them and you are both getting on well with each other, consider asking her out. -If she says yes, take her out. <-- DO NOT MISS OUT THIS STEP. -Be pretty much the same as you were before with her, but you have permission, when the time is right, to be a little more physical. -From here, just stay calm and have fun. Often it won't work out, but sometimes it will. ;)
I find it sad that all this needs to be written out. -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 22:02:12
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 22:04:14
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 22:13:47
This thread is hilarious.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 23:11:31
neXus wrote: This thread is hilarious.
This -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 00:01:07
i actually just got a girlfriend too. thanks to this thread
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 00:38:05 Are you looking for girlfriend advice? Well, I have the exact product for you! With over 100 pages of content (Optional tl;dr sentences included!), and tested over many of years through trial and error, I'm proud to present "Girlfriends - How To Guide - Exclusive UPSB Advice" Not only does this product come with a book, it comes with a complimentary condom and music cd! That's right, you've read correctly, A FREE CONDOM AND MUSIC CD! [4:33:32 PM] wasa: dude you can't be serious BUT YES WE ARE! But that's not all, this product comes with a 60-day stick-it-in-her-pooper-or-it's-free guarantee! If you are unable to stick it in her pooper within 60 days of purchasing this product, you'll be refunded 100%! Hell, you can even keep the condom and cd! Just look at our satisfied customers: Frip: "This book made my testicles grow to the size of single colons." Taichi1082: "After applying different techniques from this book, I can confirm that I am now in a relationship." Purchase your copy today!
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 01:03:24I would buy it.
iColor wrote: Are you looking for girlfriend advice? Well, I have the exact product for you! With over 100 pages of content (Optional tl;dr sentences included!), and tested over many of years through trial and error, I'm proud to present "Girlfriends - How To Guide - Exclusive UPSB Advice" Not only does this product come with a book, it comes with a complimentary condom and music cd! That's right, you've read correctly, A FREE CONDOM AND MUSIC CD! [4:33:32 PM] wasa: dude you can't be serious BUT YES WE ARE! But that's not all, this product comes with a 60-day stick-it-in-her-pooper-or-it's-free guarantee! If you are unable to stick it in her pooper within 60 days of purchasing this product, you'll be refunded 100%! Hell, you can even keep the condom and cd! Just look at our satisfied customers: Frip: "This book made my testicles grow to the size of single colons." Taichi1082: "After applying different techniques from this book, I can confirm that I am now in a relationship." Purchase your copy today! -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 01:15:33
i'd buy it, just for the lulz.
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 01:18:21
KTrinh93: LOLOLOL I'd totally buy that fortehlulz
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 03:19:40
@ iColor ... nice job dude xD
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 03:26:44
Just don't be a desperate fuck lol
Frip: "This book made my testicles grow to the size of single colons."
:woop: :woop: :woop: -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 03:48:47
lol only tip i'll say for starters is pick who you like spend time with them alot get to know "her" oh and when i said time i ment like ALOT OF TIME have fun XD
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 04:30:20
1 day, 8 pages lol
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 04:32:58
It's more lolz then actual advice :P
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 04:49:08
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 04:51:45
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 05:25:27
Ok now you know it! Don't spend time for school it's no use anyway and annoys your girl No passing exams, no job later, no money ... all doesn't matter cuz you didn't annoy your girl. Meaning >doesn't matter... had sex.< No seriously: If you plan on going to university you need to learn a lot. The stuff in school is only the stuff you get served by teachers. It's the easiest stuff available. If you fail your exams in school which were full of that easy crap how do you plan to study anything in university? If your GF doesn't want to see you working your ass off to buy her nice stuff later, because you actually get a good job with your university diploma, just tell her if she likes clothes and jewlery and food and all... FUCK LET ME STUDY
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 05:28:22
Chobi wrote: No, she laughed and didn't take me seriously. sad
Lol, actually i got slapped. And yeah same -_-, girls....ahhhh -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 05:28:32
ChainBreak :facepalm:
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 05:29:11
Oh c'mon D: I'm not allowed to joke?
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 10:52:18
Xbox is the best girlfriend EVER! btw: i want 10 of these books, what about the money? i can pay you in Zelda's Rupee?
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 14:44:13
LOL just remember man, you dont need a girlfriend to be happy in life (: but if you still want one at 14, i wish you all the best.....
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 14:45:50
Honestly: Confidence is everything.
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 15:12:34
either or you need both ^ srs not srs
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 18:54:47
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 22:50:36
ChainBreak wrote: Oh c'mon D: I'm not allowed to joke?
no -
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 23:45:56
Read "The Game" by Neil Strauss I'm dead serious.
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 00:27:22
yeah man it's all about pua. bro just neg her til she lets you put it in. just call her a stupid bitch n shell love you fer ever - idk how the chemistry works its about nature or some shit, thats how cavemen did it. youll be knee deep in pink dreamz in no time also dress more like me:
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 00:37:28
In other terms: Don't take PU too seriously. Confidence and caring less is everything you need.
