The Vault / World Cup 2012 rumors

  1. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 03:50:54

    In this thread, we post world cup rumors. I know a bit but not everything; some communities are closed. * This is the JEB signups: It's decent but missing some names. The JEB manager is trying to find bigger names like Mesi or HAL to join in. * It looks like s777 is a long shot for FPSB. He's too busy with college. The ace of the team would be fel2fram. There are rumors that Gisele8 might be joining the french team, which would be strange since Ivabra is eligible for the UPSB team. Former teammates would fight each other. * the triple alliance between MyPSC / SPSC / KPSA will be split evenly at 2/2/2. Don't know who's playing though. Post if you know anything!

  2. TheAafg
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:10:21

    I asked Gisele 8 why he didn't join UPSB's team cause it would be awesome to see him and Eriror together. Gisele 8 said that he was done with world cups. This happened on the sb btw. @___@

  3. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:11:51

    TheAafg wrote: I asked Gisele 8 why he didn't join UPSB's team cause it would be awesome to see him and Eriror together. Gisele 8 said that he was done with world cups. This happened on the sb btw. @___@
    He's overrated anyway. Eriror is 2x as good!

  4. Elune
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:19:34

    Think about it :| WC is about theme battle and Gisele8 may be the best speed spinner we might have :|

  5. MickChickenn
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:26:36

    ivabra is spinning for us. s777 has announced that he is semi-officially-retired. felfram is good, but he wont get any points for a few categories. His combos are all the same, recently, and are ugly IMO.

  6. hoiboy
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:27:47

    whoah whoah whoah which communities are morphing with UPSB?

  7. Hippo2626
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:39:08

    hoiboy wrote: whoah whoah whoah which communities are morphing with UPSB?
    No one, It's just that since BPSC isn't participating, Ivabra decided to try for the UPSB team. The last time I talked to some of the THPSC members they said that everyone from the WC10 team wanted to participate except for thelegend (either tonnam or tigeroat) but that was a couple of months ago. I think a lot of them have been inactive so it ins't looking too good for them. I think right now only BaiMai and supawit still want to participate.

  8. iColor
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:47:20

    From what I can read in LPSA, their proposed line-up is: Baaron colddi Lekunga Kima Wai Impulse

  9. King
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:50:44

    Am i the only one who has no idea who colddi is?

  10. MickChickenn
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:51:18

    iColor wrote: From what I can read in LPSA, their proposed line-up is: Baaron colddi Lekunga Kima Wai Impulse
    Not very good. Baaron is obviously a threat, and as is lekunga, but the others are not very awesome.

  11. hoiboy
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:53:51

    MickChickenn wrote: Not very good. Baaron is obviously a threat, and as is lekunga, but the others are not very awesome.
    Wai can pull of some pretty wicked 2h when he's not lazy.

  12. MickChickenn
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 05:57:18

    hoiboy wrote: Wai can pull of some pretty wicked 2h when he's not lazy.
    Yeah, hes one of the better ones, but not at baarons level.

  13. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:00:01

    iColor wrote: From what I can read in LPSA, their proposed line-up is: Baaron colddi Lekunga Kima Wai Impulse
    lol what language is lpsa, how can baaron understand german and juminowo is not lpsa? colddi is member of WC10, he sucked in WT11 cuz he abused power tricks. He also won the 2010 live tournament GPC

  14. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:02:35

    Baaron, German? Babelfish.

  15. iColor
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:04:32

    It's primarily German, but they all speak English pretty fluently. =p Jiminowo (I forgot how to spell it..) isn't a member of LPSA either.

  16. King
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:04:50

    Most peeps in LPSA speak english pretty well.

  17. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:08:02

    well baaron doesn't really care for UPSB so i dont have a problem with him participating for LPSA, the rules for communities are getting blurry though, more communities are becoming international

  18. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:09:07

    Zombo wrote: well baaron doesn't really care for UPSB so i dont have a problem with him participating for LPSA, the rules for communities are getting blurry though, more communities are becoming international
    UPSB surely though, being called universal, is for anyone to participate in? Even a JEB spinner, for example?

  19. MickChickenn
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:10:28

    we are the UNIVERSAL pen spinning board. If aliens spun, they could feasibly join the board.

  20. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:24:01

    Mats wrote: UPSB surely though, being called universal, is for anyone to participate in? Even a JEB spinner, for example?
    only if they consider UPSB their main board, not JEB, like Xzelph.

