Off-topic / #60 mama

  1. Abyss
    Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 04:03:16

    i'm mama from singapore. I'm a nine month pen spinner. I know i suck. Dont laugh at me. Although i'm a singaporean, i'm black (ok not really i'm just tan). I like to spin the buster cyl. I'm a buster noob. My favourite spinner is vicgotgame, too bad he quit. So my new favourite spinner is HAL <3 i love reading manga, except for hentai. They scare the Crap outta me. I hope my spinning will continue to excel. And 1 day... Just 1 fine day i'll be in wt. @mama start asking peepo :D

  2. Dakrowl
    Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 08:16:11

    @Abyss heng no one ask me question. you should change the title to SOTW #60 mama instead of #60 mama lolol

  3. Abyss
    Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 08:30:43

    favorite color? favorite animal? favorite computer game? Inspiration to spin? Favorite trick? favorite trick family? favorite spinner besides vgg and hal? airfit or dr grip SC or DC mac or windows MMORPG or FPS what kind of style? (closest to whos?) favorite animal? english or chinese? black or white? blue or red? skyblue or pink? KT or mx? is this enough questions? are you going to answer them all? religion? favorite mod? full real name? chips or chocolate? beer or wine? thick or thin? ST or super pirat? G3 or RSVP? hows your mama? can we battle? right or lefty? prefered to be right or lefty? sonic or ta? is this a lot of questions? :trollface:

  4. Dakrowl
    Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 11:34:14

    wait who voted i like hentai? nononono i dont like.

  5. Abyss
    Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 13:32:21

    @mama answer the questions pl0x