General Discussion / PS-Connect available for public testing!
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 15:27:54[INDENT]The system is not fully functional, but it is good enough to handle the public. I want to release this earlier so I can fix bugs and improve the site faster! So, if you join, feel free to message me about any bugs/errors or just feedback to improve the site. [/INDENT]
I am here to introduce that PS-Connect is now available for public testing! You will be able to enter and register for an account at: What does this mean?
Enjoy and I hope to see most of you on there. (sun)[SIZE="1"](Also, do not question my graphics skills. :c If there's anybody out there that can do graphic art and is willing to help, come join the production team!)[/SIZE] -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 15:33:30
The graphics are simple... which I like <3
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 16:18:36
"Released" is a strange word to use for something that's not a product lol, i've never heard of a website being "released"
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 16:24:43
i think the word was supposed to be launched. But I didn't use that word because it had connotations to being a full website imo. :x
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 16:27:40
awesome site
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 16:35:56
pretty cool
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 17:17:00
how long are we supposed to wait for the registration email?
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 17:33:54
Is it possible to make it possible for me to upload a picture from my iPod since I don't have a computer. I can get a URL from photobucket but there is no option to use that. I would greatly appreciate it.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 17:37:20
DJSpin;141393]how long are we supposed to wait for the registration email?[/QUOTE] Should be instant. Check your spam inbox, maybe? [QUOTE=Kari wrote: Is it possible to make it possible for me to upload a picture from my iPod since I don't have a computer. I can get a URL from photobucket but there is no option to use that. I would greatly appreciate it.
Hmm.. I'll see what I can do. -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 17:39:19
Please keep me informed on that. ^_^
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 17:47:05
Dont have receive the registration mail, I have wait 30 minutes. Not in my spam box too ;).
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 17:59:50
oh, i think there was a problem with the emails. i'll fix that. I validated manually, you can log in now. FIXED: it was trying to send too many emails at once and some got dropped. :c
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:00:45
don't receive confirmation eMail :(
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:18:01
My username is VikroaL, everybody feel free to add me as a friend, I'll be happy to be "connected" to you :3
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:40:35
mot wrote: don't receive confirmation eMail :(
The same with me, and a lots of other spinners I think. -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:50:52
So, I have verified everybody that had problems. You can all log in now. I also removed email verification for now until I fix it. (sun)
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 18:52:00
looks sexy
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 19:10:15
The graphics is of my liking, simple and clean is the best (y)
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 01:07:09
i can't register :(
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 12:30:34
Looks plain and simple, which makes me feel comfortable. The interface isn't much complicated, not much drop-down lists and stuff. Nice. :) However, as I voted a thumbs up on a playing youtube video on the activity stream, the page refreshed; my video has to be loaded again. :(
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 13:51:26
This website is an epic win ! =)
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 14:10:13
omg i used my real name, can you change it to just my upsb name? @iColor
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 15:55:10
If you tell me what you used, I can change it. (sun)
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 23:03:39
arghhh you use elgg. As a Nerd I hoped for an epic self development :( As a penspinner, I'm very happy with this new platform. As PSO founder I have to say "I also could had set up elgg. I'm so stupid" xD
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 23:17:47
Haha, Elgg was kinda easy to set up and there were a few plugins for it too. But some, I had to customize a lot for it to work correctly. :/ I also bought the chat plugin too. What CMS did you use for PSO? It seems pretty nice!
Date: Mon, Oct 10 2011 00:36:29
haha I'm looking forward on teh site :3
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 20:00:12
in my opinion it looks a bit too spread out and needs more subtle functions, looks a bit too plain at the moment
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 22:45:37
'plain and simple' was my idea. for connecting spinners from around the world, you don't need a complex menu for them. Though, I'll take it into consideration. Thanks. (sun)
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 23:37:13
now i have my account!! ^^
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 00:00:39
This excites me.