Temporary Bin / Feather Grip BP-S mod
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 21:30:57
This is my first mod, so enjoy and plz feel free to give advice -midniteferret
STATS: Feather Grip Bp-S Weight=a bit heavier than the bictory Length=21 cm COP=COG Style=double sided non-retractable Writing-Mechanism=None (well I guess you can etch words into paper using the tip...) Ink-Type=N/A Estimated-Cost=$5-$10 [SPOILER="Show Tutorial"]MATERIALS: -2 glitter gel grips -1 pilot BP-S body -2 bic round stic caps -2 dr.grip metal tips or any other metal tip -2 papermate profile grips or any other plastic or silicon grip
HOW TO: 1. Insert metal tips in the gel grips
2. Place gel grips on round stic caps
3. Slide plastic or silicon grip on to body of pen
4. Place caps on either end of body
5. Slide the plastic or silicon grips so that they align with caps leaving a space in the center of the body
[/SPOILER] -Enjoy
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 21:36:53
l33333333333333333tmx before posting a tutorial on a mod, try posting it in show off your pens. get some feedback from others there. as for the mod.. usually spinners like to keep the barrel area clear of grips. it's easier to spin that way. it would be an okay mod without the center pieces, but either way i dont think it's fit for a tutorial. i think the rules state you need people to request a tutorial before posting it
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 21:39:48
woah this reminds me so much of my old mod. I use the same grip that you use. Very nice for first mod but don't make tutorial like this. edit: you have some z-grips!!! use them!!!
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 21:43:07 quick should I transfer/remove the post? -thx
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 21:52:15
It's not against the rules to post a thread/tutorial like this, but members may not like it if it hasn't been requested or been shown through SOYP. Some tips: It might be better to use readily available pen parts rather than something unbranded (Like the glitter gel grips.) It's also better to use specific pen parts. Instead of saying 'metal tips', be specific and say something like 'Signo tips'. You have a clear tutorial, and good pictures. I think you'll be a better modder once you follow these tips and the advice of other fellow modders.
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 21:53:33
a word of advice, show it to other members of the board and ask for feedback, if they request for a tutorial (usually at least 5 people) then you can make a tutorial.
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 22:00:04
kk thx everyone and srry this is my first time. edit: um...can I destroy this thread...
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 22:19:54
Report your own post. You click that little triangle with the exclamation point in it found in the bottom left hand corner of your post and you'll be taken to a page where you can input a message for the report. Just say you want the thread to be taken down.