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 00:45:32
tell her "we should take our relationship in a new direction" do you get it, it says "nude erection" so then she's thinking about penis and then she thinks of your penis and then she wants to be your gf and youre good from there. also eye contact until she breaks it. if you ahve to stare her down. no blinkin
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 01:37:18
Pick-up is just another manipulation. We spin pens, they spin chicks.
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 08:20:06
Retro-spectre wrote: yeah man it's all about pua. bro just neg her til she lets you put it in. just call her a stupid bitch n shell love you fer ever - idk how the chemistry works its about nature or some shit, thats how cavemen did it. youll be knee deep in pink dreamz in no time also dress more like me:
is that really you? not sure if you ever posted a pic of yourself, I just remember your pic with that stack of cig in your mouth but your face was still covered -
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 11:49:56
Retro-spectre wrote: also dress more like me:
Isn't this Mystery, the author of the Mystery Method? -
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 12:42:42
Chobi wrote: Isn't this Mystery, the author of the Mystery Method?
The teacher of Neil Strauss? I read some pages of his books, he's cool. -
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 13:14:25
Krypton wrote: The teacher of Neil Strauss? I read some pages of his books, he's cool.
Yup, the pic looks exactly like Mystery -
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 15:43:43
Anyways being a douche doesn't really help... cuz they'll slap you D:Spoiler
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 07:27:39
ChainBreak wrote: Anyways being a douche doesn't really help... cuz they'll slap you D:
That's funny, up to now nobody slapped me. Yet they keep telling me I'm an asshole :'( -
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 14:47:30
Oh the type of girl I like is more of the aggressive type. Maybe that's the reason...
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 15:26:35 1. meet by accident, 2. chat on msn a lot, 3. go places together, 4. realise you like her, 5. ask her out after her little sister said she loves you in French, 6. date 7. make her fail high school while you get top scores ..........................uhh....yeahh....damn you Luke being smarter than me >.> lol Just goes to show that getting a gf in high school has nothing to do with your grades, it depends on your time management and studying....i was lazy XP lol Edit: oh yeah, and just because she says you're her best friend, doesn't necassarily mean you're in the friend zone, Luke is my best friend and he has been since before we were dating.
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 15:16:13
@MeiTenshi can you please elaborate step 1? :D And did no.5 really happen? That's so cute.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 11:37:09
LOL Nick ==
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 04:54:27
Step 1 meet by accident: Go to the movies with two best friends and her two work mates.(Luke=my best friends work mate at the time) Meet Luke while Best friend is trying to set him up with my other best friend...awkward lol also step 5 did happen, my sister went crazy when she found out he didn't like her that way. hated me for a looooonnngggg time.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 06:06:31
Step 5 sounded super awkward :mellow:
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 09:09:59
she sent him a message saying she loved him in french, then he texted me going 'uhh, what do i do?' i was like 'well do you like her back?' he was like '...actually i like you' i was like '...whhaaaaatttt?' and then my math teacher was like 'KYRIE! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT??' loooolllll XD it was awesome
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 09:25:18
MeiTenshi wrote: she sent him a message saying she loved him in french, then he texted me going 'uhh, what do i do?' i was like 'well do you like her back?' he was like '...actually i like you' i was like '...whhaaaaatttt?' and then my math teacher was like 'KYRIE! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT??' loooolllll XD it was awesome
LOLOL That was spontaneously cute and romantic and hilarious :D I wish stuff like that happen to me xD -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 09:44:35
#1 Be a man Noob question: Hey Clyde cuz bro how teh fak u get teh chickz brah like faking barney himym pls teach sir im sad fag Clyde: (Be a man) You must be swift as the coursing river (Be a man) With all the force of a great typhoon (Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon srs
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 09:53:22
Clyde wrote: #1 Be a man *Proceeds to quote a song from Mulan, a Disney musical*
..speaks for itself, brah -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 09:54:36
...if you quote disney songs to girls...they will think you're gay xD Edit: especially if you can tell where its from...
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 09:57:00
MeiTenshi wrote: ...if you quote disney songs to girls...they will think you're gay xD
Mei you're missing his whole masterplan. He's already assimilated your advice into his overall strategy, as follows: #1: Quote disney songs to make them think you're gay #2: Get in friend zone as a result, but in reality, it ISN'T the friend zone, because being friend as you said =\= can't be more #3: ??? #4: Profit Clyde is of legendary intelligence. -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 09:59:45
friend zone and thinking your gay are completely different, if you ever tell that girl you like her, she'll think you're joking with her lol Whereas when you are friends (That know your not gay) there is always the possibility of something more.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 10:00:50
I know, I wasn't being serious of course >.> none of this thread could be taken seriously really, well, except the real life anecdotes and stuff.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 10:01:35
haha, no one will understand us! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! >=D
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 12:15:00
@MeiTenshi: So cute how you two got together. ^_^ Kinda romantic.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 13:21:04
actually being single is bettle than having a gf
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 13:30:01
Personal preference bro. I've never had a gf so naturally I would want one.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 14:08:45
~blast~ wrote: actually being single is bettle than having a gf
strong emotions in this post sad/10 -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 14:27:12
Just don't. When you look back you'll be glad you're one of the cool kids who ain't got dem girls in school. (personal opinion)
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 14:53:06
Iota wrote: #1: make them think you're gay #2: Get in friend zone as a result, but in reality, it ISN'T the friend zone, because being friend as you said =\= can't be more #3: ??? #4: Profit
This is like what happened in that movie Kick Ass. the problem here's that you're not a superhero -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 17:44:23
Hai guise. I wants to know ifs it is possibles for me to get a girlfriends?!??!?!11 I no supper good looking and no rich. Possibles or no????/// answer fast pl0x.
