Approved Tutorials / HGS³-Mod
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 22:47:12
=========================== Stats: =========================== HGS³ COG: COP Length: 19cm Weight: about 13g Style: Single-Sided Writing-Mechanism: Yes. Original G3-mechanism Ink-Type: Gel Estimated-Cost: ~8$ =========================== Materials List: x1 Hybrid Gel Grip 2.10$ x1 G3 Plastic 2.75$ x1 Signo Broad 2.45$ Optional: x1 Signo Broad (Grip) 2.45$ -> to add white/black/colored stripes ===========================
=========================== Tutorial: =========================== [SPOILER="Tutorial"]Step #1: Take of the G3 grip (do not cut it off!) File down the nubs in grip section
Step #2: Cut 2x 1mm Signo Broad grip (optional) 2x 2 G3 griprings 1x 16mm Signo Broad grip and add those to the G3 front
Step #3: Cut off the G3 cap's clip. Remove G3 backplug. Cut off about 1cm off the G3 inktube -> put back the inktube into the pen. Add an inlay. Step #4: Remove the Hgg grip and cut off the whole front. Sand down the nubs at the Hgg tip. Add the Singo tip to the Hgg (you may use tape to make it stable) -> Signo tip > Hgg tip > Hgg front Sand down 8mm at the front's end until it fits tightly into the G3 (with inlay) -> make sure you sand down enough. Using force to push it into the G3 may crack the barrell!
Step #5: Add the flat g3 grip (7mm), 2mm Signo grip (optional) and the Hgg grip to the prepared Hgg front. Step #6: Push the Hgg front into the G3.
Step #7: Spin, write, enjoy! [/SPOILER] =========================== Q/A: Can I sub any parts? - Yes. You may use a metal G3 and add an G3 tip to the front. So it is like G3>Signo>Hgg But remember that you will have to use more grip at the front to cover the tips! The pen is slightly unbalanced, what can I do? - Add tape under the grips to add weight to the ends. =========================== Greetz, Syrti Edit: [video=youtube;Wkdon0TXuYI][/video]
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 22:55:08
Beautyfull *-* Some more pics would be great
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 00:03:52
wow, smart use of hgg front part :o hmm, finally something to do with my heap of spare hgg bodies
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 00:20:59
now i want my hgg
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 03:38:44
very nice :thumb:
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 04:38:17
Wow impressive mod :thumb:
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 04:39:21
wow i love the looks of this mod
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 05:01:33
well more pic at this tut will be more we use HGG tip? Nice mod! 10/10~~~
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 10:36:54
Very creative, great efficient use of mods. I would make but i don't have G3 plastic :(
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 11:24:10
@Syrti Clearly that metal G3s are more common than plastic G3s. How would you mod it if you were using a metal G3, and aims to get it balanced? Frog~
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 11:25:13
FrogPrinceXD wrote: @Syrti Clearly that metal G3s are more common than plastic G3s. How would you mod it if you were using a metal G3, and aims to get it balanced? Frog~
Thank you for asking that :) -
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 16:22:43
[QUOTE="Starryz97"]do we use HGG tip?[/QUOTE] Yes. You will add the Signo tip to it. @Supergirl You may use a metal G3 and add an G3 tip to the front. So it is like G3>Signo>Hgg But remember that you will have to use more grip at the front to cover the tips!
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 11:06:33
Is it stable? I mean the front isn't wobbling?
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 11:58:03
Rapid wrote: Is it stable? I mean the front isn't wobbling?
i made one, and it's fine as long as you stick enough of the filed hgg section into the G3 body (and it fits tightly with insert etc) -
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 12:24:24
I'm ordering parts for an all lime green HGS³. I'll just recolor the insert to lime green and change the oorange to lime green. Thanks i.suk. EDIT: @Syrti Are there any lime green grips I can sub with the orange broad on the back? I want an all lime green :\
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 13:05:06
[QUOTE="Rapid"]Are there any lime green grips I can sub with the orange broad on the back? I want an all lime green :\ [/QUOTE] I don't know any. Maybe you can find a lime green signo, but I don't think they are produced. You could try some no-name grip that ahs the same weight as signo broad... edit: Added photos. Hope that will help you!