  21. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:51:46

    those are the potential KZPSC spinners, dont know them but might as well do a little research Simon - WatS - DAsm - Kenes - ShoT - Dantes -

  22. JackyMacky
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:57:43

    Zombo wrote: WatS -
    Teletubbies? O_O

  23. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 07:00:31

    JackyMacky wrote: Teletubbies? O_O

  24. kaku
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 10:26:20

    Just to clear the air about Baaron, he's with LPSA because he'd rather represent a board with active spinners. UPSB may have a number of cool people and a few good/great spinners, but he's rather fed up with the community as a whole and hates how most of the people here hassle him about the mods he uses, rather than asking/commenting about his crazy linkages. Trust me, even though I don't spin that much anymore, Baaron still shows me at least 1 new linkage every few days. He's always thinking of new hybrids and links, and it frustrates him that all UPSB cares about is the thing he spins. Whether you like it or not, you gotta realize that it was Baaron who decided to spin for LPSA, and if you are a true fan or friend of him, you'd support him and wish him the best of luck. I've seen a couple of people call him out for choosing LPSA, but that's cuz they don't realize how he feels about this board. So if you were wondering why Baaron is with LPSA instead of UPSB, the forum he's been on for over 3 years, that's why. Or at least, that's what I make of it. I've known Baaron all my life, and we're pretty close brothers, so I can kinda understand the way he thinks. Plus, he tells me he blocks the people that ask him over and over about his mods, especially the oh-so-secret Baaron DC, which imo, is a decent mod at the best. xD

  25. Elune
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 13:15:06

    Juminuwo is UKPS (England maybe) if I'm not wrong xD He can definitely join WC for artistic battles (though not WT level yet)

  26. i.suk
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 13:20:17

    twps: x1213, rex, minzian, demonic, brandon, 6th spinner unknown (joey/schung/ppm) hkpsa: kin, ccw, wah, middle?, orc?, 6th unknown psh: snow, clear, tin, airgear, eagle, age info from about about a month ago

  27. SuiXidaL
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 13:26:31

    i.suk wrote: twps: x1213, rex, minzian, demonic, [B]brandon[/B], 6th spinner unknown (joey/schung/ppm) hkpsa: kin, ccw, wah, middle?, orc?, 6th unknown psh: snow, clear, tin, airgear, eagle, age info from about about a month ago
    meeeee =D

  28. spinford
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 22:11:30

    I heard that sister R changed his style and that he is not participating so I dont know why he is in the japen lineups

  29. Van
    Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 23:02:32

    so I heard Ocha was requested by the organizer of WC to be in the team... like Mesi in WT11, why do u request ppl in JEB to join? :?

  30. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:05:30

    Van wrote: so I heard Ocha was requested by the organizer of WC to be in the team... like Mesi in WT11, why do u request ppl in JEB to join? :?
    so they make a better team?

  31. taichi1082
    Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 09:59:15

    Mesi isn't that good anyways They better get turugi ready

  32. Enkronidus
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 16:14:39

    Seems like THPSC is changing the qualification type into sending a video instead of public voting now. We might see something new for the 6 people in our team. [I'm not going to participate this year, though. =(] Supawit is guaranteed to be in WC and perhaps, Spinnerpeem.

  33. neoknux_009
    Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 22:38:44

    with regards to gisele, i dont think he is that good anyway. :/ i could spin at that speed and do funky dexteric things too... its making the speed seamless like say dongza that really brings out a combo. but hes a lot better from before. ============================================= with regards to baaron, i dont think ive ever personally pestered him for his mod. Ive actually spun a replica or the real thing, it i agree its an ok mod at best. I think baaron gets plenty of praise for his linkages and style, just look at one of his youtube vids. Replicating mods is also a pretty big thing for spinners, many spinners just like collecting as oppose to spinning. However i think majority of others just like having the mod because they actually admire the spinner and their combos, not because believe it will grant them powers. Like i knew ages ago that s777 mx would probably be average to spin, and i did everything in my power to get it!!! (traded with french spinners xD thanks MEGAS) . The only reason i wanted it was because i absolutely loved s777's combos, style and linkages and so in kinda pays homage to the spinner. (btw the mod spins pretty bad from what im used to lol) Thats why while there dozens of amazing mods made everyday, they dont get as popular say as a Seven MOD, of Buster Cyl. Ivan mod for example as far as i know only got popular when supawit/peem started to spin it. (i could be wrong here, but thats the feel i get) Another great example is MX. Come on, MX is a pretty terrrible mod when you look at it in comparison to other mods. It gets rep and is STILL popular because its a well known mod thats tons of famous spinners have and can use and so people like recreating combos with it. Its just such a shame baaron isnt competing with upsb. I think if anything the bulk of his would be teammates probably never bothered him too much about his mod. eg eriror, vic, pen ninja, jammie. etc. i hope he comes back one day, because he was and still is so integral to UPSB. =============================================================== too bad s777 isnt competing. ive always wanted s777 and pyralux dream tag to come back, and was then hoping for something like fel2fram + fratleym to own some of the tags. i honestly think its clear FPSB is one of the best boards in terms of creativity and linkages if they got their dream team. go fel2fram! go gollumsk8!

