Off-topic / Cosplay Thread
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 07:14:57
Hey everyone. dunno how popular this will be...>.> but... Was really bored so i came up with this. Post pics of cosplays you have done/want to do in the future/in the process of doing (e.g the making of your cosplay) I figured we had an anime thread, why not a cosplay one? I don't care what you guys call me or anything but i take my cosplay seriously...and also its really fun lol GO! POST!
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 07:24:37
Eheh, never done it before ._.; But I had this drama where I had to be a drug addict last year, but no pics :(
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 07:25:46
if you plan on cosplaying in future, you could post a pic of what you wanna do.
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 08:08:52Pen Ninja and Me <3 body paint coming off, wig falling off, ran out of blue hair dye, i know they're different, we did our best for getting ready in half and hour lol
The Characters Kamina, Yoko and Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Edit: damn thing doesn't like posting my pictures -.-*** just go to site i guess