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 13:47:20
@Rapid wasnt the question already solved by me? so flipping over HGG grip doesnt work? Frog~
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 15:01:20
FrogPrinceXD wrote: @Rapid wasnt the question already solved by me? so flipping over HGG grip doesnt work? Frog~
I just want a second opinion. Because that lime hgg is more expensive than signo dx or even signo broad :whut: -
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 04:30:30
Lol that's because lime HGG is discontinued shit. And if you use HGG, you're pretty much sure that the lime would be the same. (unlike something like dx pink vs HGG fluro pink) Frog~
Rapid wrote: I just want a second opinion. Because that lime hgg is more expensive than signo dx or even signo broad :whut:
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 07:47:54
FrogPrinceXD wrote: Lol that's because lime HGG is discontinued shit. And if you use HGG, you're pretty much sure that the lime would be the same. (unlike something like dx pink vs HGG fluro pink) Frog~
I'm going for the lime hgg. Thanks @FrogPrinceXD . Really helped me BIGTIME. -
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 20:32:31
realy cool mod syrti,i just make one right after i read the tutorial. i don't know why but i think you're realy good for g3 based mods
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 13:51:36
does Signo broad came in Orange?lol
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:53:25
well well well... look what i found~ Frog~
Erza wrote: does Signo broad came in Orange?lol
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 20:33:55
@Erza: Yes, I can get some in a local store but they're very expensive (4€/pen)
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 08:01:50
can fix pic, i 'm interested to this mod but can't see
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 08:04:48
I can see it just fine. Refresh your page? Frog~
TerryAngX wrote: can fix pic, i 'm interested to this mod but can't see
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:43:59
Beautiful, loving the creativity that went into this
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 15:28:05
Just made this mod and it's pretty sweet. Good job syrti! :D
Date: Thu, Jun 20 2013 00:19:14
How can I prevent the g3 barrel from cracking? (other than not dropping it often.)
Date: Sun, Jun 23 2013 08:32:19
linli07 wrote: How can I prevent the g3 barrel from cracking? (other than not dropping it often.)
adding grip to edge of G3 barrel may works -
Date: Sun, Jun 23 2013 09:43:05
haha Syrti looks like Trafalgar irl
Date: Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:11:18
[video=youtube;Wkdon0TXuYI][/video] Thanks @SuperVValrus
Date: Tue, Dec 10 2013 23:03:16
Can I use white penwish rings instead of signo broad 1mm pieces?
Date: Wed, Dec 11 2013 00:28:36
yes i think :)
Date: Thu, Dec 12 2013 07:26:40
not on the side with the writing tip. if you use a penwish ring there, the rings will be too wide to put the cap on.
Date: Sun, Mar 16 2014 05:56:55
sorry for replying to an old thread, but one of your pic is dead I'm half way done with mine but Step 4 pic isn't working for me =( Edit: can anyone help me? I'm sick of my ZhiGao
Date: Mon, Mar 17 2014 06:20:55
I am sorry but there was never a picture for that step. Just sand down the nubble behind the hgg tip. Add the Signo tip on top and push the grips over the front. Then sand down the end of the front till it fits in the G3 barrel (with insert). My mod is on @PenwisH now as well. Thank you very much!
Date: Mon, Mar 17 2014 12:49:21
Thank you for your explanation, I was getting rather confused! (and still am /.\) So you're saying there is only 3 pictures in the tutorial section? For whatever reason, it show a broken image logo right under the sentence "the G3 may crack the barrell!" Oh and 2 more things, do I cut the HGG front before the grip or after it? like more towards the middle or front? (can u tell me how many cm from where?) >< and, do I put the HGG tip loosely in between the Signo tip and HGG front? like < Signo tip + HGG tip = HGG front , that?
Date: Mon, Mar 17 2014 14:22:47
congrats Syrti! I too was confused. No wonder my mod did not turn out. Thx
Date: Wed, Mar 19 2014 16:36:16
you saw off the whole hgg gront (where the grip ends and the body starts).
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 11:51:46
Thank you sir! This mod is just too epic to be hold! Got carried away spinning it and forgot to thank you! =D
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 17:52:57
You're welcome! :)
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2014 03:54:52
I love the looks of this pen, it seems so innovative.