  34. DArKT
    Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 01:30:05

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ perfect. why dont you guys talk about BRPSB? :trollface:

  35. GeeGeeGee
    Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 02:18:09

    @neoknux_009 i agree on everything you said. people like to have mods from famous psers. s777 and pyralux tag is the best tag i've seen so far. fel2fram is crazy. FPSB will win WC-12 withfel2fram. but freeman is a threat to other boards too.

  36. Raos
    Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 04:54:22

    i wodner if littleboy will appear for FPSB and surprise us, now that will be overpowering

  37. Vaan
    Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 23:45:04

    littleboy already quit/ (as i know)

  38. Abyss
    Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 23:58:52

    Vaan wrote: littleboy already quit/ (as i know)
    lol from his channel he said that he will have a surprise for us, dont know what isit about though :/

  39. fang
    Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 21:30:18

    From my spy in FPSB I got the next list of the french team: fel2fram Lindor Anikis A13X Futhark Look like a good line-up if you ask me!~

  40. spinford
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 02:58:37

    Lindor sucks IMO

  41. neoknux_009
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 04:44:55

    yeah! anikis <3. but where is gollumsk8 V_V

  42. sangara
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 05:05:31

    Lindor is god tier.

  43. Hippo2626
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 05:10:15

    Oh crap lindor... Everyone else is doomed in the artistic side.

  44. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 05:44:19

    neoknux_009 wrote: yeah! anikis <3. but where is gollumsk8 V_V
    gsk8 dropped off a lot. disappointing at WT11 R1 and poor results in the FPSBT. He is no longer considered elite in FPSB.

  45. Elune
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 06:05:45

    Personally I don't like Lindor's spinning xD He's good at creativity and (maybe) execution, but Fel2fram is much more better at both mentioned aspects ...

  46. taichi1082
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 07:22:01

    sangara wrote: Lindor is god tier.
    People are misusing these tiers...

  47. neoknux_009
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 09:15:02

    Zombo wrote: gsk8 dropped off a lot. disappointing at WT11 R1 and poor results in the FPSBT. He is no longer considered elite in FPSB.
    really? that makes no sense really :/ his WTR1 vid was really really good. Lindor makes sense for creativity themes. Futhark is cool too, but his combos confuse me. sometimes i feel creativity emphasis , othertimes i feel smoothness emphasis..i guess im not feeling the synygy with his trick families. FPBS is at least still very strong. cant wait for fel2fram to step up. of course a13x will take care of any power trick theme x)

  48. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 10:59:34

    neoknux_009 wrote: really? that makes no sense really :/ his WTR1 vid was really really good.
    It makes no sense if he is a UPSB spinner, but have you seen the general standard in FPSB? It's way tougher there to be elite.

  49. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 18:02:35

    FPSB is becoming a serious threat. Fel2fram and lindor are really good, and powertricking can easily be handled by A13x. They are starting to look just as good without s777.

  50. Mats
    Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 19:05:47

    MickChickenn wrote: FPSB is becoming a serious threat.
    Becoming? I would have thought they would be favourites anyway?

  51. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 21:46:23

    Mats wrote: Becoming? I would have thought they would be favourites anyway?
    Before, I was like "Oh hell yeah!! FPSB just lost s777!! The world champion just left the builiding!." I forgot about some of the more.....insane spinners that they have that are not s777.

  52. SJ
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 03:50:12

    just a noob question here what is this "triple alliance"? please mention my username when someone answers :D

  53. Hippo2626
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 04:00:23

    @SJ for this WC, boards are allowed to team up if the individual boards can't get 6 strong members to participate. So KPSA, SPSC and MyPSC teamed up together to form a team.

  54. SJ
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 04:01:29

    Hippo2626 wrote: @SJ for this WC, boards are allowed to team up if the individual boards can't get 6 strong members to participate. So KPSA, SPSC and MyPSC teamed up together to form a team.
    so if their team wins... all three boards share the credit? -.- odd... man so out of the loop

  55. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 04:02:15

    PSUK are teaming up with UPSB. :ssst:

  56. King
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 08:18:16

    We are? So... Jumi in our lineup?