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 20:31:58
TheAafg wrote: Hai guise. I wants to know ifs it is possibles for me to get a girlfriends?!??!?!11 I no supper good looking and no rich. Possibles or no????/// answer fast pl0x.
The answer is Pi. Learn Pi and unlock the secret. -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 22:47:00
Actually, you'll need the last digit of PI for that to work. Sorry. For me, I charmed my fiance by being kind, attentive, and using my personality to show her that I was worth it. Or maybe it was because of the fact that she knew, sometime in the distant future, I would be able to do a shadow and a twisted sonic bust. Yes, that must have been it :D oh and the last digit of PI is--- ::transmission failure, missing data::
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 22:49:02
lol chobi i was kidding, related sarcastically to a clyde post >.>
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 11:56:48
lol @ everyone saying it's better to be single lollllllllllllllllllll strong sad posts...hypocrites...who wouldn't want a srs gf lol
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 12:44:20
Upon Mat's advice I revisited this thread. Lol Logic is so cute, and Shoe used to be an ass :p I have a question. I took a fancy to this girl I randomly found on Facebook, and I began stal- I mean reading her Twitter posts (Facebook not opened to public). I observed certain characteristics about her, and she likes ice skating. She even announces that she'll be going to ice skating at insert time here. Should I hang around there? But then again, she's going out with her bro and gfs, that'll be awkward.
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 13:06:16
Dude, don't act like that fucking sparkly vampire. You aren't sparkling, you still have your blood flowing and there are less creepy ways of communicating with girls than stalking. Whatever you decide to do, be it to ask her directly or to hang out there, just do it.
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 14:47:00
[video=youtube;6UF0BAqWoVg][/video] hi all i am looks like this how can fuck girl if im looks this? help please i am tough i ask you faggit to come at me bro pls can get girl now?
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 14:50:23
I heard @Clyde [spoiler=srs mode is srs] it really is better to be single, if you can control yourself and be happy and successful, even with being single. Yes, having a gf can contribute to you being able to, idk, more successful than before? But you'll also have to give up some of your time to them, as you would want in any healthy relationship. Reading from your previous post, of course, who wouldn't WANT? but do you really NEED? Particularly NOW? [/spoiler] anyways, OMG OMG I WANZ ONE TOO. WHAT DO I DO TO HAZ THEM? LIEK GUIZE I WANT ONE TOO. P.S. one mate of mine saw the tab of this in FF and was like, /thread.
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 09:12:32
chris wrote: I heard @Clyde [spoiler=srs mode is srs] it really is better to be single, if you can control yourself and be happy and successful, even with being single. Yes, having a gf can contribute to you being able to, idk, more successful than before? But you'll also have to give up some of your time to them, as you would want in any healthy relationship. Reading from your previous post, of course, who wouldn't WANT? but do you really NEED? Particularly NOW? [/spoiler] anyways, OMG OMG I WANZ ONE TOO. WHAT DO I DO TO HAZ THEM? LIEK GUIZE I WANT ONE TOO. P.S. one mate of mine saw the tab of this in FF and was like, /thread.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm imo more of better to be in a relationship, but also good to be single and still be happy, but only those who don't need love & affection can be single and happy, but you ain't human if you don't need affection and love, and most of the people asking here on UPSB probably want a gf most likely because gf's would make them happy, feel cared for, and get the attention they've been longing for -
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 09:41:22
The virginity is strong in this one
chris wrote: I heard @Clyde [spoiler=srs mode is srs] it really is better to be single, if you can control yourself and be happy and successful, even with being single. Yes, having a gf can contribute to you being able to, idk, more successful than before? But you'll also have to give up some of your time to them, as you would want in any healthy relationship. Reading from your previous post, of course, who wouldn't WANT? but do you really NEED? Particularly NOW? [/spoiler] anyways, OMG OMG I WANZ ONE TOO. WHAT DO I DO TO HAZ THEM? LIEK GUIZE I WANT ONE TOO. P.S. one mate of mine saw the tab of this in FF and was like, /thread.
LOLOL JK JK CHRIS ____________________________________________________ -
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 13:18:03
webspider wrote: Dude, don't act like that fucking sparkly vampire. You aren't sparkling, you still have your blood flowing and there are less creepy ways of communicating with girls than stalking. Whatever you decide to do, be it to ask her directly or to hang out there, just do it.
