Naming Committee / Simultanuous Moves
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 11:56:25
In juggling, we use brackets to show simultanuous throws like this: (6,6). Enclosed in the brackets, all these things are done together, with each new item comma seperated. Why do we not do this in 2p1h spinning? (Sonic 34-23,Thumbaround) for example.
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 23:30:40
Freeman's simultaneous trick notation covers this I believe. Instead of the brackets we use a plus. eg. Charge34 +Charge 12
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 02:51:38
How do you show a combo which is starting with one pen, then has two doing simultanuous stuff, then goes back to one? Let's say the combo is: Sonic 34-23 -> Twisted Sonic 23-12 -> Thumbspin 1.5 -> Thumbaround ~ Fingerless Thumbaround Then together two pens doing: Pen 1 (continuing from above): ~ Fingerless Thumbaround T1-23 -> Inverse Sonic 23-34 -> i-Sonic 34-23 Pen 2: Backaround t1-12 -> Backaround 12-23 -> Backspin 1.5 23-23 ~ Backspin 1.5 23-23 -> Backaround 23-34 Pen 1: Sonic 23-12 -> Thumbaround. How would that notate? Is it even going to be readable?
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 03:09:59 2 discussion on this that have died out :(
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 03:15:49
So, let's start one that finishes then?