Tutorials Pending Approval / [SC]N2811 MX
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 18:36:04
This is my very personal mod...hope u will like it...if u are bighanded...ignore it if u dunwan
N2811 MX ___________________________________ [Stats] Length:18cm(for small handed) Weight:19gm COG:COP Writing-Mechanism: N/A Estimated cost:RM31++ ___________________________________ [Materials List] Dr Grip Japanese (Grip, Shaker Piece) Signo DX (Tip, Body) Pilot G3(Cap, Tipx3) Hyper Jell/Jimnie/Jim.mecha(Grip) G2 grip stripes(x3stripe) Anyball Gripx2 ___________________________________ [The Making] Backcap 1> Cut 1 cm of grip from anywhere(not the lip...) and prepare things... HJ Grip G3 tipx2 G3 cap(decliped) 1cm dr grip tip pilot g2 stripes x2
put 1 g2 stripe into HJ grip...
Uploaded with Put everything inside the g3 cap like picture shown
Uploaded with The Body and the front We need: 2anyball grip(p/s: cut 1 of the anyball grip's front part(3stripes) and another 2stripes from anywhere) Backcap G2 Stripes Signo Tip G3 tips Dr grip shaker Signo DX body(Cut a tape cut design if u wish)
Uploaded with 1st...put 1 stripes of g2 stripes into DX body...until it reach the"MIT" word there(Mitsubishi's MIT), put on the backcap.....put the anyball onto the DX's Grip Holder, put the shcker piece into dx body...from the tips holder side...screw on Signo Tips
Uploaded with put ur left g3 tips into the first part(3ring) of Anyball... Slide your 2 ringed anyball grip onto signo tips and put the 3ringed anyball with tips as the pic shown below...push everything together then u have done ur N2811MX
Uploaded with ___________________________________ [Q&A or Troubleshooting ] Q: The front part is easily come out! A: put some sticker on the Signo Tips Q:This is just a piece of shit!!(For UPSB ppl who is very ....rude and bad) A:yea yea yea...if u dun like dun scold me...OK?
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 20:06:27
Wow,the mod looks awesome,but i think you could sub the body for an RSVP or G3 = / oh,yeah. sorry acting like a moderator,but...ou havent posted the mod in the SOYP thread, so its kinda "strange" that someone requested tutorial. im not saying that the mod is a shit and blah,blah looks good,it should spin nicelly. people in UPSB are not rude and bad,they just follow the rules. so,do it like us and follow them too
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 20:21:28
You don't have to have anybody request for a tutorial to post a mod tutorial.
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 20:55:46
However, it is recommended to do so to prevent flaming. Frog~
iColor wrote: You don't have to have anybody request for a tutorial to post a mod tutorial.
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 21:15:43
FrogPrinceXD wrote: However, it is recommended to do so to prevent flaming. Frog~
Yes, I know that, but he explained it as though it was required. -
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 21:27:55
Lol I wasn't saying it as I'm going against you.. read it as... extending more information to newbz. ;) Frog~
iColor wrote: Yes, I know that, but he explained it as though it was required.
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 21:34:52
Pretty cool stuff.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 00:48:05
@iColor Im just trying to prevent flood and spam. its not the first time that a "new member" do things like this
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 01:10:05
DArKT wrote: @iColor Im just trying to prevent flood and spam. its not the first time that a "new member" do things like this
It's not the first time he's done this. 1. [B]Minwoo Mod v.2[/B] 2. [B]In-Namaessa[/B] 3. And this piece of trash. -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 01:15:07
Krispy Kreme wrote: It's not the first time he's done this. 1. [B]Minwoo Mod v.2[/B] 2. [B]In-Namaessa[/B] 3. And this piece of trash.
yeah,thats what im talking about. -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 06:57:42
Krispy Kreme wrote: It's not the first time he's done this. 1. [B]Minwoo Mod v.2[/B] 2. [B]In-Namaessa[/B] 3. And this piece of trash.