Thing is... I don't know her. ._. -
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 13:44:40
Chobi wrote: The virginity is strong in this one LOLOL JK JK CHRIS
proud to be one :P -
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 22:28:16
/BUMP?? this thread is just so hilarious.
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 22:43:37
miku, i left my keys at your place, you have to get them to me somehow pl0x
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 23:13:34
Okay, i'll have my friend drop it off. is that okay she looks like this
as you can tell, she's a bit promiscuous, so don't let her charm compel you to have sex, she's known to break hearts. :no:
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 23:52:46
hot shit
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 02:23:20
Miku wrote: Okay, i'll have my friend drop it off. is that okay she looks like this as you can tell, she's a bit promiscuous, so don't let her charm compel you to have sex, she's known to break hearts. :no:
When I saw this my reaction was just like when I watched Jackass: disgusted and lmaoing. -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 02:48:07
So I am 18, rather well built and muscular, white, kind of good looking ish, number one student in my calculus/chemistry/symphonic band, captain of varsity football, quarterback for an outside of school team, and an intern at the local medical clinic. I have had a 4.0 GPA since middle school, got a 2370 on the SAT, 36 on the ACT, got to be a National Merit finalist, and placed 2nd at the annual Google Science Fair. I am also part of the school's leadership team and president of our senior class, and have earned the rank of Eagle Scout with triple gold palms with my local Boy Scout troop. Furthermore, I volunteer at my neighborhood's community service center, distributing goods to needy families, and have won multiple art contests at my school. In addition, I have been recognized three times as the high school league's MVP as quarterback, with a record single game of 109 completions for 117 attempts with 6 TD's and no interceptions. By now, I have been admitted into Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, MIT, UC Berkeley, and NYU, and hope to pursue a triple major in pharmaceutical biochemistry, law practice, and cinematography. I also have 23,016 friends on facebook. Is this enough to get the girl I like to like me back?
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 02:51:39
blahblahting wrote: Is this enough to get the girl I like to like me back?
No, because it doesn't mean shit in a relationship. What you want is something like: I make her laugh, she feels great when she's around me, I do the washing up, I keep myself and my place reasonably clean and tidy, I look after when she is ill, I'm there for her when she is sad, I sometimes cook her a meal or make food for her etc -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:05:46
But that's the easy part. Most of us have the trouble of getting a girlfriend ._. @blahblahting, Facebook has 5000 friends limit I think? :p
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:10:24
wow I hate to say this but, I am indeed an idiot. Copying my idols and acting like someone I'm not was the stupidest thing I've ever done. Currently courting someone from school, we're doing great, we're almost always together after class(well I'm kinda vain and really egotistical, I can't stop gym), texting each other since like last week, everyday, and all I did was to be myself. I didn't act all cool and shit and Rambo-ish alpha male shit, just constantly teased her, she found my pen spinning videos on YT and asked me to teach her(I suck now lol, cant teach properly), found me really funny, etc, and idk I can say that I'm really happy now and never felt better, I guess I was under the wrong impression that trying to be cool is the best way to get a girl or to be happy in life. I guess it's really just to be yourself and live your life the way you want it. tl;dr -don't need good looks -don't need cash (but srsly, if you wanna marry her in the future, you need at least potential to be successful) -don't need luxury vehicles -just don't act stupid -never ever be a douche -respect her at all times -be yourself
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:41:39
Krypton wrote: But that's the easy part. Most of us have the trouble of getting a girlfriend ._. @blahblahting, Facebook has 5000 friends limit I think? :p
really? i must be running an older version or something. i didnt want to change to the new version that they use now -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:48:45
blahblahting wrote: So I am 18, rather well built and muscular, white, kind of good looking ish, number one student in my calculus/chemistry/symphonic band, captain of varsity football, quarterback for an outside of school team, and an intern at the local medical clinic. I have had a 4.0 GPA since middle school, got a 2370 on the SAT, 36 on the ACT, got to be a National Merit finalist, and placed 2nd at the annual Google Science Fair. I am also part of the school's leadership team and president of our senior class, and have earned the rank of Eagle Scout with triple gold palms with my local Boy Scout troop. Furthermore, I volunteer at my neighborhood's community service center, distributing goods to needy families, and have won multiple art contests at my school. In addition, I have been recognized three times as the high school league's MVP as quarterback, with a record single game of 109 completions for 117 attempts with 6 TD's and no interceptions. By now, I have been admitted into Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, MIT, UC Berkeley, and NYU, and hope to pursue a triple major in pharmaceutical biochemistry, law practice, and cinematography. I also have 23,016 friends on facebook. Is this enough to get the girl I like to like me back?
