Member Introductions / Wonderlime says hello!

  1. WonderLime
    Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 23:42:30

    Well, I finally decided to join! I just wanted to say hello and tell a bit about myself. I'm 13, and thought spinning was a cool way to pass the time. I enjoy sports, especially hockey and soccer, and love video games. Also I think Battlefield 3 is better than mw3 and the ps3 is better than the xbox. Sorry if this was a long entry but whatever. Adios!

  2. Tetsip
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 00:17:09

    @Wonder welcome~

  3. flaming oracle
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 00:34:39

    lol hai and >.>" mw3 is better i say probably XD

  4. WonderLime
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 00:39:38

    flame sivics wrote: lol hai and >.>" mw3 is better i say probably XD
    Hahaha not another debate!

  5. flaming oracle
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 00:52:53

    WonderLime wrote: Hahaha not another debate!
    hahaha uh oh well just an opinion XD

  6. WonderLime
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 02:08:36

    Also, a question. After spinning for about a month, I bought a waterfall from penwish and compltely stopped spinning my BICtory. My friend told me that spinning the waterfall might screw up my style or something because its too early to spin a heavier pen. Is this true?

  7. Imitiate
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 11:27:42

    Yes it is true be cause your fingers will get tired after spinning a mod which is heavier then your main mod so it will ruin your style :truestory:

    WonderLime wrote: Also, a question. After spinning for about a month, I bought a waterfall from penwish and compltely stopped spinning my BICtory. My friend told me that spinning the waterfall might screw up my style or something because its too early to spin a heavier pen. Is this true?

  8. WonderLime
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 13:18:56

    @Imitiate Okay thanks. Any idea on how long I should continue to spin my BICtory?

  9. iColor
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 17:31:33

    Probably until you're comfortable with spinning it and mastered all the fundamental tricks with it. (Includes reverses.) After a while, you can start getting into more upper-beginner level tricks and linkages. I usually say that this is where you should start experimenting with different mods.

  10. WonderLime
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 19:33:32

    @iColor Alright, thank you very much!

  11. Kari
    Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 20:56:43

    WonderLime wrote: Also, a question. After spinning for about a month, I bought a waterfall from penwish and compltely stopped spinning my BICtory. My friend told me that spinning the waterfall might screw up my style or something because its too early to spin a heavier pen. Is this true?
    Spin whatever feels right for you. I personally don't think spinning a heavy pen can ruin your style. Your style is what you choose to make it. That's my opinion. I started off with a light mod but after a year I started spinning a KT and never went back. XD Oh and of course :welcome: to UPSB. I hope you enjoy the board. ^_^

  12. Chobi
    Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 06:51:07

    Howdy fellow pinoy! (Unless the flag's just for show, like in my case lol) :) Feel free to join us at PPSC: if you want, though at the moment no one's that active aside from the elites + us mods lol. anyway, :welcome: to UPSB! :)

  13. Hahnda
    Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 07:34:49

    welcome wonderlime

  14. WonderLime
    Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 22:22:00

    Thanks guys!