Trading / Buying / [ORDER] UPSB T-shirt
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 08:11:55
[B][SIZE="5"]You must submit an order for a t-shirt by [COLOR="red"]ORDERED[/COLOR] to receive this edition of the UPSB T-shirt.[/SIZE][/B] ---------- [B]Design (thanks to iMatt for the logo):[/B] ---------- [SIZE="4"][B]Price: $15 (+ $6 S&H)[/B][/SIZE] International orders $15 + ($15 S&H) --------- [B]Sizing:[/B] ---------- [B]How to order: [/B] Follow these directions or your order will not be processed. [B]Paypal:[/B] -Submit your payment through paypal to [B][COLOR="red"][email protected][/COLOR][/B]. Include your [COLOR="red"]Name, Amount, Sizes, and Address. [/COLOR] -If I need to contact you I will do so by the email you submitted the payment through! -Please indicate Adult, Child, or Plus sizes! Plus sizes may require extra S&H costs. Otherwise size will be assumed to be Adult. -Your address will be printed out as you have given it, make sure it is correct. (Optional) Email [B][COLOR="red"][email protected][/COLOR][/B] from the email you used for your paypal payment. Include your name, amount, sizes, and address. -If you are purchasing internationally, please mention this as well! [B]Mail:[/B] PM me - All orders through mail must be received before November 26th, the mailer is liable for lost or late orders! ---------- Incorrect payments, late payments, or lack of information will result in a refund of money. If you have any questions, [B]ask[/B]. Shirts will be ordered on [B]November 26th[/B]. All payments must be in before this date! One and only one order will be made, shirts should arrive in time for the holidays :). [domestic] min. of 25 ct. to produce ---------- [B]Ordered:[/B]
[COLOR="lime"]shoeman6 1M $21 Sent iColor 1M EPF IP Sent Cloud 1S Mail $21Sent Papa happy 1L $21 Sent iMatt 1XL $21 Sent Zkhan 1 $21 Sent Iota 1 $21 Sent hoiboy 1L (changed) $21 Sent Kari 1 EPF IP Sent Sangara 1 $21 Sent Van # Sent Spinfo International PM sent Drakeohmeteor 2 $36 international sent Theafg 1 EPF FB International sent Cyshing (x) $120 International sent Gisele 8 1l $30 International sent Zombo 1 $30 Internationall sent Glamouraz 1S $30 International sent [/COLOR] -
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 08:13:16
It will arrive in time for the holidays if you live in the USA. Holiday shipping internationally can be very unpredictable. FYI
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 10:56:29
What if one wants to buy but doesn't have money in his/her paypal? Will they be able to accept other options for payment, besides mail? edit: didn't read, so edited my question. :facepalm: @shoeman6
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 14:29:24
Hey, im new to paypal and haven't used it to order from Penwish yet. So can i ask how to make payments for this? And how do i noe which size is suitable for me? is there any reference? PLease reply me asap as i wanted to order this shirt! Thanks in advanced!
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 14:30:41
what kind of sizes do you use? :3 differ sometimes
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 15:16:34
holy crap I want it so bad but how big is L? cuz for come shirts I'm L but for others I'm XL...:? so can u tell me the exact measure for L and XL? @shoeman6 and by name do u mean real name or username?
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 15:28:50
finally it looks nice and sexeh do we get discount if I mass buy them?
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 15:44:41
Updated with a link to sizing information. @Loyd, take a look at the sizing like I put into the first post, then log into your paypal and submit a payment through the "send money" tab.
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 15:50:08
@shoeman6 I was wondering If I was to buy 30 shirts, do I get a discount?
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 16:47:40
Why isn't this being done through
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 17:31:15
[QUOTE=DrakeOhMeteor007;148728]@strat1227, faster to just do it myself. Edit: I've just ordered a sample of the shirt. Pictures will be up in a couple of weeks. (only the back, as the front must be screen printed)
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 18:57:49
@PenwisH ? ill wait
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 14:50:41
Is shipping fixed? If I order 3, do I pay 51 dollars or 63dollars?
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 15:16:48
Shipping is fixed, $51.
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 00:14:59
Ugh, why can't it be dark blue? T.T
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 01:16:00
i've been getting like a million pms about shirts. If you want a shirt get it from shoeman for now. I can mass produce something a little bit later along with writbands, hoodies , stickers and whatnot.
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 03:05:21
PenwisH wrote: i've been getting like a million pms about shirts. If you want a shirt get it from shoeman for now. I can mass produce something a little bit later along with writbands, hoodies , stickers and whatnot.
If that's the case, i'll wait.... -
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 05:50:36
PenwisH wrote: i've been getting like a million pms about shirts. If you want a shirt get it from shoeman for now. I can mass produce something a little bit later along with writbands, hoodies , stickers and whatnot.
yay :D -
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 05:52:13
I'm going to order 3 too, give me a day to put money in my account. Still waiting on those socks. EDIT: Money has a way of playing tricks on me, I'll have to wait till next week.
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 17:22:54
@Glamouraz, I recieved the payment. EDIT: I just got a sample t-shirt, it's very comfy :) I'll post pictures tomorrow. Only the back of the shirt was printed in the sample to cut down on the cost, but the shirts ordered will have the front logo as well.
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 04:24:21
right thanks, international purchase, international love! :D
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 13:38:07
Is the shipping for international fixed too? maybe for around 5 t-shirts? I might want to find some fellow spinners to share the shipping.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 12:29:33
i want one. i try to send to you the money soon
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 18:37:06
Glad to see people are liking the logo. It wasn't QUITE the final version, but I suppose with printing it doesn't have to be perfect :p . *** totally ordered one***
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 20:18:53
So for Canadian orders, the price for an XL (just for example) is $30 USD in total? or $21?
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 21:50:35
Sample Tshirt came in, here are a couple pics of the back. I think the logo might be a bit small/ high, let me know what you think.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 23:09:54
I'm realy thinking of buying this! it looks awsome!
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 00:48:12
I say make the back bigger and center it. What's the front like?
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 15:39:15
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 20:36:09
I still need to receive a few mail in orders, Cloud, I got yours. :) Get them while you can :D.
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 18:44:31
ordered, thanks
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 03:13:39
Deadline extended to the 26th! @cyshing
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 22:02:57
Currently waiting for my money to transfer to paypal.
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 22:19:27
@shoeman6; I plan to order the shirt, but I just created the paypal account and I need 2-3 days before I can send money (confirmation of the bank account) is it possible to extend the deadline a bit more?
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 22:29:30
30th is the very last day I can order. I'll wait for you Van.
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 23:01:09
@shoeman6 thanks alot ^^
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 00:44:51
So... if there aren't enough orders?
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 02:00:25
@hoiboy, i'll just buy some extra ones and sell them on my own. :) (for profit) If I buy 25 the t shirts and shipping is literally at price. [SIZE="6"]LAST DAY TO PURCHASE T-SHIRTS IS TOMORROW[/SIZE] If you are still interested, but can not purchase in time, send me a PM.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 02:29:09
shoeman6 wrote: @hoiboy, i'll just buy some extra ones and sell them on my own. :) (for profit) If I buy 25 the t shirts and shipping is literally at price. [SIZE="6"]LAST DAY TO PURCHASE T-SHIRTS IS TOMORROW[/SIZE] If you are still interested, but can not purchase in time, send me a PM.
OK, I just ordered one. Are you resizing the logo on the back? -
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 00:14:32
@Zkhan, a dollar short buddy.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 00:30:48
@shoeman6 ordering soon wait for me >< edit: sent
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 06:27:32
It would be best if I could get a couple (2 more) orders. If you want a shirt, but wont be able to pay in time, just PM me to reserve, and I'll purchase them for later.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 17:38:26
T-shirts have been ordered, if you have EPF by your name you still need to pay for your shirt ASAP. Shirts alone were: $335.80 I have 1 extra small, medium, and large, if anyone else still wants to purchase a shirt.
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 00:55:19
Alright guys, here are the proofs of the shirts, I personally think it looks good :3, let me know what you think, I'll approve if no one has any objections.
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 01:09:00
naaaaice it would be nice if u can print the ppl's name on the corner but that'll be too much work I assume :hmm: @shoeman6 i dont see my name on the first post :hmm:
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 02:10:11
do it
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 03:11:43
Approved the proofs, will arrive here 12/12/11
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 03:42:18
Can we still change our size?
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 03:50:06
I bought extras,PM me
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 03:50:32
T-shirts will be arriving earlier than expected (tomorrow), if you still need to pay, Theaafg, icolor, zkhan, drakeohmeteor, please do so so I can send you your shirts as soon as possible ^^.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 00:06:08
Shirts are in!!!
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 00:26:04
I paid a while ago D:
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 21:45:02
that means itll be delivered to us soon? :D
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 20:27:15
any word on when these are getting shipped?
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 20:34:45
End of this week, I apologise for the delay.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 04:19:57
@shoeman6 so...what's going on
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 04:22:03
I'm sending it as soon as possible.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 04:44:11
be patient young one. shoeman isn't exactly a shop =p. I commend him for doing a good job on it
Van wrote: @shoeman6 so...what's going on
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 05:28:13
D: but he said shirts should arrive in time for the holidays
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 08:47:08
It's not easy you know, dealing with all those orders. It was just an estimate on when he planned it to arrive. I think you should still wait and appreciate his efforts. It's christmas after all.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:44:20
@ A lot of people All domestic orders have been shipped, you should be receiving your t-shirts in 2-3 days. Kari & iColor still need to pay.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 22:16:17
what about international
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 02:00:26
You're the best shoeman6.
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 04:22:45
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 05:18:59
@TheAafg, you must've removed me from facebook, or deleted your account, in any case, I couldn't find your address so I can't send, and you have yet to pay...
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 05:27:56
Nevermind @TheAafg, I'll just keep this shirt then, to give away or sell later etc. All orders have been shipped.
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 12:06:13
@shoeman6 I haven't removed you from facebook or deleted you @____@
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 15:14:42
@all All orders have been sent.
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 11:47:07
Got it few days ago. Thanks! :)
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 05:52:23
@shoeman6 do still have these t-shirts?
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 15:46:26
no, sorry.