/collegeconfidential -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 03:49:30
blahblahting wrote: really? i must be running an older version or something. i didnt want to change to the new version that they use now
no, it's universal. Perhaps you acquired the 23,000 before Facebook imposed the limit? Also, @Clyde good to hear (or read) :) -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 04:00:58
Clyde wrote: wow I hate to say this but, I am indeed an idiot. Copying my idols and acting like someone I'm not was the stupidest thing I've ever done. Currently courting someone from school, we're doing great, we're almost always together after class(well I'm kinda vain and really egotistical, I can't stop gym), texting each other since like last week, everyday, and all I did was to be myself. I didn't act all cool and shit and Rambo-ish alpha male shit, just constantly teased her, she found my pen spinning videos on YT and asked me to teach her(I suck now lol, cant teach properly), found me really funny, etc, and idk I can say that I'm really happy now and never felt better, I guess I was under the wrong impression that trying to be cool is the best way to get a girl or to be happy in life. I guess it's really just to be yourself and live your life the way you want it. tl;dr -don't need good looks -don't need cash (but srsly, if you wanna marry her in the future, you need at least potential to be successful) -don't need luxury vehicles -just don't act stupid -never ever be a douche -respect her at all times -be yourself
/thread I think we have a winner here. Congrats man, from the bottom of my heart. -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 04:03:08
TheAafg wrote: /thread I think we have a winner here. Congrats man, from the bottom of my heart.
thanks @chris , I guess i was watching too much television before lol -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 04:11:49
:clap: @Clyde I've always liked you (in a bro way) and I'm glad that you're more open towards other people's opinions and make the effort to evaluate yourself. And congrats on the girl :)
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 04:31:37
Krypton wrote: :clap: @Clyde I've always liked you (in a bro way) and I'm glad that you're more open towards other people's opinions and make the effort to evaluate yourself. And congrats on the girl :)
thanks, 100% sure this won't fail, I waited for 7 fucking months before I finally had the guts to talk to her, was only dreaming of being friends with her at least since she was always with some guy, turns out that that guy she was with was actually bothering her and pissing her off since he was a douche and wants to be in a relationship with her fast(yes she tells me her problems), and since like 2 weeks ago I've been suspecting why they aren't together anymore, I thought it's because they're just hiding their relationship, but what really happened was she stopped talking to him since he was annoying, and yesterday she forwarded me a message saying "yeah, some of my friends saw you together. They told me you guys were like lovers cuddling. I wish I was there to see you guys, must be painful :)", idk I don't think a girl would just randomly tell you that right? and last Thursday we were together, her friend called her from a far(I assume that her friend probably signaled something), and she told me "my friend thought you're my boyfriend lol" asdadsadsasajklakjasjsaahkdsa my post is too long, she's in Bangkok right now, and will return on Wednesday...well I guess I don't have to worry about gym lol -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 05:36:18
Clyde wrote: well I guess I don't have to worry about gym lol
of course you don't need to. :) Just as long as you don't get abs..."ABSolutely fats" :) Just maintain a good body structure or w/e. :) Grats again! ^^ -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 05:46:26
chris wrote: of course you don't need to. :) Just as long as you don't get abs..."ABSolutely fats" :) Just maintain a good body structure or w/e. :) Grats again! ^^
wait I mean I don't need to worry about gym this week, since after dismissal mostly I only a lot 15 mins for her, still prioritize myself lol slightly narcissist brah sry, but maybe in summer we could hang out more lol -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 06:22:46
blahblahting wrote: Is this enough to get the girl I like to like me back?
How much money you got? -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 06:41:46
That's really, really awesome Clyde. Honestly, mad, MAD respect; it takes a strong person to change their views and moreover to openly admit past wrongs like that. Good luck and gratz!
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 06:48:04
Iota wrote: That's really, really awesome Clyde. Honestly, mad, MAD respect; it takes a strong person to change their views and moreover to openly admit past wrongs like that. Good luck and gratz!
thanks but still gonna continue my bodybuilding dream for aesthetics, still prioritize myself -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 06:51:51
Clyde wrote: wait I mean I don't need to worry about gym this weekl
:biglaugh: Oh man. That was awesome. -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 06:54:54
Nothing wrong with doing that, Clyde ^^ Working out is a really good way to release stress/relax, it can help with confidence obviously as well, certainly no shame in striving for self-betterment :)
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 06:57:07
blahblahting wrote: Is this enough to get the girl I like to like me back?
No, because your penis is 3 cm. I seen it. -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 07:11:47
XYZaki wrote: :biglaugh: Oh man. That was awesome.
can't choose, girl or gym, want both, need both, can spend 45 mins with girl everyday during lunch, 3 hrs MWF gym, and maybe 3 hrs with girl during Thurs(she's a candidate in our school pageant, everyday practice except Thursday) edit: anyways, too off topic now, just don't be a pussy and ignore everyone's opinion -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 08:41:29
I have a question. Why do most girls like guys that can cook? I mean, it's sweet when he cooks her dinner, but is there any other reason behind it? @Miku
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 15:10:08
This should be really obvious. First this proves you are skilled enough to truly live on your own, second that you have enough skill not to make the kitchen explode, third that you can do something else with your hands than bringing out the trash cans, fourth that you (unless you only cook instant ramen) care about what you're eating and how much money you spend on it. And yes nowadays it got impressive to be able to cook something good, but that shouldn't be the primary reason why somebody should learn it.
