Tournaments & Ladders / Beginner's Tourney 2 (UPDATE # 4)
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 05:14:41
ROUND 2 WAS CRAZY GUYS! BUT FINALLY, WE HAVE THE RESULTS AND THEY ARE OUT! [B]ROUND 1 FEEDBACK CAN BE FOUND IN UPDATE # 3![/B] [SIZE="7"][B]DEADLINE FOR ROUND 3 VIDEOS: 21/12/11 CODE: XMASBTR3 (Christmas Beginner's Tourney Round 3)[/B][/SIZE] [spoiler=Round 3 Participants]@Pen Ninja[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2 Feedback/Scores][spoiler=Gyrobius][B]GREENDRAGO10:[/B] Gyrobius: Execution: 16/20 2 small stumbles, good overall pacing but the finisher broke it Difficulty: 10/15 not too bad Creativity: 6.5/10 finisher isn't special, but the combo is varied with slight spam Presentation: 2.5/5 fix your angle to match your style and your combos will look great [B]Total: 35/50[/B] [B]MATS[/B] Gyrobius: I thought I would score your combo too, since you actually submitted, it is only fair that you also get feedback. Execution: 7/20 Difficulty: 4/15 Creativity: 1/10 Presentation: 5/5 [B]Total: 17/50[/B] Presented fine, but the combo seemed rushed and spammy, with nothing of particular interest. A slight stumble hurt your execution score. [B]PEN NINJA[/B] NO FEEDBACK BECAUSE WINNER BY DEFAULT.[/spoiler][spoiler=Blaber54][B]GREENDRAGO10[/B] Execution: 19.5/20 cause no one's perfect Difficulty: 13.5/15 many difficult linkages Creativity: 6.5/10 little spam, but the variety is sparse Presentation: 4/5 firm style, angle could be better [B]Total: 43.5/50[/B] [B]MATS[/B] Execution: 14/20 Difficulty: 5/15 Creativity: 1/10 Presentation: 5/5 [B]Total: 25/50[/B] I marked down the execution because that ending is sloppy. A clean finish ending I would give you 16. Never the less, best combo of this round. [B]PEN NINJA[/B] Execution: 10/20 Starter needed to be much more obvious and your arounds were hard to see. Direction changes were also very obvious Difficulty: 8/15 Some decent tricks in here... but also some really basic linkages (sonic rise, lots of twisted sonics followed by twisted sonics) Creativity: 4/10 The spider spin wasnt so bad, work on some interesting direction change linkages and ull do well Presentation: 2/5 I'm stuck between 2 and 3 here. The angle is fine but you're too far away and all the way in the corner of the screen... lighting could have been a bit better too but how much u can change that is limited. [B]TOTAL: 24/50[/B] [B]STRAT1227[/B] 18/20 Execution 13/15 Difficulty 6/10 Creativity 5/5 Presentation [B]TOTAL: 42/50[/B] [B]iColor[/B] 17.5/20 Execution (How well combo is executed, smoothness, stumbles, flow, etc.) Execution was almost perfect, a few stumbles throughout the combo, pen placement mistakes which caused awkward moments where you're trying to recover the mistake. 12/15 Difficulty (How hard the combo is to execute, weight of pen, etc.) Quite difficult, but a lot of tricks were repeated and filled up unnecessary combo time. 4/10 Creativity (How creative the combo is, variety.) I really liked the spiderspin linkage at 0:06, but other than that, there were no other tricks that really caught my eye. 3.5/5 Presentation (How easy the combo is to judge, camera angle) A good angle, though zooming in would be perfect and would focus the viewer's eyes toward your spinning. [B]Total: 37[/B][/spoiler][spoiler=Dat][B]GREENDRAGO10[/B] Execution: 18.5/20 pacing is somewhat slow, places where it intentionally slows are done a bit sloppily Difficulty: 11.5/15 linkages like this are pretty hard to do as you have done Creativity: 8.5/10 cool Presentation: 5/5 excellent lighting, excellent style, excellent angle [B]TOTAL: 43.5[/B] [B]MATS[/B] Execution: 9/20 Difficulty: 4/15 Creativity: 2/10 Presentation: 5/5 [B]Total: 20/50[/B] Now both videos were filmed fine, but Blaber just has a better executed combo. That was the biggest difference maker. [B]PEN NINJA[/B] Execution: 13/10 Not too much to complain about here, some tricks could have bit more flow through them though Difficulty: 10/15 Some decent linkages here, nothing over the top though. Shines more in creativity than difficulty though. Creativity: 8/10 Pretty good