Trading / Buying / HUGE Sale Thread
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 19:46:36
[COLOR="navy"]What up guys, it's been a while[/color] [SIZE="4"]Have:[/SIZE]
[/spoiler] I have uploaded 59 individual images of 54 Mods (some have alternative views) to my photobucket.. [SIZE="6"]PHOTOBUCKET LINK[/SIZE] [COLOR="darkslateblue"] Prices are not fixed, offer whatever you like, and I'll decide if its cool to sell it for that price.[/COLOR] Best way to get hold of me is to send me a message on Facebook (!/profile.php?id=630783116) I have +28 feedback
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 01:47:23
I'd be interested in the Tornado Mod + Seven G3 Mod for 32 USD shipped, LMK.
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 18:40:01
how much for your AC's the unmodded orange and greed one and the modded one and hour M@M name a price? (i'm not good at knowing what their worth sorry)
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 17:28:13
free bump.
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 09:39:14
@Prince How much would you be wanting for that yellow buster? Also your inbox is overflowing, I can't PM you.
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 15:07:31
Because i like this thread so much, free bump bro/ (:
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 00:30:57
The black tornado and bonkura color ac(not the mod) for 13$. I tried to PM you.
Date: Sun, Jan 22 2012 11:13:00
Hi I'm intersted in sky blue-pink Bonkura MM. How much is that mod? And ur namae mods based on old namae or it's new??? if old how much is it??
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 17:55:00
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 01:31:38
How much for the Red Fir3Fly, the Black Fir3Fly, and the Yellow Reeder mods? They're attracting my eyes.. @_@
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 01:42:22
@Prince how come u wont sell a mod to people when it sale "HUGE [size="5"] [B] sale [/B] [/size] " O_O please reply to my pm!
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 06:23:44
How much for the Black F1r3Fly, Red F1r3Fly, and the Yellow Reeder?
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 22:46:54
How much for the Red F1r3Fly, Black F1r3Fly, and the Yellow Reeder?
Date: Wed, Aug 13 2014 20:49:16
BUMP! Selling all this again, I know pictures are old but all still in my possession. Please get in touch if after anything! Deals available the more you buy.