Off-topic / Would a crown on my broken teeth help??? How do I fix my dead teeth?

  1. spinford
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 02:59:12

    SO in the past 4 years I got my front permanent teeth knocked out. I managed to stick the teeth back into the teeth socket and it fused back!!! Now overtime, the teeth will soon become really fragile and will break easily. I am worried cause I dont want to chip the teeth anymore if it breaks its gone for good. Would a crown work of are there any tips on strengthening my dead teeth?

  2. Twine
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 03:16:59

    :'( you reminded me that I have to get 3 teeth capped in like 6 months. Go to a dentist bro, are you serious?

  3. Reverse
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 03:23:38

    I dunno, but I've a link to help you about your problem

  4. MickChickenn
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 03:30:05

    Are you fuckin kidding me? You fused your front teeth back in? Go see a freakin dentist for this man. Your teeth are some serious shit and your failing. Just some friendly advice.

  5. exclusive
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 04:21:10

    lol i felled for it

  6. Soren
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 08:15:21

    exclusive wrote: lol i felled for it
    this guy is trolling us? and is it even possible for the teeth to fuse back? even if it did it wouldnt of been quick, so you kept your old teeth in your mouth for atleast a few days or even a week? what about when you go to sleep or eat? you took your teeth back out and then put it back it when you're awake/stopped eating? wtf

  7. spinford
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 13:08:21

    @Supergirl I am serious! THis is no troll!!! If you go research about a whole permanent tooth falling out it tells you "Stick the tooth back into the socket within 30 minutes and it will fuse back well I need to take antibiotics. They attached a wire accross my teeth so that the broken tooth will be in place but I'm just saying What can I do?

  8. Soren
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 13:27:49

    spinford wrote: @Supergirl I am serious! THis is no troll!!! If you go research about a whole permanent tooth falling out it tells you "Stick the tooth back into the socket within 30 minutes and it will fuse back well I need to take antibiotics. They attached a wire accross my teeth so that the broken tooth will be in place but I'm just saying What can I do?
    didnt you ask your dentist?

  9. spinford
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 21:39:19

    OK I apologize to everyone that this thread is really useless. But this is no troll! Its a true story! I was kinda over worried about my tooth. Yes ill go seek the dentist thanks everyone!

  10. Raos
    Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 21:57:46

    i dont see why post this here, we are not dentists, we are hardly mature adults. No help for posting here.

  11. exclusive
    Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 19:16:53

    DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: i dont see why post this here, we are not dentists, we are hardly mature adults. No help for posting here.
    doesnt he have braces tho

  12. Raos
    Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 23:13:19

    exclusive wrote: doesnt he have braces tho
    i dont think he has some