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 15:31:41
@Clyde who's the lucky girl?
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 16:43:09
Chobi wrote: @Clyde who's the lucky girl?
some girl @ school -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 16:49:20
Clyde wrote: some girl @ school
It won't last, but use this chance to learn how to be a good boyfriend. ;) -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 16:53:56
Clyde wrote: some girl @ school
pshhhh fine don't tell :/ -
Date: Sat, Jan 21 2012 17:16:00
Mats wrote: It won't last, but use this chance to learn how to be a good boyfriend. ;)
it's gonna last
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 02:14:06
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 04:41:11
Retro-spectre wrote: i got a girlfriend and it took me from the last time i posted until today. you guys need to try harder. something must be really wrong with you people because ive had 3 girls ask me out on dates in the past two weeks and all i do is lock myself in my room with a six pack and some books every night. seriously, follow my guide.
Depends on what that six pack is made out of. -
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 05:58:01
webspider wrote: This should be really obvious. First this proves you are skilled enough to truly live on your own, second that you have enough skill not to make the kitchen explode, third that you can do something else with your hands than bringing out the trash cans, fourth that you (unless you only cook instant ramen) care about what you're eating and how much money you spend on it. And yes nowadays it got impressive to be able to cook something good, but that shouldn't be the primary reason why somebody should learn it.
Excellent, I shall expand my recipe arsenal. -
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 03:27:32
ASSAOPDSAJKDSAKLJDLSAJDLKASJDLKSA FUCKING JEALOUS ASKKJDASDA this dude was a contestant on the Teen Edition of Pinoy Big Brother(Philippines' version of Big Brother) this is what you get when you look like a 20 y/o Brad Pitt [video=youtube;ZFuUb02GTgg][/video] FUCKING LUCKY BASTARD so I guess if you want the 10's, you really do need good looks lol
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 09:27:21
I thought you've changed your mind about that? I will attempt to prove you wrong, that you only need the right personality to attract a girl. I'm quite convinced that it will work though, just need to boost my confidence first.
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 10:06:36
Krypton wrote: I thought you've changed your mind about that? I will attempt to prove you wrong, that you only need the right personality to attract a girl. I'm quite convinced that it will work though, just need to boost my confidence first.
yes, but on my previous post about Katy Perry, I was talking more of the shallow relationship/PUA way, not the srs one. 10's are never serious about relationships imo whether male/female -
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 10:26:29
Clyde wrote: yes, but on my previous post about Katy Perry, I was talking more of the shallow relationship/PUA way, not the srs one. 10's are never serious about relationships imo whether male/female
I believe on the theory that with the right attitude, any female will fall for you. 10s or 2s are not a factor. The only factor is their resistance towards your flirting. That's what I think, based on the materials I've read and opinions from sangara and the pros. -
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 10:28:25
Krypton wrote: I believe on the theory that with the right attitude, any female will fall for you. 10s or 2s are not a factor. The only factor is their resistance towards your flirting. That's what I think, based on the materials I've read and opinions from sangara and the pros.
ehh idk goodluck -
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 12:42:28
Holy shit, this thread is still going on LOL so has the poster of the thread found a gf yet? (:
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 14:48:36
^doubt. I feel that this thread is becoming a place for random people to talk about relationships lol.
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 15:21:28
Date: Mon, Jan 23 2012 21:51:47
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 16:13:45
be yourself end of discussion
Date: Tue, Jan 24 2012 17:12:10
i don't need pussy bitch i'm allergic to cats.
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 13:10:11
Haven't been on in a bit but gonna answer the question before about men cooking. I personally would love it. Because it means he would help me when we are finally living together. I wouldn't want to be stuck working full time(or whatever i decide to do in my life) and then come home to do all the cooking/cleaning etc etc. Unlike most ppl, i find it very hard to multi-task, so it would be awesome if we could alternate who cooked what on what night and helped each other clean up. Edit: If i did everything it would just be like i was his Mother! Would you REALLY wanna date your mum?? i thought not.
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 02:26:11
sounds like you won't make a very good housewife
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 02:52:49
MeiTenshi wrote: Haven't been on in a bit but gonna answer the question before about men cooking. I personally would love it. Because it means he would help me when we are finally living together. I wouldn't want to be stuck working full time(or whatever i decide to do in my life) and then come home to do all the cooking/cleaning etc etc. Unlike most ppl, i find it very hard to multi-task, so it would be awesome if we could alternate who cooked what on what night and helped each other clean up. Edit: If i did everything it would just be like i was his Mother! Would you REALLY wanna date your mum?? i thought not.