i said...if u dun like...just ignore it...MUST YOU SAY LIKE THAT??THATS WHY I SAY UPSB PEOPLES ARE RUDE -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:04:44
Nick2811 wrote: i said...if u dun like...just ignore it...MUST YOU SAY LIKE THAT??THATS WHY I SAY UPSB PEOPLES ARE RUDE
If you think UPSB people are bad, then why do you even come here? Get used to it, or don;t even bother coming here anymore, because the inhabitants of UPSB will most likely never change. -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:05:09
Nick2811 wrote: i said...if u dun like...just ignore it...MUST YOU SAY LIKE THAT??THATS WHY I SAY UPSB PEOPLES ARE RUDE
We're not rude, we get pissed when a new spinner makes these useless tutorials that already resemble another pen mod when they clearly didn't search around. NO ONE REQUESTED THESE. THEY ARE NOT ORIGINAL. THEY'RE UGLY AS FUCK. -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:08:16
PREDATORNET wrote: If you think UPSB people are bad, then why do you even come here? Get used to it, or don;t even bother coming here anymore, because the inhabitants of UPSB will most likely never change.
Why i come here??because this website has a ton of pen spinning info....i just wanna to share...suddenly let ppl say this is a trash...if i say ur mod its a shit, a trash....dont u angry?? are pro and i m noob...whatever -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:11:34
Nick2811 wrote: Why i come here??because this website has a ton of pen spinning info....i just wanna to share...suddenly let ppl say this is a trash...if i say ur mod its a shit, a trash....dont u angry?? are pro and i m noob...whatever
Different people have different opinions. Notice how there are people in the thread who like the mod as well. Also, If you want to share, post in the SOYP section first to get some feedback, because then you know what people like and people don;t like. :) -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:12:08
Nick2811 wrote: Why i come here??because this website has a ton of pen spinning info....i just wanna to share...suddenly let ppl say this is a trash...if i say ur mod its a shit, a trash....dont u angry?? are pro and i m noob...whatever
yeah in every tutorial you make people always ask "Who requested this" and we tell you to only make a tutorial if many people request it. You clearly don't listen to our advice, therefore you get flamed :) -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:12:16
Krispy Kreme wrote: We're not rude, we get pissed when a new spinner makes these useless tutorials that already resemble another pen mod when they clearly didn't search around. NO ONE REQUESTED THESE. THEY ARE NOT ORIGINAL. THEY'RE UGLY AS FUCK.
cant u just say: I dont like this mod/this mod's style is nt suitable for me...or dont comment...Must u say"Ugly like fuck?" what a vulgar people... -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:15:21
Nick2811 wrote: cant u just say: I dont like this mod/this mod's style is nt suitable for me...or dont comment...Must u say"Ugly like fuck?" what a vulgar people...
You don't listen to us, you made a minwoo mod and replaced the gripmatic grip with a g3 grip.... THAT'S NOT A NEW MOD. Then with the 'In-Namesaa' we told you that it was a gripless ep comssa and told you to search around, but no you star ranting about you're new and shit. -
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:19:05
u can off topic of it if u dun like....
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:22:08
god you're ignorant.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:26:52
okay okay....Everything is my fault..
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:27:50
All right listen up nick. I don't necessarily agree with what people are saying to you. But there is a general consensus here that modders should post their personal mods in the show off your pens thread before making tutorials because a) you can receive feedback on the mods especially if you're not super experienced and b) you can see how many people are interested in your actual design. I know you want to share with people and that's completely fine but you get a lot more out of posting in SOYP and getting comments than posting a tutorial to your mod and getting flamed. Then from the comments you can improve your design more and more until you get something that is very nice. I'm not saying your mod right now is terrible but of course I think there is room for improvement. Then once you get a nice finished product that a decent amount of people are interested in, you can be much more proud of what you release to the public. AND you get a lot more experience in modding this way than just making tutorial after tutorial. It's not required that you get requests to post a tutorial however telling people to ignore your tutorial if they aren't interested won't stop them from giving your harsh criticism/flame.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:27:56
It most definitely is.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:29:18
anthing...its my fault/...ALL my fault
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 07:37:17
yeah everything. you should probably go back to mypsc and sulk about your shitty existence.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 09:22:07
You deserve a :clap: Frog~
Nick2811 wrote: anthing...its my fault/...ALL my fault