Tutorials Pending Approval / [TUT] WB mod
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 02:31:00
well, it's easy to make this mod, this spin really easy and cool, maybe it's look like Buster Cyl( not really), you can call it fake Buster Cyl if you want.
You will need: 1 supertips body 2 white Bic caps( doesn't matter, color in your choice) 2 Uni Signo tips 1 airfit grip( cut half)
Let's do it step 1: take airfit grip, put into Bic cap, put Uni Signo tip
step 2: do the same with the other cap step 3: Put caps to supertips body
Now you have new mod, some other color Bic caps
if you don't understand that, i have tutorial video for you( sorry for my bad English :( ) [video=youtube;Bwzjrf4CmUs][/video] Hope you like it !!!!!!!
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 03:05:31
lol this was the first mod i ever made, back when i first started spinning lol
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 03:36:23
I made this before [video=youtube;AmdNjfmH8AY][/video] lol -_- poor af grips
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 05:18:57
nice mod, but again, not a new concept...
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 14:15:23
just don't make a tut on any mod for some newb. Just pm them the tut. If MANY people request for the tut then you make it. That's how you avoid getting flamed or trolled. you know that upsb has quite some potential trollers
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 16:45:24
@LongCK ppl get flamed cuz the content they put doesn't help the overall growth and interaction of the forum. many many month ago i posted a tut with no pics, i got flamed, but i noe why, and i haven't made a tut since cuz i want to get everything right the first time it may look rude and all, and sometimes it is, but if you get flamed you should think "was this something relevant and useful to the forum?" and ofc i realized the obvious mistake of my tut and i hope to fix it (sometime soon x) there are already a tonne of mods for new spinners and yours is just another all white DC mod, nothing over special about it :/ dont take too much offence but know what you did wrong and hopefully you can avoid the flaming!
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 17:10:17
@qinkuangan: Did i say i know modding ???? Have you seen i say that ???
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 17:12:59
First of all LongCK work on your grammar? Sometimes it's hard to take people seriously when their grammar is all over the place and they're in a cyber argument. Second, I think y'all are taking this too seriously. Why is it whenever I see an argument break out around here I can always expect certain people to be involved in it somehow. If you ask me the mods should lock the thread and punish the repeat offenders. It's just a piece of text with pictures that you made in your free time. Calm down my goodness. If you want to make sure people to give you a majority of good opinions, post in SOYP, get comments to see what you need to improve, and get requests ALL BEFORE POSTING A TUTORIAL. And I mean like a lot of requests. Not just 1 or 2 but 5+. That's the only way you can guarantee people will mostly like your mod. Otherwise you shouldn't be complaining about people not liking your mod. You put the tutorial out there so I think you should have expected the possibility of a negative response from the community. Honestly I don't see any really serious flaming in the thread. Just people being sarcastic...
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 17:20:36
@Nachoaddict: sorry about my grammar, sometime nobody can't understand, sorry about that. You are right, i have no idea to talk about that
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 17:36:21
As i have already talked to Nacho b4,NOT ALL MODS THAT USES AF GRIPS AND ST BODYES ARE BUSTAs Calm down people.ive flagged some newbies before,and sometimes its necessary. Its the first time that Long make a thread like this,so no reason to troll him or anything = P @LongCK Please,stop calling yourself a noob.youre a very good spinner and entered in UPSB before me. I dont call myself a noob,so why would you? Oh,yeah,it may not be a new mod,but when a newbie enters in UPSB,do you prefer them to Use a Buster or enter this Tuto and say:"Oh,i got all matearials required,ill make this mod". Get a life guys,or go Troll the members that need to be Trolled ; D
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 20:24:16
There's a reason certain people get treated better than others. It's something called respect. You get it by being mature, by not arguing over stupid things, by learning to not take sarcasm as a personal attack, and by making a positive contribution to the community. Yeah respect shouldn't consume your entire treatment of a person but it does deserve some recognition. Respect needs to be given before it is gained. Second, look at my post...I told him to get more requests and comments for his mod before posting a tutorial. That's not off topic. This thread needs to get cleaned up.
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 20:52:04
@Nachoaddict Respect is something oyu earn by being a good cant just disrespect a member just because he made a tuto of a mod variation. Shoeman is a moderator. thats why peole havent flagged him
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 03:40:42
Oh hey, another BiC buster lol
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 19:32:04
Hyukan wrote: Oh hey, another BiC buster lol
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 20:39:59
He didnt call it Buster CYL... ...He called it a [B]BIC Buster[/B] Frog~