Go away bitch. -
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 03:37:06
Lol guys,get real... the Natural course of the things in the Universe,Page 126:"Pen Spinners most likelly dont have girlfriends" just saying LOLOLOL
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 04:02:58
this is hilarious tons of penspinners have girlfriends
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 04:03:03
Alright guys, this is what I call Aafg's guide to getting a girlfriend : Step 1: Pick a girl you like, a girl you actually like. Step 2: Dress nicely and stay clean. Don't smell like shit, shower, shave, shit, wear clean clothes etc. Step 3: Have some self respect. Don't be a fucking goof that will do anything for the said girl. Don't be a fucking faggot, its as simple as that. Stay calm, polite and gentle at all times. Step 4: Grow a pair. Don't be a fucking pussy. If you were a girl, would you date a guy who was scared to talk to you? probably not. Step 5: Schools often have dances or something, ask her out. JUST FUCKING DO IT. You don't need a damn plan, just walk up to her, considering you are smart, you will come up with a conversation topic. Step 6: If she doesn't know you, introduce yourself. For example, "Hey, Ashley right? I am Aafg, nice to meet you *extend hand for shake* and ask her a question about the class you are in or something. Step 7: Don't spin your mod in the class all the time and then complain about not having a girlfriend. Grow some balls, it will really help you out. Step 8: Stop looking for a girlfriend, stop being a desperate fuck. Girls will come to if you don't pay attention to them. Yes. Serious advice guys. tl;dr? you know where to start. If you are reading and learning something then :facepalm:
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 15:10:21
Step 8 sounds like you've been there *coughmorganacough*
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 20:48:24
That's because Step 8 is true.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 22:50:40
This thread makes me shake my head in disbelief. 1. Dress clean, shave, good haircut, smell nice. 2. Practice confidence by talking to random strangers everyday. Just go out side and strike up a conversation about the weather or something. Shop tellers are easy pickings since they can't run away. 3. Be prepared to strike out. Once you can deal with rejection you are golden. Not every girl wants your penis. 4. Read up on things that you think girls will like to talk about, including current events and news. 5. Agree with most of the things she says, or at least if you strongly disagree say something like "I can see where you are coming from but..." Don't talk about your self too much, make her do the talking with questions. Stay away from past relationships. 6. Be confident. Don't act desperate. 7. Be funny, chicks dig that. Don't be aloof or strange though, chicks think that's weird. 8. If you do get a date, go to a decent restaurant. Always pay, even if she says "no, lets split it". Seriously. 9. Don't shower her with gifts. Over compensation reeks of desperation. 10. Read up on Cunnilingus techniques. 11. Don't be overly nice. 12. If by the third time you meet you don't ask her out and keep wanting to "just hang out", congrats, your are in the friendzone. 13. If you find that she is boring, stupid, unfunny, unattractive, has a reputation, always broke or something just annoys you about her, cut your losses and get rid of her. Do it before you start looking for things to like and placing her on a pedestal. 14. Her eyes are on her head, not her chest. 15. Look up signs that she is interested in you on the internet. If she doesn't exhibit them, either step up your game or prepare for a new friend. 16. Once again, confidence is king. It doesn't matter how ugly you are, if you act like a man, you get treated that way. Either confidence or a load of cash. 17. Wait for her to like you on facebook. Don't call if you get her number immediately, wait a few days. Wait for reply texts, don't ask if she got the last one, she has. Be patient. There we go. I hope that covers everything for todays lesson. Take this from a man who has been engaged once, heart broken a few time, broke hearts a few times and am now living with my current girlfriend.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 23:01:56
that is definitely the worst guide i have ever read on women. it is obviously written by someone who has never had one.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 23:16:37
Retro-spectre wrote: it is obviously written by someone who has never had one.
And that must be the case, because people who are really successful with women would never bother to write guides about getting them :trollface: -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 23:34:38
-Don't get sprung over one single girl unless you already know she likes you. -Prepare for rejection and have confidence THAT IS THE MAIN COMPONENT! -Don't be a little dog for her and let her control you just because you like her, take authority and she'll at least see you as a man. -Be funny, not awkward. This doesn't mean say some stupid ass jokes. Play off of the situation. -Don't respond to her texts sometimes, or ignore her in person. You have to make her want to talk to you. -Act mad at them for no reason, and see how she responds. She'll most likely be begging for an answer/attention if she likes you. -If the first girl you try and talk to doesn't respond well to your flirting, either waste time or move on. -If you want to just have sex with a girl and don't plan on being in a relationship, bang her then move on before she thinks its serious and goes crazy bitch on you. -There is some hot girl out there that will like you! If you don't believe so go talk to them, you will never know which one it is if you don't stop being a pussy.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 23:37:12
Oh and I forgot.. -Girls do NOT think like guys, they have some crazy ass made up logic that only they understand. Watch out for that, it'll piss you way off if you don't remember that they're just psycho when they say some retarded shit.
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 23:53:37
After going through the thread in full, most of these "guides" are completely correct, and the complaints against them are probably from people too afraid to practice it.
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 00:20:43
So I may have met a girl.
