General Discussion / International Pen Spinning Association
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 00:01:53I've been talking about this a lot lately, and finally, I can reveal much more about it today. I'm working with several others to form a not-for-profit organization to support pen spinning. We have all seen sports such as 'speed stacking', 'yo-yoing' with official organizations behind it, why not the same with pen spinning?Our Mission:
[*]To educate the public about the importance of pen manipulation in the development of artful manipulations.
[*]To provide standardized nomenclature, rules, and judging methods for the public.
[*]To offer assistance to those wishing to produce pen spinning related events.
[*]To conduct and facilitate international public events and competitions to further introduce pen spinning to the public.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 00:11:15
Very professional looking. Good stuff ^_^
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 00:25:30
Great Idea, having a governing body or a group/association is key for getting some organization to the 'sport' and allowing it to progress to a wider audience. Loving the idea actually, I'm surprised there isn't something set up already. P.S. I'd be willing to volunteer in any areas you need help, though I have only been spinning for 6 days :)
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 01:48:45
I think your banner should look more like a pen rather than a crayon.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 02:08:09
I cant find where to register on that page
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 02:25:05
Imitiate wrote: I cant find where to register on that page
You can't register on the site :P Goodjob iColor, may i ask who runs it with you ? Unless it's a solo job. -
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 02:49:22
Kari;163950]I think your banner should look more like a pen rather than a crayon.[/QUOTE] If it's hard to tell, it's a globe and a comssa cap (with an hgg tip). =p [QUOTE=SuiXidaL wrote: You can't register on the site :P Goodjob iColor, may i ask who runs it with you ? Unless it's a solo job.
It's in the About Us page. -
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:02:18
Yayyyy ^^
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:25:44
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:39:56
finally. Well done
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:40:58
Looking good!
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:45:13
I like the layout. Very neat and everything.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:48:42
Very professional. Looks good
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 05:32:18
why would you not include people's pseudonymous on the About Us page, or anywhere their real name is mentioned for that matter ...
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 05:47:46
Great job, iColor! Looking forward to your new future projects in IPSA :)
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 09:10:58
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 09:28:42
You sorted out that awful mission statement! :thumb:
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 09:34:59
It will be interesting to see where pen spinning can go from here.
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 09:42:00
Supergirl wrote: It will be interesting to see where pen spinning can go from here.
Not very far. -
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 10:09:04
Mats wrote: Not very far.
Agreed. I'm sure we'll reach the "limit" to what PS can become in the near future. -
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 10:10:06
Chobi wrote: Agreed. I'm sure we'll reach the "limit" to what PS can become in the near future.
Although, just to be sure, I am talking about popularity and media attention, not technical level. We are quite far from the technical limits and will be for a long time. -
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 15:27:00
I thought it may have been a cap but I'm just saying that people who don't know what psing is... They will see a crayon. If it were me, I'd be thinking It's for kids, and turn around and walk away. I'm sure that's not something you want. Besides that: apparently other people thought the same about the crayon because a few people liked my post about it. That must tell you something...
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 17:10:35
yaya yo-yoing
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 18:30:37
Kari wrote: I thought it may have been a cap but I'm just saying that people who don't know what psing is... They will see a crayon. If it were me, I'd be thinking It's for kids, and turn around and walk away. I'm sure that's not something you want. Besides that: apparently other people thought the same about the crayon because a few people liked my post about it. That must tell you something...
Yep! Don't worry, we're getting it fixed. :p -
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 23:28:40
welp. Good luck guys. WT2013 is lokoing good.
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 01:54:45
since this is a legal organization, if someone happen to get carpel tunnel syndrome and associates it with starting ps as a result of seeing this website, could they sue for big money? do you guys have liability or need it? lol EDIT: On a more serious, relevant note, You guys say that your mission includes the following? How exactly do you expect to do that? To educate the public about the importance of pen spinning as a manipulative art. To conduct and facilitate international public events and competitions to further introduce pen spinning to the public. The "importance" of pen spinning? That sounds like something people will respond to like "pfft lol thats a load of horse shit". You'll either have to do one hell of a job explaining that or changing it to something the public will view as less corny. This IS just my opinion, but that's what I feel outsiders will think of that line. Also, HOW exactly do you plan to educate the public about pen spinning? Hold seminars and preach? Get a feature program on 60 Minutes? Hopefully you guys thought this out ahead of time and can respond to this intelligently, but if you guys haven't, either think about it, or reword the mission statement. Also, I'm curious..."international public events"? Public events, such as gatherings and local live tourneys, have been shown to be manageable. But international events? Imagine how many 15 year olds' parents are gonna buy them multi-thousand dollar plane tickets to spin pens in Japan? It just doesn't seem practical. I encourage your efforts to expand pen spinning, but the idealism needs pragmatism with it. In other words, your mission statement says what you aim to do. What I (and I'm sure a lot of other people) want to know is HOW. If you guys actually uber succeed and make ps a huge thing worldwide though, that'd be kinda cool LOL.
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 02:53:06
Translated this whole thread and some of the important info of IPSA to PSH. Keep it up, IPSA!
