Tutorials Pending Approval / Shoeman6 DC
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 00:11:41
I've been spinning this mod for the past three years, it's great! Specifically the mod has a wonderful weight distribution. Nothing original, but I thought I'd share it with you guys. My inspiration for this mod was creating a Pirate KS (stuhl mod) sub, I felt like this ended up spinning better.
[B]Statistics:[/B] ----------------------------------------------------- [B]Shoeman6 DC[/B] [CoG]: CoP [Length]: ~20cm (19.7cm) [Weight]: Metal Comssa
Spoiler 1.) Take out inktube and nib from Namae, keep back plug partially in. 2.) Put HGG grips on Comssa caps. 3.) Put HGG tips on top of the Comssa caps. 4.) Put Signo tips on HGG tips, so that they are secure beneath the HGG grips. 5.) Wrap a bit of scotch tape around the front of the Namae body, so that the cap fits snugly. 6.) Attach completed caps to either end of the Namae body 7.) Spin! [B]Video Tutorial:[/B] [video=youtube;ch038yXYnTA][/video] ---------------------------------------------- [B] Troubleshooting:[/B] The backplug should not be completely inside the body, nor blocking the comssa cap from being fully attached. It should barely peak out from the back of the namae body. New HGG grips can be difficult to get on to comssa caps, try using a little bit of vegeteble oil as lubricant. This mod can be made writable by inserting an RSVP ink tube through the front, or leaving the namae ink inside, however this reduces spinability. ----------------------------------------------------- Good luck & good spinning! :) -
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 01:12:09
I assume you've never seen this befefore: [video=youtube;mt_bnQgEMjY][/video]
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 01:19:36
@Krispy Kreme I've seen and used that method before. (didn't work well for me) Everyone does things their own way. Especially when you make this mod in particular, the top of the grip must be the same thin-ness as it was before going onto the cap to hold the signo tip in, I find that method widens the lip, leading to the signo tip being more prone to falling out while spinning.
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 01:37:57
Bassically Ryo cheat comssa with a namae body
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 01:39:30
@DArKT, it's "basically" like a LOT of mods. :p
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 02:25:59
Nice shoeman6
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 05:59:51
Just wondering, has the hgg tip fell out and broke along with the comssa cap's nub? Cause it happens to me all the time =/
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 13:53:40
@Alvaris, happened to me once a really long time ago... but not often, if you are using it, superglue could be making the connection brittle, hitting the tip a lot could also be a cause. The only time it happened for me was when I was removing a very stuck HGG tip incorrectly.
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 14:00:06
I only used superglue to glue the hgg tips onto another tip, not onto the nub =/ it broke within like less than two weeks of spinning it only a little?
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 14:02:07
@Alvaris It also depends on how exposed the tips actually are, if the whole tip is basically out in the open that could possibly cause it to be knocked around a bit more often, if there is a grip covering half of it, less so. It could also be faulty caps.