The Vault / Ideas for the improvement of UPSB

  1. TheAafg
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 04:46:03

    So how about we use this thread to come up/post certain ideas that might benefit UPSB. I will start off with my idea (sun) I just had this brilliant idea for the improvement of upsb in general, it incorporates modding and spinning together and as not a lot of people here like modding (including me) Basically I was thinking of a modding contest which requires people to specifically mod for a certain level of spinners (let's say intermediate) the best mod will help spinners and it will encourage the community to mod in order to support spinning. This will probably lead to more spinners spinning that specific mod or trying it out ie more spinning. The judging is public based and the competitors can get pro spinners to advertise their mod (if pro spinners spin certain mods so do other spinners ;D) the only problem is that is no real motivation to mod on UPSB (according to Nacho) so to solve this problem I was thinking perhaps getting other communities involved. Critique and suggestions will be helpful c:

  2. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:02:54

    not a bad idea, but the judging part is kinda difficult

  3. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 08:36:28

    I don't think there is a lack of modding on the forum. The only pen spinning 'problem' is probably the general lack of technical pen spinners.

  4. fang
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 10:09:26

    Mats wrote: I don't think there is a lack of modding on the forum. The only pen spinning 'problem' is probably the general lack of technical pen spinners.
    one way to overcome that, UPSB got lots of newcommers and average spinners. Within some time, all those spinners will rise. People mostly like Zkhan, Enterthedarkrealm and Van look very promosing!~ ^_^ Be patient!~

  5. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 10:14:21

    fang wrote: one way to overcome that, UPSB got lots of newcommers and average spinners. Within some time, all those spinners will rise. People mostly like Zkhan, Enterthedarkrealm and Van look very promosing!~ ^_^ Be patient!~
    It doesn't look very promising. There are not even enough good spinners coming through to replace ones that are leaving.

  6. fang
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 10:19:46

    Mats wrote: It doesn't look very promising. There are not even enough good spinners coming through to replace ones that are leaving.
    Maybe, we'll see. But where else do you want to get some new good spinners? Any sugestions?!~

  7. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 11:07:57

    From right here. It's not that there are not spinners around, just that the environment is not right for great spinners to emerge.

  8. fang
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 11:24:14

    Mats wrote: From right here. It's not that there are not spinners around, just that the environment is not right for great spinners to emerge.
    How do you want to change the environment to let the great spinners emerge?!~

  9. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 11:27:03

    Several things would help. People giving more respect to good spinners, prized competitions, clear tutorials, for example.

  10. sangara
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 12:11:13

    I don't think that tutorials have to do with it, UPSB now just has no one to look up to. I think the only reason UPSB is still alive is because its a universal board. Our only good spinners left us, but that's probably because no one gives a shit about spinning here.

  11. fang
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 12:55:57

    sangara wrote: I don't think that tutorials have to do with it, UPSB now just has no one to look up to. I think the only reason UPSB is still alive is because its a universal board. Our only good spinners left us, but that's probably because no one gives a shit about spinning here.
    We still have Eriror, and beside that I care about penspinning!~ ^_^ But you do have a point!~

  12. strat1227
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 18:23:53

    The fact that I'm still here points to why we don't have as many amazing spinners UPSB is a place to hang out and have fun, you can definitely learn and get really good, but that's not the focus. I don't spin at all and I'm still on here every day. If it was JEB or somewhere that nothing but spinning mattered, I would have been gone 4 years ago

  13. Pen Ninja
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 23:54:38

    sangara wrote: Our only good spinners left us, but that's probably because no one gives a shit about spinning here.
    cheers bro

  14. sangara
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 00:38:19

    Pen Ninja wrote: cheers bro
    Sorry, our only famous spinners left us.

  15. taichi1082
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 01:10:48

    Stop complaining about how shitty the community/board/whatever is and concentrate on spinning lol Having good spinners in your board does not depend on a good community but rather on motivation and passion for spinning

  16. Mats
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 09:46:36

    Pen Ninja, i.suk, Mats and Eriror are good. :thumb: Why is everyone else not getting as good as them?