  57. Raos
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 16:33:29


  58. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 18:12:33

    I'm Dutch, does that count? :D

  59. DArKT
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 18:23:19

    Personally i think that the drop off s777 in FPSB´s team is not going to be a problem for them. for Power they have A13X,maybe creativeness Lindor or Fram,and some other potential psers that they might got there. BUT,the WC is a Team tournament,and as fang said once,they got no team spirit,even if theyre a big deal to other boards

  60. Mats
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 18:42:56

    DArKT wrote: BUT,the WC is a Team tournament,and as fang said once,they got no team spirit,even if theyre a big deal to other boards
    You do not need team spirit in this competition. :dunno: It's quite a 'solo' team effort.

  61. Hippo2626
    Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 23:41:11

    Mats wrote: You do not need team spirit in this competition. :dunno: It's quite a 'solo' team effort.
    I have to disagree with this. The last WC was evidence that if a team is united and knows how to work together effectively, they can go further then where their ability can carry them. BPSC got all the way to 2nd place when they weren't expected to do very well. They played their strength and worked together in the doubles battles very well and I believe that was the biggest reason why they got so far. JEB on the other hand seemed to be messing around with their battles and if not for ponkotu, they wouldn't have made it to the top 4. THPSC is also a good example. They were already the strongest team but they were very smart when if came to which spinner participated in each round like saving peem for the last 2 rounds which sort of confirmed their victory in the WC

  62. Elune
    Date: Thu, Dec 29 2011 06:48:11

    ^this Well I don't know about other boards, but if THPSC can still keep their line-up then they will definitely own this WC >.> and well I'm missing HAL, he should really participate for speed round >.>

  63. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 03:56:12

    Elune wrote: ^this Well I don't know about other boards, but if THPSC can still keep their line-up then they will definitely own this WC >.> and well I'm missing HAL, he should really participate for speed round >.>
    Read earlier. Somebody talked about THPSC's lineup. They are not looking great, according to that post.

  64. DArKT
    Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 20:35:42

    You guys really should take care with my board (BRPSB) [video=youtube;z2r8oTy1rfs][/video] [video=youtube;NBwghOK19ok][/video] [video=youtube;rCG848Bhdgw][/video]

  65. MickChickenn
    Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 04:59:26

    DArKT wrote: You guys really should take care with my board (BRPSB)
    Congrats. You have assembled a dynamic, mind bending, diaper soiling, incredibly pro team of three spinniners. 2 of which aren't even WT level. BRPS FTW!!!!!!

  66. Frip
    Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 22:52:26

    MickChickenn wrote: Congrats. You have assembled a dynamic, mind bending, diaper soiling, incredibly pro team of three spinniners. 2 of which aren't even WT level. BRPS FTW!!!!!!
    1) *BRPSB 2) :stfu:

  67. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 01:17:01

    Frip wrote: 1) *BRPSB 2) :stfu:
    you should also have a problem with DArKT, since that is how he spelled it.

  68. DArKT
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 01:47:05

    MickChickenn wrote: you should also have a problem with DArKT, since that is how he spelled it.
    oh sorry. thats a bug when i put B and ) together. so,the last spinner,the video was from June,please,shut the fuck up. and here are other spinners from my board if you want it. [video=youtube;P214jejmglU][/video] [video=youtube;ogfwHcDhW5M][/video] [video=youtube;LsPrQcs1k60][/video] [video=youtube;wLI6XGiYtuc][/video] okay then. i could post some other vids,but i think you dont need to be such a jerk to reply to my comment again. since i never saw a vid from you,i would say you respect other boards spinners. and even if someone here is not in WT,i bet theyre in a higher level than youre. BRPS?? if youve knew boards you would know the correct name for it.BRPSB :stfu:

  69. taichi1082
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 02:40:08

    Isn't this thread supposed to be for rumors? Anyways, those clips aren't impressive at all (Darkinhex has some potential, he should would watch his execution though). After Minwoos talk about BRPSB in 09 I expected more. /EDIT: Oh by the way, some rumors: Kima won't be able to participate. <- This is a offline combo he made in December 2010

  70. neoknux_009
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 02:41:06

    so when will the upsb team be told ? D;

  71. Mats
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 02:44:01

    taichi1082 wrote: Isn't this thread supposed to be for rumors? Anyways, those clips aren't impressive at all (Darkinhex has some potential, he should would watch his execution though). After Minwoos talk about BRPSB in 09 I expected more.
    I agree that BRPSB are unlikely to do well this year. I think other boards are coming out with some strong teams and BRPSB would be extremely lucky to make it to a semi-final this year. However, I don't think those clips are not impressive. For the level that pen spinning is at right now, those are some pretty good spinners. Top 3: THPSC, JEB, FPSB.

  72. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 05:27:45

    DArKT wrote: oh sorry. thats a bug when i put B and ) together. so,the last spinner,the video was from June,please,shut the fuck up. and here are other spinners from my board if you want it. [video=youtube;P214jejmglU][/video] [video=youtube;ogfwHcDhW5M][/video] [video=youtube;LsPrQcs1k60][/video] [video=youtube;wLI6XGiYtuc][/video] okay then. i could post some other vids,but i think you dont need to be such a jerk to reply to my comment again. since i never saw a vid from you,i would say you respect other boards spinners. and even if someone here is not in WT,i bet theyre in a higher level than youre. BRPS?? if youve knew boards you would know the correct name for it.BRPSB :stfu:
    I dont know what you see that is so great about these videos. There have been 2 pretty good spinners, but even though wont mean much against spinners such as A13x and snow. Also, I know those spinners are above my level. That in no way means I cannot critique them. Just b/c they are better than me doesnt mean that I have no idea how spinning is suppossed to look. Im not an idiot just because they are good. Also, sorry for being such a jerk in my other posts. Sarcasm+internet= bad feelings all around.

  73. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 06:09:29

    please no flaming in this thread.... we are in the vault

  74. Elune
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 09:41:43

    [video=youtube;tmtQCTBovic][/video] Awesome powertricking xD

  75. DArKT
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 15:37:31

    MickChickenn wrote: I dont know what you see that is so great about these videos. There have been 2 pretty good spinners, but even though wont mean much against spinners such as A13x and snow. Also, I know those spinners are above my level. That in no way means I cannot critique them. Just b/c they are better than me doesnt mean that I have no idea how spinning is suppossed to look. Im not an idiot just because they are good. Also, sorry for being such a jerk in my other posts. Sarcasm+internet= bad feelings all around.
    OK,i know,just wanted people show more respect for other boards. ive seen people flaging boards like IPSB and even KZPSC,just cuz they havent got spinners like Snow or A13x. as in the latest WC,nobody expected that BPSC would get to the finals. @taichi1082 ^^^^^^^read

  76. taichi1082
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 16:36:04

    I see. It was not my intention to insult or "flame" anyone. If you feel offended by my honest impression, I apologize for my choice of words.

  77. Van
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 21:59:02

    from what DArKT posted, BRPSB doenst look WC level... the first two power trickers seem weak as a power tricker, and others seems to be out of control

  78. DArKT
    Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 23:17:33

    Van wrote: from what DArKT posted, BRPSB doenst look WC level... the first two power trickers seem weak as a power tricker, and others seems to be out of control
    from the ones you re talking,the vids are from 2010. and whe´ve got another power tricker.

  79. hoiboy
    Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 03:28:07

    Ok, I took a look at the BRPSB videos, and I have a few comments: [B]darkinhex[/B] - he looks like a copy of baimai... but while baimai has flawless execution (or can fake his way through it), darkinhex makes obvious execution errors. BaiMai set some high standards with his style and combos, and darkinhex fails to give that style a little personal taste. [B]well[/B] - 2p2h in the beginning is ok, but again with the it's-been-done-better thing. there have been some amazing 2p2h combos recently, and well fails to live up to those standards. also, the use of hand movements in his 2p2h is really overused. and he has control issues. [B]dashhh[/B] - by far, the most non-world level spinner. there's some okay minicombos in there, but there's a lot of spam going on in between. [B]darkness[/B] - This guy reminds me of the old peem: power tricks and fundamentals, except that his fundamentals (non-power tricks) are clearly underdeveloped. again with the it's-been-done-better thing. [B]sanozucke[/B] - pretty good, though I find some of his finger movements awkward. maybe that's just me. 0:22 ;_; [B]mirek...[/B] - obvious lack of smoothness, last fl ta really wants to make me cry. overall, he has an underdeveloped style. technical spinner, but without the technique. I think BRPSB has passable spinners. A lot of them are falling into the "copy others" trap, but then they don't add something new to the style or spinner that they are trying to copy. It gives a feeling of deja-vu. Control issues are rampant among these spinners, and some of them really need to go back to fixing the basics. Standards are also changing. In WT'09, it was all about technical stuff (difficulty), but it's been slowly moving toward artistic ability. I hope to see a lot more new tricks/ideas this year.

  80. DArKT
    Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 05:49:46

    Ok then. just one comment. as i saidbefore, Darkness video was from 2010. he evolved alot more than this. Dashh can be a non world level pser,but for a spinner with 1 year and some months,hes just amazing,dont you think? from mirek,hes got a unique style(only my point of view),and amazing linkages.i personnally dont like his spinning too,but hes by far,oneof the most amazing spinners in my board Darkinhex is really a copy of baimai.if you read the description of the video,youll see it.BUT,i really think most of them are hiding stuffs for the dont judge only a combo. and come on guys. you guys compare only the spinners from other boards like PSH,FPSB.what artistical spinners does UPSB got that are entering in the WC?UPSB natives.not people like Gisele and Ivabra,that may join in the UPSB team. @hoiboy

  81. Pen Ninja
    Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 16:10:30

    THIS is how one should power trick... only thing that disappointed me a bit was the 1-way-ness of it

  82. hoiboy
    Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 22:39:21

    DArKT wrote: and come on guys. you guys compare only the spinners from other boards like PSH,FPSB.what artistical spinners does UPSB got that are entering in the WC?UPSB natives.not people like Gisele and Ivabra,that may join in the UPSB team.
    UPSB may not have the strongest team, but this is the WC 2012 thread, not the UPSB vs. everyone else for WC 2012 thread.

  83. DArKT
    Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 03:20:48

    hoiboy wrote: not the UPSB vs. everyone else for WC 2012 thread.
    ya better watch yourselfs too. cuz in WC it will be UPSB vs everyone else. if this is not UPSB vs other boards,is it BRPSB vs everyone else?

  84. taichi1082
    Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 17:42:55

    4 Spinners from GPC are already final: kirua Sponge Minwoo Josh_Pr Currently, there is a public vote for the remaining two spots: Deathfish, Pudels Kern, Sekutor, Swob And there is currently a discussion on whether or not LPSA Votes should count since they all vote for Sekutor (formerly known as BonkingElephant, GPC/LPSA inside Joke)

  85. sangara
    Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:17:46

    Finally kirua. It's going to be the best WC ever. If Pudels gets on that team they're going to be my favorite.

  86. fang
    Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 11:55:21

    a13x is out, gisele 8 is in!~ (for what I heard!)

  87. Elune
    Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 15:10:58

    From who and where ?????? unbelievable ????

  88. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 9 2012 19:45:28

    so far only received lineup for RPSC

  89. MickChickenn
    Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 04:00:01

    DArKT wrote: Ok then. just one comment. as i saidbefore, Darkness video was from 2010. he evolved alot more than this. Dashh can be a non world level pser,but for a spinner with 1 year and some months,hes just amazing,dont you think? from mirek,hes got a unique style(only my point of view),and amazing linkages.i personnally dont like his spinning too,but hes by far,oneof the most amazing spinners in my board Darkinhex is really a copy of baimai.if you read the description of the video,youll see it.BUT,i really think most of them are hiding stuffs for the dont judge only a combo. and come on guys. you guys compare only the spinners from other boards like PSH,FPSB.what artistical spinners does UPSB got that are entering in the WC?UPSB natives.not people like Gisele and Ivabra,that may join in the UPSB team. @hoiboy
    cough *hippo and neoknux* cough.

  90. DArKT
    Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 04:08:49

    MickChickenn wrote: cough *hippo and neoknux* cough.
    and eriror to. but comparing the results of A13x and Snow,wich you guys love to compare to other spinners,neoknux results werent the bests at WT. and i dont know about hippo. i think theyre awesome spinne,i respect you guys,but you gotta admit that UPSB is not as good as other boards.i would even say that you are in the same levl of my board,that from what i heard here,"its not in a god level to the WC". you guys havent qualified to the WC10 too ;)

  91. MickChickenn
    Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 04:17:05

    DArKT wrote: and eriror to. but comparing the results of A13x and Snow,wich you guys love to compare to other spinners,neoknux results werent the bests at WT. and i dont know about hippo. i think theyre awesome spinne,i respect you guys,but you gotta admit that UPSB is not as good as other boards.i would even say that you are in the same levl of my board,that from what i heard here,"its not in a god level to the WC". you guys havent qualified to the WC10 too ;)
    Are you misunderstanding something? Im saying that UPSB would beat BRPSB, not PSH or FPSB. Neo, Hippo, and Eriror and the other WC spinners of UPSB would beat the spinners from your board (IMO). Not spinners from FPSB. Also, we have a DECENT team. Not freakin THPSC 's team. Also, Ivabra attempted to qualify for us, and we would be fools not to accept him, so that adds some.

