Tutorials Pending Approval / BIG2ry

  1. NickBurp
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 04:43:42

    My fist spinning pen was a BICtory. But as all BICtory owners know, it's frikkin' low in momentum, so I stuck on some bits laying around my pencil-box and...SHAZAM! The BIG2ry is made... RECIPE INFO ----------------------------------------------------- [B]BIG2ry[/B] COG:COP Length: 19cm Serving size: ~12g Allergy info: Double-sided, writeability possible Servings: 1 ----------------------------------------------------- INGREDIENTS ----------------------------------------------------- (2) BIC Round Stic (2) Pilot G2 (1) Box o' Blu-Tack (2) Thumbtacks... -----------------------------------------------------

    Spoiler[B]DIRECTIONS[/B] Step 1: Make a BICtory, you guys (or gals) should be familiar with that. Step 2: Stick Pilot G2 grips on the side. (Don't need pictures for that) Step 3: Fill each void with Blu-Tack (Need pictures for this?) Step 4: Stick thumbtacks in and VOILA!

  2. RicLu98
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 05:15:03

    im not sure if this would count as a new mod but i like the idea

  3. King
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 05:29:26

    Ne concept :D Dunno if you needed a tut for it though

  4. Reverse
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 05:31:14

    Wow, awesome! I like it, but I'm not sure if it'll be the new pen mod and be published.

  5. gyrobius
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 06:34:33

    Huh. It's interesting. I actually use a Bictory variation as my main mod. I'll probably try and see how this spins though.