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 03:04:28 better than all these written "guides"
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 12:51:40
Right serious question. I saw this hot girl at work today, and she was getting a conference room ready for some feast/dinner event. So instead of staring like some perv from afar, I decided to man up and went over to offer help, like a gentleman. I don't actually like her, I just wanted to develop my social skills in front of attractive girls and to have a closer look ;) So I helped her to shift the tables, and we didn't talk much. I tried establishing eye contact and I didn't rush over immediately when she was having trouble dragging a table, because I felt that it would make me look desperate to be in her vicinity or rush to her aid, so I strode over casually and helped her lift the table. Afterwards she politely thanked me and that was the end of it. I don't seem to radiate the confidence I thought I was, or maybe she was just oblivious/disinterested. What am I doing wrong? This is not my standard style of approaching, but it is spontaneous depending on the situation. On a semi relevant note: I saw Rainbow today! I don't generally like dresses, but she looked amazing in one, very pretty and hot. She waved at me franctically when she saw me and asked if I was still working (it is past my working hours) and I asked her how could I help her? She wanted to submit a form and she went away to fill it in. I was planning to tell her she looked great but she seemed a bit in a rush; she just handed me the form, thanked me and hurried away. But at least I get to see her :D On a side note, my boss likes me. Today was pleasant :)
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 14:00:24
Just flirt with her but don't make it too obvious. Eye contact is very important, it will be better if you have dreamy bedroom eyes. Show that you have confidence but not arrogance. Don't be a complete nice guy
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 17:51:52
@Krypton That's good man, see what a little confidence can do for you? You're already feeling better about yourself. Like I was saying "play off of the situation" and you did it well with that conference room girl. Even if you didn't talk much, if you see her again you can easily strike up a conversation, because you aren't complete strangers any more. Especially if she's hot she's going to be used to guys trying to be all over her, and you didn't do that, so it will actually make her wonder why you didn't and make her want to talk to you again. This will in turn make her flirt with you, because she'll be looking for attention. Also, as for Rainbow dress girl.. if you want to tell her she looked great, it should have been the first thing you said, it makes it a lot less awkward. "Hey :]" "What's up? you look really pretty today" Once you get over the fear of rejection it comes down to finding the girls that will respond to your flirting, and capitalizing on the ones that do.
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 13:02:05
Anemia wrote: @Krypton That's good man, see what a little confidence can do for you? You're already feeling better about yourself. Like I was saying "play off of the situation" and you did it well with that conference room girl. Even if you didn't talk much, if you see her again you can easily strike up a conversation, because you aren't complete strangers any more. Especially if she's hot she's going to be used to guys trying to be all over her, and you didn't do that, so it will actually make her wonder why you didn't and make her want to talk to you again. This will in turn make her flirt with you, because she'll be looking for attention. Also, as for Rainbow dress girl.. if you want to tell her she looked great, it should have been the first thing you said, it makes it a lot less awkward. "Hey :]" "What's up? you look really pretty today" Once you get over the fear of rejection it comes down to finding the girls that will respond to your flirting, and capitalizing on the ones that do.
Thanks :) I wanted to find out her name, and through some subtle ingenuity I narrowed down the possible candidates to about 20. Finding nao >;D -
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 13:12:20
Krypton wrote: Thanks :) I wanted to find out her name, and through some subtle ingenuity I narrowed down the possible candidates to about 20. Finding nao >;D
This reminds me of chapter 91 from Gantz, where Kei crept that girl out because he already knew her name. Bottom line: Don't do things like that, it may appear stalkerish. You could just go and introduce herself, mention your name, talk a bit and ask for her name as well. It's like the most natural thing to do in a conversation. -
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 13:31:45
@darkrose just kidding men '-' its not a real thing...
Date: Fri, Feb 3 2012 13:36:02
Krypton wrote: Right serious question. I saw this hot girl at work today, and she was getting a conference room ready for some feast/dinner event. So instead of staring like some perv from afar, I decided to man up and went over to offer help, like a gentleman. I don't actually like her, I just wanted to develop my social skills in front of attractive girls and to have a closer look ;) So I helped her to shift the tables, and we didn't talk much. I tried establishing eye contact and I didn't rush over immediately when she was having trouble dragging a table, because I felt that it would make me look desperate to be in her vicinity or rush to her aid, so I strode over casually and helped her lift the table. Afterwards she politely thanked me and that was the end of it. I don't seem to radiate the confidence I thought I was, or maybe she was just oblivious/disinterested. What am I doing wrong? This is not my standard style of approaching, but it is spontaneous depending on the situation. On a semi relevant note: I saw Rainbow today! I don't generally like dresses, but she looked amazing in one, very pretty and hot. She waved at me franctically when she saw me and asked if I was still working (it is past my working hours) and I asked her how could I help her? She wanted to submit a form and she went away to fill it in. I was planning to tell her she looked great but she seemed a bit in a rush; she just handed me the form, thanked me and hurried away. But at least I get to see her :D On a side note, my boss likes me. Today was pleasant :)
not every person you see is a fuckhole you were just helping set the conference room up..