  17. Jazz
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 10:53:37

    Because Mats is way too pro for me to understand.

  18. King
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 15:06:29

    The only way anyone is going to accomplish something is to carryout their plan. I tried. Im not to sure if it failed or not yet.... But i tried.

  19. Mats
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 15:08:45

    King wrote: The only way anyone is going to accomplish something is to carryout their plan. I tried. Im not to sure if it failed or not yet.... But i tried.
    Where and what did you try?

  20. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 19:40:16

    How about offering rewards for winning certain things? How about giving people different titles for certain accomplishments that revolve around spinning? Im just throwing up ideas.

  21. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 20:14:52

    for winning what? theres the upsb tournament with a reward and a signature banner if you win

  22. King
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 01:05:59

    Mats wrote: Where and what did you try?
    Currently, I am trying to influence the community by creating a UPSB group. This group only allows spinners who have shown they own the initiative to become great spinners. Also, by creating the group, I have created an environment where individuals are able to be surrounded by other spinners who are better/want to be better. Which, imo, is a great way to become better.

  23. Mats
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 01:08:05

    King wrote: Currently, I am trying to influence the community by creating a UPSB group. This group only allows spinners who have shown they own the initiative to become great spinners. Also, by creating the group, I have created an environment where individuals are able to be surrounded by other spinners who are better/want to be better. Which, imo, is a great way to become better.
    Who is in the group? How good are you at pen spinning? Why are you down as female when you are male? :wtf:

  24. King
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 01:16:38

    Mats wrote: Who is in the group? How good are you at pen spinning? Why are you down as female when you are male? :wtf:
    These are the members: Alvaris aramos13 Baaron browndog12 casual dat eazi-penspinner Erirornal Kraione Eruption Gash Hippo2626 HobbyLogics i.suk iColor iFL JackyMacky Kcom2002 Kionz Koza Minlaotion miyat MRYangYang Nachoaddict neoknux_009 Pen Ninja spinford TheAafg thebloodgod Twine Van Yamaguchi Zkhan This is my latest video(you be the judge :3): And because I want to :P

  25. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 02:45:47

    thats the best way to progress imo, to make small teams that can mentor each other or motivate each other. that's how PDS rose with the FS team

  26. Van
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 03:08:14

    which would then end up separating again becoming another lpsa

  27. strat1227
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 03:20:14

    Yep, if we faction off it'll get really shitty

  28. TheAafg
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:01:53

    Me and Zkhan talked about this whole issue in the shoutbox. iColor might know what we both are thinking as he might have read it. I wouldn't like to share the idea so openly right now however, it is for the betterment of upsb and it does involve boards like lpsa forming even if it is for a small amount of time. Should be enough to infer the rest (sun)

  29. Hippo2626
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:09:04

    what if there was a new usergroup that were "mentors" of sorts. It could be a program for spinners who want to better themselves. So the mentors could mentor them on a peer to peer basis. That way spinners who want to better their spinning can do it more effectively. It might inculcate a more spinning friendly environment and also carry the chill spirit that it does now for those who come here to socialise.

  30. strat1227
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:16:18

    The problems is that there are like 50 newbies a day and most of them disappear quickly, so it's not really possible I think it'd be cool if Mentor/Mentee were like an official thing though, like most good/old-timer people picked out people on their own to mentor, like "Oh i like that new guy he's got promise, I'm going to mentor him" But then people who don't get mentored feel left out

  31. Mats
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:17:58

    I mentored TheAafg before i left. Was that in any way benefitial? @TheAafg

  32. TheAafg
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:22:54

    @Mats now that this is brought up, if I think about it , it really did help. If I did not receive such motivation I would have stopped spinning and stuck to trolling in the spammers bin. It gave me hope and it felt like there was something I could still do, it just felt as if it was still possible to become a pro one day lol. To be honest, having a mentor of some sort sets an example for you and people usually follow that example *role-model* It gives you a feeling that someone actually cares and is supporting you. Even if they just tell you to go practise, it really is helpful when someone else says it. Trust me. I don't think I ever said thank you so here goes : Thanks man, it meant a lot to me.

  33. Mats
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:24:03

    I am glad it helped :thumb: :)

  34. King
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:34:30

    I kinda like that system. Ive always wanted some sorta mentor (sun)

  35. Van
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:42:11

    ive been "mentored" on Tiny Chat alot ^^ like koza and enk i mean if you really wish to be taught i personally think tiny chat could be a good place to learn stuff (although that may depend on the person online..) any wayys if mentors became official, if people can choose their own mentors, pros (like WC/T class) people would be bombarded with questions which would feel stress for them if you want to filter those newbies that join for like a week, how about u appoint them mentors once they reached a certain amount of days/posts (which is not to be mentioned in rules) and maybe you can give them a little survey about them selves and their style (or what they want to develop) so a suited mentor would teach (i.e; power loving beginner can be taught by isuk,etc, linkage loving beginner by like penja etc) buut i highly doubt this is accomplishable ^^

  36. Mats
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:42:17

    King wrote: I kinda like that system. Ive always wanted some sorta mentor (sun)
    I will mentor you if you like? @King

  37. shoeman6
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:45:56

    I'm not sure that actually assigning mentors would help. Having a less hostile environment in general, (where newbs are excluded/flamed) would encourage more of them to stay and get to know potential mentors.

  38. miyat
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:48:05

    I think the mentoring idea is good. People who want to get mentored and people who want to mentor could apply based on questions/ spinning/ time on upsb. I don't know how matching would work though and if a mentor could help more than one person, but I like that idea. Personally, I am probably a serious spinner today because of the people who i met through UPSB and the gatherings I went to. Being able to talk to communicate with other serious spinner and get help one on one is definitely much better than just watching tutorials/ slo-mo's. It's inspiring and fun ^^.

  39. iColor
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 04:53:44

    How about weekly seminars? Could be combined with tinychat or some streaming website, we could set up a whole seminar on how to become a better pen spinner. With different topics each week, as well as questions at the end. We could have engagement from the audience and set up weekly challenges. I'm thinking of more like a weekly live show.

  40. shoeman6
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 05:06:55

    Another problem is that pen spinning is a lot of personal work, even with a mentor there's only so much you can help someone with past the point where it's just "practice". People always want someone else to do the work for them. It works a lot better as a collaborative than a simple teacher student method, + the fact the new spinners will pass the level out their mentors rather quickly.

  41. Hippo2626
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 05:18:40

    FYI imma' start a series called "Becoming a better spinner" soon

  42. Mats
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 05:19:34

    Let's put it this way: I moved to Norwich 2 months ago. There is a really good juggler here called Johnny. I see him at juggling club and he sees me. We both push each other really hard, even in things that we do not both do, since we both do the same skill and go to the same place. Also, we help each other, for example if one of us can do a trick really well that the other cannot do (happens often), they teach the other and improve progress of the other person. A PSing mentor could help in a similar way.

  43. sangara
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 05:38:45

    So are we going to start this huge campaign to increase UPSB's spinning level? Radio show anyone?

  44. iColor
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 06:15:25

    Radio show/Livestream Show. Seems pretty fun and educational to me. I'm up for it.

  45. strat1227
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 10:17:33

    sangara wrote: So are we going to start this huge campaign to increase UPSB's spinning level? Radio show anyone?
    I'm always down for a radio show

  46. SuiXidaL
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 10:31:35

    strat1227 wrote: I'm always down for a radio show
    mhmmm, every radio show needs a guy with an accent (sun) I'm joking... but if you want i can do it :D

  47. Jazz
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 12:08:48

    Radio show. Okay.

