Member Introductions / I Wish I Could Quit You

  1. That Ain't Falco
    Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 12:22:49

    Evening, Spinners Hopefully some of the old timers will remember me as Trogz from UCPSB. My name is Tim, and I am currently a freshman at Texas A&M University. I started spinning in September 2006, so I'm five years in. I used to be very active in the UCPSB community around four to five years ago, more specifically in the spammers bin, but I've also created a few mods that I doubt anyone uses anymore (HCMX, anyone?). I never really quit spinning, but I sure haven't improved at all in the past few years. I think the real reason I came back was the community. I was talking with one of my friends (Foofdude from UCPSB ), and we were remembering all the great times and awesome people from the forums. I really hope things haven't changed too much! I also enjoy working on my cars, yoyoing, speedcubing, and gaming. If you have steam, be sure to add me! Username is tim_havelka. I really hope to catch up with all the new mods, tricks, and most importantly, the people. ...back to trolling.

  2. fang
    Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 13:56:41

    Hahaha, welcome back(?)

  3. casual
    Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 18:59:09

    Happy feet

  4. That Ain't Falco
    Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 19:39:12

    wombo combo