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 03:24:39
I'm not here to blast anyone, but shouldn't the IPSA Board be composed of more prominent figures such as Zombo...? He's been running WT and WC (along with Crash) for a while now, and it just seems to lack legitimacy without him on the Board.
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 04:01:34
hoiboy wrote: I'm not here to blast anyone, but shouldn't the IPSA Board be composed of more prominent figures such as Zombo...? He's been running WT and WC (along with Crash) for a while now, and it just seems to lack legitimacy without him on the Board.
He already is on board with WT and WC, don't worry. (We weren't going to mention him until after WC.) We have other prominent figures in the workings as well. There are many other people that are part of the background works of IPSA, but it's not the right time for them to be mentioned. As said in my first post, the board will consist of 2 board representatives from each community. It depends on the community to choose these members, but each member will serve a one year term. (With an option for renewed term). -
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 04:58:12
I like this IPSA thing. I just wanted to add something...
Our Mission: To educate the public about the importance of pen manipulation in the development of artful manipulations.[i] [B]<- I must say I have the same concern as blahblahting regarding this statement from the perspective of an average adult.[/B] [I]To provide standardized nomenclature, rules, and judging methods for the public. To offer assistance to those wishing to produce pen spinning related events. To conduct and facilitate international public events and competitions to further introduce pen spinning to the public.
How about one more? To educate fellow pen spinners of a balanced lifestyle. (?) or something like that. Reason: A lot of young spinners or beginners tend to get "obsessed" during their 1st to 2nd year of pen spinning. They overdo it in school (eg. [B]practising[/B] when teacher is teaching; that's why many teachers think PS is bad and confisicate pens/mods) and during public occassion such as gathering/outing with friends (still trying to practise when you're suppose to listen or response properly to your non-pser friends) Like yoyo and rubiks and kendama, you can be a professional or make use of these to make your living, but most people will take it as a hobby or something to make them lively. So hobbies are supposed to help balance one's lifestyle (work and free time), learning continuously, develop one's emotional intelligence and sometimes hobbies might even help ones to stimulate ideas for their works and etc. So here, because we all like Pen Spinning and we know what's good (and bad) about PS, we are promoting PS (in a appropriate way) to become one of the ways to make one's life feels good. Just my opinions. ;) Edit: Why not WPSA - World Pen Spinning Association? -
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 05:41:58
great :)
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 05:49:13
Once again, something interesting has popped out (: One of the reasons why UPSB never bores me (: All the best for this new project (:
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 15:19:42
I think you should change the acronym, though. IPSA has probably been used already by a PS community[Iraq or Indonesia, something? Correct me] and it could lead to a misunderstanding when people mention just only IPSA Good idea, though
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 20:03:16
It's IPSB for Indonesian Pen Spinning Board. Also, the name has already been officially registered, and it would cost extra money to get it changed.
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 22:12:17
IPSA is Iraqi Pen Spinning Association. I think the last contact we had with them was three years ago, when Outlander bought opaque HGGs from Iraq. Edit: what I mean to say is that IPSA is probably defunct, and that using IPSA for this project would probably be ok.
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 04:39:35
good way to promoting :)
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 05:01:47
cool stuff
Date: Mon, Jan 2 2012 17:44:05
Awesome :D
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 00:54:13
Great, this will be like the FIFA of the Pen Spinning xD
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 13:39:09
do more promotion to the public=]
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 21:00:58
I'm into this with all my projects :) Hope I will be helpful.
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 02:41:25
I've shared the information in Spin Along -> Plus I have translated it into Spanish for the SPSC spinners (sun)
Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 05:32:49
Agree 100%. Very professional.
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 00:46:39 We have acquired our first sponsor! Albeit not directly helping pen spinning but it provides us with a really strong infrastructure for future planning. =)
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 01:32:54
iColor wrote: We have acquired our first sponsor! Albeit not directly helping pen spinning but it provides us with a really strong infrastructure for future planning. =)
Wow, that's quite a sponsor. Good job! -
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 18:33:45
Hey everyone, just wanted to ask everyone to donate to the IPSA if they have the means. The IPSA is very important to the future of pen spinning if we want to ever be taken seriously, so let's please all work together to keep it going. modrod is going to donate another $50 this month. We are also willing to donate a modrod eVo that can be modded up, and then auctioned off. If you don't have any funds then please consider donating a mod to be auctioned. Thanks modrod-cris
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 04:48:31
I cannot seem to find the Paypal button.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 05:33:15
We took the paypal button down to fix some issues with the donations. EDIT: They have been fixed! Thank you for your interest in donating to IPSA. We will provide a public report on what expenses will be paid with the donation money.
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 04:38:46
Thanks to @miyat New banner is up!
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 13:07:22
Wow. Love that new logo. Great job.
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 13:19:59
just to opine, i think it would really be cool to do a more comprehensive Spinalong idea. Like have a certain section of the website called news or something and regularly put the best solo videos, collabs, and wc commentary. i think it would help to have a central place for psers to see the newest best videos and what's going on.
Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 09:54:09
Is this project alive?
Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 10:56:02
Pari wrote: Is this project alive?
No, it was shutdown and monies raised donated to UPSB. -
Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 13:06:26
I would love to continue this in the future but would need a more robust / experienced group of volunteers to make everything come together.
Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 13:13:30
^ yep yep :>>>