stuff here, pretty much some of the better stuff id be expecting in a beginner tourney Presentation: 4/5 Again, not much to bitch about. Used the whole frame, plenty of light, decent angle, pen contrasting on the background. lost points for being up fairly high most of the combo... u used the whole frame but u werent always in the middle... i dno if i need to mention the shit framerate [B]TOTAL: 35/50[/B] [B]STRAT1227[/B] 14/20 Execution 12/15 Difficulty 7/10 Creativity 5/5 Presentation [B]TOTAL: 38/50[/B] [B]iColor[/B] 14/20 Execution (How well combo is executed, smoothness, stumbles, flow, etc.) Some parts were quite smooth, even through difficult linkages. Though, overall smoothness was not quite up-to-par. Combo was very planned, but needed a bit more practice to get everything to flow. 13/15 Difficulty (How hard the combo is to execute, weight of pen, etc.) Difficult linkages were always present, I didn't feel like there were a lot of points where you spammed common tricks. 5.5/10 Creativity (How creative the combo is, variety.) I found that linkage section at 0:09, very eye-catching and creative. The thumbindex stall was experimental, interesting, but I didn't think it went well with the rest of the combo. 4/5 Presentation (How easy the combo is to judge, camera angle) A nice camera angle, I was able to see your spinning clearly. [B]Total: 36.5[/B][/spoiler][spoiler=Greenman11][B]GREENDRAGO10[/B] Greenman11: Execution: 18/20 love your pacing, but the finisher is disappointing and you have some slight stumbles Difficulty: 8/15 on it Creativity: 5/10 see above Presentation: 1.5/5 your angle makes me sad [B]TOTAL: 32.5/50[/B] [B]MATS[/B] Execution: 10/20 Difficulty: 3/15 Creativity: 0/10 Presentation: 5/5 [B]Total: 18/50[/B] A bit TA Harmonic spam? A very uninteresting combo that was executed okish. Presentation was fine. [B]PEN NINJA[/B] 6/20 multiple slip ups =[... u kept a fairly steady hand though, didnt run all over the screen 3/15 nothing really out of the ordinary here, dont really see any hybrids... there may be one or 2 there but i dont see them 2/10 a lot of the same linkages re-used, i see TA>TA rev 5x, one was slightly different, fingerless-ish but thats about it 2/5 nonono never have ur camera angle to the back of your hand... makes things veeeery hard to see... black pen spinning on top of a white sheet of paper......... sitting on top of a black mousepad -.- the pen spent a lot of time over black surfaces... sorry to pick u apart so much yo =[ [B]TOTAL 13/50[/B][/spoiler][spoiler=Eazi-Penspinner][B]GREENDRAGO10[/B] Execution: 18.5/20 smooth, good pacing, few stumbles or visually awkward linkages Difficulty: 11/15 it's getting there Creativity: 5.5/10 not too bad, needs some different linkages Presentation: 3.5/5 love the smooth, fluid style and the angle, but your off-cam killed this score. change your angle if you're gonna rexaround that far [B]Total: 38.5/50[/B] [B]MATS[/B] Execution: 14/20 Difficulty: 4/15 Creativity: 1/10 Presentation: 1/5 [B]Total: 20/50[/B] You went off screen, which is pertty unforgivable. The combo was alright and executed fairly well. This combo was better than Dat's in the other match up, but the presentation killed your score. [B]PEN NINJA[/B] Eazi-PS 6/20 i can see that this is ur left hand so ill be a little lenient (with comments, not score). Obviously just look at keeping tricks nice and round and pretty. 6/15 i can see uve tried to do some decent stuff considering its off hand, so congratz... but all around, pretty easy, hence the score 4/10 standard combo, few hybrids, etc etc 2/5 YO HEADZ IN DA WAY! [B]TOTAL: 18/50[/B][/spoiler][/spoiler]
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 11:46:38
Good luck @Greendrago10 It was fun! blaber54 do you have Round 1 feedback?
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 13:07:09
Can judges please explain their scoring here? A combo that is scoring in the 40s should surely look more like this? And a high 40s combo is more like this? [video=youtube;wnG10y_vHbw][/video] How can any of these videos be in the 40s? :wtf: Edit: Oh and any explaination?
