Trading / Buying / Selling 2 LPSA RSVPs for $10 shipped
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 01:26:08
Paypal only. Continental US only. Only once. Money, then pens. PM me.
^ You'll get two of the blue one. Nobody in NA has any, besides me.
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 01:28:16
Didn't you auction 3 of these off a while ago for more lol? Or did you always have 5 :o
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 01:29:43
Nachoaddict wrote: Didn't you auction 3 of these off a while ago for more lol? Or did you always have 5 :o
I have all the supplies for NA. And @Huy trolled the auction, so nobody actually got them .__.