Off-topic / Lacrosse

  1. browndog12
    Date: Thu, Nov 24 2011 21:27:51

    anybody else play? discuss.

  2. Hippo2626
    Date: Thu, Nov 24 2011 23:01:00

    This is a sport not a manipulative art so I'm moving this to the Off Topic Section.

  3. Mats
    Date: Thu, Nov 24 2011 23:57:58

    Hardly anyone plays, because this game is ridiculously difficult!

  4. GeeGeeGee
    Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 00:58:56

    lacrosse is difficult? if you don't practice then everything is difficult. my friend plays. i try once. but i didn't like it.

  5. Mats
    Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 01:02:10