[35 Minutes Ago 12:50 PM] TheAafg : that is so fucking cheap and low. [37 Minutes Ago 12:48 PM] TheAafg : wait wtf, blaber54 asked me to judge for him yesterday night and since according to my judging he lost, he didn't use my judging. LOL wtf.
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 15:32:47
@dat it will be posted in update #3
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 15:38:13
blaber54 wrote: @dat it will be posted in update #3
No explaination about erm... Judges scores being left out? -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 16:19:26
Mats wrote: Can judges please explain their scoring here? How can any of these videos be in the 40s? :wtf:
Uh, the actual number value doesn't mean shit ... as long as they're standardized against each other by each judge then it doesn't matter how big the numbers are ... If I think one combo is 10% better than another I can judge it .1 vs .11, 10 vs 11, or 20 vs 22 and it doesn't matter, as long as I'm consistent throughout ... In fact, the ideal judging system in my mind is to judge one spinner OFF of the other one ... like use one combo as the standard then say the other spinner was +3 or -2 or whatever, then it removes the misconception that you and others have that the scale is important @blaber45 you've got some explaining to do ... you asked aafg to judge and he gave a score that made you lose, THEN you asked me to judge and I had you win, and you dropped aafg and used mine ... -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 18:39:35
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 19:03:45
:hmm: *dislike* -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 19:25:11
Uh, why am I mentioned here? I think you guys mean @blaber54
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 19:46:40
@blaber54 why would you ask two people to judge? and if theaafg had me win and if strat had me lose then we would be tied again so can we get another judge???
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 21:05:54
As you guys can hopefully see that I sent the PM [COLOR=RED][B]16 [/B][/COLOR]hours ago.
Blaber's post is [COLOR=RED][B] 15 [/B][/COLOR] hours ago. What happened in the hour in between? :? gg.
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 21:57:09
He only asked you to judge his combo?
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 22:52:01
Mats wrote: He only asked you to judge his combo?
No, he asked me to judge both combos. -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 23:01:40
TheAafg wrote: No, he asked me to judge both combos.
I mean, he didn't ask you to judge any other match ups? -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 23:03:44
Mats wrote: I mean, he didn't ask you to judge any other match ups?
nope. -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 23:51:22
I wonder why
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:02:10
TheAafg wrote: nope.
:wtf: I think you have some answering to do here blaber... @blaber54 -
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:10:18
@dat Yes we will get ANOTHER judge.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:14:44
blaber54 wrote: @dat Yes we will get ANOTHER judge.
No comments on why you got another judge to judge only your combo and then disregarded their result, which was a loss for you? -
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:26:56
I am confused here... Okay, I will clear this up. @Mats you find the last judge and have him judge it. Then it will be all cleared up.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:29:37
But why only get TheAafg to judge your battle and no one else?
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:34:23
@Mats like he said, he judged both, but I didn't know he sent the PM till after I put your results in.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:34:44
It all sounds very dodgy to me. :hmm:
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:42:15
@Mats Well, this last one won't be because you find the judge and allow him to judge it and you post the final result.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:43:00
So, you admit this round to be dodgy then?
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:51:27
@Mats No, I'm just saying to drop the whole thing, and to have you do one more to finish this.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:53:06
I'm sure you would like to drop the whole thing, but I will not forget this and I'm sure others will not either. Your victory, if you win this, will forever be stained.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 00:54:56
@Mats Well, from now on I won't handle the videos and the things. I will have you monitor all of the videos, you will receive the judges' scores, and you will post everything, so it won't SEEM dodgy from now on. If there is a tiebreaker between the 3 judges, you will find a 4th judge to do this. That way, everything will be fair.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 06:01:16
After a long PM combo, it seems blaber did not cheat, or intend to. :)
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 02:07:44
@blaber54 whats the code for this roundd?