  92. DArKT
    Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 04:30:55

    MickChickenn wrote: Are you misunderstanding something? Im saying that UPSB would beat BRPSB, not PSH or FPSB. Neo, Hippo, and Eriror and the other WC spinners of UPSB would beat the spinners from your board (IMO). Not spinners from FPSB. Also, we have a DECENT team. Not freakin THPSC 's team. Also, Ivabra attempted to qualify for us, and we would be fools not to accept him, so that adds some.
    only in the WC to see it. are you a psychic? can you prevent the future? also,my board line ups are not decided yet. and most of the videos i posted here are not that recent. so lets just see it.IF you guys beat BRPSB,you would probably lost in the next round to another board like THPSC,TWPS and GPC

  93. Hippo2626
    Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 04:35:31

    This thread is to discuss about rumors in the WC12 not argue about who's board is better. Cut it out guys

  94. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 18:54:44

    upsb team selection underway 4 teams have submitted their lineup gpc has almost finished its lineup -> confirmed Minwoo is in fpsb almost finished -> confirmed s777, a13x NOT IN, anikis remains a possibility, gisele and ivabra are in. psh is in -> confirmed snow is IN hkpsa is in -> confirmed kin is IN for thpsc -> it looks like peem and supawit are IN

  95. taichi1082
    Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 23:10:25

    Zombo wrote: for thpsc -> it looks like peem and supawit are IN

  96. i.suk
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 00:11:29

    Zombo wrote: upsb team selection underway 4 teams have submitted their lineup gpc has almost finished its lineup -> confirmed Minwoo is in fpsb almost finished -> confirmed s777, a13x NOT IN, anikis remains a possibility, gisele and ivabra are in. psh is in -> confirmed snow is IN hkpsa is in -> confirmed kin is IN for thpsc -> it looks like peem and supawit are IN
    any idea if baimai is in THPSC team?

  97. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 00:44:05

    Zombo wrote: a13x NOT IN
    Holy sh**!!!! Really? Why in the world would they take their best powertricker out for?!!!!!!!!!!

  98. Hippo2626
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 01:12:10

    the last combo that i sent for a collab appears here... :D ( i'll not participate to any collab in the future, (also for WC12 ))
    From A13x Facebook fanpage. He didn't want to participate.

  99. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 03:29:05

    jeb's lineup :facepalm: organizer won't let ponkotu in because he didn't submit a qualification video and is not willing to make an exception

  100. Raos
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 03:34:36

    damn a13x D: and JEB :O

  101. King
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 03:34:36

    Aww Ponkotu :(

  102. Elune
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 03:36:31

    OMG Ivabra and Gisele8 are in for FPSB ? This WC is gonna be awesomeeeeeee :boing:

  103. MickChickenn
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 04:14:52

    Hippo2626 wrote: From A13x Facebook fanpage. He didn't want to participate.
    I havent checked that page in forever. Also, its ok if he chose not to compete. If he didnt make the cut, well, then FPSB needs a judge change.

  104. Van
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 04:58:35

    ponkotu really didnt submit huh... why didnt he submit a qualification video? did he not want to compete? D= that means no Asin or Sister_R either??? Found JEB line up imiga Menowa* Meves ocha【PFP】 ZUNDA[AF]

  105. King
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 05:44:20


  106. Elune
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 06:14:58

    JEB seems to lack some awesome spinners >.> anyway I think ocha is a good substitute for ponkotu :boing: but who's ? Haven't heard about him ...

  107. neoknux_009
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 07:47:04

    well there goes my hopes for s777. V_V im not a fan of gisele, but joining fpsb is interseting i guess. i guess there goes ivabra for our team, really strong player for FPSB though. i think if fits more than BPSB combinesn with FPSB. For Jeb, where in the world is Hal? I suppose if ponkotu really wanted to partipate he would have sent. shame though. Kay...hahaa his style is really intesrtig. so aggresive with his 2p1h. i suppose it could work if he improves control adnd smoothness. the times they are a changingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

  108. Hippo2626
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 10:10:26

    the next big JEB joke after Japen 7th.... Sure they don't need ponkotu, it's not like he wasn't their mvp in the previous wc...

  109. Twine
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 10:17:06

    JEB is just full retard. They are full of the best spinners in the world still but it's like they all just don't care!

  110. i.suk
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 10:27:42

    Twine wrote: JEB is just full retard. They are full of the best spinners in the world still but it's like they all just don't care!
    that's true, they probably don't care much xD

  111. Elune
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 14:33:57

    yeah I agree with you two =.=" They're truly godlike, but they don't really care about WC or whatever relating to teamwork and team battles >.> Oh my, I won't hold out much hope for JEB this year go go THPSC :boing:

  112. Mats
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 17:33:06

    [1 Minute Ago 05:32 PM] Nashi : *Sponge Minwoo Josh_PR Kirua Deathfish swob
    GPC World Cup team. Wow, we are really really fucked.

