Member Introductions / Hi from NZ~~
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 02:02:24
Hello everyone, I joined last month during exams (not the best idea >.<) but now finally exams are over so I decided to make an introduction. I'm from New Zealand, learnt thumbaround, sonic and charge last year from friends, but never did much pen spinning. But now I've decided to start by watching tutorials on Youtube. Tricks I can do now: Thumbaround and reverse, Sonic and reverse, Charge and reverse, double charrge, neo sonic, sonic rise and fall, twisted sonic and reverse, and twisted sonic double bust, neo sonic, triangle pass, infinity, shadow, FLTA, index around, finger pass and some others... The mods I use now are the Namae, Tornado, Comssa and RSVP mx. Looking forward to learning new things and meeting everyone!
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 04:20:16
You are on a perfect pace/path wih your pSing. Great mods to be using, and you actually can do the reverses of tricks. Anyways, welcome.
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 05:16:02
Heeeeeey there! Welcome! :Welcoming . . . awkward hug: Lol. XD I hope you have a great time here. Worry not about pen spinning, but losing the will to pen spin because of certain things or trolls. Anyways, that's pretty dang good for a month spinner! Chat me up sometime, we can have a discussion about how you're probably going to be better than me in like....a few measly months! =D
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 05:59:49
All spinners from New Zealand are shit! Anywho enjoy your stay. You say you're a girl so I reckon you should abuse your power like mad! So many desperate 12 year olds here haha.
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 07:08:36
Welcome to UPSB ^.^
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 09:25:06
LOl @Dris gay hug lol. And you told me you weren't D: Anyways, welcome and i hope you find UPSB a nice place to hand around and learn :D
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 09:28:36
Wow! A female spinner! That's rare. anyways :welcome: to UPSB! Enjoy your stay.
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 20:18:30
Welcome to UPSB ^^
Date: Fri, Nov 18 2011 21:09:53
YUi wrote: LOl @Dris gay hug lol. And you told me you weren't D: Anyways, welcome and i hope you find UPSB a nice place to hand around and learn :D
Would you like one too? I'm not gay but I'm sure you'd probably like one with your orientation. =P Anyways, Enjoy your stay! -
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 02:16:12
LOLOL haha i like women :D Im well enough orientated on UPSB thanks (:
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 21:17:01
YUi wrote: LOLOL haha i like women :D Im well enough orientated on UPSB thanks (:
Of course, it'd be kind of pedo if you like little boys. Glad you don't swing that way. =3