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 02:42:23
@DJSpin the new date will be announced soon. With the code.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 03:10:04
[video=youtube;YW9F1EXGQ3I][/video] [video=youtube;_x5653a5WXw][/video] [B]Blaber54:[/B] 17.5/20 Execution (How well combo is executed, smoothness, stumbles, flow, etc.) Execution was almost perfect, a few stumbles throughout the combo, pen placement mistakes which caused awkward moments where you're trying to recover the mistake. 12/15 Difficulty (How hard the combo is to execute, weight of pen, etc.) Quite difficult, but a lot of tricks were repeated and filled up unnecessary combo time. 4/10 Creativity (How creative the combo is, variety.) I really liked the spiderspin linkage at 0:06, but other than that, there were no other tricks that really caught my eye. 3.5/5 Presentation (How easy the combo is to judge, camera angle) A good angle, though zooming in would be perfect and would focus the viewer's eyes toward your spinning. Total: 37 [B]dat:[/B] 14/20 Execution (How well combo is executed, smoothness, stumbles, flow, etc.) Some parts were quite smooth, even through difficult linkages. Though, overall smoothness was not quite up-to-par. Combo was very planned, but needed a bit more practice to get everything to flow. 13/15 Difficulty (How hard the combo is to execute, weight of pen, etc.) Difficult linkages were always present, I didn't feel like there were a lot of points where you spammed common tricks. 5.5/10 Creativity (How creative the combo is, variety.) I found that linkage section at 0:09, very eye-catching and creative. The thumbindex stall was experimental, interesting, but I didn't think it went well with the rest of the combo. 4/5 Presentation (How easy the combo is to judge, camera angle) A nice camera angle, I was able to see your spinning clearly. Total: 36.5 Vote for Blaber54. Very close battle, though Blaber's smoothness is what made my decision.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 03:23:07
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 03:38:39
wow thank you @blaber54 I guess I should not have film this 3 days before DL but whatever it is what is! Good Luck blaber54 and maybe a friendly rematch in the future!!! :)
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:15:41
Yes, @dat one day we should have a friendly rematch.
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 14:48:45
imma get u eazi! Jk u raped the crap out of me tho lol
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 21:16:23
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 21:51:40
ill submit soon.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 06:20:14
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 09:02:10
blaber54 wrote: @eazi-penspinner 1 HOUR 40 MINUTES TO SUBMIT!!! HURRY! BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT!
Failed? Terrible. -
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 14:15:45
DAMN, right when i was gonna upload my vid from my mobile, my mobile memory resets... :facepalm: i cant submit, go @blaber54
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 15:19:25
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 18:05:47
4/12/12 is when? December 4, 2012? im confused.
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 18:33:29
DJSpin wrote: 4/12/12 is when? December 4, 2012? im confused.
All missed the deadline. tied 1st and tied 3rd. -
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 19:18:09
Mats wrote: All missed the deadline. tied 1st and tied 3rd.
now im even more confused. i submitted my video >.< -
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 23:48:57
DJSpin wrote: now im even more confused. i submitted my video >.<
He posted this 8 hours ago and you already submitted? :jawdrop: -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 02:02:07
Mats wrote: He posted this 8 hours ago and you already submitted? :jawdrop:
no i submitted against gyrobius. but i guess he didnt submit so im in the finals. but what i dont understand is when the video for the finals is due. the way he wrote the date confused me. -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 02:10:45
DJSpin wrote: no i submitted against gyrobius. but i guess he didnt submit so im in the finals. but what i dont understand is when the video for the finals is due. the way he wrote the date confused me.
Surely it can't be 4th December 2012, as that is a year away! He must mean 12th April 2012. -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 02:25:59
Mats wrote: Surely it can't be 4th December 2012, as that is a year away! He must mean 12th April 2012.
why so far away? that makes no sense unless it was a typo. -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 02:30:04
DJSpin wrote: why so far away? that makes no sense unless it was a typo.
He must have meant 4/1/12 surely and just lost his mind for a moment and put in 12/12. -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 02:54:18
hope so, either way @blaber54 pls clarify just so im sure. ty.
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 14:12:33
@Mats is correct IT IS DUE JANUARY 4th 2012. And I did submit, to myself that is, the date on youtube proves that i submitted it on time T_T I have the link if you want to see it. I'll be posting R3 Vids soon.
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 05:58:10
@blaber54 will we still have to wait a week since the judges are only going to judge one battle?
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 05:35:05
@DJSpin Nope, at least i hope.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 05:39:38
blaber54 wrote: @DJSpin Nope, at least i hope.
will there be a code? -
Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 13:51:01
has anybody submitted yet?? I've filmed but i cant upload it >.< internet problems...
Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 14:05:51
Such a badly run tournament. :facepalm: