Off-topic / Incomplete guide to seduction
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 23:10:35
I am calling this “The Incomplete Guide to Picking Up Women,” because frankly, their will never be such thing as a complete guide. Women are some of the most bizarre and unpredictable creatures in existence. I haven’t even begun to figure them out completely, for there are far to many variables and peculiarities about them to comprehend. This is however, a brief outline on how to begin, as well as a few ideas and pointers that I have picked up over my years as an aspiring romantic. Im going to warn you that this is long, and I have been working on it for around 3 weeks. Keep an open mind when reading, and don’t be afraid to leave your own suggestions or ideas here for our fellow ladies men to read. This is for all the guys who see beautiful women, the women who release a bathtub of butterflies into the pit of your stomach, and the women who draw every aspect of your cognitive being towards her, leaving all other components of your surroundings irrelevant. And this is for those guys who do absolutely nothing about it. This woman, who at the time is the most beautiful girl you can comprehend, has graced you with her presence, and followed it up by essentially leaving your life. I was there, I still am at times, as were all the great lady-killers you’ve ever witnessed or heard of. You may have spent a lot of your life subconsciously idolizing, emulating, or horribly mimicking these ladies men, and that’s exactly why you are overlooked. Well FUCK THAT. I want you to close your eyes right now, and say to yourself “I CAN get ANY girl I desire!” Say it. Yell it. Whisper it; convince yourself that you can because it is the un-obstructed truth. We men have the most glorious advantage of the world in that women are essentially drawn to us using primal logic. Do you think the animal kingdom gives a shit if their mate is wearing designer brand names? No fucking way. A shiny coat? Facial Structure? Gleaming straight teeth? No. No. No. Females are drawn to us solely on the basic principle of survival. Lady lions are attracted to the male lion that has the best chance of surviving against his fellow lions, and bearing healthy children. Translated into modern terms, women will go after the Alpha Male. They are instinctively attracted to him, and they will over look every other combating beta male in the building to get a chance to try and validate herself with the Alpha. This, above all is the most important point. Disney lied to you, every sappy song on the radio, it lied to. Those corny romantic comedies...hate to say it, but lies as well. Looks realistically only matter in the initial attraction. They are only important in the first 3 seconds you walk in the building, and after that, every woman in the place has visually summed your physicality up. My theory of why good-looking guys are so attractive is not actually in the looks themselves, but the instilled confidence and alpha mentality he has imprinted in his brain. Women all over the world have convinced themselves that they are only attracted to good-looking guys, but in reality, they are attracted to their presence, the confidence they radiate, and the feeling they get when they are around him. The brain is a miraculous thing, and when girls are rifling through pages of their non-sense Cosmo magazines, and see a “really hot guy,” it’s not the looks, but the correlation between him and his probable personality. I know….fucked up from a guys perspective. SO now that we have the essentials covered, lets get started. There are 3 main and crucial steps in getting from point A, which is seeing the girl from afar to point B, which is essentially having sex or experiencing some sort of erotic or sensual physical interaction. (which ever you choose, its all in one category) These are… Step 1: Attraction The goals of the Attraction phase are to start a conversation with the target, demonstrate high value to the target in order to build her attraction to you, and to appear to become increasingly attracted to her, for reasons other than her looks (crusial with beautiful girls as you will see) while making her increasingly invested in the interaction Step 2: Comfort In the Comfort phase, one should attempt to establish trust, connection and a sense that the interaction is real and genuine. The game is played in comfort. It is the longest and most crucial step and generally takes several hours, possibly over the course of several days, to complete. It takes on average 4 to 10 hours (cumulatively) it takes to build a connection sufficient for the initiation of a physical relationship, as much as 90% will be spent in the comfort-building phase. Step 3: Seduction The 'Seduction' phase is the physical escalation towards sex and dealing with a woman's natural apprehension towards sex or whatever with a new partner. So…here we go. Attraction. Our basic instinct is to try and prove ourselves to women we are attracted to by any means neccesary. A lot of guys will act on this and get completely blown off. How? “Can I buy you a drink?” That’s how. Do you think these beautiful women are that simple? The amount of free drinks she has received is probably enough to get a Viking tipsy, which is a shitload by the way. Buying her a drink, getting her a chair, giving her YOUR chair, playing her favorite song on the juke box, or those cheesy pickup lines, utterly radiating your physical NEED for her, they all completely herd you up with the rest of supplicating bozo’s that’s shes encountered in her life. You my friends, are different. There are literally thousands of approaches that can be used in actually attracting women. Unless you look like Brad Pitt, you wont get any attention unless you demand it. This means that yes, you are going to have to go talk to the center of the swarm of guys over at the other table. My suggestion is wait until all of them have finished buying her beers and rolling off her back like water on a muskrats ass to make the approach. Pre-occupy yourself with something to promote looking and feeling good about yourself, just to get you in that all important alpha mentality.
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 23:11:18
In my opinion the best approaches on beautiful women are something commonly known as negative hits. Basically, you approach the target, obviously starting in a weak position (you are probably just another guy coming to shovel coal into her egotistical furnace), and end up with her trying to validate herself to YOU using a variety of lighthearted insults. This might sound crazy but picking out subtle flaws in your target will work wonders. Now, you don’t want to actually insult her because it is quite likely that she recieves loads of insults from guys she turned down over the course of her life. The goal here is to essentially bring her down from her goddess thone and have her feeling the need to validate herself TO YOU. If you are at some sort of party and you approach a girl, she basically KNOWS you want to fuck her. You have to somehow convey that you didn't come for sex but because you are talkative about some even MORE interesting than HER. The only thing from you that can make a 10 NOTICE you is if you show her she doesn't matter to you in the slightest... that is a NEGATIVE HIT. (This is a sticky subject. Don’t expect anything but a slap in the face if you do this horribly wrong or try it on some moderatly pretty girl with some obvious physical flaws.) I would approach the target with slight disinterest, in a non intrusive way. Look at her as if something suddenly caught your eye. Try to target something she might be a little self concious about. Lets say big feet. Man - “Oh, that’s a relief” Woman – “what..?” Man – “I and my friend were talking about how big your feet looked from where we were sittting, but I guess they arent THAT big.” Then, you simply smile and turn your back to her. TURN YOUR BACK TO HER! What does this do? It puts you in a position of power. She thinks “Im a fucking hottie and this guy isnt working like normal guys work.” Woman (Confused) – “They are only a size 8!” Man – “Ahaaha! It must be the shoes, I didn’t know they had such big feet in the silent film era” (obviously a hottie like this will have trendy new shoes. You know this, she knows you know this.) Woman – “Hahaha these were expensive! Probably more than your whole attire” (Returning the negative hits to try and regain power) Man – “Tell me how you got so rich because I would really love to know” Woman – “Well, Im a model.” Man – “ohhhhhh! Like a hand model?” (she knows she could be/is a facial body model) After around 3 solid negative hits, its safe to say you’ve proven yourself. This conversation would most likely NEVER happen that perfectly, so don’t expect it to. This approach takes practice and a whopping load of whit, and you WILL get turned down ALOT when you are learning. Smiles and CONFIDENCE are immensly important, as is NEVER EVER saying “just kidding.” You need to say each insult like a sarcastic compliment, yet leaving a little wiggle room for her insecurity to bust through the door. Saying “oh im joking” completely confirms her suspicions that your just here to make small talk. She is now feeling slighly self concious putting YOU in power instead of her. These Negative hits have succesfully created curiousity, and removed her from her Bitchy elitist pedestal. A neg hit is a qualifier. The girl is FAILING to meet your high expectations. It's not an insult, just a judgement call on your part. The better looking the girl, the more aggressive you must be with using it A 10 can get 3 neg hits up front, while an 8 only 1 or 2 over a longer time. You CAN go overboard if they think you are BETTER than them, you can drop the self-esteem right from under them (just like most 10girls do to guys) and this isn't good. You have to get as close to the breaking point as you can without crossing the line. Once you have gotten her RIGHT THERE, you can start appreciating things about her (NEVER LOOKS). There is a mutual RESPECT now. Something most guys never get from the girl. Here are some more to get started Nose wiggling/ nostrils flaring when she talks, hair extensions, roots showing, fake fingernails, “I think I saw you wearing that dress at another party,” fake diamonds, old shoes, unshaven legs/armpits. “your almost as tall as me!,” blinking often (a sign of interest) Spitting while she talks, “excuse me, Let me finish my sentence!” The list goes on and on, and youll find its quite easy to come up with them on the fly after a while. Here is another pretty basic approach that I have used quite a bit in the past.. At parties there are a few chairs and a couch, and often, you want to sit down and take a breather. Here is almost a surefire way to not only get a seat, but score points with most fun girls. Approach any seated girl you wish. Try to establish eye contact as you walk over top her, and have a mystified, confused look on your face. She will already be intrigued with this. As you get to her, say with a smile, "Your to easy." or something along those lines. SHe will most likely smile and say "whatt? what am I easy for?" Dont worry about her interpreting it as being "easy" to score. "Nonono, Ill bet I can read your mind, I’ll know exactly what you’re thinking." "NO WAY, that’s impossible!" "Well let me give it a try." Signal for her to put out her hands. When she does, grab them, and crouch down to her eye level. Really look intrigued and smile. "You know what, this isnt working for me, We have to stand up." She will be so intrigued that she will forget about her seat. Maintain that eye contact and keep smiling. Now say "Here, twist with me slowly," as you rotate 180 degrees. Now you are in prime position to sit down on the couch that she has complete forgotten about. Sit down with an exaggerated "AHHHHHH, you ARE to easy." Her jaw will drop with a smile and probably a "fuckkkk youuu!" From there shell probably try to wrestle you out, or sit on your lap. Both work! This trick is perfect. You show confidence, get her intrigued, establish some hand contact, and eye contact, and show that you aren’t afraid of taking her seat. I saw it used once, and every time I’ve used it, it has worked WITHOUT FAIL. These are just 2 of the numerous approaches you can use. Just search around on the Internet, or overlook fellow ladies men, and use what you think will work. If it doesn’t, move on. EVERYONE gets rejected. Now, for the comfort stage. Im going to explain this quite vaguly because it would take forever to fully investigate, so fill in the blanks, and inquire for yourself. This stage is where the battle is lost and won essentially, and yet, to me, it is the easiest of them all. This is your chance to go in whichever direction you want to go. Now is your chance to show her that you can be a funny guy, yet provocative and smart. Think of it as fishing. Baiting the fish takes a bit of skill, a bit of luck, and a LOT of patients. Sometimes fishing takes a while, sometimes you get a bite the first minute you cast. The Attraction stage was the baiting stage, now the fish has bitten, what next? There are many options here. Do you want to let her swim around a little, and reel her in slowly (always knowing that you have the line to bring her back to the boat) or do you want to catch her in a hurry (really tuning on the charm and getting her within the hour.) Both mindsets work, but In my previous experiences, Both parties will get a lot more out of the interaction if you take your time. In this case patients is a virtue, and the girl will appreciate this quality in you as well, escalting the attraction even more. Don’t think your in the clear yet sonny. Remember this girl is hot, she could easily find interest somewhere else and dipset before your eyes. It is IMPERATIVE that you maintain the principles of the actual attraction stage throught all stages. If you turn into a supplicating chumpstar the second she becomes interested shell be gone faster than she came. This stage is basically an escalation from casual explicit small talk into a new realm of provocative explicit conversation and activities. This is NOT the stage to go for the kill though, shes not in the boat yet. Try to curve conversations towards HER. Inquire about her values, her interests, or other topics that she will be eager to talk about. Swim for that shit man. If she says “Well I really admire men who are hard workers,” DON’T STOP THERE WITH A NOD! That is what most guys would do. Instead say “What is it about these men you find so attractive?” She will often be at a loss for words or have to think about it for a second. This is where it counts. Hard working guys would usually translate into Loyalty and compassion to what he does. THIS IS WHAT SHE ADMIRES UNDER IT ALL. For example, If she likes tall guys, its most likely because she likes the feeling of security and saftey in a relationship. If she enjoys Skiing, inquire as to what feelings she enjoys that she recieves from skiing. Thrill, excitement, risk. NOW TAILOR YOUR PERSONALITY TO BE THRILLING, EXCITING AND FUN. Its basic psychology. Not only are you getting all this crazyyy hints as to how to direct your personality, but she is actually subliminally linking all these traits to you. This all occurs if you display the aspects of your personality that she finds so attractive in the men she described. Crazy eh? Once again, Once you really dig for these answers and APPRECIATE aspects of her personality, her curiosity and interest remaining from the initial greeting will slowly morph into feelings for you. You make her think by deeper questioning. You have shown that you arent like other guys, in that you appreciate her for more than her looks. She feels differently bearing her soul to you than telling you about where she got her hair done and how much it cost. Once you can gain this trust, this deeper, more unexplainable relationship with her, well good Sir, you are golden. Everyone has a need. Find and fill that need. Here is an explanation by Jobet Claudio, Mindlist: "In my observation, the mere adoption of the following rules can supercharge your own attitude towards being a great seducer. Rule 1. People, all people, to include super celebrities and ultra-gorgeous women, have desires. That seems like stating the obvious, but think about it. Even Bill Gates I bet wishes he could do something different, that would fulfill him and he's not getting it now. He aches for something... craves for something... That's the same with ultra-gorgeous women, or women in general. They may have an army of suitors; they may be sleeping on the finest velvet sheets, etc etc. But believe me, all people, gorgeous women included, ache for something. They have a heartfelt desire for something. That "something" may vary from adventure to feeling freedom, to feeling respected (for the less secure ones), to feeling pampered, to feeling like a little girl again. It can be a large variety of things. But make no mistake about it. Everyone "aches" for something. Rule 2. And this is cliché. Find out what it is. Be sensitive. You can pick this up in the small cues that she leaks out. Be intelligent in structuring your questions to be such that you can uncover nice pieces of data. What you're looking for is "something" that she always wanted that she's not getting right now, something she "aches" for, but can't have due to some life circumstance or something like that. It can be anything. Once you know what it is, you can either you "fill" the void by using language patterns or "transform" yourself into the person that fits that criteria/desire/longing. Rule 3. Fill that "void" that you've found. Use linguistic patterns to achieve this. If she talks about the need for respect, say something like "what if... we were living in a different dimension... or a different planet... and in that planet... everything you see, is everything you want to see... and in that place... you see all the people, giving you all the respect you ever wanted... now doesn't that feel nice?" Rule 4. This is cliche as well, but anchor the fulfillment of the need to (guess who?)... to you! For example "Isn't it nice if you could experience all of that... with me, now I think it would be real grand if you could!" Keep doing that a couple of times and soon enough you'll be her perfect man. This stage is quite easy to explain and visualize; yet it takes the longest. You can NEVER rush anything in this stage; in fact, slowing it down is best to ensure that she is completely and utterly comfortable with you. DUH dudu DUUHHHHHHHHHHH! Seduction! I have the most trouble with this one, and am still quite amateur. I do however know the basics, and with any creativity at all, you can close the deal quite quickly. You have attracted this girl, stood out from the rest somehow, and established a deeper connection through in depth conversation and personality exploration, and lastly still appeared prepared to leave at any second to keep her on her toes. EVEN NOW, YOU CANNOT LET HER KNOW OR EVEN INDICATE THAT SHE HAS YOU. If you become to easy, she will loose interest and BAM, all that work for nothing. You still have to throw in a Negative hit every once in a while to keep it fresh. If she starts talking about something pointless like hair or nails, show to her with your body language that you are about to leave. AHH, that is sooooo fucking important. I tend to use a patterning approach towards girls. For instance, turn the topic to something slightly more “racy”. Really open up your body for opportunities for her to grab your hand, Keep eye contact locked, and almost try to make her enter a trance. I often talk about “the first kiss.” “What do you look for in a first kiss?” (this is why she needs to be completely comfortable with you, any doubt, and she might react wrongly to a question like this.) Let her go off in her own fantasy world and gab about it for a while. Most girls absolutely love the feeling of talking about kissing, and will often become slightly aroused at the thought. If you are holding hands, begin to squeeze them lightly during more “intense” parts of her elaborate description. After she finishes, now its all you. Reference what she said often, but rephrase it in a way that is even more explicit. Get really in depth while maintaining your genuine persona. I’m not really going to go into it in great detail, but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. The basic key here is to get her in the physical mindset. You want to get HER wanting to kiss you, not persuading her to let you kiss her. You are still in control, and very much the alpha. Get her horny by talking about these touchy subjects. It can even come down to altering your speech patterns. FO INSTANCE: these values are below me" pronounced "BLOW ME!", "…a feeling of happiness" pronounced "hap-PENIS!", "…in you're mind" pronounced "YOU'RE MINE!", "…thoughts flowing in a new direction" pronounced "NUDE ERECTION!", "...the sky is so beautiful" pronounced "THIS GUY IS SO BEAUTIFUL!" - these double-meaning pronunciations are supposed to give her subconscious messages, but the effectiveness of such approaches are slightly questionable though. It’s still kind of fun though, and I enjoy slipping them in all the time. Even talking to teachers and parents because I’m a bad ass. Once you are absolutely confident in the idea that you could kiss her, it gets a little split. Depending on the girl I would either go in for the kiss, or if she is one of those really high and mighty type, I like trying to get them to kiss me. Me “I’m trying so hard not to kiss you right now” Her “Haha why are you trying not to?” Me – “I just don’t think I should, I know that you are trouble!” You are almost Devolving into the attraction stage once again, Utilizing negative hits like “your trouble” “I don’t want to get lipstick all over my face, its very bad for the pores you know!.” Before you know it, she will want it so bad, she might jump in spontaneously. That said, that scratches the surface on the art of seduction. There is sooo much more I left out. Ideas, approaches, mindsets, techniques, REASONINGS AS TO WHY WOMEN ARE SOOO DAMN NUTS. Before I let you off on your journey Ill leave you with some key websites, and other random lists and tips from said sites. Have a happy Day NS! Yours sincerely, Rory Greggain Doesn't matter whether she is interested in you, you'll make her interested eventually anyway:) But look for these signs to show you whether you're already making progress:) It's also fun to look for these signs as a by-stander, either in everyday situations or for example in a bar - when the guy earnestly believes he is being sooo smooth but the woman he is talking to isn't displaying any of the signs presented below, you can't help but have a chuckle about it:) Her lips: * Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face. * Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth. * She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area. * She puts her fingernail between her teeth. * She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward. Her eyes: * She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated. * She raises both eyebrows exaggeratedly for a couple of seconds, this is often combined with a smile and some eye contact. * She winks at you while talking to you or winks at you from a distance. * While talking to you, she blinks more than usual, fluttering her eyelashes. * Eyebrows raised and then lowered, then a smile indicates interest in you. Her hair: * She pushes her fingers through her hair. This can be one hand movement or more of a stroking motion. * She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at you. * She is throwing her hair back off her shoulders. Her clothing: * If she is wearing clothes that show her nipples underneath and you notice they are getting perky and erect. * The hem goes up to expose a little more leg. * She is fixing, patting or smoothing her outfit to make herself look better. While she is seated: * She moves in time to the music, with her eyes on you. * She starts sitting straight up and her muscles appear to be firm. * She is sitting with her legs open. * She sits with her legs crossed in a manner to reveal her thigh. * Her legs are rubbing against each other. * Her legs are rubbing against the leg of the table. * Her crossed leg is pointed towards you or if that same leg is rocking back and forth towards you. Her hands: * She exposes the palms of her hand facing you. * While talking to you, she rests an elbow in the palm of one hand, while holding out her other hand, palm up. * She rubs her wrists up and down. * She sits with one hand touching one of her breasts. * She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This indicates that she's thinking about you and her relating in some way:) * She is fondling keys, sliding hands up and down a glass, playing with toys or other things on the table. * She plays with her jewellery, especially with stroking and pulling motions. * She touches your arm, shoulder, thigh, or hand while talking to you (in case you already haven't started kino yourself, dumbass:). * She is pretending to look at her watch as you pass her. Her voice * She raises or lowers the volume of her voice to match yours. * She speeds up or slows down her speaking to match yours. * She laughs in unison with you. * In a crowd she speaks only to you and focuses all of her undivided attention on you. Micellaneous: * She mirrors your body language and body positions. * Her skin tone becomes red while being around you. * She blows smoke straight out from between her lips and toward you. * She leans over and speaks into her friend's ear, just like in junior high school. * She is standing with her head cocked slightly at an angle, one foot behind the other, hips slightly thrust forward. * At a party - every once in a while she seems to appear out of nowhere in your vicinity and if you move to another spot, soon she appears out of nowhere again, you catch her glancing in your general direction (actually, glancing at YOU dummy!:), she bumps into you… accidentally, touches you… accidentally etc:) When talking to a girl, these are some of the more important signs to watch for: * Can you keep conversation going with her? * Does she react well to kino? * Does she touch you? * Does she laugh? Now I don't have to explain what the answer "yes" to these questions means, do I:) From "Sweep women off their feet...": "All these signs usually tell you that the girl is captivated by your charms. But before you get there, chances are that her body language changes as the discussion progresses. Make sure that you watch her closely and as soon as you get a sign that should be an indication that you are on the right track, keep going in that direction. If the opposite happens, just change the subject and see what happens." The really gorgeous and beautiful girls however very seldom get around to displaying the signs of interest described above. They simply don't have to, as they are used to getting some attention already long before that. With such girls you have to be on a lookout for the initial and thus much more subtle signs of interest. One example of this would be a gorgeous girl simply looking at your face. Obviously people tend to look at what or whom they like to look at. But whereas an average girl first just looks at your face and then progresses into the more overt signs of interest described above, looking at your face from time to time might be the only sign of interest you'll ever get from the most beautiful of girls. So if you think you're not getting any signs of interest from beautiful girls - you are, but you just can't see them well enough yet. Don Steele: "Here are signs of interest sent from across the room. Most are applicable to both sexes. The sequence of the list approximates the courtship sequence. I'M INTERESTED Sidelong glance(s) Looks at you a few times Holds your gaze briefly Downcast eyes, then away Posture changes to alert Preens, adjusts hair, attire Turns body toward you Tilts head Narrows eyes slightly Smiles Matches your posture Eyes sparkle Licks her lips Thrusts breasts DON'T BOTHER ME Never sneaks a peek Fleeting eye contact Looks away quickly Looks away, eyes level Posture unchanged Does no preening Turns body away Head remains vertical Eyes remain normal Neutral, polite face Posture unchanged Normal or dull eyes Keeps mouth closed Sags to de-emphasize breasts In Summary. Frequency of eye contact, the more the better. Amount of time she, or he, holds your gaze, the longer the better. How she breaks off eye contact, down before away is great! Shine of the eyes, the brighter the better. Direction of body, toward you, good, away, bad. Overall posture, erect and alert are good. Tilt of head, vertical is bad, increased tilt is great. Where the drink is held, high in front as a barrier, that's bad. Hand activity, clenched, squeezing or pinching is bad, open, caressing or stroking is great. Most of us are slightly afraid as well as somewhat excited in settings where social interaction is expected and required. So, most people do not sit or stand in an open posture. But, during courtship, the more open the other person's posture is, the more open that person is to you and your advances. And, the more open you are, the more likely the other person is to open up to you. First Conversation Signals. Men, pay attention to all the ways she communicates during the first few minutes as you talk with her. KEEP TALKING Alert, energetic Pupils dilated Gradually opens posture Lowers drink Touches self gently Caresses objects Crosses and uncrosses legs Flashes of palm Crossed legs steady Dangles shoe on toe Hands never touch face Touches you any reason Feet firmly on floor Loosens anything Leans forward Steady hands, feet MOVE ON Tense, restless Normal or small pupils Posture remains closed Keeps drink high Grips or pinches self Squeezes, taps objects Legs remain crossed Back of hand gestures Swings crossed legs Keeps shoe on Touches face Never touches you Feet on edges or toes Tightens anything Leans away Tapping, drumming 25-Point Checklist of things NOT to do (TD) 25 Point Checklist of things NOT to do Taught a few hundred guys by now just from meeting guys through PAIR and in workshops recently, and this is the shit that ups their game instantly with no tactics or anything. I see this shit ALL THE TIME. It's the BIGGEST and most COMMON problem I see after everyone I've met. This is some of the main shit I focus on fixing when I'm in the field. Almost EVERYONE I met so far screws up this shit, and it totally fucks up their sarges. If you do this, don't feel bad. 99% of guys I meet do it to various extents (myself included). This is the extension of the "10 alpha qualities" post, which was when I was first figuring out what this shit meant. Back then, I was just posting observations. This post contains conclusions, having now thought about it. ERADICATE this shit, and your game will go up B-I-G-T-I-M-E, more than ANY tactics will help you. This is part of what's called being a "natural". Even with nothing else, if you know this stuff you'll do well socially, and probably get laid. This stuff is the KEY. This stuff is only for people who play the REAL game, not the INTERNET ARMCHAIR GAME. So guys who don't actually PLAY can skip this, because there's not much theory in it - its directly applicable. ------ 1) FIDGETY MOVEMENTS AND TIGHT SHOULDERS AND TAKING YOURSELF TOO SERIOUSLY OR BEING TOO BUSINESSLIKE OR "SOPHISTICATED" (not laughing or being relaxed) = very visible subconsious (or conscious) self-doubt, overcompensating through non-relaxed state, where you're prepared to deal with anything that could happen. Ever met someone who doesn't blink when you talk to them? 2) TALKING TOO FAST = worried that people will stop listening to you unless you get out something that will interest them before they leave 3) LAUGHING AT YOUR OWN JOKES = covering up that you aren't affected that others didn't laugh, and social nervousness 4) SAYING "RIGHT" OR "YOU KNOW" AFTER STATEMENTS = seeking validation that what you said was true, or saying it because others aren't 5) STANDING WITH LEGS NOT HALF A METER APART AT LEAST = worried that you'll infringe on other people's personal space 6) TALKING TOO SOFTLY OR LOUD = fear that you'll impose yourself on people and their personal space(ie: beta).. alpha males aren't afraid to project their voice.. YET, talking obviously too LOUD can also be seen as OVERCOMPENSATING. Just like guys who wear GENERIC clothes are trying to fit in, or guys who wear OUTRAGEOUS clothes are trying too hard to overcompensate. (hint: be careful with peacocking, find a style that doesn't come off this way, which can be tricky but is still very doable).. Some guys don't talk, some talk too much, etc etc.. Find appropriate balance through trial and error, which is determined through social observation, 7) MOVING YOUR HANDS AROUND WHILE YOU TALK = trying to keep the attention of the group (sometimes can be cool, but most often a form of qualifying yourself) 8) LEANING IN *or* 'PECKING' = too eager to talk.. NEVER lean in no matter how loud the environment is MAKE HER LEAN IN or just leave but NEVER lean in or "peck" as its also called. 9) FACING BODY/FEET TOWARDS HER BEFORE SHE EARNED IT = trying to gain rapport with her too eagerly. 10) CHASING WHEN SHE WALKS AWAY = hoping she'll listen. If a chick moves away from you, move your bodylanguage MORE away from her, so she'll be drawn back.. don't CHASE her... WTF?!@?!? 11) NOT WITHDRAWING (backturns, etc) WHEN SHE DOES SOMETHING THAT YOU WOULDN'T TOLERATE FROM AN UGLY GIRL OR A GUY = trying too hard to pick her up 12) ANSWERING QUESTIONS TOO QUICKLY/EARLY = too much interest in the conversation 13) TURNING YOUR HEAD (OR "SNAPPING") WHEN YOU'RE ADDRESSED = too eager to be in convo.. so if your head is facing the other direction, and a girl says something to you, turn it SLOWLY to her, don't snap it out of eagerness to hear her 14) GOING BACK TO A PRIOR THREAD THAT WAS INTERUPTED AT THE FIRST CHANCE/BREAK-IN-CONVO THAT YOU GET = trying too hard to impress them.. (ie: when a thread gets broken off in the convo, and you go back to it FIRST chance you get when the other topic ends, you look like you were WAITING to get back to it.. WHY are you so eager to get back on it, unless you don't feel comfortable around the person and you need to qualify yourself to them?) WAIT until THEY say "what was that you were saying before?", and THEN go back to it.. if it doesn't happen, *DROP IT* even if it was good. 15) NOT APPEARING MORE INTO YOUR WINGMAN THEN THE CHICK = trying too hard to pick her up.. you've known your wingman longer than her.. why do you pay more attention to her than your wing??? 16) TOO EAGER TO PAY ATTENTION - SAYING "what?" IF YOU CAN'T HEAR HER, PRIOR TO BEING IN RAPPORT = too much interest in what she's saying.. if She mumbles, just STACK OPENERS into an entirely DIFFERENT topic, RATHER than saying "what?" This is fucking KEY KEY KEY. If you say "what?" you'll lose her unless you're already past attraction and into rapport. If this happens, just run a new opener and change the topic. 1- you don't look too eager, 2- you look alpha for being disinterested in what she's talking about which helps anyway 17) REPLYING WITH OVERLY THOUGHT-OUT OF LOGICAL ANSWERS OR WITH OVERLY CLEAR/FORMAL PRONUNCIATION = being concerned that you won't be accepted unless you convince really well (eg. HB: why did you ask me that... RIGHT = I'm talking. (sit and stare) WRONG = because I really need to know since I've been thinking about this for a while.. the FIRST one conveys that you won't qualify yourself to her) 18) TAKING TOO MANY SENTENCES TO STATE AN IDEA THAT COULD BE STATED IN LESS SPACE = qualifying yourself. Commander Zap emails me a few months ago: "Remember TD, don't write what you can say, don't say what you can wink, don't wink what you can smile" TIGHT. The shorter you can explain something in, the more PROFOUND you'll appear. Why? You're not qualifying yourself. (ironically I'm massively guilty of this, due to the fact that I post when I'm really tired - see #21 to spot what was wrong with this last sentence) 19) BEING BOLD INSTEAD OF CONFIDENT = that you know that you can't pick her up, so you compensate with self-defeating actions so that the snub can be on "your terms". Saying "I'm sexy right?" or "baby I want some of that" or even just approaching when the logistics are totally unrealistic is too eager, because a CONFIDENT person wouldn't feel the NEED to say these kinds of things.. these things are symptoms of OVERCOMPENSATION for INSECURITIES.. which leads to.......... 20) OVERCOMPENSATING INSECURITIES = fear of not being accepted. Have you ever met a janitor who the first thing he says is "money is over-rated.. I would never get caught up in the corporate world" blah blah.. if they'd have just said "I'm a janitor" and LEFT IT AT THAT we wouldn't have even THOUGHT that anything was wrong with it.. but because they INSTANTLY start overcompensating, it comes off as overcompensating or qualifying. Same with if they BRING IT UP TOO EARLY. Like "hey, I'm Steve.. I'm a janitor and I love it".. They're TRYING to be cocky but it comes off as COMPENSATING. BE COMFORTABLE WITH YOURSELF. If you're BALD, don't say "would you love a bald man?" as a pickup line. It's not COCKY.... its BOLD. If you're bad looking, don't say "don't you think I'm sexy". Just be comfortable with yourself, and don't bring up the issue at all. 21) OVERCOMPENSATING FAILURE OR SHORTCOMINGS = fear of being judged.. if you do poorly on a presentation, or on a sarge in front of a wingman, or on a test, DO NOT SAY DUMB SHIT LIKE "I'm really tired". EVEN IF you're ACTUALLY really tired, the mere act of saying "I'm tired" comes off as QUALIFYING yourself to the person. Just don't bring it up. If you have shitty Clothes on, don't say "I have nicer clothes at home." Just don't bring it up. If you meet a girl when you're dressed bad, don't say "I have the coolest club clothes at home" Just don't bring it up. 22) GOING BACKWARDS IN THE PICKUP ON HER SCHEDULE = too eager to lay her.. if you've already GONE THROUGH the whole "let's ballbust and shit test eachother" attraction phase of the pickup, and you're now in RAPPORT -> if she tries to ballbust you at this point then just WITHDRAW ATTENTION. DO NOT BALLBUST BACK. It seems COUNTER INTUITIVE, but once you've gone through that whole little attract phase, and you're now being nice to eachother in rapport, DO NOT let her rewind the sarge by answering her ballbusting with ballbusts of your own. Just withdraw attention, to show that you're not interested in going BACKWARDS in a sarge. 23) WAITING FOR HER IF SHE LEAVES FOR ANY REASON (LIKE SAYS "I'M GOING TO THE WASHROOM, WAIT HERE) = too eager and into the convo.. if she goes to the washroom, make sure you're into another set by the time she gets back. 24) OVERLY REMEMBERING DETAILS ABOUT PAST CONVOS = convo means too much to you, because the person has unusual value to you (ie: a hot chick). Of course, I'm not advocating to be a total dick, but the general rule of thumb is that if you wouldn't have remembered a FAT CHICK or a GUY saying it, then don't remember the HB9 chick saying it. If some random dude said it and you would have remembered, then FINE. If you were in an unusually intimate convo that's also fine. But otherwise FAKE forgetting, even if she's a model and you remember every word. Even forget her name. If you see a random chick from your class or work, but you never talked to her, OPEN LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW HER. Don't give into the temptation to say "we work together". Just open like a random chick, and maybe if you get snubbed then pull out that card to save face, but only as a LAST RESORT. 25) OFFERING TOO MUCH ABOUT YOURSELF TOO *EARLY* = too eager to make them like you.. subcategories of this are: A) Verbally: if you say to a chick "yeah, I just got back from NYC (or any cool place that would impress)" or "yeah, I just got my Rolex fixed", or "yeah, my stripper ex-girlfriend told me..." then she PICKS UP on the fact that you're trying too hard to impress her.. Same with NAME DROPPING.. DON'T GIVE GIRLS YOUR RESUME TOO EARLY.. Personality conveying routines should convey personality COVERTLY, so it looks like the story is just SO COOL that its WORTH TELLING on its own accord, and it just HAPPENS to have some good things about you in it. When offering good things about yourself, don't offer boring details. Say it with less detail, and it seems less eager. INSINUATE THAT WHICH YOU ARE TEMPTED TO ELICIDATE (holy shit, I just made up that last catchy sentence, but I've gotta say that I'm the shit.. right?) B) Entertaining: If you have stuff like patterns, or the CUBE, or magic, or photos, or palmreading, and you do this EARLY, it comes off as TRY-HARD. Personally I don't use any of these things, but alot of guys do, and when they bust them out prior to the chick EARNING it, it comes off TRY-HARD. Use the stuff LATER, but not right away. *****C) Wanting rapport with someone who didn't earn it: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT??? I swear to god, almost *EVERY* PUA I meet live in field does this shit, and its SUPER LAME. Going up to a chick and saying "nice necklace" or "what's your name" or "where did you get that?" is FUCKING DORK SUPER LAME. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE ABOUT THIS STUFF FROM A R-A-N-D-O-M PERSON????? The counter argument to this is that you're not hiding Your desires blah blah blah she's a hot girl and she should be happy that you're approaching, but this is INTERNET RHETORIC.. and this approach is STILL hiding your desires behind the GUISE that you're nice, so even if the rhetoric was true, it would STILL be ineffective... In the INTERNET ARMCHAIR GAME this stuff is FINE, but in the REAL FIELD GAME this shit screws you over before you've even started gaming. It's fucking bullshit, and NOBODY who isn't very goodlooking or socially proofed (or whatever high value) PRIOR to going in, can make this kind of approach work consistently on HB8.5+ chicks. TRYING FOR RAPPORT TOO EARLY IS QUALIFYING YOURSELF TO HER BECAUSE SHE HAS NOT EARNED IT. D) Talking without feedback: When you're talking to someone, and they don't give feedback, and you're talking and talking, you BETA YOURSELF. It's a DOWNWARD SPIRAL, where you start talking TOO MUCH, and you SENSE that you're qualifying yourself, so you overcompensate EVEN MORE by TALKING and TALKING more and more.. Then you feel more and more beta'ed because you qualified yourself, and you're left treading water, grabbing at ANYTHING that will impress the person, so you keep talking in hopes of saying that one thing that will impress them. AVOID this by not talking too much unless THEY give some feedback. IN THE FIELD you do this by PAUSING and FORCING them to fill in the awkward gaps. ,____..____..,____,.,.____ ,/.,.,.,.,\/.,.,.,.,\/.,.,.,.,.\./.,.,.,.,.\ |.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,..__||_____.|_ |.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,.,.,.,|.,,../____/.,.,.,.,.,.\ |.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,.|.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,\ |.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,..\____.,.,.,.,.,.,.,\ |.____.|.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,.,.,.,|.,.,.\.,.,.,.,.,.,.,\ |/.,.,.,.,\|.____.|.____.|.__.\.,.,.,.,.,.,.,\ |\____/./.,.,.,.,\./.,.,.,.,\/.,.,../.,.,.,.,.,.,.,/ |.,.,.,.,.,.\____/.\____/.\__/.,.,.,.,.,.,.,/
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 23:23:23
this is upsb man. what the actual fuck are women :dunno:
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 23:32:49
Ah yes... “I and my friend were talking about how big your feet looked from where we were sittting, but I guess they arent THAT big.” The epitome of pick up lines.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 01:31:48
To be honest this kind of stuff makes me sick. I'd rather live my life alone till 30 before finding the right person by dumb luck than reduce myself to this. Women aren't objects, and the ones that can be treated as such aren't worth a moral being's time unless one is only seeking sex or a casual relationship. I'm far FAR more interested in the women for whom pick-up artistry would never work than those for whom it would. What pickup artistry fails to account for is that a woman is not some inferior animal that simply responds to your actions and can be bended at will; granted, some can, and we can always influence the first impression people have of us, but approaching dating and talking to women with an alpha-male mentality is fundamentally flawed unless you're just looking to pick up the hot short-term (if any) relationship girls, but maybe it's just me that doesn't care about that. Of course, I'm not so naive as to think that being the shy nice guy who will be kind and listen kind of thing is the best or w/e most unconfident guys justify that with, but there is a difference between confidence and arrogance. You know, girls DO have some mental say in who they are drawn to too. And to be frank, I absolutely, do not think it is desirable nor do I want to cause a girl to be interested in me, or to lead a girl to become attracted to me when she might not have at all in the first place; that freshness and wit that embodies the illusion pick-up artistry creates will not last, and what's left of that attraction when it's gone? Sure she may grow to like or love you, but who's to say long term? I would much much rather have a confident but humble and kind mentality, hell, I'm content just to meet and talk to someone nice, and even just make a good friend. I would much rather be in a relationship with someone who was drawn to me, even if just a little bit at first, than with someone who I CAUSE to be attracted to me over time. What would happen if she finds that person who she is attracted to (in any way, not just physical) right away? Sure, she's BECOME attracted to you over time, but I definitely don't think that bond is as strong, lasting, or opaque. I think pick-up artistry leads to transparent long-term relationships the majority of the time.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 02:01:16
I just agreed with the intro of this guide. also, @Iota +infinity
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 02:12:25
I tried this and it made my penis 5" bigger!! Oh wait ... wrong scam ...
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 02:48:35
strat1227 wrote: I tried this and it made my penis 5" bigger!! Oh wait ... wrong scam ...
<333333333 too funny man -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 02:50:56
I can't tell if this person is being serious or just spent way too much time writing this troll.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 02:52:06
I guess this could work with some girls and if you are just looking for a one night stand or something :? Iota I love you as much as I love my left hand on a lonely friday night :wub:
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 03:31:44
You knock her out, drag to safe place, fuck the body untill happy. throw away in a trash can
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 03:44:54
Whats wrong with short term relationships? And in no way is this an effective way to find the love of your life.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 03:54:58
Loanshark wrote: I can't tell if this person is being serious or just spent way too much time writing this troll.
Definitely the latter. -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 04:02:35
Or maybe he thinks this is a way to help people get l41d? Srs. This is just some guys approach to the ladies and should be treated like it. There is no right way to do things and this may be one of them, but it is definitely a strategy that could work. You never know unless you try ;)
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 04:33:16
It isn't a strategy that could work. Unless you want a cheap bang and go. Did you read my post or tl;dr it? It should sufficient hammer into to your minds that this approach isn't worth it if you're a real person, literally everyone BUT pickup artists and mid-pubescent adolescents consider the title "Pickup artist" to be synonymous with "Douche" Short term relationships are lame when you know the only reason you're in them is that you basically have shaped her perception of you at will to make it spark or continue, and that if you had confidently been true to who you are and what you stand for, what you feel and what you're looking for, you'd never be with her. That's pathetic, unless you just wanna have sex with hot chicks and then leave I guess. But I'm not talking about that, as I assume most people on UPSB are better than that as far as their moral development goes.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 04:34:45
TheAafg wrote: I guess this could work with some girls and if you are just looking for a one night stand or something :? Iota I love you as much as I love my left hand on a lonely friday night :wub:
<3 glad you approve of my views and my post. Who says it has to be Friday, night, or lonely? :D -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 04:37:05
wait, i thought this was supposed to be a funny post...
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 05:32:19
being an alpha is the most difficult thing on earth
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 05:48:53
Huh. Different audience, different results. Anyway, learning things about you that arent really you can be beneficial to the real you, if that makes sense. Youre saying that short term relationships are only for a quick couple week shoot-and-scoot sorta thing using the fake you. I can tell you, being in a short term relationship built on fake personalities and falsified backgrounds have opened my eyes in many ways, of course this is just a personal instance. I realized I really hate girls who wear to much make-up, in that one short term relationship. I guess what im really saying is, the more experience you have with the opposite gender, then youre more likely to find the real you.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 05:58:32
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 06:25:24
All of you saying this is bullshit are just cowards, forever underdogs, and mediocre. Don't you think you can pickup women? Most of the PUA's are actually beta's with really really low self-esteem and confidence and most became PUA's because it's the only think they can think of to do to boost their self-esteem and confidence. Picking up doesn't stop in picking up women, your PR and convo skills can be used in business/marketing, etc. Well I don't think this is gonna work on anyone though as this forum doesn't even have an alpha male to begin with, beta's can only be motivated by an alpha male or extreme self pity. Deep inside, all of you people saying you just want a girlfriend ,really want to be this ladies' man, bang all the 10's and be king of the world, because you know deep inside, that it's a fact, being dominant in everything you do is the best thing in the world. edit: yeah I'm beta too lol, gonna restart life in college
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 06:35:17
Classic napolean complex clyde lol. Gotta project everything onto everyone else. You can yell all you want but I'll tell you a secret: Hanging out and watching football with friends, and having an amazing wife who you love, is WAY better than constantly feeling like you prove how much of a man you are. Go ahead and ask your idol mike tyson. He's had both. And he knows he's a million times happier now than he's ever been when he was the biggest alpha dog on earth. Enjoy your miserable life of trying to prove yourself to others lol, I'm gonna be with my on the couch with my wife and a beer enjoying my life :)
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 06:37:14
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 06:42:42
So many fucking words.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 06:54:09
King wrote: Huh. Different audience, different results. Anyway, learning things about you that arent really you can be beneficial to the real you, if that makes sense. Youre saying that short term relationships are only for a quick couple week shoot-and-scoot sorta thing using the fake you. I can tell you, being in a short term relationship built on fake personalities and falsified backgrounds have opened my eyes in many ways, of course this is just a personal instance. I realized I really hate girls who wear to much make-up, in that one short term relationship. I guess what im really saying is, the more experience you have with the opposite gender, then youre more likely to find the real you.
All I hear is you spewing fluff and bullshit. No, stop trying to reduce my points to mere opinion and subjective views, if that's what I thought they were I wouldn't bother posting anything but "I disagree." I said it is OBJECTIVELY a horrendous and amoral outlook and approach, it amounts to treating women like objects or clay to be molded at your will, unless of course you're a douche looking for nothing more than to do exactly that, treat women as objects and means of having sex or for short term pleasure. Pick-up artistry is selfish in nature, what you make her think of you far outweighs the importance of what she would think of you otherwise, or what she thinks of you in general. There is a difference between dating and short-term relationships, and the pseudo-relationships or one-night stands that would result from this approach. Shying away from oneself and pretending to be something one is not definitely does not help one to stop shying away from oneself and pretend to stop being something one is not. You're saying A = - A bro (A=\=0 and is an integer). I'm sure by having sex with someone before marriage and going against my personal beliefs might help me to remember that I have personal beliefs to be abstinence until marriage, and I might experience why I felt it was wrong, but that ABSOLUTELY doesn't justify me going ahead and doing things I feel are wrong simply to have "the experience" so I won't do them again. If I already hold moral beliefs that an action would contradict, it is not necessary to experience the action to justify, validate, or discover my morals. I already have them, and usually for a good reason. I also 100% disagree with your last statement as well (aka that whole response), if one discovers oneself through many fake, falsified, and forced relationships or experiences, heck, even if one needs relationships good or bad with the opposite gender to "find the real you", that's TRUE lack of confidence. If you don't know yourself first and foremost, how can you claim to know others before even knowing them, before even meeting them? Pickup artistry is essentially stereotyping and profiling rolled into one for guys looking primarily for sex or self-gratification vicariously. I need someone else to find the real me? Fuck that, I'm a rational, moral, intellectual being, I know what I am, I know WHO I am, and even though I learn more and more about myself through thought and discovery each and everyday, the essence of my being, my nature, and my conception of morality will absolutely NOT be shaped by my experiences or others. If YOUR morals and self-perception are based on "the experience you have with the opposite gender", even just others in general, then I regret to inform you that you've missed the point; morals molded by society and what seems favorable to appease another at a given time aren't morals, they're the LACK of morals, and self-perception defined by experience with the opposite gender and others in general is not self-perception, you aren't discovering yourself but rather putting on different disguises to reap the situational and undeserved benefits of each and every situation you encounter. I swear if you tl;dr me and respond with another dismissive and ignorant "to each his own", ALSKDFJALSKDFJALSKDFJLSDKfj;asdlkfja;sdfjk;dfkj. You wanna argue my points or the issue objectively, fine, try me, I'll welcome thoughtful discussion/argument. But please don't be so insulting as to say "everyone has an opinion and they're all equal and everything is subjective always in every aspect even the base levels of morality, justice, and empathy herpity derp derp" as you've basically been doing in short hand. EDIT: Clyde here is a perfect example of my point about a TOTAL lack of true self-confidence. He thinks that being an "alpha" and dominating others is what makes him successful, and proves confidence and manhood. It's the opposite. It's sick and pathetic, and I pity the way that some people can't be confident in themselves for themselves, they need things, they need instant gratification and other external pleasures and successes to be able to feel self worth. I haven't dated a single person in my life up till now, haven't kissed anyone, and I'm 18 and a freshman in college. Am I self-confident? HELL yes, because while that's all great and being in a real relationship is beautiful and one of the best parts of life, it doesn't determine my self-worth. If I end up poor and living on the streets, if I fail to accomplish major life goals, if I don't become socially idolized, none of that should or would affect my self-confidence. Self-confidence is by definition confidence IN ONE'S OWN SELF. Not in a bunch of stuff one huddles in to feel high and mighty. Going on about how we're pathetic and "beta" because we don't endorse this, Clyde, is simply you shouting at the top of your lungs that you think you're worthless in and of yourself. -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 06:56:14
Fuckin' hate too. Waht.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 07:59:01
Loanshark wrote: I can't tell if this person is being serious or just spent way too much time writing this troll.
copy paste troll -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 08:17:25
lol you people don't understand, some people like me are mentally ill, definitely need to go to a psychiatrist, asylum for people with negative confidence, etc. How can you be confident without anything to show? Yes, it's definitely and 300% surely better to have 1 girl for the rest of your life, happy family, average net worth, but at this age 16~17, most men would want nothing more in life but shallow success which is girls, money, cars, fame, and power. People like me are the people who tried everything, none worked, and shallow stuff are the only things that could bring our confidence and happiness up. I've tried courting 3x, did what I knew was best, everything failed. People are gonna tell me to wait, until when? when I'm 40? Well sorry, I guess I'm the only pessimist here, most of you are optimistic but I don't even see how you could be optimistic without anything to show. How can you be happy with a mediocre life, having nothing.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 08:21:41
Clyde wrote: ... age 16~17 .... men ...
lolwut. You'll be a man when you grow out of this stupid phase buddy ;) till then you're nothing but a kid. -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 08:50:56
@Clyde Stop trying to be alpha and all that shit. Be yourself. Why would you want a girlfriend which doesn't like you for who you are? You have this cement 'understanding' of how things are meant to work, but they don't work like that. Confidence.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 09:11:29
And what do you mean you don't have something to show? You can try cultivating one. But that is IF you really like, not just because "ooooh, I'm gonna do this to get all the ladies and shit", but something you really want to do. You can try out different hobbies. I cannot say what, maybe, say, you didn't really know you had a talent for, say, drawing? Try out a lot of things. You might just discover that you do really have something to show. :)
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 09:32:53
w/e, Zuckerberg's a 100% beta and he's even richer than Steve Jobs lol, it's just rare to see successful betas, dunno, how can you be confident if another person is dominant over you? can you be dominant around an alpha?
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 09:53:16
Clyde;147412]lol you people don't understand, some people like me are mentally ill, definitely need to go to a psychiatrist, asylum for people with negative confidence, etc. How can you be confident without anything to show? Yes, it's definitely and 300% surely better to have 1 girl for the rest of your life, happy family, average net worth, but at this age 16~17, most men would want nothing more in life but shallow success which is girls, money, cars, fame, and power. People like me are the people who tried everything, none worked, and shallow stuff are the only things that could bring our confidence and happiness up. I've tried courting 3x, did what I knew was best, everything failed. People are gonna tell me to wait, until when? when I'm 40? Well sorry, I guess I'm the only pessimist here, most of you are optimistic but I don't even see how you could be optimistic without anything to show. How can you be happy with a mediocre life, having nothing.[/QUOTE] @Clyde A life without transparent happiness given by material things and a feeling of dominating other moral and intellectual beings, which have far more self and world worth than you if you're seriously trying to make them submit to your childish "alpha" faked nature, is what sane people like to call a happy, non-mediocre life. Having everything that matters. You really think clothes and power are the keys to happiness in a world as beautiful, grand, and intricate as this? Really? When I think of what it means to be a man, and to be truly happy, I don't picture someone walking out their doorway on the way to work/uni and thinking "Damn I look fresh in this suit. Wow these glasses will help make me look rich and suave for the ladies. I can't wait till i get out of grad school/get a promotion so I can finally start putting other people in their places". The words to describe that person are: sad, shitty existence, overcompensating for confidence and self-esteem issues, dense, capable of only seeing the surface level of life and acting in the now. True happiness is sometimes to just walk outside and think even for a second about your surroundings, to realize that sometimes life validates itself, happiness is validated by itself, not by the things you do in life or success, not by the things you get or power. I'm usually most happy when listening to music while walking to class, or just looking at the sky or out my window, thinking about the intricacy of everything that most everyone takes for granted, etc. True happiness is a state of being, meaning that by definition it is of emotional origin and should not and is not tied to physical things and occurances. But you probably understand any of what I just said, "man". It's ironic, because by trying SO hard to grow up and feel more meaningful and validated by others (something you shouldn't need to be happy, but you obviously rely only on it), you really just end up looking like a fool. It reminds me of the way a son will try to act or dress up like the father, thinking that it's the clothes or the way of talking that make a man a man, but misses the point entirely. And you say people who lack self confidence like you (at least you admit it, you have a serious issue and fixation in this field) need or should take advantage of shallow things to boost their confidence and happiness. No. No, no no. Again, you're looking at it the wrong way. Confidence isn't some abstract meter floating above your head that increases as your shallow success increases. It's a state of being, it's a choice, it's a lifestyle, none of which are in any way bound by material possessions or physical things. What do you do, then, as someone who lacks self-confidence and feels the need for other things? Recognize your worth in and of itself. You're a being able to exhibit cognition, rational thought, morality, and to create both further life or further information and understanding of the universe through your actions. Sound worthless? None of those depend at all on material possessions. Once you see that you're worth much, much more than the clothes you wear and the things/power you have, you'll actually start to become a man in the truest sense. honestly, someone who has "negative confidence" needs to: a) stop being a pussy and open their eyes, stop underestimating the worth of their existence b) basically just say "Screw brooding over failures and 'lack of self-esteem', none of that matters and I'm going to be confident, not arrogant, in not my actions and power but in MYSELF" c) repeat (b) as needed and enjoy actually trying to enjoy life [QUOTE=Clyde wrote: w/e, Zuckerberg's a 100% beta and he's even richer than Steve Jobs lol, it's just rare to see successful betas, dunno, how can you be confident if another person is dominant over you? can you be dominant around an alpha?
Omg if you keep disparaging the ENTIRE FUCKING POPULATION of kind, moral, empathetic, just, truly happy, and successful male individuals, I don't see how anyone will ever, ever respect anything you say or do. The fact that you have an idol screams that you have little to no perception of your self-worth, you reduce yourself and others to "beta" aka not total douchebags and scum whom no real, truly beautiful (in all ways) women would think twice about, and then hold up these "alphas" on a pedestal when in reality they probably know better than you that weeklong marriages and remarriages, huge wealth and fame, etc, are not what make a person happy. They can be nice, they can help, but a sad person who lacks self-confidence and feels worthless will simply feel, when all is said and done, like a sad, confidence-lacking, worthless person, but with more money now. You're impossible man, CONFIDENCE IS NOT THE SAME THING AS RULING OVER EVERYONE ELSE'S LIVES AND MAKING THEM SUBMIT! We aren't dogs dammit, we're beings set apart primarily in our capacity for rational thought as well as our capacity to percieve and mentally understand abstract concepts. you keep thinking that confidence means being the most dominant, but honestly, you lack all sense of morality if you really believe it's okay and ideal to bend people under your will and make them submit to you, and that's what it means to be confident. New flash; noone's going to submit to you, assclown, except other wannabe alphas who also share self-confidence issues. I can only hope with every fiber of my being that you'll understand when you're older, and that you won't become one of the many drains on society with respect to an understanding of ethics/morals, empathy, and respect. From what I can tell now, you lack all of those qualities until you demonstrate otherwise. -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 10:05:34
please be realistic, wtf are you saying? you definitely sound like a very very very jealous person, envying a very successful alpha. Fine, you're confident as fuck, the most confident person who ever stepped on this planet, Iota. Here comes a 34 y/o David Beckham/Brad Pitt look alike coming down from a Bugatti Veyron, surrounded by 20 bodyguards, along with his family, his 7 y/o son with 20 10/10 Victoria's angels, all of them dressed in signature clothing(Hermes, Armani, etc), he and his Adriana Lima look-alike wife walking down the streets giving $1000 to each person, his son also has 10 bodyguards, also he is 100% happy with his life, then you suddenly pass by them. Tell me that you're happy and contented with your life. Try walking with your chest out, chin up, and walk like a boss in front of that alpha, I dare you. I don't even see your pics here on UPSB, how can you say you're confident? -_-
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 10:10:58
I'm happy, absolutely. Life is amazing, beautiful in almost every way, complex, dynamic, passionate, powerful, and intriguing. Fuck brad pitt, fuck nice cars, fuck bodyguards, fuck unstable and transparent families, fuck objectifying women using a rating system and basing what the ideal woman and wife is based off of looks alone, fuck signature clothing, fuck charity done not out of true kindness but the feeling of societal pressures and obligations, fuck his son's bodyguards, fuck you. Who are you to tell me I'm not happy with my life? You're pathetic, I seriously cringed with disgust as you listed all of that crap, none of which would make me happy or relate to my happiness in the slightest. You know what would make me happy? If you would stop thinking that it works like "X would make me happy". It's "I'm happy," or "I'm not happy," that's all. Also, at this point, it makes me happy to see how much I understand than you. It's like looking down at a fish that only knows and will only ever know it's 10 cm diameter bowl. Oh, and btw, the fact that you reduce your existence to alpha male or beta male is literally reducing yourself to a primitive level of intelligence, actions, and thought patterns. And it's pretty clear you've been working within said box of reverse-evolution for quite some time now. Your mentality would work in, oh, anywhere from preshistoric/early human ancestors to the hunting and gathering age.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 10:18:10
k then, you're the most confident person in the world, says the guy with Captain Falcon as his avatar, lol this is pointless, u fakkin maddd brahhhhh lol can't even post a pic, how can you say you're confident? :trollface: don't care anymore what you say lol this isn't a thread about confidence, this is about seducing, next time peepz ignore me cuz you can't convince me to change my morals and be mediocre. come at me
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 10:24:50
Clyde wrote: k then, you're the most confident person in the world, says the guy with Captain Falcon as his avatar, lol this is pointless, u fakkin maddd brahhhhh lol can't even post a pic, how can you say you're confident? :trollface: don't care anymore what you say lol this isn't a thread about confidence, this is about seducing, next time peepz ignore me cuz you can't convince me to change my morals and be mediocre. come at me
Every picture you post, you look like a pussy. Your face is always the fucking same in every picture you post. You have all those rayban glasses, leather jackets and shoes and they you always complain about how you're a pussy and you can't approach girls. Maybe because you live in a country that has low standards doesn't mean that a rich person is the best thing to be. I've seen home-less people with nothing but a pair of clothes, a dog and a bag and that are happier than most celebrities in the world. -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 10:29:36
Krispy Kreme wrote: Every picture you post, you look like a pussy. Your face is always the fucking same in every picture you post. You have all those rayban glasses, leather jackets and shoes and they you always complain about how you're a pussy and you can't approach girls. Maybe because you live in a country that has low standards doesn't mean that a rich person is the best thing to be. I've seen home-less people with nothing but a pair of clothes, a dog and a bag and that are happier than most celebrities in the world.
dem items no make you king bro, dem raybenz no make you rich, I'm out, this is pointless lol,and the fuck brah of course I'm gonna look the same LOL what am I a shapeshifter or something? I wish I was LOL -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 10:37:00
You don't have morals, so no, I can't convince you to change them. Sorry, I didn't see you ask for a picture of me, though it has no relevance to my confidence. I'm not attractive physically, but it doesn't affect my confidence or happiness because I could care less about what people who are shallow enought to judge me off of it think. I'll find someone eventually.
That's my "Not sure if trolling or seriously this childishly stupid" face, inspired by this one-way convo of me explaining to you why you're wrong and you arguing ad hominem, which isn't arguing at all, it's just pure, undoctored fallacy,
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 10:44:37
still cant see how u people can be confident -_- everyday in school i walk up chest out, chin up, some girls say hi to me, still doesnt make me confident, a lot of girls in school say im good looking, still my self esteem is deep down there, acceptance + love is all i need, but i have given up and accepted the fact that acceptance + love wont come anymore, hence the longing for shallow things to make me happy, too lazy to type correctly, srsly last reply
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 12:06:23
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 12:09:50
Frip wrote: #shitclydesays
it's not updated anymore T_T -
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 13:52:41
Woah woah woah. Money cannot buy happiness. It can only help you surround yourself with it :3 I believe the majority of the people that HAVE money are happier then the people who do not. It may not be true for you, Iota, but its true for a lot of people. If you ask any guy who is juggling three part time jobs to keep his house/pay his various debts and some rich business owner, I think the business owner would say his life is pretty coo and the poor guy who doesnt have any free time wouldnt agree. Anyway, I dont think anyone has read the entire guide...
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 14:08:32
Nice guide (: And to all the people who disagree. I think you should not. COme on, he's just sharing what he has gathered. And King tells you to keep an open mind. So please, have some respect for the work that he has done. I honestly think that King is just trying to present some ideas, and not offend any of you guys here. To King, interesting theories and thanks (: i appreciate your work
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 14:24:01
It is somewhat interesting, however shitthread.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 14:28:17
Haha Keep an open mind. I like that :3 And YUi i didnt write, a member of a different forum did.
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 14:33:04
Well, I know what hobby Clyde won't be getting into:
Date: Tue, Nov 1 2011 20:00:34
I read your whole post, but you didn't read a word of my post(s), it isn't about an open mind or not. There are alot of stupid things I could tell you that have objective arguments against them, which I could dismiss with trying to say to "keep an open mind", but I don't do that. An open mind doesn't mean blindly accepting or being okay with what you say or what you've said, it means to consider it objectively, make an objective and logical argument for or against it. I could find no objective logical argument for it, and if YOU read MY post, you'd see why I tell you that with an open mind I can reject your guide and views as bullshit UNLESS, keyword unless, you're just immorally looking for the greatest amount of sex/pleasure for yourself without taking into consideration what it means to have empathy, and what just actions are.
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 04:52:02
...I like cheesy pick up lines, they make me laugh...but I'm not a 10 so i guess this doesn't apply to me. Whats wrong with average girls? Coz its most likely the one for you isn't going to be a model and if it is then good luck putting up with her ego lol Girls dont really give a shit about alpha mentality when they think about it, but maybe somewhere in their minds is something that disagrees, i dunno. Most girls would just like a guy that can make them laugh and have a good time with (not sex-wise, good time as in "wow, do you remember doing this? that was awesome, we should do that again sometime") And @Clyde, everytime i see a post from you, its how you're trying to be the alpha male. It might not be working because you seem like you're trying too hard. I'm not attacking you or anything so dont get angry at me. Guys will get noticed by the girl they like if they just give them a small compliment like "That hair-style suits you" or "You look nice today" dont say things like "Your eyes are beautiful, like diamonds" because you will probably get a 'wtf' look. and as soon as you say it, walk away. She will either watch you or smile or both. No matter who, we all like little compliments. Disregard this if you want, saying i'm not a 10 so i dont understand and all that shit, i dont really care. I just did this because most of the people here are guys, i thought i would give a girls pov for a change. And if another girl did post, sorry, didn't see it coz i just scanned the thread. I'm done
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 08:54:46
@Iota +53469574625784678523659423876510765294561074150715643257439562437562934 to everything you day. Also you're hot :) just sayin' Nice skin tone, awesome facial structure and perfect lips.
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 16:36:18
Lol i cant win against Iota. So i guess i have to say that im sorry? But no matter what, i still wanna thank King. Even if all the disagree-ers think otherwise about his post.
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 19:19:43
This thread delivers.
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 20:19:06
[QUOTE=Twine;147668]@Twine Thanks, means alot ^^ Also, if you don't mind my asking (since you're a guy right?), is this from a bro perspective or a gay perspective? It's not that either is bad or anything, I'd just like to know, if you're comfortable telling me. If from homosexual perspective, would you consider the traits that you see as "hot" to be different than a girl would, and if so, why?
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 20:44:13
Clyde is the funniest person on UPSB.
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 02:48:18
Iota wrote: @Twine Thanks, means alot ^^ Also, if you don't mind my asking (since you're a guy right?), is this from a bro perspective or a gay perspective? It's not that either is bad or anything, I'd just like to know, if you're comfortable telling me. If from homosexual perspective, would you consider the traits that you see as "hot" to be different than a girl would, and if so, why?
Lol it's from a bro perspective except I'm just a bit weird like that. I check out guys more then I check out girls. I appreciate good looking guys more than good looking girls. I talk to other girls about hot/cute guys, why they're hot/cute idk. The general girl talk I guess. It's just how I am. I'm not Bi or anything though. Like when I see cute guys I don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with them or anything, I have absolutely no interest in that. I've been in a relationship with the girl I love for more than a year now and counting :p. I just like good looking guys! Haha. I can tell you right now A LOT of girls would find you very attractive. I'm not sure how gay guys view 'good looking' guys though. There is just such a huge variety in what people like and dislike that I can't speak for anyone. -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:02:03
Okay cool :D Yeah well attractiveness relative to girls' perspectives is what I'd care about. Um, but I feel like that isn't as much the case given my setting, and that if I'm ever going to talk to or meet anyone, it seems like either I take that initiative somehow, or nothing happens XD Maybe it's cuz I'm in college, and am less big/bro-y than most guys look, and look kinda young for 18..
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:11:44
Iota wrote: Okay cool :D Yeah well attractiveness relative to girls' perspectives is what I'd care about. Um, but I feel like that isn't as much the case given my setting, and that if I'm ever going to talk to or meet anyone, it seems like either I take that initiative somehow, or nothing happens XD Maybe it's cuz I'm in college, and am less big/bro-y than most guys look, and look kinda young for 18..
Do you at least have girls at where you're at? Because at my school all of the girls are so fobby to the point of not speaking English or in other departments altogether. Like sure I could go and try and mingle with random people in other departments I don't know, but like...that requires time and confidence I don't have right now ~.~ -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:15:36
Iota wrote: Okay cool :D Yeah well attractiveness relative to girls' perspectives is what I'd care about. Um, but I feel like that isn't as much the case given my setting, and that if I'm ever going to talk to or meet anyone, it seems like either I take that initiative somehow, or nothing happens XD Maybe it's cuz I'm in college, and am less big/bro-y than most guys look, and look kinda young for 18..
That could have quite a bit to do with it. If you came to New Zealand and talked to the 18 year olds here, you'd be sorted haha -
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:17:58
Hehe....I guess it's good to know I can have a future in New Zealand XD
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 03:31:10
Sorted for life gee!
Date: Thu, Nov 3 2011 23:48:02
...LOL OMAIGOD HOW DID I GET HERE. i'm a girl btw lol.
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 22:42:40
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 22:53:33
TheAafg wrote: /bump.
Nice revive... -
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 22:53:55
Complete guide to seduction
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 23:10:10
my last post here...did i seriously write that :facepalm: Pretty effective^
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 23:26:52
@Miku teach us how to get dem girls. A females point of view would really be helpful and stuff :excited:
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 00:18:21
@TheAafg okay. i typed all this shit and i accidently pressed back space, losing all of the sfjdakljfdsk i typed. eh. i'll do it later.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 17:41:32
I think Mei is a better teacher, srsly. And King, I could tell easily which was your writings and which you copy-pasted. Yours were full of typos and is so disorganised :D Anyway, I'm just reading for the lulz and to pick up some knowledge from your point of view.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 18:28:53
I didnt add anything at all...
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 18:51:07
way to copy and paste "the mystery method" just watch simple pick up on youtube. there is no guide to seduction, just talk to girls and be yourself stop being a scared little bitch and eventually you will succeed.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 21:59:33
Iota wrote: To be honest this kind of stuff makes me sick. I'd rather live my life alone till 30 before finding the right person by dumb luck than reduce myself to this. Women aren't objects, and the ones that can be treated as such aren't worth a moral being's time unless one is only seeking sex or a casual relationship. I'm far FAR more interested in the women for whom pick-up artistry would never work than those for whom it would. What pickup artistry fails to account for is that a woman is not some inferior animal that simply responds to your actions and can be bended at will; granted, some can, and we can always influence the first impression people have of us, but approaching dating and talking to women with an alpha-male mentality is fundamentally flawed unless you're just looking to pick up the hot short-term (if any) relationship girls, but maybe it's just me that doesn't care about that. Of course, I'm not so naive as to think that being the shy nice guy who will be kind and listen kind of thing is the best or w/e most unconfident guys justify that with, but there is a difference between confidence and arrogance. You know, girls DO have some mental say in who they are drawn to too. And to be frank, I absolutely, do not think it is desirable nor do I want to cause a girl to be interested in me, or to lead a girl to become attracted to me when she might not have at all in the first place; that freshness and wit that embodies the illusion pick-up artistry creates will not last, and what's left of that attraction when it's gone? Sure she may grow to like or love you, but who's to say long term? I would much much rather have a confident but humble and kind mentality, hell, I'm content just to meet and talk to someone nice, and even just make a good friend. I would much rather be in a relationship with someone who was drawn to me, even if just a little bit at first, than with someone who I CAUSE to be attracted to me over time. What would happen if she finds that person who she is attracted to (in any way, not just physical) right away? Sure, she's BECOME attracted to you over time, but I definitely don't think that bond is as strong, lasting, or opaque. I think pick-up artistry leads to transparent long-term relationships the majority of the time.
You're looking at this the wrong way, it's not about finding the "one" (which there really isn't by the way), it's about getting laid, that's all there is to it. Pick-up artists are pretty much only interested in one night stands, then maybe turning that into a "friends with benefits" deal. Your white knighting is really kind of annoying, how are they treating these women like objects? It's just sex, you don't have to be in love or a relationship to do it. All they're doing is playing the game, rolling the dice, and seeing what happens. It just so happens that their dice are loaded. All these things they say about women is true, that's why it works. The Alpha male thing? That's true too. I feel like you're very innocent to the idea of women. There's a reason why guys cry about women who are always dating douche bags and asshats. It's because those guys don't give a fuck, chicks don't want to always be taken care of, it's annoying as shit to them. It's all a giant game, you're going to have to wait until you actually get your heart broken in order to figure that out. EDIT: Holy fuck I didn't realize this thread was so old, oh well.