  113. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 17:54:20

    thpsc's lineup is strong... baimai is in btw dongza as well

  114. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 18:05:13

    found this thread on THPSC UPSB SPSB PSH : snow Tin cLear co2 EaglE Airgear LPSA FPSB (แปะไว้ก่อน น่าจะกระทู้นี้แหละ แต่ดูมันร้างไปเป็นเดือนแล้วเหมือนกัน) PPP IPSB GPC (กระทู้นี้ โหวตกันอยู่ ผลใกล้ออกแล้วล่ะมั้ง?) HKPSA : Kin Wah Ccw Middle Killer 741 TWPS PPSC : {TH}Ar {TH}Enzo PenVirus PSVorteX Xound Xperryment THPSC Spinnerpeem Supawit127 Dongza BaiMai Shinra coffeelucky JEB imiga Menowa* Meves ocha ZUNDA BRPSB : Darkinhex Dimpse ~L~ Mirektusheaux Dashh Darkness KZPSC : Simon WatS Dantes Kenes DAsm Vlad SPSC/MYPSC/KPSA : VikroaL (SPSC) Yorch (SPSC) Lucky (MYPSC) Fx (MYPSC) Kipple (KPSA) Tose (KPSA)

  115. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 20:50:35

    these 5 spots have been locked for upsb @i.suk Who will be the last? We don't know... yet

  116. Twine
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 21:35:47

    Shit nigga! I be all pro and everything :OO No but seriously thanks zombo :'D

  117. Mats
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 21:37:21

    Twine wrote: Shit nigga! I be all pro and everything :OO No but seriously thanks zombo :'D
    Don't fucking let us down. ;) Who is in the running for last spot?

  118. taichi1082
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 21:57:07

    Baaron colddi Lekunga Wai Impulse ????? Last minute lineup changes fuck yeah

  119. King
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 22:06:02

    Oooo i cant wait to see Baarons WC level combos. Fascyo? It looked like he had a lot of potential.

  120. Mats
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 22:36:16

    King wrote: Fascyo? It looked like he had a lot of potential.
    Sounds too much like fiasco, which is what having him in the World Cup will be.

  121. Pen Ninja
    Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 22:39:17

    fffffaaaawk yeeeeaaahhhh!

  122. i.suk
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 00:38:28

    new prayer point: please don't let UPSB be in the same group as THPSC D: side note: yay, i'm in :D

  123. Mats
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 00:40:10

    i.suk wrote: new prayer point: please don't let UPSB be in the same group as THPSC D: side note: yay, i'm in :D
    It they are, you better be willing to quit life for 2 weeks!

  124. Hippo2626
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 01:33:32

    The artistic battles aren't looking that great without ponkotu and Freeman. Looks like only Lindor, f2f and Baimai can produce super creative combos.

  125. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 03:24:44

    THPSC is turning into a juggernaut, along with GPC and FPSB. I think our team is pretty decent, though.

  126. DArKT
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 03:48:11

    Hippo2626 wrote: The artistic battles aren't looking that great without ponkotu and Freeman. Looks like only Lindor, f2f and Baimai can produce super creative combos.
    I would say Snow too?

  127. Mats
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 09:23:46

    DArKT wrote: I would say Snow to?
    *too ;) And agreed!

  128. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 16:55:13

    rex is NOT IN for TWPS :O

  129. Alvaris
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 17:50:40

    what?! is x1213 in? haven't been seeing new stuff from him at all, totally recycled materials

  130. i.suk
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 21:19:09

    Zombo wrote: rex is NOT IN for TWPS :O
    no way....

  131. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 13 2012 22:03:31

  132. King
    Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 00:49:07

    Who the FUCK is kima. I can find any recent videos of him. Maybe that's the idea...

  133. Mats
    Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 02:05:05

    King wrote: Who the FUCK is kima. I can find any recent videos of him.
    He removed his Youtube account last year. I thought he was a realistic World Tournament contender before that happened. :dunno:

  134. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 03:32:46

  135. King
    Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 05:01:25

    That was last year though. :| oh well. I guess ill have to wait.

  136. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 16:09:00

    first team to have submitted its first round lineup: hkpsa

  137. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 17:11:10

    psh submitted

  138. taichi1082
    Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 22:23:41

    King wrote: That was last year though. :| oh well. I guess ill have to wait. His latest public video is the kUzu copy in this video and a very short clip in LPSA50