Trading / Buying / PICS ADDED Guitrum's Entire Pen Parts For Sale
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 17:29:09
Just out of curiosity, is there anyone out there who might be interested in buying all of my modding parts and pieces? It includes all of my pen parts, inktubes, springs, a shitton of grips, etc. If you are, shoot me a price in a pm and we will see if we can't work something out. UPDATE: More than 4 years of modding all shoved together in a few bags... No i'm not quitting, but I am moving out soon and just don't have time to mod. I also need money for college. Here are pics of what you'd be getting:
This is what the size of the box might be:
PM ME OFFERS!!!!! I will jump on the most tantilizing... I will also be responding quickly
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 07:42:07
sure. Gutitrum, anticipate your materials !!
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 10:01:53
price range of your items?
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 11:30:41
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 22:21:55
make me offers, i wanna see if getting everything together is going to be worth it or not. and i don't have pictures just yet, but its an entire set of drawers worth... it would fill up a good sized box
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 23:01:29
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 01:08:40
Yeah, id be interested, maybe 40 bucks, plus shipping? Id have to see first
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 00:47:44
Pics have been added, see first post
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 00:55:43
Will it be by bag or the ENTIRE LOT.
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 00:56:46
entire lot, it all needs to go....
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 01:16:26
Good god
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 02:30:09
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 02:32:38
Cloud wrote: Sooo... just saying. Last time I traded with him, I sent him 20 bucks but he never sent my stuff. Yeah, he has +73, but his last feedback was from me, and it was negative. I sent the money right away. He said he'd received, and that he'd send soon. I waited a month. He didn't send. I PM'ed him and he said he had been really busy and he'd send soon. I never got the pens I bought. It's now been about 6 months and I never got my stuff. He hasn't responded to my PM's or visitor messages. He's not even active on UPSB anymore, what would feedback mean to him? One of you (or possibly more than one if he decides to scam for as money as he can get) are probably going to end up sending him 50 dollars or so and not get anything.
dude HES GUITRUM. END OF DISCUSSION. and holy shit with the begs, I would want it but i dont really need it cuz i rarely mod :/ (plus i dont have that much money available right nao D:) -
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 02:39:19
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 03:07:22
Cloud wrote: That's what I said too. But he never sent my stuff. Remember that time Breezy scammed? He got about 5 people buying the same thing. If Guitrum does this he'll end up with a LOT of money. [B]Sure he's built up a lot of rep, but what's to keep him from scamming now[/B]?
so true. I'll pay $100 for all of them but I don't have money right now. How much money have you lost from scammers? edit: i'm so stupid. quote and mention cloud in the same post. -
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 03:13:18
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 03:16:10
lol im no scammer, i just forgot about you :) notice how out of 70+ trades, ur the only one :O
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 03:17:47
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 03:18:51
eh, i got busy... and i forgot what you wanted, if i remember correctly, i didnt actually have what i said i had... what else should i send you thats worth 20 bucks?
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 03:32:30
20 bucks. Frog~
+Guitrum+ wrote: eh, i got busy... and i forgot what you wanted, if i remember correctly, i didnt actually have what i said i had... what else should i send you thats worth 20 bucks?
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 04:06:50
i only want the bag of grips
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 00:36:08
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 02:24:37
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 02:54:56
i don't like you anymore
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 04:17:41
I find this rather disapointing. Guitrum being the active 'spinner', modder and trader he was awhile ago scams someone and his excuse is
i don't like you anymore
@iColor -
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 08:08:55
@+Guitrum+ I don't care what your rep is. You're being the biggest cunt to Cloud.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 01:48:04
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 02:13:15
Kay issue is resolved. Its all good now.