Advanced Tricks / (Help)My poor pen spinning (want comments)
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 10:45:27
Hey guys, i want you to give me some [COLOR="#f4a460"][COLOR="red"]comments[/COLOR][/COLOR] on my [B]poor[/B] pen spinning~ Videos 1. 2. Moreover, i don't know these two tricks' names, so i need your help~ Sorry for wasting your time to go through my poor skill :clap: and my poor English~
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 10:59:48
Trick 1 is a Shadow 12-23. Trick 2 is a umm... o__o" a Shadow TF-12? I think? And no one's pen spinning is "poor". Stop putting yourself down. You have to be positive to improve :)
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 11:09:23
I agree with you~
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 11:12:13
Gash wrote: Trick 1 is a Shadow 12-23. Trick 2 is a umm... o__o" a Shadow TF-12? I think? And no one's pen spinning is "poor". Stop putting yourself down. You have to be positive to improve :)
But after I watched the pen spinning combo videos, I found that my skills are poor...... Is trick 2 a new trick? But this trick is not so easy to do for me~ -
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 11:35:00
Please search before posting threads and don't double post, edit your post!