  48. Van
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 19:22:06

    i wonder which helps more: - mentor with a higher skilled person - small group of similar skilled spinners who push each other as rivals

  49. King
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 19:27:52

    Radio/live stream show sounds great. And i think itd be a great way to motivate new spinners to practice and such.

  50. sangara
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 19:43:19

    I've got it, we'll do it like the Day9 Daily, except maybe weekly? That way we can get participation and we could like stream videos and have live commentary over it and what not.

  51. iColor
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 19:56:58

    That was exactly what I was thinking, haha. More like a Day9-style Weekly Show except for pen spinning. Want to start planning for our first show?

  52. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 23:12:36

    Sounds like a plan, even I'm down for this, to help in whatever way I can. =)

  53. Raos
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 00:05:03

    im down for the radio show thingy and the mentor program thingy. Hmm how about a monthly poll where spinners who are born that month submit one video ONE VIDEO only and a organizer makes a poll and whoever wins the poll gets a "gift" that can motivate spinners. Or if you want it more strict, maybe a minimum requirement of a number of videos a spinner has to upload(goes according to experience) per month/year? I know it may turn off soem spinners but its just a suggestion. UPSB teams world cup, makes it more competitive? Lesson of the month/week? Video of the day/week? Penalties for not contributing? (maybe too strict) Quizes? (idk) Ill think of more stuff.

  54. Quake
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 01:09:42

    DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: Or if you want it more strict, maybe a minimum requirement of a number of videos a spinner has to upload(goes according to experience) per month/year? I know it may turn off soem spinners but its just a suggestion.
    i'd be down for that. it'd push me to improve.

  55. Mats
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 02:37:34

    The mentoring program has begun!

  56. neXus
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 17:24:19

    As for people pushing each other to improve how do you like the idea of improvement challenges. An improvement challenge works like this: People of similar spinning time sign up to the challenge. Over the next X month at set intervals every participant posts a video of themselves spinning what they consider is their best combo at the moment. After X months, judges compare first to last videos and judge on who made the most progess of all participants. Top 3 may get a prize to motivate further. Maybe 3 months per challenge, videos every 2 weeks or something. This doesn't have to be just for combos. This could be for power tricks too, improve the amount of busts you can do (or whatever kids are doing these days).

  57. fang
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 18:11:57

    Van wrote: i wonder which helps more: - mentor with a higher skilled person - small group of similar skilled spinners who push each other as rivals
    We can try both, I mean if there are 2 penspinners start @ the same time. They see eachother as rivals. If both have a mentor, they will be pushed into the right way of learning!~

  58. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 18:44:39

    neXus wrote: As for people pushing each other to improve how do you like the idea of improvement challenges. An improvement challenge works like this: People of similar spinning time sign up to the challenge. Over the next X month at set intervals every participant posts a video of themselves spinning what they consider is their best combo at the moment. After X months, judges compare first to last videos and judge on who made the most progess of all participants. Top 3 may get a prize to motivate further. Maybe 3 months per challenge, videos every 2 weeks or something. This doesn't have to be just for combos. This could be for power tricks too, improve the amount of busts you can do (or whatever kids are doing these days).
    who can sets this up?

  59. Mats
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 18:47:53

    I could run it? Find a few judges and take sign ups etc. Perhaps UPSB could give a year/six month premium membership for most improved?

  60. King
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 19:21:17

    That is a reallllllyyy good idea.

  61. Abyss
    Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 08:12:33

    Van wrote: i wonder which helps more: - mentor with a higher skilled person - small group of similar skilled spinners who push each other as rivals
    Im actually trying the small group plan, now im recruiting similar skilled spinners into a group and see how it goes :/ We should have team competitions sometime soon when we get more teams just to motivate our spinners even more.

  62. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 09:10:53

    Abyss wrote: i wonder which helps more:

  63. gyrobius
    Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 09:21:19

    I think there should be a whole section for tutorial threads. What I mean is that there should be a whole place for people to discuss PS tuts and learn from each other how to make better ones. I think it would also increase the amount of people interested in spinning more than modding if there were more good tutorials and tutorial makers.